I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 93 – The Clumsy Maid

Chapter 93 – The Clumsy Maid

After walking through a few stylish corridors, we reach the room that I assume belongs to Jericho’s son. From the outside, it doesn’t look any different than the other ones we have passed by, but I have a quite strong premonition that inside, it’s going to be special.

To my surprise, the door isn’t locked and Jericho pushes the knob to open them for me. This already tells a lot when you consider that there should be many women on the other side. They are either chained, restrained, locked up or…

A round of giggling reaches my ears shortly after both of us step inside. Soon after the door gets closed, a wave of gasps follows and a group of completely naked women hanging out all around the extremely fancy bedchamber turns their gazes at us.

Inside a room with a huge bed surrounded by fancy canopies, multiple different resting areas with sofas, comfy chairs, soft benches of different shapes, and plenty of other quite extravagant furniture in all shades of red, purple or pink, eight Human women are present. Not one has any piece of clothing, even lingerie, covering her skin or private parts. And each of them is a beautiful woman without a doubt.

“Oh! Master’s father! Is Master back? Has he finally returned from his trip?” a girl with tanned skin, long blond hair and very delicious hips asks with a wide smile, starting to run towards us.

But, before she reaches our spot, another woman tackles her to the ground, throwing herself at the tanned girl as she is passing by the impressive bed. 

“Slow down, bitch! I’m getting railed first! You’ve had your turn before May and Judy! My pussy is next!”

The grappler is a head shorter than her target and has short black hair. She’s quite heavy in the breast department, pinning the other person to the floor with her massive jugs, not ones that are physically unbelievable, fortunately.

The duo starts tumbling around while wrestling with each other. It might have been a great sight with everything on display, but I can’t really get into it while knowing what had happened to them and why they are behaving like this. 

We are quickly surrounded by all the other women that aren’t participating in the brawl taking place on the fluffy carpet. Each of them is clearly different, be it in the figure, skin colour, breast size, height, hair or just general beauty. It feels like they were chosen almost specifically to fill this guy’s collection.

And all of them are clearly excited to see us, in more than one way. I can clearly see most of the girls having hardened nipples or their precious places leaking with love juices, ready to receive some affection. Two of them are openly rubbing their alluring mounds in front of us while biting on their lower lips and swaying their hips. Pretty much every single woman has a dopey grin on her face.

“Is it true? Is Master back?”

“Is he going to finally play with us?”

“I really need Master’s cock… My pussy is burning! Please!”

“When can we have sex? It’s been days already!”

“Did we do something wrong? Is Master unhappy?”

They start barraging us with questions, looking between me and Jericho while subjected to clear mood swings the moment their thoughts catch onto a different thing, switching from heavily excited, hopeful, full of lust, into heartbroken and sorrowful so much it’s painful to look at their hurt expressions.

I exchange glances with Jericho and he sighs heavily. He doesn’t need to speak to convey what he is thinking about. I can read it perfectly just from his sad and remorseful face.

“Sara, Gloria, stop fighting. If you injure yourselves, my son might lose interest in you.”

The two girls that have been rolling all around the room freeze instantly. In a moment, they help each other up and start checking their bodies in fear, even going as far as to look for any bruises or marks on their opponent’s skin, acting like long-time best friends.

They quickly rush towards us and stop in front of Jericho.

“We are really sorry! Nothing happened, okay? There are no scratches anywhere.”

“Can you and your friend check? We can’t miss anything or Master won’t give us his cock anymore! Please, look both of us over, every nook and cranny!”

Seeing them expose themselves fully in front of us, Jericho quickly puts his hands on their shoulders to tame them down.

“It’s alright. You look great. Just be careful next time.”

“Yes!” they both answer in unison.

“Now, go and sit on the bed for a moment. I have to talk with my friend.”

Nobody shows any signs of objections and all the women walk to sit on the bed together. Jericho turns to me with another heavy sigh. He speaks to me with a hushed voice.

“What do you think?”

I activate Hall of Serenity by placing a sigil on one of my gloves and cover us with a small area of silencing magic.

“It looks bad. I dare to say that they would believe anything if their master is brought up in the same sentence. And they are very unstable. Such a pity… Have you tried anything yet?”

“No, I haven’t. But, as promised, I will do everything I can from now on.”

