Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

558. Dream “Evolution” of the World!

558. Dream “Evolution” of the World!

In the third layer of the dream, time trickled away bit by bit.

Lin Fei was now completely immersed in the dream. Within the dream, he was evolving the birth, development, and emergence of life in the world. It was as if Lin Fei himself "directed" the birth of the world. As though he were the "Creator" himself. Such an experience was unprecedented for Lin Fei.

"Life has emerged in the world; can it continue to evolve? As life proliferates, does it give rise to intelligent beings, and then to cultivators? When the number of cultivators increases, will some fortunate ones grow strong enough to transcend their own worlds?"

Lin Fei's mind was abuzz with various inspirations. With flashes of insight.
After all, it was within a dream. He could endlessly deduce and evolve. Even if an evolution failed, it didn't matter. It was all within the dream. And so, time flew by unnoticed. Even Lin Fei didn't realize it.

"Your World Dao, through deducing the world in the dream, has gained insight."

"Your World Dao, cultivation progress increased by 1%."

Suddenly, after an unknown duration, a voice echoed in Lin Fei's mind. It was the system's voice. It jolted Lin Fei awake.

"The progress of the Dao of the World increased?"

Lin Fei's eyes widened. However, this also proved that the Dao of the World indeed could "self-cultivate" and comprehend. But it required an immensely long time. Lin Fei roughly estimated. He had spent about three years in the third layer of the dream.

"Three years? Almost a thousand days. In the Divine Realm, that's merely about ten days. But ten days in the Divine Realm equates to three years in the dream. And during these three years, I've been evolving the world within the dream. For the entire three years, the Dao of the World only had a slight insight, increasing by just 1%. This shows that even though the Dao of the World can always cultivate itself, it requires an immense amount of time."

Lin Fei pondered thoughtfully. He began to understand why the Dao of the World had been so quiet before.

How long had Lin Fei been comprehending the Dao of the World?

Only a few months. The Dao of the World needs years to achieve even a slight improvement. And even that's because Lin Fei continuously deduced the world.

Without these deductions. Perhaps the time required would be tenfold longer. It might take thirty years for the Dao of the World to achieve a 1% increase in progress. And it becomes even harder over time. Improving the Dao of the World becomes increasingly difficult.

Even for Lin Fei, whose Dao of the World can cultivate itself. But if he were to seclude himself in the Divine Realm for arduous cultivation. He might exhaust the lifespan of a True Monarch. Yet it had not reached 100% progress in the Dao of the World.

Naturally, Lin Fei would not be able to master a complete Dao and achieve the status of a Martial Ancestor. If it's this challenging for Lin Fei, what about other True Monarchs?

"However, if I forcefully enter the fourth layer of the dream... where time flows ten thousand times faster. Wouldn't I be able to spend very little time and significantly increase the Dao of the World?"

Lin Fei's eyes brightened. This was a solution. No matter what the future holds. Now that the Dao of the World can be enhanced, it should be enhanced. Use every possible means to increase it, to achieve the status of a Martial Ancestor.

Doesn't each one go through various unimaginable opportunities? Only then do they have a slight chance of becoming a Martial Ancestor.

Lin Fei is the same now. He too must seize all sorts of opportunities. Any additional comprehension of the Dao of the World. That is his "opportunity."

If "arduous cultivation" in the dream could enhance his Dao of the World, then Lin Fei would undoubtedly undertake such cultivation in the dream. Of course, the immediate priority was to acquire another nine hundred thousand contribution points.

Added to the remaining hundred thousand contribution points, this would total one million contribution points, allowing him to exchange for the fourth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

Only by entering the fourth layer of the dream, where time flows ten thousand times faster could he better "cultivate arduously" within the dream. If Lin Fei were to face the thunder tribulation, enduring the ninth tribulation and nine heavenly thunders, he would receive the "reward" from the Sea of Origin, similarly enhancing his Dao of the World.

Thus, the means for Lin Fei to enhance his Dao of the World were not few.

Lin Fei weighed his options. To endure the ninth thunder tribulation and withstand nine heavenly thunders, he must strengthen himself further. But currently, Lin Fei had neither fused with Saber World nor the world's laws, unable to enhance the power of Saber World nor could he find the world's origin to enhance his physical particles.

Thus, Lin Fei's strength was always just a bit short, incapable of withstanding nine heavenly thunders. Hence, the tribulation had to be postponed.

"I can only go to the mission hall to see what tasks are available," Lin Fei thought. He finally made a decision to first gather one million contribution points.

Thus, Lin Fei went to the mission hall in Great Dream City, starting to look for True Monarch-level tasks. True Monarch-level tasks weren't always so fortunate to offer rewards of two hundred thousand contribution points.

Two hundred thousand contribution points were quite significant. Last time, Lin Fei was lucky to find such a task. But now, Lin Fei glanced over, most True Monarch-level tasks offered only tens of thousands of contribution points.

Lin Fei was somewhat dismissive of tasks offering only tens of thousands of points, some being time-consuming. He preferred tasks that offered a large number of contribution points in one go.

But these tasks offered too few points. If he were to undertake such tasks, how long would it take to accumulate one million contribution points?

But if he didn't take on tasks and chose to cultivate now, that was also an option, though not very efficient, wasting much time. After all, the time flow in the third layer of the dream is a hundred times, and in the fourth layer, ten thousand times! Which is better, is clear at a glance.

"Alright, I'll start with these tasks worth tens of thousands of contribution points. Given my current strength, tasks worth tens of thousands of points are almost effortless to complete. Completing ten such tasks will yield several hundred thousand points."

Thus, Lin Fei finally made up his mind. He decided to "sweep the board."

He took on all the True Monarch-level tasks available, especially those that didn't require too much time. And so, Lin Fei began to act. Some tasks required joining forces to confront powerful foes. Others are involved in capturing exotic beasts. Some were about competing for treasures or heavenly and earthly materials.

In short, there were all sorts of tasks. Lin Fei refused none. He completed one task after another, continuously.

One month, three months, six months, nine months, one year...

Lin Fei frenziedly completed tasks. For a whole year, he was engaged in True Monarch-level tasks. And the number of tasks he completed kept increasing. Three, five, ten, fifteen, twenty...

Finally, Lin Fei completed about twenty-eight True Monarch-level tasks, accumulating nearly nine hundred thousand contribution points. Adding the previous hundred thousand points he had, Lin Fei finally amassed one million contribution points!

"Finally, I've gathered one million contribution points. Now, it's time to exchange for the fourth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra! I hope the fourth layer of the dream won't disappoint me."

Then, Lin Fei exchanged for the fourth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

"Your Great Dream Heart Sutra has broken through to the fourth layer."

Indeed, Lin Fei's Great Dream Heart Sutra had advanced.


Lin Fei immediately accessed the system panel to check his current status.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Realm: Martial God (eight thunder tribulations)

Great Dream Heart Sutra: Fourth Layer

Four Symbols and Five Elements Creation Technique: 5,300 particle worlds

World Dao: Progress 17%

Seeing that the Great Dream Heart Sutra had indeed reached the fourth layer, Lin Fei felt somewhat puzzled. Isn't the Great Dream Heart Sutra supposed to have five layers?

Why, after cultivating four layers of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, is the "progress" for the next layer not displayed? Does this mean the transition from the fourth to the fifth layer of the Great Dream Heart Sutra is entirely different?

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