I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 662: Successful Rescue

Chapter 662: Successful Rescue

“Ye Lin classmate, Ye Lin classmate.”

Xiao Qin did not hesitate to jump down the trap before I could even answer her calls.

The hell, this bear trap is 5 meters deep! Even if your martial arts was good enough where you could jump down without getting injured, but how do you plan to get out? Did you come to die with me instead of saving me?

But I couldn’t blame her when I saw Xiao Qin bruised and battered; she had to get through many hardships to reach me.

My phone screen showed it was 4am, I had been trapped at the bottom of the pit for 13 hours.

Due to the dense forest, the light barely penetrated even at noon, let alone now.

But after so long, my eyes had basically adapted to the low light levels and I can see Xiao Qin who jumped to the bottom of the trap and was about to check my injuries.

Xiao Qin really suffered a lot.

This nameless mountain was really dangerous. Leaving the leeches and rats aside, I really do not know how Xiao Qin got past those fist-sized flying beetles.

In order to find me, Xiao Qin’s clothes had been torn by the thorns in the forest and she had a miserable appearance.

There were also varying degrees of abrasions on her limbs and she had a wound that was bleeding on her finger. It was clear Xiao Qin was in a panic because of my disappearance.

“Ye Lin classmate, water…”

Xiao Qin handed me a bottle of water. My mouth was already dry to the point I couldn’t speak, so I hurriedly took a large sip.

I then realized Xiao Qin had shouted my name for at least a night, so her throat may be even drier than mines, but she did not even take a sip of water herself.

I was very touched. I left a third of the water for her to drink, but she shook her head.

“Ye Lin classmate.” Xiao Qin once again called my name in a frighteningly hoarse voice and hugged me tightly.

The trembling coming from her petite body was stronger than ever.

She instantly broke into tears.

“Don’t cry, your dehydrated.” I could hardly speak, my voice was still muffled, “Otherwise, you should drink the rest of the water, then cry…”

“I thought, I thought I would never see Ye Lin classmate again.” Xiao Qin was a sobbing mess, she looked up at me, “It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault. Ye Lin classmate nearly died.”

“It… doesn’t have much to do with you, right?” I felt like it was mainly my own fault I fell into my current situation.

I was too focused on the butterfly and ignored the warning signs for the mountain.

Xiao Qin continued to cry loudly.

“If, if I hadn’t disturbed your sleep last night, how would you have fallen into such an obvious trap?”

Even if you didn’t come last night, I still would have been kept awake by Obama’s snoring.

In fact, Xiao Qin made a mistake in terms of time. It is now 4:00 am, Xiao Qin looked for me in the forest all night, so she did not realize that when she said “yesterday”, it was actually “the day before yesterday”.

“If I didn’t have androphobia and could fight back against the octopus when he teased me, then Ye Lin classmate wouldn’t have had to use a lot of energy to save the octopus.”

Well, about the octopus-mouth A Xing falling into the water, it was half his own fault. Who told him to go into deeper waters if he couldn’t swim!

“And, and…” Xiao Qin gasped for breath from crying, “I knew Ye Lin classmate wanted that butterfly, but we missed a good opportunity. It had already landed on my straw hat, but I selfishly hoped Ye Lin classmate wouldn’t get rich. I was afraid you would end up a womanizer like my father if you get rich.”

I patted Xiao Qin’s shoulders to comfort her. Her white skin and bra strap was revealed from the area where her shirt was cut open by a tree branch, but I didn’t think it was indecent.

“I almost killed Ye Lin classmate.” Xiao Qin covered her face and cried, “It’s all my fault, I don’t want you to die. Even if you become a womanizer, it’s better than dying and me never being able to see you again.”

Xiao Qin had dirty and torn clothes, her body was covered in bruises, and the more she cried the sadder she became. It sounds like she would even permit me to have a harem if the only other choice was to have me dead.

“Stop joking.” I passed the water to her, “I’m not the male protagonist of those novels…”

At this time Xiao Qin unintentionally pressed onto my left foot. The redness and swelling of the snake bite has not disappeared, so I could not help but show a painful expression.

“Ye Lin classmate, is… your foot injured?”

Worried that I was falling when the fracture, Xiao Qin hurried to check the injury of my leg, and then she saw two round wounds spaced three centimeters apart.

Xiao Qin quickly went to look at my leg because she was worried I broke a bone when I fell, but then she saw two round hole wounds spaced three centimeters apart.

“A venomous snake bite?” Xiao Qin was shocked, “It’s really swollen.”