I nod. “Do you still have that drug?”

“Yes. I know what you are thinking. I will naturally try to study it for the cure. It was an accidental byproduct of another experiment so it won’t be that easy, but I also think it’s a good idea to start with it.”

“Don’t forget about what I’m going to deliver to you. It may be of use too, not just for your son.”

I glance at the group of women sitting politely while waiting for us to speak to them again. I’m tempted to try to bring them out of their state with my skills and abilities, pretty much fighting fire with fire, drug with a stronger drug, but I don’t want them to end up addicted to me instead. 

Before I attempt any of that, it would be much wiser and safer to try the alchemic way, especially since we do have an expert at hand. And not just that.

“Let’s collaborate on this. I do have one or two people on my side that also know a thing or two about alchemy. Complete our workshop fast and we will join hands over this matter.”

Jericho looks at me with one eyebrow raised and then nods.

“Yes. The more points of view the better. Sharing and discussing findings will make things progress much faster than when doing it alone. I will have to shamelessly accept this help from someone who is completely unrelated to my own mistakes.” He bows his head slightly.

“I can’t just leave them be like that. I planned to take as many of them with me as I can but considering their mental state that could do more bad than good. I should be able to keep one persuaded that we are doing things to let her be more appealing to her master, but it would be impossible with a group.”

Jericho rubs his chin. “Good thinking. I’ll let you choose one then. Leave convincing the others about their companion’s departure to me. I will focus on your laboratory first and finish things up as fast as possible.”

“Thank you. We’ll be in contact then. There’s no need to further waste our time. Just don’t be surprised if people from the castle show up. I might ask for help from a friend or two. Without mentioning our personal issue, of course.”

He nods and makes a respectful bow. “I appreciate this greatly, Sir Carter.”

We both step out of the silent zone and I look over all of the women on the bed. It’s impossible to tell if one of them is less charmed than the others so I guess I will just pick randomly.

Trying not to be led by my personal preferences and likes, I gesture at a short woman with pale skin and shoulder-long dark blue hair. She has a very toned and alluring figure. The thing that clearly differentiates her from the other girls is her perky breasts with slightly raised nipples.

She eagerly jumps off the bed and trots to me, passing by Jericho, who heads towards the rest of them. Before she reaches me, I make sure to get back into the zone of the spell and the girl steps into it too, stopping in front of me with an expectant smile, joining her hands together in the front. She’s half a head shorter than me, more or less.

“Hello. What’s your name?”

“May, sir.”

“That’s a very nice name. I’m Alastair. You don’t have to call me sir.”

She nods and waits for me to continue.

“Lord Jericho told me that your master will take a few more days to return from the trip and we came up with an idea on how to make it less boring for you girls to wait for him. I suggested also helping with it and Lord Jericho agreed. Do you want to hear about it?”

May makes a thinking expression, wandering with her eyes all over me and the floor before looking back up at me.

“I don’t know. What’s it about?”

“I can take one of you and help you become even sexier for your master. I know a lot about this stuff, you know? I’m sure you want to always do your best for him, right? My friends can teach you some things that would let you please him even better.”

Her eyes sparkle instantly and a wide grin covers the girl’s face. She pushes herself into me while softly grabbing my vest.

“Really?! Can I be the one to go?!”

I chuckle a little and pat her head. “Of course. That’s why I have called you. But! You can’t tell the others! They would get jealous and I can only take one!”

She starts nodding so fast her hair becomes a mess and then hugs me tightly.

“I promise I won’t tell! If it will make Master want to have more sex with me then, of course, I want to go! Do we leave now? Ah! But what if Master returns while I’m gone?”

“Don’t worry. Lord Jericho will tell me when your master will be coming back. We will prepare a surprise for him.”

“Great! I will learn as much as I can!”

It pains me to manipulate her like this, but there are no other options I could choose from. It’s definitely better for her to follow me willingly rather than being forcefully restrained and held captive somewhere in the underground while we try to test medicines on her.

Smiling at the enthusiastic girl, I make eye contact with Jericho and we both nod at each other. Taking this as a sign that everything went well on his side, I summon a comfy bathrobe and cover May with it, guiding her out of the room.

