I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 205 Views Are The Most Important Thing Ever In Any Channel!

That bastard elder wearing black robe was acting hostile to me. Without the need to ask, he was one of those bastard races who were targeting my human race.

Belonging to such races, or to the angelic race, or even the drags… I didn’t care. I came here to the place with answers and wasted one hour to not be kicked like a street dog like this!

Elder or not, I didn’t care. This impact had rules just like the Bringold impact. That motherf*cker didn’t know I already was part of another prestigious impact, one that was coloured in red in my impact list!

So I wouldn’t get fooled by his shitty act. I wouldn’t accept his decision and wouldn’t leave until I’d meet that grandmaster of this impact. Let’s see what this bastard would do against his grandmaster.

“Who is causing this ruckus inside my impact?”

Just before he would respond to my words, a loud and angry shout came from one direction. A gale of wind came before a strong looking middle aged man appeared in front of my eyes.

He wore a pure white robe, without any stain at all. He had a long white beard that was strangled into several thin and long strands.

His pure brown eyes gave me the impression of power and authority. Without the need to ask, this giant man was the grandmaster of this impact, the highest authority here.

“Don’t tell me you did something wrong again!” Once he arrived, he turned to the poor girl and gave her such an icy gaze that gave me shivers despite it wasn’t directed to me.

Strong… this man was strong! I also felt strange brutality coming out from him, reminding me of those Berserkers.

But he didn’t look anything like a berserker. His face was totally human-like. The only difference between me and him was his big body building.

“She did nothing sir,” as the big boss arrived, I retracted all the domineering acts of mine and replaced it with humble, “this elder did.”

“Admor? What’s going on here?”

I couldn’t see the face of that dirty bastard, but I was sure it was ashen white at this moment.

“This kid came here and insulted our impact…”

“Lies!” without the need to let him continue his lies, I shouted and interrupted him, “I came to join the prestigious impact of yours. Sissy here couldn’t decide my rank so she went to seek advice from this elder here. But this elder came and tried his best to kick me out.”

“Nonsense!” Admor bellowed back as he snorted. Dude, don’t put on such a facade show. Don’t tell me your reputation was crystal clear in this impact!

“Sissy, is that what happened?” The grandmaster ignored the two of us and turned to look at Sissy. I couldn’t see her face, but this girl was so unlucky indeed.

If she stayed on my side, she would risk the wrath of that bastard elder. If she stayed on his side… Well, wasn’t there another way around to prove my innocence here? Like a short clip from what just happened from my channel?

“Don’t lie,” the grandmaster suddenly added, “you know everything inside my impact is closely monitored.”

“Grandmaster… we can’t allow any stray dog to join our impact!” The elder seemed to know how terrible this situation was. Damn cool! That grandmaster had ways to observe things here. That was awesome!

“Do you think I’m blind? He is a human, and I know how deep your grudge against humans is!” the grandmaster retorted back in a tone that told me this really wasn’t the first case of this elder.

“But I never did anything to any human joining us before!” the elder didn’t give up yet, “you know my contribution to the impact and my dedication for its glory and rise. You can’t just ignore my words for such a nobody coming from a new apocalypse!”

“Hmm… You just got lucky before as everyone you scared ran away without even putting back a fight,” the grandmaster turned to me as he motioned with his head and added in a praise:

“But this one here was a tough nut to crack it seems. You won’t get heavily punished thanks to your previous deeds, but this is your last warning. This is a neutral impact… Leave all your grievances and grudges out.”


“Just go and wait for my decision,” the grandmaster’s eyes flashed in a dangerous brown light. At this brief moment, it felt like he was a behemoth, a real behemoth that could devour anyone standing in his way.

Scary! That dude was really scary!

And he was also domineering! Just with his words and gazes, that elder had nothing else to do but to give in, turn around, and walk away after giving me a long and seemingly threatening gaze.

Of course I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel his eyes falling on me like poisonous daggers. Dude, you were the one to stand in my way, I didn’t provoke you or something.

So if you want to blame, only blame yourself.

“Now, what’s the deal here?” as that elder vanished from this wide hall, the grandmaster looked at me and asked.

Of course he wasn’t asking me, but asking Sissy who started to narrate in a shaky tone what just happened prior to the disturbance of that elder.

“Oh! A heroic calling in such an early stage… interesting!” the eyes of that grandmaster shone brightly when he heard that. But when he heard about the curse on my channel, his face suddenly changed.

It first felt like he was depressed or disappointed. But soon I realised I guessed it wrong. He was mad! Very, very, very mad! To the degree that his face even got totally dark red, almost turning black.

“Who did this to your channel?” This was his first question after hearing what Sissy said.

