I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 347 Talking With The Lady

[Hi, I want energy sources, much stronger than stat points] as I knew how the end of this battle would be, I didn’t stand idle or succumb to such fate.

[Finally you decided to show up! I lost hope of getting in touch with you again]

Oh sh*t! I totally forgot about our deals.

[Sorry I was in a place with sealed contacts] I sent, [Did you prepare what I asked for?]

[Lots are waiting for you big shot] I didn’t know why but I imagined her leaning her sexy body while laughing, [I have soulers, ton of other races you asked for, and above all I found the weapons you asked for]

“Weapons?” I muttered before recalling this old quest for her, [Really? How many did you manage to get?]

[Enough to arm up ten cities fully with these big boys] she sent me such exciting news. [But they are quite pricey. I didn’t close the deal yet as I had to get your approval first]

[How costy?] I didn’t hurry to agree while opening my inventory.

But when I saw all these green bones I had in there, I felt much confidence to close this deal. [I’ll take them all]

[Won’t at least listen to their prices?]

[No matter how much they cost, I can purchase them]

[Don’t regret this later, handsome boy] I smiled while keeping my chariot flying idly around. Even during my chat with her, my boys kept fighting and killing non-stop.

[I need all of these and also high form of energy]

[Do you have anything in mind?]

[Bring me everything you have] I didn’t know what other higher sources of energy other than stat points and godly essence. So I decided to go out and buy everything.

[You are crazy, you know that? Do you know how much we got?]

[How much?]

[Damn! You are really crazy!]

I laughed. [Just bring me enough for one thousand bones price] I sent before thinking a little, [Also you’ll get one hundred bones for all your help so far]

[Wow! One thousand of your strong bones?]

[Oh, no, I have another bone this time] I realised she was speaking about the white grade bones of mine. But I was referring to the bronze graded bones.

[Is it weaker?]


[Damn! How can you get all these pretty cool things? I’ll do anything for you to tell me your secret]

[Hahaha, if I told you then it wouldn’t be my secret. Now can you do that?]

[Sure, but I’ll need to see this new bone of yours to finalise the prices of other deals]

[I’ll send you one now]

I selected one bone and sent it over to a friend. A friend list appeared with her name only green and others were grey.

After all, I had a deal with her to send things over, not like others here. Others would need me to go to the contract interface to be able to send things over.

[Done] I sent and waited for her answer. At this time I kept only flying and killing any humans coming at the city.

Despite all my efforts, the city was still overwhelmed with humans. That leader of theirs was really cunning. He saw through my actions here and only sent his anti-air items to try and take me down.

Other than this, he didn’t focus that much on me. So there was one option left for me. I had to go and crush that gate of his, or at least threaten it.

If I did so, he would see my threat and wouldn’t close his eyes over my presence. After that I’d lead these enemies away slowly, and keep killing them.

If this all failed, then I’d have to use my soulers and Albany city monsters here. This wouldn’t be the best, but it would be the only way I had to stop them here.

[Damn Hye! This bone… It’s at least five times worth of your initial one! How much do you have from these?]

[Enough to close this deal]

[And you said you want one thousand bones worth of energy items… The old bone or this one?]

[The new one]

[Damn! That’s too much!]

[Hahaha, just prepare everything]

[I can send over your soulers and races now then prepare these later with your weapons]

[No, keep the races and soulers for now. I’ll tell you when to send them over] if she sent them now, they’d appear in the middle of this heated battle.

This would bring considerable losses to me. It was better to wait and select the best time to bring them here.

[Then when?]

[Soon, but not now. I’ll tell you to send them, ok?]


[Prepare the energy sources first] I was slightly nervous about this point, [Then send my the weapons]

[Alright. I’ll see what I can do. Good luck at your battle]

[Who told you I was fighting?] I was surprised to read her last message.

[Not wanting the races or soulers and only energy sources that are crucial for your fallen gods and chariot… plus needing the weapons as fast as possible and without even juggling about their high price… Come on, what else are you doing but fighting right now?]

[Ok smart girl]

[And sexy, please]

[Smart and sexy, are you satisfied now?]

[Hahaha, sure sure, just don’t forget your little sister here when you become a real hegemon later]

[You aren’t little!]

[I’m! I dare you to say another word about this!]

[Cool… I’ll go then] I closed the chat while laughing over her last words.

This girl… she would have been a nice friend if not for being here with me.

Anyway, I solved the issue of energy. Even if I paid thousands of my bones for this, I still had lots inside my inventory.

As she went silent for the next half an hour, I kept following track of my fallen gods. They were using their ultimatum attacks almost once per minute.

At this rate… They’d exhaust themselves in the next hour. If that winged nymph lady didn’t return to me by then, I’d be screwed.

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