I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 346 A Deadly Trap

The chariot was flying like a bolt of lightning in the middle of the sky. Just when I saw the city outlining from far, and the sea of humans marching non-stop towards it, the sky suddenly started to dim.

“It’s time for the suns to go off,” every ten days, the suns would hide and long and cold nights would befall. It was just the perfect timing for this to happen.

“Let there be bloodshed, enough to create oceans of blood here,” I pointed with my glaive towards the direction of the city, while all my warriors roared and shouted in challenge.

And with a series of mighty rumblings accompanying the disappearance of the suns, I announced my return to this world and war.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

The first to attack were my fallen gods. I didn’t have time to check over the newly summoned two types of fallen gods, but from the first strikes I knew I got aces up to my forces.

The world rumbled and echoed with mighty and violent sounds of explosions everywhere around my chariot. I didn’t hold back my speed and just started flashing everywhere, raining down death everywhere I went.

I wanted to create as much chaos as possible, attracting the attention of the leader of these forces up to me.

With this I’d be able to successfully drag them away from this city. So I kept pushing my chariot to any direction I spotted without any previous arrangements.

I also tried to avoid the city. At first, a few waves of attacks landed over the city by my gods. They were so strong to clear large chunks of enemies there.

But if this continued, I wasn’t sure how to avoid my forces. So I kept my chariot away, while focusing more on the outside world.

“Go, secure the city,” but I didn’t leave my forces without any help. I gave the order to all my flying monsters, dragons and those bubbled triple winged monsters, to go back and kill any enemy in the city.

Of course they weren’t weak, but their numbers weren’t that high. Also I didn’t start summoning my deadly Albany city monsters or my soulers yet.

In this kind of battle, I had to use speed to the fullest potential possible. Then I’d go and find a place far from here to start the final showdown.

Just as I flew over the area outside that city, I noticed how big that human army was. Millions were coming in this direction, giving me the impression they were delivered here from a place nearby.

“If I found that gate, then I can try and shut it down,” I said to myself, while trying to push towards the direction they all came from.

But after ten minutes of flying and fighting, I ended up getting attacked from these enemies down below.

At first they didn’t have any anti-air attack items. Even when I watched for so long before coming here, they never showed such abilities.

But in just half an hour, they started to bring up many giant ballistae and cannon-like big weapons, hitting my chariot like they were hunting a flying little bird.

In fact that would be threatening considering the large number of these items. But thanks to my chartio’s insane speed, they failed mostly at hitting my chariot.

But then a new change occurred.

It seemed whoever was leading them was really intelligent and much experienced in fighting such big battles. He noticed my intentions in seeking for the portal, following the incoming human waves to their source.

So at some point, he arranged the attacking weapons to form many walls blocking my path forward. In just a few seconds, the world in front of me looked like a giant wall made out of darts and arrows.

“Damn!” Without any hesitation, I made my chariot turn, change its direction abruptly. Just at the last moment I managed to escape this deadly trap, leaving away with hundreds of explosions over my shield.

Despite this, it was an impressive result indeed. That bastard really came in a time when I was already busy looking for that gate.

Yet thanks to my timely reaction, I managed to escape. But that put me in another dilemma. Should I keep pushing forward or keep attacking forces here?

It was clear that those weapons attacking me were coming from that gate. It was like that general was ready to match any foe, and prepared such weapons beforehand.

Thinking about that reminded me of something. Don’t tell me the leader of these forces was one of the Hectors! If so then things would make perfectly sense then.

These humans were slaves for him, so they had to come and fight like this. Also it explained how he timely responded and brought over such weapons.

That also pointed at another fact; that gate was nearby! Or else how could he bring these weapons through the gate and transport them so fast to face me?

Also his fierce response confirmed that doubt of mine. If I wasn’t so close, then why would he build up such a wall there? If I was flying far or in the wrong direction, then it would make more sense to let me waste my time and efforts here.

“The gate is there, and it will be heavily fortified,” I started considering my options here. If I stayed, then I’d fight for the end of time or until the forces would be depleted.

But would they really be? I hardly believed that. Such a race with such wealth and strength wouldn’t possibly be short on slaves.

Even if humans were gone, they’d summon other races. In the end I’d be the one depleted.

My fallen gods were really deadly. But they had one weakness, stat points and godly essence. Even with such a big hand of mine, giving them one third of my godly essence, I knew that wouldn’t last forever.

At some point I’d end up losing thanks to my lack of resources.

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