“I dunno,” I shook my head, “I came here to find out and also to try and solve this problem.”

“It’s not that hard to solve it,” he said and gave me hope, “but that will require things… Not cheap things.”

I dealt with many things in this apocalypse to know that nothing would be offered without a price. As this curse was such a big thing, then solving it would require a hefty price for sure.

“What’s the currency used here?” I asked and he smiled as his face suddenly brightened up.

“Not scared to pay a big price in this matter then?”

I didn’t know if he was just speaking to himself or asking me. But I nodded and said:

“I won’t fear paying whatever it takes to solve this disaster. After that I’ll look for the one who did this and claim the price twice from him.”

“Good spirit,” he nodded and I felt his praise and content clearly in his words, “it’s always good to have such spirit in such dark times you are facing right now. But our currency is much different than what you might think.”

“Do you accept treasures or what?” I was expecting his refusal to accept my coins or even stat points. From my dealing with the lady green nymph, I knew these held zero value in the vast universe.

“We accept things like that,” he nodded before shaking his head, “yet not the kind of treasure you have in your mind.”

Damn dude! Couldn’t you just speak your mind in a direct way instead?

This time I waited, patiently in silence. I wouldn’t speak until he would say what he really needed to solve my case.

“Sissy, tell him what our currency is,” unlike what I expected, he said to the all shaky girl next to him without even lifting his eyes off me.

“Ahem… It’s channel views that we ask,” Sissy said after clearing her throat. Yet even when she said it, I stood in daze, not getting what she meant.

“Hahahaha, I always enjoy this reaction from fresh members all the time, hahahaha! It’s simply priceless!” yet just as I stood there in loss, that dude broke out in laughter, even his body all trembled from his laughs!

What the heck was that?!! He looked totally different from the all domineering and mighty dude before!

“Views is our currency, meaning you have to donate your hard acquired views from your channel to us,” he said, and even with his explanation I failed to get his point.

“What’s the point in having my channel views?” I finally collected my thoughts and asked what made me unable to understand what was going on here, “do views matter?”

“Indeed they matter! They are our hard currency without doubt!” that grandmaster said in a sharp tone before adding, as if he was lecturing a boy about life:

“Any channel’s lifeline is the influencer and his performance. The fuel to run any successful channel is the subscribers. But remember this… The true value of any channel is always, always will be the views of each clip inside that channel.”

“Really?!” I exclaimed in doubt, “I never knew about that.”

“Views are the first thing that will give your channel prestige among other channels. It might not have a value to the subscribers. But to the rest of us in this prestigious career, it’s our main and hard currency.”

Hmm… It was really my first time knowing this. I always thought the size of my channel and the number of my subscribers were the best things I should care about.

But now… “How can I know the views of my channel?”

“It’s through your channel interface,” he shrugged as if this was something known to all.

I opened my interface and there I found the number of my views was slightly over two million.

“I have two million, two hundred thousand and fifty-three views… Is that good or bad?” I raised my head towards him but he ignored me and turned to Sissy.

“How much time did you take before reaching your first million?”

“Don’t compare me with him, boss, it’s quite unfair!” Sissy said in a childish tone, complaining about this comparison. I imagined her like a little cute girl, pouting and sticking out her tongue at this moment.

She looked cute and lovely! If not only for her scales…

“That’s your problem, not his,” he laughed before turning again to me, “the first million is the hardest milestone any streamer has to face. You got your first million simply in such a short time and even without struggling at all! I’m impressed to be honest. How did you do it?”

I shrugged. Before this meeting, I had zero idea about this view thing at all.

“Oh, let me check your channel then… Hmm… It seems you have few interesting subchannels attached to your main one,” he said before he said in realisation, “you have two people who have the highest views next to you. These two are your most treasured people.”

“Two?! Who are they?” I was still new to all this.

“One called the jumper… What a lame name is that?!!”

I couldn’t hold myself from laughing. Dude, even if you were so domineering and all that stuff, if that jumper was here and heard you speak about him in such a way… It would be hilarious to watch what that crazy dude would do, hahaha!

“And the second person is one called Leo,” he didn’t stop at my reaction before giving me a name that I never expected.

“Leo? That Leo?” It was a surprise to me. I thought Karoline might come next. Or perhaps that sexy Angelica, or Isabella. But Leo? Come on!

“Is it a surprise to you?” that grandmaster asked in interest and I didn’t hide my shock from this.

“He is just a normal kid who recently joined me.”

“Oh, let me see why he has such interest in your subscribers… Hmm… I got it…” it didn’t take a few moments for him to find the answer, “that dude just kept jumping from one girl to another, trying to make someone fall in love with him.”

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