I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 94 – A Moral Dilemma

Chapter 94 – A Moral Dilemma

After walking out of my bedroom, I notice our High Elf maid standing by the door. As usual, she radiates an aura of calmness and nobility. I really don’t know how Humans have a hard time differentiating High Elves from Wood Elves or other subraces when you need just a single glance to instantly understand where that high comes from.

“Tyriana. Is there anything you need from me?” I ask after closing the door behind me.

“If you do not have anything against it, Master, I would like to enter your chambers to accompany Rene during her rest. While at it, I will also help her clean up and make your bed.” She lowers her head just a little bit in a respectful nod.

“Of course not. I would even appreciate it. You girls can freely enter my room when nobody is inside and you know it. Anyway, I didn’t expect you to be the one lending Rene a hand.”

The corners of Tyriana’s mouth lift slightly before returning to their neutral state. “It’s a little shameful to admit, but under Rene’s constant nagging, I have agreed to become her friend. Thank you for fulfilling her wish, Master. She was very anxious about asking you.”

I see. So, the overly-enthusiastic and cheerful Dogkin girl has managed to somehow capture the heart of the noble High Elf with her cuteness. I’m not even that surprised. Rene emanates a really strong friendly aura that can penetrate the toughest shells. That slightly chubby bundle of joy is just too adorable to reject. I wonder how long it took her to befriend Tyriana.

“There’s nothing shameful in that, in my opinion, but don’t worry, I won’t go around spreading that information,” I say with a soft smile. “And don’t mind it. Not only is it my responsibility to take good care of people here but I also enjoyed even the thought of getting a little intimate with our energetic Dogkin maid.”

She nods at me and we end up standing in silence, looking at each other calmly. Alright. No point in wasting our time here. It’s not like Tyriana has suddenly turned into a chatty person.

“Well then. Please, go ahead. If you ever need anything, let me know. Ah. Do you perhaps know where Ghilerie might be right now?”

“If I’m not mistaken, she was taking a nap in her room after finishing her bath. It’s room eighty-three.”

“Thank you. I’ll go and check if she’s awake then. See you later.”

We nod at each other and I walk away, managing to catch a cute yelp of surprise coming from Rene when Tyriana enters my bedchamber. I’m a little curious how their interactions would look, but I’m not the one to eavesdrop on girls, especially after one of them shared an intimate moment with me.

I head to the room that Tyriana mentioned, stopping a few times to have a short chat with a few people I meet on my way there. Talking with so many people of different characters is always so much fun. I learn something new about our residents each time we speak. Sometimes it’s details that no books I have read in the past ever mentioned.

Ending my brief conversation with the Satyr sisters, I give each of them some gentle pats and they let me finish my journey to Ghilerie’s room. Putting my ear to the wooden door doesn’t net me any satisfactory results so I decide to knock lightly.

And it seems that the host is in fact awake as soft footsteps soon begin moving closer to the door. Ghilerie shows up on the other side after opening them. She looks much better already, even if not that much time has passed since we parted. 

A loose and comfy-looking white t-shirt covers her chest, clearly with no bra underneath, judging by the slightly pointy protrusions faintly sticking out from under the material. She wears brown shorts and moves barefooted. I hope she did pick up panties at least.

“Hi. How are you feeling? I thought we could talk a bit about your situation if you would like to. I can come at a different time if you are resting though.”

She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. We can talk now. And thank you. Everyone has been treating me really well. I honestly didn’t expect such hospitality.”

Ghilerie moves aside and lets me enter. I gesture at her to sit at the bed as I grab a chair from the desk by the wall.

“And what exactly did you expect?” I ask in the meanwhile.

“I’m not sure. After hearing from you about this place and its role, I thought that I would receive the bare minimum to live since I won’t be joining and want to leave as soon as possible, but having food prepared just for me, and then bath, proved me wrong,” she replies, seating herself comfortably on the bedding in a cross-legged position.

