I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 204 Diamond Influencer World Impact DIWI

I opened my channel interface and started to check everything first. As far as I knew, anything that would affect the channel must be displayed there.

But strangely enough, I didn’t find anything weird there. Everything looked just fine. The only strange thing I found was that the number of the gods following me was fixed.

It didn’t move past the fifteen thousand mark. It was like the last time I checked days ago.

“Hmm… So it’s a restriction that won’t appear to me… Then it must be from someone higher than gods…”

The first thing that popped in my head was the system higher ups. But as I felt from dealing with Yonker that these higher ups weren’t that bad.

So what really happened here? Why was my channel banned? And how? And who did it?

I needed answers.

[I have something I wanted to ask about] as I lacked any way to get answers, I had no other way but to ask my lady nymph.

[Ask then, but make it quick as I’m currently super busy]

[Do you know how a channel can be banned? And why?]

[Banned? Hmm… do you mean the broadcasting channels in the apocalypse? What? Do you already have one?]

[I have] I didn’t hide this from her. I believed I once told her about it, or didn’t I? [And it’s banned]

[This is the first time to hear such a thing]

And this was the first time I asked her about something and she ended up not knowing anything about it.

[Do you know anyone who might know?]

[If you want answers, then there is one place you shall go… The broadcasting impacts]

[There are impacts for broadcasters?] It was my turn to be surprised by this. No wonder… Everything in this universe rain impacts, guilds, and associations. So why wouldn’t broadcasters and influencers like me have such a thing?

[I can give you a reel to join one of these big dudes, but you have to prove your worth first]

[Like what?]

[Total number of subscribers, your daily views, donations rate, things like these] she sent before I received a system notification of her sending me something.

[I sent it already to you. Consider it as a gift for our past deals]

[Thanks] I honestly sent it back to her.

[No problem. Just be sure to check their conditions first. If you can’t apply there, then send me a message and I’ll search for lower ranked impact for you]

[I will] I closed her chat window and opened my inventory. The reel there was a diamond shaped small microphone. Once I took it out, I started reading its description.

[Diamond influencer world reel: a reel to join the diamond influencer world impact, DIWI in short. Drop your blood over it to activate the reel]

Just as I was about to drop my blood over it, another message popped up.

[Conditions for joining DIWI: Have a channel for at least one week. Have two thousand subscribers to gain basic access to the impact. Have ten thousand total views over your videos so far. Having donated over five hundred thousand coins in total. Having at least one hundred messages sent to you in total]

[Having more than these conditions will allow your rank to be higher than the iron plat rank]

“Hmm… Not bad,” I heaved a sigh of relief once I read these conditions. Things were getting better as my channel would secure at least one grade higher than that basic one.

I just hoped I’d have access to information that might help me in my current dilemma. Or else I’d have to look for answers elsewhere.

Once I placed my blood over the reel, the scenery around me changed. It was a familiar feeling, just like the way I felt when I first joined the Bringold impact.


Just as I controlled my body after feeling dizzy, I heard this soft voice before a girl appeared in front of me.

She had nothing appearing off her face, only wearing a dark blue robe with a cap. She seemed to use something to hide her face and even make her body slightly illusionary as if she wasn’t really here.

“Hi, I’m Hye,” I raised my hand in greeting while she also did the same.

“A human? Interesting… Let me check your status first… Hmm… Damn dude! You have a channel since the early stages of your apocalypse! That’s insane!!”

Out of the blue her tone turned from soft to loud, shouting as if she was really shocked with what I did.

“Is that not common?” I asked while not knowing the answer for real.

“Common? Damn! I only established my channel at quest twelve of my apocalypse! And I was considered a prodigy!”

“Thanks for the compliment,” if she called herself a prodigy to have a channel in such a higher stage than mine, then I’d be considered a master prodigy then.

“Ok ok, let me check your channel stats,” she paused before I felt her body slightly trembling.

“You… You did all this in just this short time of the apocalypse? Tell me, honestly tell me, is your apocalypse really still at the third quest?”

“It is,” I nodded while not knowing if I should smile or laugh.

Her tone and words told me my channel would gain an upgrade for more than one rank. If not then why would she react in such a way.

“Your subscribers are skyrocketing dude! Fifteen thousand! That’s a damn number!”

“Is it a cursed number or what?” I teased her and she jumped off her feet.

“It took me a year, almost a year to reach such a number! Damn! Damn! What do you have and I didn’t? Come on, tell your big sister your secret, I promise I’ll richly reward you.”

I didn’t know why but hearing her words made me panic. I didn’t know what race she belonged to, was she a friend or a foe?