After we get out of the sight of the other girls, I bring out more clothes and ask her to dress up properly since we’ll be making our way back through the city. She follows my commands eagerly and we leave the mansion a moment later.

I reach out to my wives through the mental bond and explain the situation to them. For this to work as intended, everyone has to know who May is and what is her condition. All of us will need to keep the act about helping her become sexier or she may catch on that something is wrong. I leave spreading the info about that plan to my lovely women.

Ailish materializes by my and May’s side as we walk and the two of us enter a telepathic conversation over our own contracted bond. We don’t need Sweet Whispers to do that, which is very fortunate.

Before our group gets back home, I discuss with my charming Succubus the way she could possibly help too, as an expert in Charm Magic and all the other things connected to it. There are a few people I would like to ask for help with this problem.

And that reminds me, I’m pretty close to reaching the point where I can enter my Soul Realm by myself. I can feel it. Ailish has been a great teacher when it comes to that aspect, even though I had a hard time following all of the details at first. I should be able to jump in very soon.

That thought leads my mind to another thing, making me sigh with a wry smile. Somehow, there’s just so much sex I’m getting myself into. Not that I dislike or mind it, but really, Ailish’s promised rough fucking in my Soul Realm, Shawure’s and Zalia’s fun time after I enjoyed some snug pussy from Mafaris, Rene’s heat that I also suggested helping with, and so on.

Oh well. I should tend to Rene soon. Preferably today. There’s just so much to do. Not only Ghilerie’s situation but now also May’s. The near future will be hella hectic, that’s for sure. What else is going to suddenly barge into our plans? I don’t even want to think about it.

After we reach our mansion, Ailish takes May for a quick tour and to explain a few things to her. I catch Neira joining them. Good.

Taking a few minutes alone to come up with a quick schedule and order of things that I want to take care of, I ask Dhosk to meet me in the underground, by her temporary lab that we had built in the past.

Our Lizardfolk resident shows up a moment later and we enter the workshop.

“Alright. First things first, I’ll have someone restructure and upgrade this lab that we had hastily put up together. I’m really grateful for your help with Sirgia’s creations and also for all the things you and the other girls came up with here.”

“I see. Thank you for your appreciation, Master. May I know how much this room will change?” she asks in her usual, calm and neutral tone.

“Quite a lot, I think. Our benefactor is an esteemed alchemist and is going to go all out with our request.”

“That's very good news.”

“Yes, and we will gain access to many sources of materials and ingredients.”

Dhosk’s slitted eyes widen a little in surprise. “Oh. That’s even better. I’m sure we will be able to see through a few things that are currently brought to a halt due to some issues with rarer supplies. We should let everyone know about that. Especially Meiya, Neiya and Cornelia.”

“Everyone will get to know soon. Don’t worry. But, there’s one more thing related to this sudden upgrade. You might have already heard about May’s situation. I apologize that I did it without consulting you girls first, but I offered to collaborate with that alchemist on looking for a possible cure. We would be working together on that and exchanging notes. I know none of you is exactly trained alchemists, but would you be willing to lead this research?”

She politely nods her lizard head while placing a hand over her heart. “Of course, Master. I might be more of a herb specialist, but I will use my knowledge of medicine to its full extent during this task. I can’t promise great results, but everyone that gets delegated to this will surely try their best.”

“Thank you, Dhosk, a lot. I’m really lucky to have your help. Which might sound a little weird considering that I bought you. Sorry. Nothing has changed, though. If you would want to leave us before our agreement ends, just say so.”

A small smile breaks through her neutral shell for a brief moment before disappearing. “I appreciate your concern, Master, but it’s not necessary. I find this place comfortable. And since I do have something to do here that I like, I’m not really thinking about leaving for now. I also appreciate not being forced to partake in activities that I wouldn’t exactly enjoy.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I’m going to let Cornelia know about this and leave informing Meiya, Neiya and other girls that you think could contribute to this to you. Feel free to instruct whoever will come here to build the laboratory if you come up with any ideas for it.”

Dhosk nods respectfully again. “Very well. I shall see to it. Perhaps Tyriana will also be able to help too.”

We then leave the workshop and head our own ways. Moments after we split, I walk into Cornelia. Seriously, her timings are just too perfect. If I didn’t know my beautiful magician any better, I would think that she’s been eavesdropping on us.