“I hope my girls didn’t try to change your mind. They can get a little zealous at times. Especially a certain Dark Elf lady.” I smile wryly.

“I think I know which one.” She responds with the same. “But no, they didn’t pressure me after I explained my situation to them. Although they were pretty adamant on having me understand that I can always come back here in case I would need help or a place to stay.”

“Of course.” I shake my head. “So. I meant everything I said before. I can help you get out of the city without a problem. The question is, what after that? Are you fine by yourself or would you prefer some more assistance? Not that I think you won’t make it alone, of course.”

One of Ghilerie’s golden brows rises slightly. “You would help me further? Why?”

I shrug. “Just because. Even though pretty much everyone I have met has stayed with us, I did mean for this place to partially be a resting point for those wanting to move on, remember? It’s my first chance to fulfil that purpose.”

“Right. It’s still a bit hard to believe. Even so, I do believe your words to be sincere. You wouldn’t gather so many followers around yourself if you had built this place on lies and deception.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” I nod my head at her. “But, if it would make you more comfortable, I can come up with a few reasons of ‘what I would gain from this’, as you have wondered during our previous conversation.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“Well, first of all, I’ve never been in an actual elven village. You would be my entry pass to one, pretty much. Higher chances they would let a Human inside if he was accompanied by an Elf, or endorsed by them. Unless there are some sacred rules in your settlement that prohibit any Human visitors.”

“There aren’t.”

“Great.” I smile at Ghilerie. “Second, if I got in, I could potentially ask around if someone wouldn’t want to join us here. I know, I know, a weird idea, but who knows? The living conditions at our mansion are quite decent. There could be someone who would like to just chill around while only having to help out as a maid, or maybe even a worker if they enjoy some casual intimacy.”

She rubs her chin while nodding softly. “I guess that’s true.”

“And well, third, it would be another chance for me to gain some experience in the outside world. Until recently, I didn’t really leave the city. I had maybe one occasion to go outside, and one to get under it. So, I could use your situation as an excuse for myself to move my ass from here, which I should do more often considering my circumstances.”

Yes, I do grow stronger mostly by having sex, but Lumina made herself clear when she had recommended to me to explore the world a little. I might be getting some training from my amazing friends and wives, but real combat and exploration experience is important too. And it’s not like literally everything happens in this one specific city.

Naturally, I could always stay here and buy more slaves, continuing to expand and develop the brothel and all other facilities, but there are many possibilities waiting to be discovered outside. Ailish is decent proof of that. And I can’t expect stumbling on any hints or opportunities just by sitting in one place.

“You really came up with three reasons for helping me just to prove your point, didn’t you?” Ghilerie chuckles quietly. “I guess this could also serve as my repayment of the favour. Or favours. I could whisper a word or two to a few women. But, I can’t have you steal anyone important. Our leader would never forgive me.”

“It’s decided then?”

She nods. “It would be rude of me to reject your offer after everything.”

“Great. Do you mind if we take someone with us? Or would that slow us down too much? Since you are a Tracker, I assume you can move pretty quickly by yourself.”

“It would be fine, of course. I might be eager to return, but a day or a few won’t change a thing now. And it would definitely be safer if your companions joined.”

I change my posture from leaning forward to resting my back on the backrest and cross my legs.

“Alright. There’s someone I have in mind. You might have met her already, Teffith the Dragonewt. She’s been with us almost from the start. I would like for her to go out a bit since she’s from a nomadic tribe. She won’t say it but I bet she misses the wilds. Her knowledge and skills would definitely be of help to us while looking for your settlement.”

“I will trust your decision, Alastair. You know your people better than me. She sounds like a good choice.”

“Definitely. I’ll ask around if anyone else would want to join. Ah. Uhhhh…”

Ghilerie knits her brows when I make a slightly uncertain expression. “Is there some problem?”

“Well… The thing is… Teffith isn’t really like that with me, but… if someone else joined, it’s possible they would like to spend some time with me during our trip. If you get what I mean. Would that bother you?”

