I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 166: Task 15

Chapter 166: Task 15

Considering the delicate situation, it didn't take much time to form a proper plan. The idea was simple, to destroy. And the method of doing so is to scout the reef primarily, it would be stupid to wait for the holy-tar tribes to find them.

Since their arsenal counted 5 stingrays of different powers, be it mutated or non-mutated, the entire reef could be covered at a way faster pace ~ that was another reason to split up, the progress it represented far beated anything they could do all together.

His siblings were heading to cover a side of the compass each, while Timmy had chosen to go towards the very middle. There were a couple more reasons to do so apart from hunting down enemies. The prime one was to check on the tribe of white-legged shrimp who proves troublesome to govern before. And the second reason... it had a heavier history behind it.

As he was heading towards the destination, the system reminded. [Your current state is good enough to try out task 15, do you want to hear it out?]

"I forgot about that." The little stingray sighed and then requested, "Tell me what I should hunt."

[Task 15 = locate and kill a dwarf moray eel]

"Sounds familiar... have I killed one of those before?" Most things tend to sound familiar actually, simply because he was tremendously terrible at remembering things.

[You killed a couple of normal moray eels before, one of them was Harold]

[This species however, is much smaller and befitting to a task that gives just 2 system points upon success]

Everything began to make a lot more sense now, but confusion once more struck as he had barely any idea where to find any species of eel. The only ones he saw were submerged in the reef in the past, so that was the best option to choose from.


It took him about 3 hours to reach the middle of the reef, mostly because he wasn't trying to rush although the situation urged so. The goal was to wipe out every holy-tar tribe in the middle section of the reef, but that didn't mean he shouldn't keep an eye out for any other tribe on the way there.

If one was found, it was to be slaughtered regardless which side it resided on - such a method aided to get rid of this problem quicker. He hasn't swam into any evil tribe so the efforts felt pale.

This whole mission felt bland, until a few shouts were heard from about 100 meters away. He could not see what was going on, the vision he carried was very limited and this coral reef wasn't flat - so understanding the situation was tricky.

All he could do was charge at full speed towards the screams and hope that the situation was easy to tame... but judging from the commotion, that wouldn't be the case.

He finally arrived and noticed a coat of white coloured species dashing left and right. It seemed like they had submerged into some kind of battle. Upon further inspection, he could spot that this was the very tribe he had governing over.

They seem to be raging in battle against some species of fish who were larger in size but smaller in quantity, far smaller. Regardless of that fact, the damage they were inflicting was great and the hero walked into body parts that belonged to the shrimp, being tossed around.

The situation still felt fresh because there weren't many white-legged ones around. If there were more here, the shrimps would definitely gain the advantage in battle.

Although he didn't recognize the species, the little hero charged directly forward with the aim of landing a bite against the half meter long species. Just now he noticed that the eyes these enemies carried, were glowing in a strong green colour.

It became a tad easier to figure out what was going on, but this also specified that the situation was a tad more dangerous than expected. Still it didn't stop the hero, he launched against the closest enemy and managed to dig his jaws against flesh.

Just now he had noticed how white coloured these species are. He didn't pay attention to colour before and just wanted to attack, but these fish were mostly white in colour.

It would be tremendously difficult to kill a fish that was over 3 times bigger in size, so he leaped directly towards the other closest by enemy ~ he carried a chunk of the previous enemy's flesh.

Towards the next target, he began sacrificing balance for the sake of landing one of the toughest strikes he could come up with! The tail pushed forward as much as possible, which led to landing against the enemy at almost full speed.

Although overdone, he unleashed all gathered up venom against this enemy for the sake of taking one down as quickly as possible.

This marvelous bumblebee attack forced the enemy into a strong flinch, in exchange it began charging directly forward. And as an unlucky aftermath, Timothy was dragged along by the sheer power of a fish who wanted to escape pain: his barb was stuck on the enemy's ribcage and that wasn't so easy to escape from.

By now, the system had gathered up enough information to explain. [Haddock identified. Would you like to hear out the effects?"]

Feeling a tad agitated due to that question, he swiftly replied. "No!"

And gave in all power to detach from this enemy, which mostly included jiggling the tail around in all possible directions. That's when he felt a crash and as a result, was hurled across the sea-waters before meeting with a chunk of coral.

Thankfully it wasn't enough to cause any reported damage but it still was painful. It was noticeable now that the white-coloured fish had crashed against coral as well. Such a result gave a hint of disorientation, which helped the hero gain a bit more confidence: his strike was definitely effective.


That's when he saw one of the same enemies charging straight towards him, jaws snapping.

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