I relay to her the things that have been discussed by me and Dhosk while we enjoy a quick cup of tea together. Yeah, the same one. I sit by a table on the side of the kitchen while she comfortably rests on my lap, giving me a sip once per a few of hers.

Somewhere in the middle of our pleasant and cuddly talk, a certain black-haired shortie shows up in the doorway.

“Oh, Shino. Welcome back. How are things on your end?” I ask.

“Hello, Sensei. Pretty good, I think…” she answers while not exactly meeting my eyes and hiding her hands behind her back.

Cornelia chuckles softly and pecks my cheek before jumping off my thighs. “I think we are done here so I’ll take my leave. Duty calls. Don’t forget to talk with our new guest later, Al. Oh, and Rene seems to be slightly out of it recently. Could you check on her? She became much clumsier than usual.”

I also chuckle, knowing perfectly why our resident Dogkin is behaving that way. “Of course. Leave her to me. See you later.”

She nods and walks away, giving a clear wink at Shino as she passes the samurai girl. 

“I’m sorry…”

“Hm? What for this time?” I ask my precious student with one brow raised.

“Cornelia-san left because of me…”

I shake my head with a warm smile. “Then do her a favour and make good use of this opportunity she has presented you with. Come here.”

Shino trots to me shyly and I pick her up, sitting her sideways on my lap.

“Now, how can I help my adorable sword fairy?”

Her cheeks quickly get covered with rosiness as Shino drops her gaze, embarrassed from my little tease. She leans her side onto me and I move one of my hands to gently stroke my fingers through her soft hair.

“Are you horny again?”

“NO!” She quickly denies it and then realizes that she accidentally raised her voice. “I mean… No, I’m not really horny, Sensei… I didn’t come to you for that… Although… I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to do it…”

I chuckle and pull her face up for a short and tame kiss. “Whenever you would like. This might sound weird, but there are plenty of girls waiting for me to visit them if I would need to release some pent up frustrations.”

Shino giggles and pecks my lips back. “It must be hard having so many girls to satisfy. I’m so lucky to be the privileged one. It’s almost making me want to abuse that position.”

“You are free to abuse it as much as you want. That’s granted for being the woman I wholeheartedly love.”

She blushes a little harder and pulls herself into my lips again, starting a more passionate kiss. We brush our mouths together while chasing each other’s tongues for a few minutes. Both of us end up slightly out of breath after we finish. We chuckle at the same time.

“Ummm… What do you think… about Marcia-san, Sensei?”

I raise my brow at her for a brief moment and sigh.

“What are you girls scheming there?”


“Don’t you ‘eh?’ me. No woman in a relationship asks about another outside of it. Especially phrasing it like this. It’s too obvious. So? Spill the beans.”

Shino glances away while fumbling with her skirt. I chuckle again and peck her crimson cheek.

“You know that you can tell me anything. Don’t feel nervous about it. As for your question, Marcia seems like a fun person to be around. A very active and sociable woman of exotic beauty and matching character. If you are asking if I would like to sleep with her, perhaps. If you are asking about my feelings towards her, I don’t think there’s anything deeper between us. It’s partially your fault. You’ve stolen my heart before I could even start fantasizing about dating her.”

A wide grin forms on Shino’s lips and she tries her best to hide it from me but fails miserably, which results in an awkward and shy giggle as it keeps growing and growing. I boop her cute nose with mine and evoke even more laughter from the charming Japanese girl.

She pushes me away after a moment and calms herself down before glancing at me again.

“Sensei is a bully. But thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

“So… Ummm… You know how Marcia-san wants to have sex with you, right?”

I nod. That’s more than obvious.

“Ummm… She really wants it and… I kind of agreed to ask on her behalf… if you could do it with her… since she doesn’t like to be too pushy and you were against it so far...”

“I see. A favour for a friend, hm? And you are okay with that? You are pretty much asking your man to sleep with another girl.”

Shino smiles and rubs her cheek into mine. “I don’t think that’s any different from our current situation, isn’t it, Sensei? But no, I don’t think I mind. Well… Maybe if I had to join… I’m not ready for that…” She covers her face with both hands.

I chuckle at her and brush through her hair. “I will never force you into such a situation.”