She stares at me confusedly for a moment before her mouth opens with a little gasp of realization as her head cocks to the back.

“Of course not. Please, do not feel restricted by my presence if it happens. It’s a natural order of things,” Ghilerie answers calmly. Although, the tips of her ears twitch a little and turn slightly red. Cute.

“Thanks. I promise not to overdo it.” I smile at her. “Now then. Let’s take care of one last thing that inconveniences you and I’ll go have a talk with others while you rest some more. Or do whatever else you want. There’s an underground arena if you’d like to get some exercise after being imprisoned for so long.”

“What’s that last thing?” she asks, tilting her head a little.

“Your seal, of course. I promised to take it down, didn’t I?”


I stand up from the chair and move to the bed, sitting on the edge near Ghilerie.

“But, to do that, I will need to access it. Would you mind pulling down the collar of your shirt a bit?”

Ghilerie moves her hands, thankfully going to comply with my request, and… takes off her t-shirt completely. I freeze for a second. Her perky breasts jiggle right in front of my eyes after the material gets pulled over her head. I can certainly spot some markings a bit above, but my attention is captured by the two delicious things slightly beneath it.

“This should be less troublesome than you having to work on it over the collar, right?” Ghilerie asks.

I clear my throat and move my eyes to her face, finding a small smile up there.

“You must have seen plenty of them already. I’m sure mine aren’t anything special.”

I wave my finger at her. “With all due respect, every woman’s breasts are special. And it doesn’t matter how many I have seen in my life. It’s a sight to behold every single time. They are beautiful enough to be a little bit distracting for what I have to do, but thank you for the treat.”

Regathering my focus, I move my palm towards the seal in the middle of Ghilerie’s chest and slowly unweave it, following the standard procedures that I have completed so many times already. Thanks to the accumulated experience, I don’t need to close my eyes to do it and can adore Ghilerie’s elegant peaks, hanging at the edge of my vision.

Within a minute, I’m done. The mark disappears completely. Since I’m not going to put a fake one on her, I retract my hand and smile at the elf.

“And it’s gone. All good?”

She takes a deep breath. Obviously, resulting in her delightful breasts making a captivating wave alongside her chest.

“Thank you. It feels so much better.”

“No, thank you.” I shake my head and point down with my eyes. She gets my message.

“I better remove the distraction. I can’t inconvenience you any further.” Ghilerie smiles at me and puts her shirt back. 

“Oh well. Since there’s nothing to see here, I guess I will take my leave. Until next time.”

I make a simple bow after standing up and walk away, hearing a quiet chuckle from the blond-haired elf.

After leaving her room, I send a Whisper to all my wives, asking if they are busy. Everyone agrees on meeting up to discuss a few things. My bedroom might still be in use, so we decide to hold it in Sirgia’s workshop. 

We gather there in a few minutes and spread around the whole place. My cute little dwarf monopolizes my lap while I gently pat her head.

“Alright. First of all, how are May and the others?” I begin.

“We have briefed everyone about the situation,” Cornelia answers. “There should be no problem keeping up the act. And we don’t really have to hide a lot from her since she was a prostitute in the past. She didn’t lose her memories or anything. She’s just completely infatuated with that guy.”

“It’s very sad seeing a young girl in such a state,” Elea joins in. “We just have to mention him and she will listen to every command. It’s sickening. How can you brainwash someone this much?”

I sigh. “All of this makes me feel really horrible for the abilities of my Class.”

Sirgia grazes my cheek with her small hand while glancing up at me. “Your Class isn’t evil, Master. That drug is. Your abilities don’t control people’s minds. They give them more courage to be true to themselves.”

“I agree with the little one,” Ailish says. “You are close to Incubi or Succubi. And, even if we can charm others, we have control over it. Cancelling it is simple. It’s nothing permanent. Or you can break it by killing the caster. Maybe we should try it?”