“Sorry, I don’t know how I did it myself,” as I wouldn’t tell, then lying was the only answer.

“Liar!” I swore that if she showed her face right now then I’d have seen her tongue extending out of her mouth in a teasing way. “Alright, keep your secrets to yourself. I’ll know by my ways…”

“Like what?” I asked in curiosity before another scream escaped her mouth.

“Damn! Damn! Damn! Your channel can’t accept any more subscribers! Wait…” she seemed to scroll across many windows before she muttered in low tone:

“You have enough space to accept more subscribers. Then why… Wait a second…” I felt her heavy eyes falling over me, “is your channel… Cursed?”

“I heard it’s banned or something,” I didn’t hide this from her, “that’s why I came here. I wanted to know what’s going on with my channel and how to fix this.”

“Oh… I see…” It was the first time she showed part of her body. She raised both hands high in the air out of the blue, letting the sleeves of her long robe fall and exposed her skin.

It wasn’t skin, it was covered literally with scales. Small, rounded, and semi-translucent scales that kept shimmering with faint blue light.

What was that race? Damn! Such a soft voice made me imagine things I shouldn’t have! Agh, it was disgusting to think about my imaginations with such scales!

“I can’t think of anything to help you with this,” yet as I got my hopes higher, she crushed them with what she said, “but I can ask for a higher up personnel from our impact to come and help you. Only you need to complete the process of joining us to let me summon him.”

“I’m fine with that,” as long as there was a solution, I wouldn’t mind joining this impact.

“You need to pay one million coins first,” she said before adding, “wait… That’s the annual fee for the iron ranked members. Your rank will be higher… Let me see…”

She started to mumble things I didn’t hear clearly for twenty minutes. She gave me such an insecure impression, the one that you get from a disaster maker person.

I bet her life was a mess and anything she did was also a mess. Damn! I just hoped she would complete my admission without any problems.

“Sorry, I’m really sorry,” but as I expected, she couldn’t be trusted with anything , even such a simple process.

“What’s wrong?”

“Your channel has many good stats, but the donation thing is just way too low. You also have used one heroic calling for your channel, which is already an impressive feat… I can’t judge your rank by myself, I shall look for help.”

“Then please do,” I tried to act as calm as possible. Handing over anything to such a girl was a disaster call from the start.

“Wait for a minute then…” in a whoosh she vanished from my sight without any warning.

Her minutes got as long as one hour. I was already getting bored. During this hour, I could have done a lot of things.

I would have started expanding my territory to the east. Or I’d have gone to the west and looked for that girl. Or I could have started thinking deeply about my cultivation.

Damn! I got a lot of things in my mind, things I had to do during the upcoming days.


In a flash, two silhouettes appeared in front of me. From the outer look, the girl appeared with someone else.

This girl didn’t look any much different than me in body size. But compared to the new man, he looked like a giant.

“So you are that human boy who came to join our prestigious impact and let Sissy trouble me for the past hour?”

His tone, his attitude, his selection of words… Everything told me this was a disastrous meeting. Damn girl, couldn’t you just complete one simple task without causing trouble? Couldn’t you?

“It’s me,” I said before adding in a strong tone, “everything related to my channel is with Sissy. Please revise my data…”

That bastard didn’t wait for me to continue, as he waved his hand as if he was speaking with a trash or something and interrupted me as he said:

“No need, you’ll start from the lowest rank just like anyone else.”

“Elder Admor… This is…” Sissy turned sharply towards him while her tone told me this was obviously against the rules of the impact.

“Sissy, have you forgotten your current rank or what? With my presence, my words are law! Only the impact grandmaster is the one who can change my decision with his.”

“Then summon him,” as he decided to be this jerk, I decided to be a stubborn human boy.

“What did you just say?” His instant reaction showed how enraged and stirred he was with my words, yet his tone failed him.

It was slightly shaky, as if a rat was threatened with a cat.

“I want the grandmaster of the impact to decide my rank,” I stressed over my words.

“Then your request is rejected, you can return back to your filthy low world,” my words made him more enraged as he was about to wave his hand again but this time I shouted in loud tone:

“My name is Hye. I have a channel in my apocalypse just at quest two. I already used one heroic calling, have fifteen thousand subscribers, and have tons of messages and active subscribers, tons of shares, saves of my videos, and I also have subchannels for my channel team. I want to meet the impact grandmaster right now!”

“Humph, as if a worthless worm like you can meet our majestic grandmaster,” that bastard snorted and said in mockery.

“I won’t leave without meeting the impact grandmaster,” I said my words out loud and stressed over every single letter. I didn’t shift my eyes even for an inch away from his masked face that was filled with darkness.

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