“I know.” She pulls the hands away, revealing a soft smile. “What do you think about it then, Sensei?”

“Well, I can't really say no when my precious wife asks me something, can I?”

Shino chuckles. “What if I ask for something silly?”

“Then silly it is.”

She locks our lips in a soft kiss for a few seconds. “Thank you, Sensei.”

“Don’t mind it. But, there’s a different problem. I know that Marcia isn’t exactly tied to Kamil since that’s just not in her nature, but I also know that he wouldn’t exactly appreciate me boning his girl. It may be hard for you and Marcia not to accidentally slip up. I’m not afraid of him personally, but I don’t want him to do something stupid to any of you under strong emotions.”

An awkward smile forms on Shino’s face. “Well… I think it’s going to be okay. I’m not sure how to explain that, but… Yeah… It won’t be a problem…”

I squint my eyes at her suspicious behaviour, causing Shino to avoid my gaze, and sigh after a moment.

“Alright. I’m not going to force you. It’s okay to have things that you can’t tell me about. Just say so and I won’t pry further.”

She nods and leaves a quick peck on my cheek. “Thank you, Sensei.”

“You have been thanking me quite a lot recently.” I chuckle.

A blush covers her cheeks again. “Should I… show it in a different way than with words?”

I pull her into a deep kiss and we pursue each other’s lips for around one minute.

“This should be enough for now,” I say with a teasing smile, causing her to giggle cutely.

Shino jumps off my lap and then slowly raises her short skirt, fully showing me her panties from behind while glancing at me over her shoulder. There’s a very faint wet spot on the bottom of the material. White today, huh.

“Maybe I should use the lips down there next time…”

When our gazes meet, her face flares crimson and she escapes through the kitchen door while covering it with her hands. 

"Seriously… Don’t try to give me a tease if it’s so hard for you…"

But, I can’t deny that it made me a little eager. Those shy perverts always get my blood going.

Just to be sure, I check Shino’s position through our bond and confirm that she has left the mansion, most likely heading back to the castle to bring the good news to her friend. Since it's not like I'm going to chase after her to tease her back, which I would if she had just run away to somewhere else in the mansion, I move on to the next thing on my list.

While looking for Ghilerie, I get to experience what Cornelia has told me about earlier. Rene suddenly walks out from behind a corner and slams into me while carrying a short tower of freshly washed towels, releasing a cute yelp of surprise. 

I catch her by the waist before she falls back and chuckle at the blushing doggirl.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yes… I’m sorry, Master…”

“I’ve heard that you’ve been having some trouble focusing recently. Are you sure?”

She blushes heavily and delicately bites on her lower lip. Her cute tail keeps wagging like crazy, hitting my hand that’s holding Rene’s back.

“I’m really sorry, Master… I… I can’t stop thinking about it…”

I smile and pull her up, leaning Rene onto my chest, speaking again while caressing her floppy golden ears.

“What do I have to do with this clumsy maid of mine…”

She averts her gaze bashfully, a bit apologetic too.

I chuckle and swoop the towels into my storage ring, getting rid of any obstruction between our bodies.

“Do you want to do it now?”

Rene’s eyes widen a little. “But… I have work to do… I shouldn’t skip on my responsibilities…”

“I think it will be much better for you and everyone else if we fix your little problem, don’t you think?”

Seeing my warm smile, she starts slowly pulling herself closer while observing my reactions. Finally reaching my neck, Rene seems to give in and I start feeling something hot and wet tickle my skin. She begins showering me in gentle licks as I hug her close.

To not block the hallway, I pick Rene into a princess carry, evoking another cute yelp from her, and bring the Dogkin girl to my chambers. She keeps eagerly licking my neck the whole way there and her excited tail doesn’t stop hitting my thigh. So cute.

I let her down after we get inside and Rene steps back, glancing at me with an upturned gaze. Before I can say anything, she starts getting rid of her maid uniform and soon shows up fully naked in front of me, in all her slightly chubby glory.

She hides her precious mound behind her hands, but I can already see her being so wet that she’s literally dripping onto the floor. Rene follows my gaze after I glance down and notices the clear liquid, shivering slightly from embarrassment. She presses one of her palms over her slit to prevent more of the love nectar from escaping and her tail speeds up even more.