“Don’t forget our experiments.” Cornelia captures back my attention. “We have confirmed that you are not brainwashing anyone even at full power. You are not holding it back right now, aren’t you?”

“I’m not blocking anything currently.”

“See? That little voice in my head telling me to stop being embarrassed about things I would like to do with you and actually ask for them is still present, just like I have mentioned to you back then, but it’s not like I have to listen to your every command or even request. It doesn’t make us mindless thralls. I’m not being forced to worship your glorious cock.”

“I certainly am.”

Cornelia rolls her eyes at Elea’s remark, which is met with some chuckling and giggling from the others. I shake my head with a smile.

“Alright. Let’s move on. Everyone is filled in on the lab and cooperation, right?” They all nod. “Great. Then I’m counting on your assistance. As weird as it sounds, I’ll leave you girls enough of my fluids to experiment with.” 

They giggle again. 

“It’s possible that I won’t be there to oversee the construction so please look after it too. And that brings us to another topic. I’ll be leaving with Ghilerie to escort her back to her settlement. I plan to ask Teffith to accompany us. Anyone else wants to join?”

Everyone exchanges glances. Out of all of them, Sirgia and Astrea have recently been with me on their small adventure and I can tell that they aren’t raising their hands to let others have a turn this time. Too precious.

Cornelia would most likely prefer to stay since she could be crucial to the whole research. I glance at Elea and she notices my stare.

“I would like to remain here. Cornelia will be able to focus on the cure more with me taking care of management and organization. And my magic could be helpful too. Besides, we have already promised each other to depart on a special journey together, Alastair. I’m content with waiting for that moment. I don’t think it’s that far, fufufufu~”

I smile wryly. She did mention something like that, but I don’t think she had implied it was that much special back then. Whatever. I will gladly wait for Elea to pick a moment.

“And you, Neira?”

My artist wife looks at the Princess and then back at me. Her iconic soft smile paints Neira’s lips.

“I think I would like to come with Elea if you don’t mind.”

“As long as she’s okay with it, why not?” I shrug and glance over everyone once more. “No one? I guess it will be the two of us if she agrees. Let me know if any of you have a change of mind.”

“It will be a good opportunity for the two of you to grow closer.” Elea smiles at me.

“She’s not into—” I stop and sigh while rubbing my temples. “Please, don’t pressure her into anything. Especially you, Elea.”

“It’s not like that, Alastair.”

“It’s like what, then?” I raise my brow at her.

“You will understand after speaking with her some more. I assure you.”

I sigh again and nod. “Alright. I’ll see about that in a moment. Does anyone have anything else we should discuss since we have already gathered?”

“Wait. What about the bet?” Cornelia asks.

“What about it?”

“We don’t know for how long you might be gone. Should we delay it?”

Elea captures our attention again by clearing her throat. “I will store the votes. We should wait for Alastair’s return and check them then. I think it’s a good idea to announce the results when both parties can be present for the duration of the punishment.”

“Ugh… The anxiety will kill me…” Cornelia grimaces.

I tap my lovely dwarf’s shoulder to let me go and walk towards my charming magician, pulling her into a warm hug.

“I’m sure you will forget about it in a flash. We both know how passionate you get about your research, don’t we?” I say with a grin.

Cornelia blushes a little but nods. I brush her cheek with my fingers and pull her into a loving kiss. We exchange a few pecks, affectionately stroking each other’s faces. I hold back from going too wild to avoid turning her on too much. And I can tell from her eyes after we split that she appreciates it.

“I can’t wait to be able to admire your dazzling figure for a whole week. I need those juicy thighs. I need them so fucking bad.” I ostentatiously lick my lips.

Cornelia scoffs at me. “You wish. I will be the one enjoying the sight of your cock swinging around for seven days straight.”

Then, her eyes widen a little as she realizes what she has just admitted out loud in front of literally everyone. A heavy blush surfaces on Cornelia’s cheeks and I chuckle, giving her a quick peck.

