Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 90: Retaliation

Chapter 90: Retaliation

"I just want to see your name and make you feel the same thing that you did to that woman earlier." 

After taking a photo of the man's ID card, Ryan began to think of a way to torture him.

First, he opened the person's bathrobe. His body that was covered in thick hair was disgusting and the smell of his armpits was so strong that Ryan wanted to vomit on the spot.

Ivanka immediately looked away, not wanting to dirty her eyes by the unsightly scene the man's disgusting body. What her brother-in-law was going to do was nothing compared to the suffering Sherly had endured. Ivanka wished the man would just die.

The man's face turned pale when he saw that Ryan returned with the dinner knife that was in the drawer. "I work at the Andromeda Company so if it's a matter of money, I'll give you as much as you want!"

However, under the man's apologetic gaze, Ryan scratched his knife right on his cheek.

After that, Ryan returned to slicing the person's skin several times and then whispered to him, "Don't worry, the wound is not deep. All of this is just an appetizer, later I will give you medicine so that your wound closes quickly. After all, dying with 1000 cuts takes more than 1 day."

Dying with 1000 cuts?

"NO! Let me go! Tell me how much money you want! I'll give it all to you!" The man immediately roared with fear like a barking dog.

"It's useless asking for mercy now." Ryan then sat down and pointed at Sherly, "Apologize to her."

The man immediately turned his head and said while crying, "Sherly, I'm sorry. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I can not control myself. I'm sorry and I will give you a lot of money."

Sherly was silent, she didn't want to see the man's face for a second. Ivanka laughed and said, "Money? You think this shame can be replaced with money?"

"Shame? I haven't even done anything to her body. Let me go and I guarantee the money you receive can hold out even after your 7th generation."

Sherly then mustered all her courage and looked at the man who nearly stained her body, "I will report this incident to the police."

"Okay, we will obey you." Ivanka then hugged her friend tightly.

"Police?" The man immediately let out a sigh of relief. He had a strong connection within the city police's force. He would definitely evade the charge for this terrible incident. 

However, Ryan quickly said, "I will bring this person to my acquaintance in this city's special police force. With the police assistance, I guarantee he will never get out of prison."

When he heard this, the person immediately panicked and thrashed. Ryan then hit the back of his head and made him pass out.

After things calmed down, Ivanka took off her jacket and helped Sherly up. She then called the hotel's security and explained the situation. Ivanka and Ryan then went to take the man to Mia.

"Go inside and tell my friend everything. I'll be waiting outside to give your friend some privacy." Ryan casually said.

"Fine, brother." Ivanka smiled and nodded. Then she told Ryan to look down and kiss his cheek, "Thank you brother!"

"Hahaha you're really naughty!" Ryan then stroked his sister-in-law's head with a smile.

Ivanka blushed, somehow she thought of kissing her brother-in-law!

"What?" Martin, Matthew's father, was angry when he heard his son's story.

Matthew looked down in shame still with his swollen face. Seeing his father angry, he really didn't dare to look at him. It was already shameful to lose a fight, but it was worse to have the video of his son getting beaten to a pulp went viral on social media. Plus, people know that he was the son of the boss of the Andromeda company. Thinking of this made his father dizzy.

However, what made Martin really angry was that his son was beaten until his face drastically changed. How could a father accept his son being humiliated and beaten up like this?

"You didn't say that you were from your father's company?" Martin frowned, people in this city should have shuddered when they heard the name of his company.

"I did, but he's not afraid at all."

"Then can you explain why you can still be beaten like this even though you have brought so many guards?" His son already brought dozens of elite bodyguards and was still losing? What kind of sick joke was that?

Martin understood what kind of place his son liked to play at night, therefore he provided many elite bodyguards to protect him.

"That." His boy trembled from all over his body that he couldn't hear him clearly.

"What do you want to say?" Martin demanded.

"All of the bodyguards collapsed in one minute." Matthew said in a small voice.

"WHAT!?" This time, Martin was really surprised.

Taking a deep breath, he then asked, "Please explain more in detail."

Matthew then told him the story of the day. Starting from when he met Irina until he brought dozens of bodyguards to beat Ryan. Martin listened to his son with a flat face until he heard Ryan's threat. The man's expression then turned serious.

"That bastard actually said that?"

"That's right father, he said that if we dare to destroy the Avalerion Company then he will kill me and hang my corpse in front of the public." He said, adding up a little more to the story.

"Interesting." Martin's face looked cruel. This was the first time he had heard of someone who dared to go against his company. He could feel his blood boiling with rage.

"Do you know his name?" Martin wanted to immediately eliminate the person. If this person was still breathing then his child would still not be safe.

For the sake of his kingdom and his family, Martin was willing to do anything.

"Ryan." Good answer from his son. However, at this time, his phone suddenly rang. The panicked voice of his secretary immediately filled his ears.

Hearing the news, Martin's face immediately became gloomy.

"How did he get caught?" Martin really couldn't believe that one of the leaders in his company was caught on charges of raping.

Then he asked his secretary again, "What about our people in the police? Can't they help him?"

"I'm sorry sir, the investigation of this case is led by a woman from the special unit, we can't do anything against her."

"Who reported it?"

"I asked for the report and it turned out to be Ivanka, the younger sister of Avalerion's Irina Hagrim. Ivanka and her friend Sherly reported that our man had tried to rape Sherly by giving her spiked alcohol until she was unconscious. Then our person was made to confess by someone named Ryan and gave a photo as proof."


Suddenly, the ashtray that was on the table had flown over the wall.

That man again!

How come his company was attacked by that man constantly in just a day??

"Sir?" The secretary was still confused about what to do.

"Fine, I'll take care of this matter myself. I'll let you know if I need anything."

After hanging up the phone, Martin then called someone.

"Hello, Gordon? Help me kill someone."


The next morning, Ryan returned to find his breakfast outside. Today he intended to eat breakfast Burritos near his house. However, he had been followed by several people since he left his housing complex.

Ryan pretended to be cool and ordered his food. He knew that the other party wouldn't make a fuss in a public place.

After finishing eating and wrapping, Ryan immediately led them to a quiet alley. After he had walked for a few minutes, he stole a glance behind him and there were already dozens of people following him. It seemed the leader was behind with the cleaver.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!"

Hearing this, Ryan turned his head and saw dozens of people surrounding him. His flat face remained the same. He then wore a confused expression, "Are you looking for me?"

"Are you blind? Obviously there is only you here." One of the thugs was fed up with Ryan's pretending to be stupid.

"What do you want? I don't think I have a debt." Ryan asked while eating the Burrito wrap.

"Your fault is to offend the wrong person." Gordon, the leader of the Genovese gang, stepped forward and approached Ryan.

"Ah? Is this because I was caught taking 4 crackers but only paid for 1? Or is it because I picked up the money on the road? Or maybe I got caught peeking at the girl's bathroom in the park huh? So which offense do you guys mean? I'm pretty sure I've offended a lot of people." Ryan said with a smile.

Though he was slightly amused by Ryan's babbling, Gordon immediately gave a signal to his subordinates to throw a machete at Ryan. When the machete shot off, Ryan was already missing from where he was standing.

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