Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 91: Are You Looking For Me?

Chapter 91: Are You Looking For Me?

"Ah, if you intend to kill me like that, then the only people I can think of are people from the Andromeda Company. Did one of them send you?" Ryan began to understand the situation. 

Everyone was shocked when they found out that Ryan was behind Gordon.

Gordon immediately took a step back, he felt a sensation of danger radiating from this target. Even though he had brought many people with him today, he still felt terrified.

"Since you guys came from the Andromeda Company, I don't need to hold back." Ryan's eyes turned cold and without warning, he had disappeared again.

The thugs were surprised to see Ryan's figure who had disappeared again. All they knew were cries of fear and pain that rode to their right. One by one, the thugs were beaten unconscious by Ryan.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him!"

Everyone was dumbfounded by his speed and got attacked. However, when they arrived at Ryan's standing place, the man's figure had disappeared again. This confused the thugs even more as the screams of pain from their side did not diminish at all.

"Disperse!" Gordon said aloud.

Ryan still used his tactics Run and Gun with his agility to confuse them. When he arrived in front of them, Ryan would throw a hard punch to their face or their stomach. After that, he would turn back into a wisp of smoke, hitting people in other directions.

Wherever Ryan was seen, someone would fall on the ground. Over time, more than twelve people passed out in just one minute.

The remaining thugs started to shed cold sweat, they really couldn't see Ryan's figure at all. However, Ryan suddenly appeared in their midst, yawning, "It's a boring battle, I got this sleepy. Come you all just go forward, I'll finish you all off altogether."

Gordon and his subordinates were offended by his words and then lunged at Ryan.

When all the thugs ran towards him from all directions, Ryan stomped their feet flat. Only one attack from Ryan was able to make ten people growl in pain and fall.

The second layer had approached him but what Ryan was doing was beyond their expectations. Ryan channeled his inner power into his fists and smashed it to the ground! In an instant, their ground collapsed and they fell into it. After that, Ryan only needed to clean them up one by one.

Gordon, who did not jump in, swallowed his saliva as he continued to grip his machete tightly.

When he received this assignment from Martin, why didn't he mention that this person was very strong? 

'If this target could beat my entire subordinate alone, I felt like I would still die even if I ran to another world.' He thought.

Gordon started to regret accepting Martin's offer. Now that all of his subordinates were curled up on the ground, Ryan began to walk over to him.

"W..wwhat do you want?" Gordon asked. He was clearly shaken by his defeat.

"What do I want?" Ryan looked confused, "What did you want to do to me earlier?"

"You ... misunderstood!" Gordon hoped the police or whoever out there would come by and save him, "We're just passing through, we just want breakfast."

"Just passing through? Isn't that strange?" Ryan said with a smile, "Haven't you been following me since I left the house? When I ate my breakfast earlier, you guys watched me closely."

Gordon was surprised, this guy already knew that he had been following him from the start?

"Didn't the people from the Andromeda Company order you to kill me?" Ryan said in a cold tone.

Gordon couldn't stop shaking, "Right, this is their fault!" He did not dare to lie, this person in front of him was like a devil in broad daylight!

Ryan then asked again, "Who told you to?"

"Martin, he's the leader of the Andromeda Company." Gordon said without hesitation.

"Do you know where he lives?" 

"Bel Air."

"His house number?"

"Bel Air LA, Number 32."

Gordon hoped that by saying everything this person would forgive him and Martin would soon experience this horror too. Ryan didn't speak anymore and stood silently looking at Gordon. 

Ryan then said coldly, "What is the machete for?"

Gordon threw it away in a heartbeat.

"What should I do when I meet you someday?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"We will obey what you as our oldest brother said. If you tell us to dive into the ravine then we will jump!"

Ryan nodded in satisfaction then asked, "Do you still want to kill me?"

"We dare not think like that!" Gordon immediately bowed down in front of Ryan.

Ryan nodded again and left the quiet alley.

Seeing Ryan walking away from him, Gordon let out a sigh of relief.

However, Ryan suddenly stopped walking and asked, "By the way."

Gordon immediately became tense again and held his breath.

"What is the name of your gang?" 

"The Genovese gang." Gordon replied quickly.

"Bad name, you need to quickly change it." Ryan thought hard for a few seconds. 

"I think the stupid gang suits you better." Ryan said with a satisfied nod.

"Okay, we'll be known as the stupid gang from now on." Gordon only hoped that Ryan would be satisfied and spare his life.

"I have friends in the night world, don't think I don't know anything. If I hear your gang hasn't changed its name, you know what will happen right?"

"You don't need to worry, we are the stupid gang." Gordon shouted.

Ryan then left the alley feeling satisfied.

Gordon and his subordinates laughed bitterly inside their mind. From now on they would be known and most likely bullied because of their new name.

Bel Air was another elite housing estate owned by the city of Avalerion. This place was not only the home for the richcorrupt officials and illegal business owners also lived in this place. You could say that this elite residential area was the safe haven of sinners.

Ryan showed a look of disgust when he remembered that fact. Without taking long, his body had become a plume of smoke and headed for house number 32.

'If you dare to order people to kill, then you are ready to be killed too.'

Before arriving outside Martin's house, Ryan's walk on the pedestrian track was seen as suspicious. The security officers noticed the irregularity and reported it, "Report! There is a suspicious target outside the house!"

"Report received!"

Ryan still looked around the houses and realized that there were some people hiding in the darkness. He then sighed and jumped over the fence. Suddenly, several officers and people came out from their hiding spots and were already aiming at Ryan with their pistols!

"Who are you!" One of the officers came forward and asked.

"I'm looking for someone." Ryan said with a flat face.


"Martin, the leader of the Andromeda Company." 

The officers then began to hesitate. This young man looked calm and honest but he had already jumped over their master's fence. Was he a guest or an enemy?

"What is your name? I'll report it up." The officer asked Ryan not to move, "After receiving a reply, we will notify you."

"Oh?" Ryan was too lazy to make small talk, "My name is Ryan, I am the person your employer has been looking for. Besides, I can break in and look for him myself if I want."

"You!" The officer was about to handcuff Ryan but Ryan kicked him hard. The people hiding in the darkness immediately fired their pistols.


Their reaction was quick but Ryan was even faster!

As soon as the bullet went off, Ryan was gone and the bullet was buried in the ground.

That person disappeared!

When they were all looking for Ryan's whereabouts, the sun was suddenly covered by shadows and it was Ryan who was jumping high! 

When they looked up, Ryan was already throwing his acupuncture needles at all of them.

Everyone was shocked and unable to escape, the needle stuck to their forehead. At that instant, a burning sensation instantly spread throughout their bodies!


When the roar of pain was heard, the guards from inside the house immediately ran towards them. All they saw were the security guards passing out on the ground and a young man standing in their midst.

Without any hesitation, the elite bodyguards immediately drew their weapons and fired.


However, they only shot empty air.

What was going on?

The guards were all shocked, they had practiced their marksmanship all the time, shouldn't the opponent be lying on the ground by now?

"Are you looking for me?" The voice appeared behind them. They were immediately shocked because the enemy was already behind them!

When they were about to turn around, Ryan was already moving back. With those two hands, he hit the two bodyguards very fast and hard. The two of them fainted on the spot. 

On one side, there was a bodyguard who drew his knife. Ryan immediately grabbed his wrist and took the knife before driving it through the person's stomach.

When the other two bodyguards aimed at Ryan, they lost Ryan's figure again. 

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