She lightly taps my chest while glancing away. “I hate you…”

With a hasty kiss, she escapes my hold and fixes her clothes, still red as a tomato. And almost everyone looking at her while smiling doesn’t help in the slightest.

“Okay. I’ll go and have a word with Teffith now. Thank you everyone for supporting me. I love you all.”

All the girls nod and move closer to receive a brief kiss before we walk upstairs together. I check Teffith’s location through our bond and realize that she’s actually underground, most likely training in one of the arenas. Turning around, I head back there again.

Reaching her place, I open the door a little and take a peek to see how busy she is. Judging by what I see, she’s just doing some general exercises, currently in the middle of handstand pushups.

Making my presence clear to her, I enter inside and close the door, slowly walking closer. I wait for a moment for her to finish. 

A minute later, Teffith sets herself back on the ground and exhales heavily. She’s currently wearing a loose tank-top and comfortable pants. Thankfully, the material of her top isn’t white or I would again be able to see everything with how sweaty she is. Her skin and mesmerizing crimson scales are shimmering from the accumulated droplets, creating a very enticing image of a well-toned woman.

I bring out a towel from my ring and throw it at her. “I hope you don’t mind me interrupting.”

She catches it and wipes her face. “Of course not. I’m not doing anything important. How can I help you, Alastair?”

“Have you met Ghilerie yet?”

“Yes, we have stumbled on each other. She’s not going to stay if I recall correctly. What about her?”

“I’m going to escort her back home and wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany us. Someone with your experience could be of great help. And you have earned yourself a little break from maintaining order in our establishment almost every day. I don’t want you to suffocate here, in the middle of a big city.”

Teffith ponders for a moment while moving the towel over her fit stomach. “I appreciate the thought, but… wouldn’t Garrena be a better choice? She’s also from the outside and she’s much stronger than me. Especially now, after receiving the benefits of your Class.”

“Well, she is strong, but I don’t think she’s that much stronger than you, honestly. Also, it’s not really about strength but more about skills and experience in exploring the wilds. And you are way less hot-headed than her. I thought you would like to return to nature at least for a moment, for a short change of scenery. But, I’m not forcing you into anything, of course.”

She shakes her head. “Maybe at first, but your duel back then made me aware of how great the effect you have on your partners is. Everyone is growing stronger at an amazing rate. Some of them even advancing after hitting a bottleneck for a long time. It’s incredible. No matter how much I train, exercise, practice or learn, there’s no way I can catch up to that.”

I step closer and place a hand on Teffith’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that. I thought it would be enough to draw a clear line but I should have realized that this might make someone uncomfortable. Especially a warrior like you. It must be hard on you seeing everyone just fuck around, literally, and get stronger easily. I don’t want such an environment to stress you out and I’m sure it’s mentally taxing.”

Teffith opens her mouth to respond, but I stop her with my finger to continue.

”Perhaps you would like to use this opportunity to get back to your kind? I really don’t want you to remain here just because you’ve been with us for long and feel obliged to help while feeling bad about yourself. Such things are not a joke and can lead to serious depression. I would hate myself for ruining your happiness.”

She places her hand over mine and shakes her head. “No, it’s not like that. It’s not really about you, or them, or the choice you are giving to everyone. I think it’s really fair. Anyone can approach you openly. It’s just… more about me. I’m the problem here. It just doesn’t feel right…”

“What doesn’t?” I ask, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.

Teffith takes her hand away and wraps both of her arms under her chest, glancing slightly away. She sighs softly.

“I’m not against having sex with you. I’ve thought about it for some time already and I’m sure it would be incredible, but… I just hate the feeling of using you. No matter what I say to you or myself, that I do enjoy your company, like you, maybe feel attracted to you physically, it doesn’t change the fact that, deep down, I want to do it to get stronger. And I really hate myself for that.”

I shake my head and put the other hand on her shoulder too, gently squeezing both of them.