She turned her face towards me urgently, “Do you still have feeling in your leg?”

I struggled to move my left leg. Although it felt numb, it wasn’t like I couldn’t feel anything.

“It doesn’t seem to be a strong venom, I think…”

Before I finished my sentence, Xiao Qin kneeled down at my feet and used her mouth to suck out the venom.

I felt the suction of her lips at my ankles and wanted to stop her, but I had no strength. I could only watch as she helped me repeatedly suck out venom then spit it out.

After ten or more repetitions, Xiao Qin pulled out a Band-Aid from her pocket and put it on my ankle.

Can a band-aid help with snake bites? I think the wounds you have that were made by thorns need band-aids more.

“Sorry, I came out in a hurry, so I only brought this…”

Xiao Qin sincerely apologized to me.

“My clothes also got dirty on the way, so I can’t tear it off to use as bandages. If you don’t mind my inadequate breasts, I can use my bra…”

Who wants to use your bra as a bandage? Once I walk out the forest later, how would I explain myself if someone saw it?

Also, I think the snake that bit me was a larger red snake. It doesn’t have a strong venom or I wouldn’t be alive. Plus, didn’t you already suck out all the poison?

At this point I remembered that instead of worrying about being ridiculed with an ankle bra, I should worry about whether we will be rescued or not.

It’s because Xiao Qin also jumped down! Only Obama was left above the trap with his head sticking out and looking down at us. Do you think we could expect him to pull the two of us up?

“Xiao Qin, you shouldn’t have jumped down impulsively.” I frowned, “Now how do we get up there…”

As if just realizing this, Xiao Qin touched the hard wall of the trap. She bit her lip and hesitantly pulled out the Swiss Army knife from her pants pocket.

She then stabbed the sharp point of the knife two inches into the wall without much effort.

Seeing that there was now hope that Xiao Qin could climb out of the trap again with the help of this knife, I was elated, but I found that Xiao Qin, who had just calmed down, was crying again.

She turned her back to me while holding the Swiss Army knife stuck in the earth. Her shoulders shook when she cried.

“I, I lied and said this knife was missing, but the class leader returned it to me… if you had this knife, you could have escape from the trap, right? I shouldn’t have lied to take the knife in the first place…”

Although I did want a knife on my first attempt to climb out of the trap, but I’m much heavier than Xiao Qin. I also had a snake bite on my ankle, so who knows if I would have been able to climb out on my own.

“Ye Lin classmate will hate me, right?” Xiao Qin said to herself with hoarse cries, “Ye Lin classmate almost died and it’s all my fault… people like me, should disappear…”

“Don’t be silly.” I stopped her nonsense, “Climb up quickly, then pass down Obama’s leash down and save me.”

There is one thing I did not say: if you disappear, where am I going to go to find you?

Xiao Qin wiped her tears and did as I said.

Obama’s dog leash was not long enough, so Xiao Qin proposed to put Obama down with the leash and then let me pull on Obama’s tail.

I felt that would cause one of the biggest contributors to this rescue mission to die by hanging, so I severely criticized Xiao Qin.

“Take off your pants’ waistband and attach it to the top of the leash.”

“I, I don’t have a waistband on my pants…”

In the end, Xiao Qin took off her bra and tied it to the end of the leash to form a long enough rope to rescue me.

I tightly clutched the bra which still had Xiao Qin’s body heat and aroma. I felt a bit humiliated when I was finally rescued.

Also, this bra is also way too strong. I have only heard of military cell phones, military laptop, but it turns out military bras also exists.

“Um…” Xiao Qin pulled one of my arms over her shoulders and suddenly asked strangely: “The reason you didn’t drive me away yet is because you still need me to help you out of here, right?”

She had a mournful tone with a very hoarse voice.

“I am very afraid of losing Ye Lin classmate. Even now, there’s a voice in my head telling me to stay here with you and not leave.”

It’s what she said, but she still spent a lot of effort to guide me out step by step with Obama.

“But rather than being hated or killing you and living by myself… I’d… rather…”

“It’s better for me to leave.”

Two tears fell in the grass at her feet. Xiao Qin had her head lowered, so I could not see the expression on her face.

“Ye Lin classmate, once we’re out of the forest…” Xiao Qin sniffled, “If you want to get rid of me, then just tell me.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill myself and cause you trouble.”

“As long as we’re living in the same world, I know that when I miss you, I can find you and sneak a peek at you. I’ll be satisfied…”

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