I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 663: Obama Picked Up A Life

Chapter 663: Obama Picked Up A Life

Xiao Qin, what are you saying? Please don’t feel responsible for me almost dying, I’m not looking forward to you leaving me.

But I should really get rid of the will I left on my phone that contains a lot of secrets. Not only does it have a lot of secrets, it’s also corny as hell.

“Xiao Qin, I don’t blame you.” I comforted her, “Don’t make your future sound so sad, like how you will look at me from afar…”

Xiao Qin remained silent and continued to act as my support.

After a while, she finally replied: “Even if it’s a lie, you can’t chase me away right when we exit the forest…”

The long bangs in front of her forehead quivered.

“I was never going to say that.” I said helplessly.

“Okay.” Xiao Qin nodded in approval, “Anyway, you have to make me believe it. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or fake, but you have to make me believe that when we exit, I can see you like before, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to help you leave the forest.”

Maybe Obama noticed the atmosphere was off, but he kept his calm and led the way with his sense of smell.

“I’m very sick, right?” Xiao Qin continued to confess, “When you neglected me and was intimate with other girls… I’ve indeed thought about dying together with you. We could traverse to a fairy tale world together, then no one will bother us anymore…”

“Once when we were holding hands and there was a truck hurtling at us, I went the opposite way than you and even refused to let go of your hand… I admit, for an instant, I did think it would be nice to die together…”

This confirms my suspicions. I remember I treated Xiao Qin pretty well that day. Why didn’t she want to die together with me when I treated her the worst, why do it when I treated her a bit better?

Does she only worry about us when we get along because she’s afraid our good relationship wouldn’t last?

“That’s why I think it would be safer for you to chase me away, but…”

Due to a night of physical exertion, plus it was difficult for Xiao Qin to support me, she nearly tripped over a stone.

“But please don’t say right now.” She looked at me with eyes overflowing with tears, “If you say it right now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold back. I won’t be able to hold back staying with you in this mountain forever…”

“Do you want to treat this place as a fairy tale world?” I was not daunted by the fact that Xiao Qin was showing the precursors of blackening, “Stay here and do what? Live as a caveman?”

“Ha.” Xiao Qin laughed once, “If you’re really planning on chasing me away, then I’m afraid you wouldn’t willingly stay behind here with me to live a primitive life.”

For some reason, Xiao Qin handed the Swiss Army knife, that was currently being used as a flashlight, to me.

“You, you can’t let someone so dangerous hold a knife.” Xiao Qin trembled violently like it was a cold winter’s day, “If I’m afraid you would abandon me, then I might lose all sense of reason and…”

“That’s why you need a weapon on hand.” Xiao Qin said in a tone of certainty, “In case I do something that will endanger you before we exit the forest, then you can…”

I returned the knife to her.

“Are you going to make an injured person hold a flashlight? My arm was also injured when I fell down the trap, so I can’t hold it. You hold it and you can do whatever you want.”

I made a serious expression like I was lecturing Xiao Qin, but she smiled gratefully.

“Thank you, thank you for trusting me. At least now I feel that you won’t necessarily immediately drive me away after we exit the forest…”

“If it’s all an act to fool me, then please continue to fool me…” Xiao Qin wiped her tears, “Anyway, please don’t exterminate all my hopes before we exit… Just now, I made a plan, in order to avoid you from leaving by yourself, I would first slaughter Obama to eat as meat…”

“Woof.” Obama yelled out to express his strong dissatisfaction.

Xiao Qin suggested, for my safety, to chase her away once we exit the forest, but she was also afraid of being chased away. It was to the extent where she was planning to stay here to be a caveman or even dying together.

Her conflicting emotions really makes you pity her. It almost made me impulsively take oout the note I left on my phone and show her how I really felt.

But in the end, I still held it in. There were too many secrets on the note I left, and it would be too embarrassing if someone saw those corny words.

“I won’t chase you away.” I raised my right hand like I was making a vow, “You will always have the right to stay next to me, at worst… at worst you would be my younger sister.”

It was like she was touched by my sincerity. Although it was dark all around us, it looked like light had illuminated Xiao Qin’s face.