“Teffith. Listen. You wouldn’t be using me. I would be helping you out. You are not using someone when you are so worried about it. When you use someone, you don’t care about them in the slightest, focusing only on your own benefits. In this scenario, both of us gain benefits.”

She looks at me, still slightly uncertain. I can see it in her eyes.

“Look. I wouldn’t mind even if you wanted to use me just to get stronger. I know you well enough. It’s not a malicious desire to grow. I would gladly help you out, without you having to become my woman or anything. All I don’t want is to make you uncomfortable. That’s why I haven’t pursued you.”

“As I said earlier, I don’t dislike you or anything, Alastair. Actually becoming your partner in the truest sense of that word wouldn’t really be an issue if I wanted to reach my hidden goal. It still wouldn’t change how I feel about it though.”

I smile at her. “What if you wanted to return to your people one day? You might want to find a proper partner in your tribe instead of some Human. You don’t need to tie yourself to me. In any way, stop thinking about it like that. How can I make you do that?”

We stare at each other for a moment and Teffith shrugs dejectedly. “I don’t know. If I knew, I would have overcome it myself and most likely approached you. I’ve been thinking about this since our conversation about the Goddess and then the duel...”

“Hmmm…” I think for a brief moment, glancing down at her sparkling well-toned body. “How about this? You feel like you want to use me to get stronger. Then, I want to use helping you out as an excuse to have my way with your body. I think you have realized how interested I am in exploring every nook and cranny of it, especially those mesmerizing scales that decorate your tempting private areas. We would be the same then, no?”

Her eyes glance over her own figure, then over mine, and stop back on my face.

“I guess?” she answers, not really confident in it.

I drop my hands to her waist and pull her into me. Teffith’s sweaty body leans over my front, with her fair chest squished between us. My fingers sneakily move behind her and brush over the base of her tail, evoking a quiet gasp from the pretty dragonewt.

“Think about it. There’s no rush. Just know that I do want you. Don’t forget that I have a serious thing for strong women. Almost as serious as for women in suits. And, if I’m not mistaken, you are both.”

I chuckle at her and squeeze her tail some more, observing how her face changes accordingly.

“I’m much more selfish than before, thanks to the influence of a few girls.” I wink at her and Teffith shows a faint smile.

“I guess I have no choice but to accompany you on that journey then.”

I nod. “Good decision.”

We both chuckle and I let Teffith go. It was fun, but I don’t want to pressure her too much.

For a few more minutes, we chat about this little operation and Teffith shares some more bits of information about her that I haven’t yet heard during our short conversations that happen from time to time. 

After we run out of topics to talk about, I let her know again that she can take her time with her worries. This trip to the wilds can potentially help clear her mind and generally let Teffith relax a bit. I can’t wait to see her in actual action though.

Next, I head to my room to take care of some formalities. Soon, dinner time comes and everyone gathers to eat together, sharing a meal or a few in a warm and chatty atmosphere. I sit with my lovely slimes this time, not forgetting to show my appreciation to the girls that are pretty much the pillars of this place. They are everyone’s seniors. And Ailish still has some trouble dethroning them from the position of best girls in the establishment.

The dark elves seem to have taken it onto themselves to supervise May. She is eating within their group, constantly talking with either Leyne, Roseni, Cinra or Filue. That’s great. They know a lot about being lewd so our cover is safe. May might actually learn a thing or two from them, actually.

I finish pretty early and leave the dining area. As I walk into the main lobby and head towards the stairs leading up, my eyes catch on something confusing, causing me to stop for a brief moment. It takes me a second to realize what I’m staring at.

Right on the marble railing of the right stairs, the body of a certain Pantherkin girl is hung. With her small frame, her legs dangle in the air without touching the ground. Additionally, she’s positioned with her ass towards me. What’s more, both her shorts and panties are down at her ankles and all her holes are out in the open, with her tail raised up to not obstruct the view.