“I… I’m ready for you to take me… Master…”

I chuckle a little while shaking my head and step closer, lifting her chin up. Rene’s eyes widen when I pull her into an affectionate kiss. As I keep caressing her tender lips, she moves her hands to my vest and clutches the material with her fingers. She raises herself to her tiptoes to push her mouth more into mine.

After almost running out of breath, Rene breaks our passionate kiss and stares me deep into the eyes with her brown, hazy ones, panting strongly.

“Let me know about any of your wishes. I’ll gladly do it with you however you like the most. Or is it your first time?” I ask.

She quickly shakes her head. “No. I have mated before. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is. We don’t have to worry about your discomfort then. So, I’m all yours for now. Please, don’t let the fact that I’m your master restrain you.”

Rene nods and glances down. “Can I lick it then, Master?”

I quickly shove my clothes into the storage ring and appear in front of her naked too. My eager erection springs into the open air, released from its cage.

An audible gulp travels through the room and Rene moves to her knees. She takes my member into her soft hands and begins stroking it up and down with gentle and careful movements while staring at it with a smile. She doesn’t keep that up for long and swallows the tip shortly after taking a good long whiff of my scent down there, unable to hold herself back any longer.

Plopping one of my hands onto her golden hair, I keep ruffling through it as she works all over my dick with her mouth and tongue. Rene keeps energetically bobbing her head up and down while checking at my face from time to time as she stops to lick the underside a little more, clearly enjoying the taste.

I make sure to show her that she’s doing a great job at making me feel really good by stroking her beautiful ears. But, I have to keep myself in check because too much of that and she gets lost in my fingers so much that she can’t keep up her movements. Not that it bothers me, but I can tell she feels bad about not being able to please me while feeling good herself.

“Do you want it inside?” I ask after a few short and extremely good minutes.

Rene pulls my cock out of her mouth and keeps giving it quick licks. “Yes, please. I would love to taste Master’s seed. It has such a strong scent.”

I nod at her and she puts it back in, starting to apply strong suction to my rod. I let Rene play with it a little more and decide to reward her honest efforts.

“Watch out now. It’s coming.”

To my surprise, she doesn’t push my dick far into her throat like a few other girls that I know but brings it outside just enough for the tip to stay on the edge of her open mouth, still aimed inside. She fervently strokes my shaft with her hand while supporting herself with the other, placed on my abdomen.

Staring deep into my eyes, she receives a few thick serpents of creamy cum straight onto her tongue and the back of her throat. I watch myself cover the insides of her mouth with white delicacy, burst after burst until no more shoots out.

Rene then shows it to me for the last time and swallows everything in a few gulps, licking her lips afterwards.

“So tasty… I’ve never had anything so sweet…”

I chuckle at her and help Rene stand up. A small puddle of love nectar is left on the wooden floor at the spot above which she has been kneeling, and both of us spot it immediately. She blushes heavily and I pull her in for a brief kiss.

“I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the treat. I loved it too.”

She nods bashfully. “Then… Can we put it inside now?”

“Any specific wishes?”

Rene pushes her body against mine, squashing her soft and bouncy breasts into my chest. I feel her hot and moist lower lips brush over the top of my shaft as she does so. We end up in a close hug with her pussy resting on my hard member. She keeps faintly buckling her hips and releasing puffs of humid air into my face.

“Can we do it standing like this? I’ve never done it like it, so…”

“Of course. I’ve already told you we can do anything you want. Let me—”

“Wait!” She stops me before I slip myself in. “I would like you to rub it into me a little longer…”

I nod at the blushing girl and move my hands to her plump bottom. With Rene’s slightly chubby figure, my fingers melt into her almost cushiony butt. Proceeding according to her request, I begin moving my hips too, meeting hers in the middle as our tummies lightly slap against each other.

Rene starts releasing some quiet moans as my shaft strokes the entrance to her precious place, rubbing those slightly spread folds that surround it. I keep peppering her adorable face with a myriad of little kisses, evoking a few giggles from the cute dogkin, broken mostly by weak gasps of pleasure. She reacts the strongest when my tip pushes through her lower lips.

“Mhhhmm… Mmmmm… Mhhhhnnn… It’s so good… and gentle… Mmmmmhhh…”

“Do you like it gentle?”