“I feel a bit more reassured now that you said that. A few days ago, I bumped into Ai Mi at Film City. As we were bickering, I laughed at her because she was your sister and couldn’t even be a love rival. She was mad and could only say: ‘The manservant is a super siscon, so as a sister I could do anything and I would be forgiven.'”

“So if you’re willing to call me sister, then that means you really have forgiven me… and I would not be the same as Ai Mi. I’m a sister who can give birth to your child…”

Stop always steering the conversation towards a troublesome direction! Do you think I only mean you are my sister in name only, like those relationships between friends at school? No! We might be in a step-sibling relationship in the future, the kind where we are in the same family register!

I couldn’t help but admit, while Huskies might look foolish, they are still a dog and have a good sense of smell.

With Obama leading the way, we slowly left behind the pitch black labyrinth-like forest and a bit of sunlight began to pour in.

One step, two steps, three steps. As I came closer to escaping from the forest, I couldn’t help but increase my pace.

Xiao Qin, on the other hand, began to hesitate. She looked worried and handed me the Swiss Army knife again since we didn’t need the flashlight anymore.

“We’re almost out and what I’ve said previously still holds true. As long as you say it, I won’t cling to you anymore. If you have the knife, you can use it to defend yourself in case I…”

I returned the knife to Xiao Qin for the second time.

“Thank you…” Xiao Qin looked at the knife that I had stuffed back into her hand and the knot in her heart that words could not untie was untied by my actions.

A few more drops of tears hit the ground, but this time, they were tears of joy.

“I’ve decided.” Xiao Qin handed me the knife for the third time, but it was different than the first two times. She didn’t want me to use it to defend myself, she simply wanted to return the knife back to its rightful owner.

“You trust me so much, yet I was planning on tying you to a tree and forcing you to eat dog meat. I’m too evil…”

“Woof.” Obama once again expressed his dissatisfaction.

“Ever since I entered the forest yesterday to look for you, I’ve been doing some self-reflection. I’ve finally made up my mind.”

Xiao Qin raised her head. The sunlight passed through the space between the leaves and cast mottled shadows on her face.

“In the end, I still want you to live. As long as you’re living healthily, it doesn’t matter even if I die.”

The tear streaks on Xiao Qin’s face was still not dry. Her clothes were torn and she was covered in mud like she just came back from the Vietnam War.

“Also…” Xiao Qin’s gaze and tone turned gentler, “If I died for you, then you would always remember me.”

“You even remembered your puppy till now…”

Hey, I was just praising you and now you want to ‘die for me’ instead of ‘dying together’? I already told you to stop reading so many shoujo manga, you must have been brainwashed by those life and death relationships.

Also, you’re not wearing anything underneath since you used your bra as an extension cord to pull me up! Obama snatched the bra because he wanted it to exchange for food, but it fell down into the trap during the struggle.

There’s more light in our surroundings now, so I can see past your torn shirt and see the two pink cherries on your chest!

Don’t reveal yourself, think of a way to cover it up!

Before I could warn Xiao Qin, both our phones rang out continuously with sounds of texts being received.

Do we have signal again as we slowly walked closer towards the exit? It must have been people who were worried about us who sent us texts when they realized they couldn’t call us.

We did not have time to check our phone or have time to see who sent the texts. Right as we exited the forest, Xiao Qin and I were blocked by two large men dressed in black.

Huh, the Men in Black? Did my body change because I ate the butterfly? Maybe something similar to Spider-man happened to me, but I’m now the Butterfly-man. Do I need to be taken to Area 51 to be dissected and researched?

I took a closer look and it was Ai Mi’s bodyguards, 004 and 005.

Although they reflexively covered their own balls when they saw Xiao Qin, they still said to me with a face of joy:

“Wonderful. The Miss sent us to search the mountain for a whole night. If we still couldn’t find you, the Miss would get worried to death.”

I only then noticed there was a black and white helicopter flying high in the sky.

So Ai Mi also came? Also, who’s the girl next to Peng TouSi with a worried face? Is she the class leader?

After I finally escaped, I lost consciousness with a smile due to hunger and feeling at ease.

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