I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 179: What the deal was

Chapter 179: What the deal was

[Correct!] The system mildly shouted, celebrating that the guest had finally said something smart.

"Okay so they're bringing poop up here, but why?" That came in as another raging question, a tad insightful one too. And it hit like a storm generated wave.

[That, I do not know. The additional substance that I can't recognize, makes everything confusing]

Thinking it through for a while, the young one decided. "Whatever these are for, it won't matter after I destroy this place because no one would be able to get them."

Such a plan proved smart, it managed to give the system a bit of shock. But in reality, the young one had never used his brain more than today. Something smart had to come out of this effort, eventually.

[I recommend you to avoid rushing it this time. The shrimp you appointed as a president, had made some deal with the exact tribe you're in at right now. Snoop around until you figure out more about this]

A grand idea for sure. Timmy couldn't agree more with it. So within a few seconds, he got out of the hole and began slowly swimming his way towards what other options this tunnel gave. The route only led towards the pool of holy-tar, so stealth would need to become his best friend right now.

It was noticeable that there were still a lot of fish around the tar. And all it would take, was for one of them to lend a view towards the tunnel that the hero was in. Such a fate, would instantly lead to chaos breaking out. Because although these enemies were just brainwashed fish, it wasn't difficult to point out someone who didn't belong here.

He got close enough, putting in obvious risk when one would look where he was positioned. The young one had reached the very end of the tunnel, and then just laid flat on the sand.

This provided proper camouflage against anyone who wasn't paying enough attention, but also raised the risk factors. Because a single fin-flap, would lead to anyone noticing the boy.

Good luck was by his side for once, because he could properly hear what the group of fish were talking about. Well, mostly one of them was talking and the rest were listening. But it was helpful, as there had to be over 50 fish here. And if all of them communicated at the same time, nothing could be understood.

"That dumb shrimp thinks he is strong enough to order us around. But little does he know, our plans are only being reached faster because of his greed." The man who was speaking, had a male tone.

He might be the leader here, that was a good hint considering that this fish was around 5 feet long. All of the fish here were listening to this man with careful attention, respect was also certainly given towards him.

This leader was yelling out, which gave a hint that this was some speech. "The white-legged ones want more control over this entire reef, that's for sure. And they want to use us to get that control, but the deal they had made will only aid the holy-tar sect!"

A holler erupted after that sentence was spoken out. For a quick second, it spooked the kid. But he managed to realise that this shout was just a cheer, they were shouting on behalf of this dictator-like, fish.

But afterwards the crowd calmed down, which allowed the speech to continue. "They are building new tribes for us! Slowly chewing their way to building caverns. Dumber than I thought actually. And as an exchange, they want just a few stingrays killed by our forces!"

Such a sentence came in as a large shock! It was expected at least, but that rotten president was going a few miles above the line just for the sake of domination! Controlling his own community didn't seem enough for that one, he wanted the entire reef!

This also gave a hint of why the entire community was working like hell. They weren't looking for any food, no that wasn't nearly the case. On the contrary, the community of over 4,000 shrimp were working their asses off, to chew through rock and dirt. All for the sake of making tribes for this contaminated sect!

It was agitating to just think about it, but at least right now, a lot of pieces of the puzzle were falling together. Well, at least the portions that were related to the president of the white-legged shrimp community.

But it seemed like the speech was reaching an end, as the largest fish here, commanded. "Now. A few of you will get the balls and send them near the tribes of these bastard shrimps. Make a holy-tar pool there and then we will plan the next step."

It seemed like this holy-tar tribe was well oriented in terms of plans. Because a few bigger fish had already begun swimming towards the very same tunnel, that the hero was laying at.

Timmy wasn't exactly spotted by anyone yet. But the pressure of 3 or so fish, approaching at an uncomfortable speed, had managed to slowly raise the stress factors.

Such a procedure led to the young one rustling over the sand for a tiny bit. Which followed up with his tail flinging upwards, and then it curled into a C-formation.

Since these approaching fish were rushing, one of them ended up smashing against the barb. But yet was still unaware what had struck, because the young one was camouflaged better than expected.

Likewise, such a situation could only lead to one of the enemies: specifically the one who had entered the tunnel first, to having its belly sliced.

Although fast, these fish weren't going fast enough ~ so the cut wasn't massive, and momentum died down once the enemy stopped on its spot.

It only took a swift glance to figure out the enemies who were hovering above him, were over a couple of feet long. Such circumstances managed to add a bit more pressure, which led the hero to unleash every bit of venom he had!

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