I sigh to myself while shaking my head. So that’s why Hari ate so fast and left in a hurry.

As I come closer, the frivolous pantherkin’s tail increases the speed of its enchanting dances. Hari’s pussy starts adorably twitching in anticipation after her ears perceive the sound of me unbuckling my belt.

I fumble with it for a moment and… yank the whole thing out, slapping her tender butt with the hardened strap.


She immediately grabs both of her cheeks with her petite hands while releasing a loud scream. I move to her front and crouch in front of her face as she rubs her stinging buns.

“Why?” she asks with an acted hurt expression.

“Because you are a pervert, you damned exhibitionist. Think of the others.”

She giggles as a faint blush creeps onto her cheeks. I groan realizing my poor choice of words, making her chuckle even more.

Hari yelps in surprise as I grab her shirt and yank her off the railing, throwing her onto my shoulder, with her ass facing to the front.

“Ah! Where are you taking me, Master? This was such a great spot!”

“To teach you some manners, you little troublemaker,” I answer and slap her butt with the belt again.

“NYAH! Noooooooooooo…” she playfully cries in prolonged dissatisfaction.

I send a Whisper to Zalia and Shawure. Might as well use this opportunity to fulfil my promise to them. They arrive in their room shortly after I do and I throw the horny pantherkin onto their bed, tying her up to its edges by all of her limbs.

We then proceed to fuck like crazy in front of her, above her, by her side, on her, and everywhere else. She can do nothing but watch as I relentlessly drill those colourful pussies like a madman. Hari soon ends up covered in cum and love juices from our intense session, breathing heavily from the unbearable yearning.

I don’t intend to torture her, I only wanted to tease her a little since I knew she would enjoy it, so after filling both Tiefling girls to the brim, I plow the lewd panthergirl to her heart’s content. 

Zalia and Shawure make sure to watch intently as I try to break Hari in front of them, increasing the pleasure and satisfaction she feels exponentially. A small reward for enduring the playful punishment. And she clearly loves it. I think even more than she would from me nailing her over that railing.

After Hari gets reduced to a slurry mess, the other girls happily clean me up and let me know that they will take care of her for the night. I give each of them a kiss and thank them for the amazing time. They insist that it should be them thanking me, but I manage to convince them otherwise since I’ve brought someone else into our promised threesome.

They shoo me away while giggling charmingly and I leave the room. I, fortunately, avoid getting myself into more sex accidents for the rest of the evening. Neira joins me for the night and we cuddle each other to sleep while quietly talking about her artistic ideas.

During breakfast the next morning, Zehra and Yudie support Hari, almost dragging her between themselves into the dining hall. She locks gazes with me for a second and hastily averts her eyes, blushing furiously. 

There’s something… weirdly satisfying in seeing her practically unable to walk after our fun. Her state quickly becomes a hot topic amongst the residents present in the chamber. Hari looks a little embarrassed, but at the same time very proud. She definitely loves this attention. This damned exhibitionist.

As I’m feeding Sirgia and Astrea in turns, receiving a bite from them each time too, Rene walks up to us with a timid smile. Her tail wags adorably behind her back. I reach out to stroke her golden ears a little and she clearly enjoys it.

“Master, I came here to tell you that you have guests. They are waiting in front of the entrance. I let them in through the main gate.”

I raise a brow at her and stop my caresses to make it easier for the cute dogkin to speak.


“It’s your friends.”

I chuckle. “Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?” She blushes and I stand up, patting her head. “Thank you, Rene.”

“It’s nothing, Master.”

Following her notice, I move to the front entrance and open the door. I blink a few times in surprise. Standing there are in fact, my friends. Shino, Natalie, Marcia, Paul and Kamil. The short samurai girl has a slightly uncertain smile on her face, the hot redhead is eyeing me while biting on her lower lip, and the blond-haired punk is… awkwardly looking away?

Gods, this is going to be a mess, isn’t it?

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