I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 348 It's Back!

My wait didn’t last for long. After forty-five minutes, the lady sent me the energy items she had.

[You got something sent to you over by the Bringold impact]

[You are asked to pay one thousand green grade bones]

[Do you want to accept this deal?]

“Accept,” as I agreed, one thousand bones vanished and in my inventory, lots of items appeared there.

I looked interested in these items. Most of them were in the form of orbs and crystals, shining in different lights.

“They look like the stat crystals and orbs… but the light coming from these are more intense,” I muttered while taking one out.

The only way to test these was through my chariot. After all I could just see the increase each of these items would bring.

Before using it, I first checked the current energy of my chariot. There were over four hundred million in my chariot.

“Let’s see if you are worth my bones or not,” I let this blue shining big crystal the size of my closed fist into the heart of my chariot.

Just in the next instant, I saw the heart of my chariot burning fiercely, as a first time ever response like this for anything thrown into this heart.

And then the number increased at a fast pace until it exceeded the two billion mark with three hundred million points.

“Damn! It can give two billion points worth of energy… That’s amazing,” I sucked in cold air of breath before instantly turning to check my inventory.

“I got lots of these… and also a lot of other orbs and crystals… That’s simply terrific!”

I looked at the ongoing battle around. In fact this fight looked pointless. No matter how much my boys killed, much more would keep pouring here.

But that was going to end, soon enough. I just had to wait until my precious and deadly weapons would arrive, then things would change.

“Come here,” I didn’t hesitate to shout at my fallen gods, “take these, consume them instead of the godly essence.”

I took ten pieces for each god, spending almost one tenth of my current reserve of these items.

But when my fallen gods took these things, the look over their faces told me how priceless these items were. They were indeed, after all just one of them was enough to give two billion energy points.

“Go, keep fighting without any pause,” I released them back while taking a look back at the city. “We aren’t going anywhere like this,” I bitterly admitted this fact.

After all, I failed to attract the aggro of the enemies here. The city was still flooded by the enemy forces. Their amount got slightly decreased, but not close enough to what I aimed for.

“Come on,” I kept checking the messages between me and that nymph. She told me that the weapons deal was still unfinished as she waited for my agreement.

My delay at that dungeon really cost me a lot here. But that wasn’t something I should regret now. I didn’t know the system would screw me up like this.

“Damn! They managed to return it?” Just as this moment, I noticed something shining up in the sky.

The world was already dim, looking as gloomy as the world of death. Yet in the middle of all this darkness, the sky showed a tiny shining red star up there.

The angels… They seemed to repair that damn weapon.

“Hey you, do you see that thing up there?” I shouted over one of my lightning gods before adding, “can you hit it?”

“I’ll try,” the god gave me his word and the next moment he started using his ultimatum to hit that thing.

But unlike before, the attacks all vanished in the depth of that sky without causing anything to that star. It seemed those angels didn’t only bring it back, but also made sure it wouldn’t get destroyed easily by my boys.

“Keep hitting it,” I didn’t give up. If that weapon was left intact, it would cause more trouble to me and my forces.

I could handle it, but my forces couldn’t. So I had to spare a group of five lightning fallen gods and let them shower that thing with their deadly attacks.

I kept watching that weapon from time to time while moving my chariot around at high speed. The attacks seemed to reach it and hit something, as that star started to shine in a weird golden light.

The red and gold colours gave it a scary sight. Yet I didn’t give any order to stop the attacks.

That star weapon had a sturdy shield indeed. As any shield, it has a limited endurance limit. All I needed to do here was to make sure that limit was reached before it would start raining down its attacks.

But even with all these attacks, that damn bastard shone in bright red light. I knew it was coming, and it wouldn’t come at me.

The angels didn’t take all this time just to repeat their old mistakes. At this point, if they didn’t learn from their mistakes then they wouldn’t be the angels.

“Hahaha, still trying to destroy our little baby, hahaha!”

Just as a red pillar descended from high up and fell, the entire city shone under bright light that looked really horrifying under such black background of the world.

And with it, three angels appeared in front of me. The middle one, their leader, laughed in mockery while pointing at me as if he was looking at a clown or something.

[Abandon the city] I didn’t respond to him, but I sent this message instantly to all of my teammates.

I couldn’t step in and help them. Also their enemies were also humans, the race everyone looked down upon.

The angels wouldn’t show any mercy towards us or our enemies. In their eyes, we were ants not worthy to live or spare.

[Leave the city?]

[Where to?]

[We are already surrounded!]

[We can’t do that!]

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