I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 165: Taming the upcoming era (2)

Chapter 165: Taming the upcoming era (2)

That weird sound halted for a quick second. This helped the lady relax, she never liked being unaware of what was happening around her. Such a feeling was frowned upon even before she got these weird powers.

Haze's 9-dimensional eye-sight helped when it came to looking through dirt walls, but she couldn't really look through deep enough. In most cases she could just see through half a meter of any object or structure, but it was for the sole purpose of analysing ~ this power wasn't built to solely look through objects or animals.

With that commotion out of the way, she once more began planting the seeds of a plan to get out of here. This situation was rough but giving up was never in her agenda.

But that sound... it returned once more and the grinding type of sound it made, was strong enough to cause uncontrollable shivers. Within a second, her vision captured something unusual.

Some fast-moving object had bashed through one way of the tunnel to the other. One would think that such a commotion would cause a collapse, which would bury the lady alive. But the rupture through dirt and sand was so swift and agile, that it was a tad difficult to cause any undesirable damage.

After the dust cloud caused a bit of discomfort to the eyes, she spotted a familiar figure in the tunnel, it cited. "Let's get out of here sis. I would savour the moment of saving your ass for once but that tunnel won't hold for long."

From the expressions themselves, it was easy to figure out that this creature was none other than Snoopy. Fighting the cloud of dust and spotting his silver like skin, it was easier to firmly determine that it was him.

Towards such an expression, the little lady had an urge to fold her sibling like paper, but thankfully the intelligence she had came with an unholy amount of self control. So they quickly made their way out through the tunnel, fairly unscathed and once they reached the surface; this good lady was greeted with a warm sight.

The rest of her siblings carried joyful and relieved looks on their faces, this felt like home itself and towards her it proved a point. Family was important, it was easy to filter out that their care was genuine. They even expressed it in various ways, all at the same time.

She wanted to say something equally warm but it felt as if her tongue was tied. So instead, grand focus was lended towards the tunnel that they used as an escape route.

It seemed that the entire cavern and tunnels had collapsed. But there wasn't enough dirt and sand to properly fill the cavern. Only 3/4 of it was filled, and it required shattered corals that went down along with the collapse, to fill the cavern the way that it was.

This was good in a way, that holy tar can't be used again. Or at least it would take a hellish amount of work to dig it out, this sect didn't seem to have many members in the reef so that would make everything trickier.

With a bit of focus, she began chipping off small particles from the tunnel. And after a moment, tens of them had flown away from their former position, which led to a few pounds of dirt falling down in the tunnel.

She couldn't see deep enough down there, but what she could reach was enough to cause damage that would permanently make this place unusable. Dirt and sand kept falling down in the tunnel, and in no time it was almost leveled with the rest of this collapse.

The team felt happy that this task was over, but all of them were aware that this could be just the beginning. A good idea now was to reach for a coral crack to rest in and figure out the next step.

In a few seconds they did so, dirt was down their throats so they put in a bit of work to cough that out. But afterwards Philip was the first to break the agitated atmosphere, "We need to split up."

"What? Why?" Patty was the first to ask, yelling out even. Although such behaviour wasn't really found in this good lady.

"I wish that we all had an intelligence boost." The smartest sibling here expressed and then weighed in before anyone else could speak, "Something strong is coming after us mutated ones and it wants to use us for food."

"I got that part." The other lady replied and tried to remain patient as well, "But why should we split up? It's dangerous."

Philip knew how such a conversation would go down so he took charge, "Which is exactly why we should split up. That strong fish, whoever it is, wants to use us for food but we can't ignore that these holy-tar tribes are also important."

"Without them, this reef can't be pushed to the new era that geezer yapped about." This time it was Snoopy who spoke out, thankfully he was catching up with everything. "We figured out that the tribe we just buried, needed 77 members to somehow create that blob monster."

"But if we kill all the sect members then there won't be any fish to use, meaning they can't create another fish that shoots out refined-tar." The smartest lady added, wanting to be a tad more kind and therefore picking less salty language.

Almost as if synced with a single thought, the smartest brother continued explaining the problem. "This means that there won't be any mutated fish for that stronger sect member to feed on. The whole foundation of this sect is based on these holy-tar tribes."

While these siblings were discussing what the entire plan was, be it from the enemies or their own, the system carrying stingray felt happy to be surrounded by intelligent siblings. Because he could never have figured this out all alone, there were just too many twists that came from the enemies.

This conversation could have gone on for a long while, and Timmy had caught up enough to figure out what they should do, so he commanded. "It's settled then. We are going to split and destroy as many tribes as we can!"

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