Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

557. The Third Layer of the Dream Realm, Time Flows One Hundred Times Faster!

557. The Third Layer of the Dream Realm, Time Flows One Hundred Times Faster!

"Why?" Hundred Flowers True Monarch sneered. "As cultivators, how can we cling to mortal love and affection? A Dao companion is but a means to aid cultivation. They are useful when they can contribute to my cultivation, but when I need more resources or attain higher levels, I must take theirs. Only those who aid my cultivation are true Dao companions. Moreover, I practice a technique of severing emotions and desires. Only by cutting off deep emotional ties at their peak can my spirit advance further. Otherwise, how could I have achieved True Monarch status?"

Lin Fei understood. Initially, Hundred Flowers True Monarch might have had genuine feelings for her Dao companions. But her cultivation technique required her to sever these ties at their most intense, significantly enhancing her spiritual progress. This method, while cruel, was also powerful, allowing her to rise from an ordinary Qi cultivator to a True Monarch.

Despite its potency, Lin Fei had no interest in such a cultivation method. His path did not require severing emotions.

"Today, by destroying your thirty thousand battle avatars, I have avenged Qing Yuzi," Lin Fei declared. With a thought, the last battle avatar of Hundred Flowers True Monarch was annihilated by his Saber World.

"Hahaha, finally, they are destroyed," Hanging Moon True Monarch laughed. "True Monarch Lin, I owe you greatly for this. The task is complete, and you can claim your reward of two hundred thousand contribution points from the Great Dream City whenever you wish. As for me, I will now pursue and eliminate the remaining avatars of her. I will ensure she never finds peace again, hahaha…"

Hanging Moon True Monarch's laughter was a mix of satisfaction and hatred. His deep resentment towards Hundred Flowers True Monarch, persisting even after achieving True Monarch status, spoke volumes about the depth of her betrayal. He was even willing to spend a lifetime entangled with her, ensuring she never found a moment's peace. Such a fate might indeed be worse than death for Hundred Flowers True Monarch.

With Qing Yuzi's revenge settled, Lin Fei nodded and stepped back into Ancient City. Back at his residence, he reflected on Hanging Moon True Monarch's situation. Hanging Moon had seemingly given up on further cultivation or the pursuit of becoming a Martial Ancestor, choosing instead to spend his life in relentless pursuit of Hundred Flowers True Monarch. This unyielding vendetta made Lin Fei think of his own wife. He realized it had been about a year or two since he last returned to the Ancient Continent.

For others, even for Martial Kings, a year or two might seem insignificant, but for Lin Fei, it felt considerably longer. With this in mind, he entered the Great Dream City and successfully claimed his reward of two hundred thousand contribution points. Without hesitation, Lin Fei used one hundred thousand of these points to acquire the third layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

The fourth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, however, required a staggering one million contribution points, a target still far off for Lin Fei.

"Let's explore the third layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra." Lin Fei closed his eyes, immersing himself in the technique as the mantras of the third layer flowed through his mind.

"Your Great Dream Heart Sutra has now advanced to the third layer."

The system's voice echoed in his consciousness.

Lin Fei pondered over this development. "Now that I've reached the third layer, I can enter the third layer of the dream realm." He focused his thoughts and gradually found himself enveloped in tranquility. Although still in the Great Dream City, everything else, including all the Martial Gods, seemed to vanish.

In the third layer of the dream realm, time progressed a hundred times faster than in the Divine Realm. A hundred years here equated to just one year outside. Yet, Lin Fei didn't feel the passage of time any differently than usual, a testament to the value of time manipulation in this realm.

"Practicing and comprehending the Dao in the third layer of the dream realm seems like a good option," Lin Fei mused. "A hundred years of cultivation here, and only a year passes in the Divine Realm." He considered the implications of reaching the fourth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, which reportedly boosted the time flow to ten thousand times the normal rate - ten thousand years in the dream realm equating to just one year in the Divine Realm.

Lin Fei was astounded. A single day outside would translate to almost twenty-seven years in the fourth layer of the dream realm. Such a concept was staggering.

"Perhaps, once I reach the fourth layer, I could try comprehending the Dao," he thought. " Especially the slow progress of the World Dao, which could be contemplated over a lengthy period in the dream realm without affecting my lifespan."

His eyes brightened at the prospect. Initially, Lin Fei hadn't seen much use for the accelerated time flow of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, given the rapid pace of his cultivation. Now, however, the potential benefits of this realm were becoming increasingly clear to him.

But now, Lin Fei seemingly realized a grave mistake!

The flow of time within dreams is merely the perception of time in Lin Fei's mind. It scarcely consumes any lifespan.

"Perhaps, it's worth a try to see, over a prolonged period, whether the Dao of the world can elevate itself?"

Lin Fei always believed the Dao of the world seemed incapable of self-enhancement. Yet, this could be his misconception. Perhaps it's because the elevation of the world's Dao is exceedingly gradual. And how long had Lin Fei truly spent comprehending the world's Dao?

"Let's experiment."

Lin Fei took a deep breath. He sat cross-legged in the third layer of the dream, beginning to silently comprehend the Dao of the world.

Lin Fei's method of understanding the Dao was straightforward. He didn't decipher it himself. Instead, he allowed the Dao of the world to "self-comprehend." The technique Lin Fei employed was also an illusion!

Yes, an illusion.

Lin Fei had already experienced three illusions. From the birth of the world to the emergence of life, Lin Fei saw it all with clarity.

Moreover, within the dream, Lin Fei was an omnipotent "deity." Thus, in the third layer of the dream, he could evolve anything. Anything Lin Fei understood, he could manifest in the dream, including evolving the world itself.

"The birth of the world..."

The next moment, darkness engulfed Lin Fei's surroundings. Then, he seemed to be in a vast void of nothingness. Surrounded by darkness, no light, no laws, nothing at all. And so, time trickled by.

One month, two months, three months...

It was exceedingly lengthy. Even Lin Fei himself lost track of how much time had passed. At last, within the boundless darkness, a "point" emerged.

This very "point" exploded with a thunderous roar. With the explosion of this "point," the world was born.

At the moment of the world's birth, Lin Fei's soul was immensely shaken. Although this was a "revisitation" of the content in the illusion, this time was different. The previous three illusions were rewards given to Lin Fei by the Sea of Origin after he survived the thunder tribulation.

Lin Fei was merely an observer, powerless to do anything. But now, it was different. This was Lin Fei's dream. Everything was under Lin Fei's control!

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