“Yes… Mhhhnnn… Are you disappointed, Master?”

I shake my head as she gazes into my eyes. “Why would I be? It feels amazing for me too. I’m glad you are enjoying it. Feel free to push it inside whenever you like.”

She smiles at me and raises the tempo of her waist a little, pressing her delicate lips against mine. My fingers sink even deeper into the flesh of her fluffy behind as I add my own strength to her lewd efforts at making us feel even better.

Then, when her cries muffled by my mouth grow fiercer, Rene moves one of her hands to her back and positions her fingers just so that my cock rushes into her comfy folds with the next thrust, impaling the dogkin in heat in one mighty pierce.

Rene’s body trembles as she moans into my lips, coming just from taking me inside. I hold her tightly and let her ride her first orgasm, letting go of her delicious mouth. Just a few moments later, she recollects herself and I feel her tongue tickling my neck again.

“That felt so good… Please, pound my pussy now, Master… As hard as you would like…”

I fix our positions a little bit and start moving again. Wet erotic sounds begin filling the chamber soon after. Rene continues to slowly lick my neck while releasing soft, hot moans into it as I focus on exploring her snug insides with my cock.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh…”

Rene’s body keeps jumping up a little with each slam of my hips and a faint ripple travels through the chubby folds over her sexy belly. I haven’t yet spent intimate time with a chubby girl like her and I can now enjoy it fully by doing that in a tight hug. Her coiling pussy squeezes me good while I can take in the beautiful sight and sensation of her alluring breasts jiggling in front of me, pressed into my chest.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… Mhhhmmm… I like it, Master… Ahhh… It’s so different…”

“I’m happy to hear that. Don’t hold back and cum as many times as you like. I’ll keep making you feel good for as long as you want.”

She brings her face up and switches to pecking my lips and cheeks, still releasing amorous cries into my face. While I plunge myself repeatedly into her love nest, accompanied by faint wet sounds coming from all the wetness her womanhood leaks out, Rene tries to lift one of her legs and I help her with that by grabbing onto her marshmallowy thigh.

Our lips meet and I increase the strength of my thrusts a little, shoving my cock further into her amazing pussy thanks to the slightly changed position. Rene’s left leg is now upheld by me and locked behind my back, granting me much easier access to her precious place, which in turn is able to receive some more passionate pounding by getting spread from her small stretch.

“Master… Ahhh… Ahhh… I’m… ahhhh… coming! Mmmhhhhhmmmmmmm!”

I push myself as deep as I can and release a bountiful load inside Rene’s pink lily while she squeezes me hard from her shivering orgasm, bringing it a level of pleasure higher with the creamy seed filling her insides. I can tell from our connection that it brings her peak even higher as I support her body.

Rene finishes orgasming after a short while and rests on my chest with my cock still inside her snug pussy. After regaining control of her breath, she raises her face to match mine and smiles beautifully.

“Thank you, Master. It felt amazing. I’m really glad I have actually asked you to mate with me.”

“Is this much enough for you? We can still have some more fun.”

She glances to the side with a heavy blush for a moment before answering. “Then… I’m a little curious how hard you can do me, Master…”

“Are you sure about that?” I raise one of my brows at her. “You might have a bit of trouble walking later. Personally, I don’t mind. And don’t worry about your chores. You’ve earned yourself a break. So?”

Rene ponders over it for a moment and nods faintly. “Yes, please...”

Therefore, according to her wishes, I bring the slightly embarrassed Dogkin girl to the bed, rest her back on it while standing by its side, and sink my fingers into the chubby softness of her waist, pulling it a little up.

For the next thirty minutes, I keep plowing Rene’s pink lily through the air to the full extent of my abilities and skill, bringing her so much pleasure that she keeps writhing around while almost tearing the sheets with her fingers tightly gripping them. 

A cacophony of very loud moans, shouts and screams of ecstasy fill the air as she orgasms again and again under my intense care until her body can’t take it anymore and Rene is reduced to a trembling mess.

I stay by her side for a few more minutes, relieving her a little with my Rejuvenate. After she thanks me for the amazing time, Rene urges me to return to whatever I was doing, so I give her a few more pecks and leave her to rest in my bed. We need to figure out what to do with Ghilerie now.

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