I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 180: Same mistake done twice

Chapter 180: Same mistake done twice

It was made clear that an intruder was here. The first hint would come from the 3 fish who had synced into panic. It wasn't easy to stay calm once a weird tail had risen out of the sand, and even stabbed one of their comrades.

The fish who had received all the damage, couldn't exactly scream: because the pain was strong enough to drain the volume out of the victim.

Instead, the untouched comrades had shouted out. One of them spoke a language that the hero couldn't understand, but the other had shouted. "Intruder! We have an intruder!"

Such vocal power had managed to sync the entire tribe into panic. There were over 50 fish in this tribe and each of them had started swimming around, as if they were spooked sheep in a field.

For a few seconds it seemed like they were under too much panic, they even seemed hopeless when it came to forming a proper attack plan. But one would only need seconds to realise, that this tribe was swiftly building up a proper way of battle.

Timmy only captured a glimpse of it, but that was all he needed to understand that the situation was accelerating for the worse. So he focused on the few enemies that were close by.

Within a few seconds, he bashed his tail several times against the enemy's belly, and managed to land damage that felt satisfactory. Death was inevitable for this victim. But after looking at the rest of the tribe, it felt like he was shoveling snow in the middle of a tundra.

Information was reaped out of these bastards but the true battle had just started. Regardless of his bodily durability, it seemed certain that this battle was going to hurt.

[Leopard coral-grouper killed. 20 system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Total system points = 141]

These fish weren't the most handsome ones. They gave the portrait of a bald, middle-aged human father who was rattled by life a bit too much. But thankfully they gave out a decent amount of points, and seemingly were easier to kill.

It was certain that this enemy was slaughtered, so the young one planned to pounce towards the next. Arising from the sand, he turned around and began following the tunnel instead of heading towards the pool of holy-tar.

But before completely bursting towards the chosen route, his tail swung upwards and stabbed on several spots. The enemy's belly was riddled with wounds because half of the hero's tail had been barged in it, he felt certain that vital organs had been hit ~ and therefore he didn't stick around to wait for this particular enemy to die.

It wouldn't require a massive intelligence, to figure out that tens of fish were following him now. So the hero just continued following the tunnel, which curled upwards and led where the young one had entered in the beginning: specifically, to the higher portions of the cavern.

Such a move would give some advantages when it comes to battle, because Timmy would be able to attack a few enemies from above. Considering his 5 mp/h speed, he would reach the enemies and land a few strikes before they understood what happened.

But some of the enemies were smarter, and swam up towards the higher walls of the cavern to face the intruder head on. But ultimately, the chasers and the strategists of this tribe, had completely failed.

Because the hero hasn't popped through any side of this tunnel, but instead had merged with a side of the structure. When it came to camouflage, the young one had levels that would definitely prove useful: especially in the middle of the tunnel, where it was a bit darker.

As the ones who were chasing him, continued following their path, what struck them was certainly unexpected. Because that tail of which they dreaded, had poked out of the ceiling and began inflicting a new wave of damage.

The first few enemies who were the closest and respectively, fastest; had barged towards the tip of the tail and therefore had their backs sliced, especially the upper parts that behaved like humps.

It had tremendously affected their speed, they couldn't swim as fast as they used to. And they began using half of their focus towards finding the enemy, and the remaining abilities to tame the wounds.

Evidently, both sides were ineffective. Because other fish continued rushing forward, and pushed away the sliced fishes who had become aware of the danger.

This led to over 20 fish being sliced across the back. And although he had agitated and damaged these enemies, it wasn't enough to kill any of them.

However, it was enough to open up a pathway. Because these enemies were dumb enough to continue forward, and in exchange had cleared out a way. As they were all pouring out through the higher portions of the cavern.

As for the hero, he began following the tunnel's side that led straight down, and tried to go at full speed for the sake of not having his path blocked.

Eventually, he reached the bottom side of this structure but hadn't exactly planned the next step. So a bit of anxiety was rising although until now, he had the upper hand. Feeling stripped out of options, he hid on the tunnel's ceiling again.

The thought was that these enemies would be dumb enough to charge straight forward once more. It worked better than he had expected, because now these enemies were dumb and enraged.

Timothy's tail poked out of the tunnel's ceiling once more, and it led to a handful of enemies being cut across that same hump. This time only half of them had made the same mistake twice, but it was enough to take this battle towards the next step.

Because the system had notified, [You've just killed 4 fish of different species, would you like to hear out what they were?]

"No." He swiftly answered, less pissed off this time because he thought that these enemies here were dumber than him. "I never want to hear anything extra in a battle."


[From these 4 kills, you've reaped 36 system points]

[Total system points = 177]

Such wins felt nice, it stood evident that an upgrade will be bought soon: simply because the rewards so far were bountiful, even though the battle had barely started.

But that's when he noticed that enemies were coming from both sides, and he was stuck without any options of dashing away.

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