Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 421: I Will Show You Who’s Boss (3)

Chapter 421: I Will Show You Who’s Boss (3)

Most thugs and hooligans tended to be careful against Hunters, but not these thugs. Their boss was a Master-Rank Hunter, which was the highest possible social status a person could obtain in the countryat least according to their logic, and they were able to get away with most things just by mentioning their boss name.

This was the reason they were not afraid of Hunters even though they were just one of the henchmen at the bottom of the organization structure.

Unfortunately, their confidence caused them to make an irreversible mistake.

Hey, you crazy bastard!

The thug balled his free hand into a fist and punched Han-Yeols face with it.


O-Oh no!

A-Are they crazy?!

Whats going to happen to them now?

A few of the monks passing by started to chant, Amithaba Bodhisattva

Oh my god

Lord have mercy

A few of the churchgoers prayed for them too.

Not only the religious folks but even the non-religious people earnestly prayed for the safety of the thugs who dared to punch the Transcendent Master-Rank Hunter, Lee Han-Yeol, in the face.

Of course, the thugs punch failed to move Han-Yeols face even by 0.001 centimeters, and it was only then that the thugs finally realized they were up against a Hunter.

What the hell? Hes a Hunter?

That explains why hes so brave. Keke! Ptooey!

Hey, Mr. Hunter, you dont seem to know who we are. We are the subordinates of the great

They were about to mention that their boss was a Master-Rank Hunter, but they were unable to do so, as Han-Yeol interrupted them.

Bam! Bam!



Han-Yeol grabbed the thug and tossed him. The thug flew and crashed into a nearby wall while another one was flung hundreds of meters back by Psychokinesis.


The four remaining thugs hurriedly ran away the moment they noticed things were not going according to plan, but there was no way a bunch of ordinary people could run away from a Hunter.






All four of them were lifted off the ground by Psychokinesis. They flailed their arms and legs wildly while gasping for air, and they were unable to utter a single word due to some invisible power choking them.

T-Thank you!

The old woman thanked the Hunter who helped her, but she immediately froze the moment she saw his face.

Han-Yeols eyes were void of any emotions to the point that he looked terrifying.

A deafening silence ensued between them, and it was only broken after the old woman mustered the courage to say something.

A-Are you?

Han-Yeol, however, promptly interrupted her.

Is this why?

Did you leave me and Father to live a life like this, Mom?

Han-Yeols words shocked the onlookers.

W-What did he say?!

Did he just call her Mom?!


The crowd got rowdy, but they instantly died down as everyone paid close attention to what either one of them was about to say next. Han-Yeol and the old woman were talking inside the shop while the crowd was gathered outside it, but they were certain that he had called her his mother just now.

The only family member Han-Yeol was revealed to have was his father, and he was also his only living relative.

However, the fact that he just called someone his mom shocked everyone, and a few of the people in the crowd took out their phones and started video recording them.

Tsk Stewart clicked his tongue out of irritation. He immediately motioned to the Gurkhas with his chin to go and control the crowd.

Y-Yes, sir! the Gurkha captain replied with a salute. Then, he proceeded to immediately command his subordinates, Push the crowd back. Dont let anyone get near.

The Gurkhas got into action to control the crowd.

Everyone! Please move back! The shows over, so please go back!

Han-Yeol-nim is busy! Please dont disturb him!

This is a private matter! Dont take photos or videos!


The Gurkhas emitted their mana to quickly control the crowd and push them back.

It was quite rare for them to use their mana when there were civilians nearby, as they considered themselves to be soldiers before Hunters, but they had no other choice, as this was the fastest way they could control the crowd without causing a scene.

The reason that the Gurkha captain went so far as to make his subordinates use their mana to control the crowd as soon as possible was that Stewart had emitted a spine-chilling bloodlust just now that seemed to say he was going to have his head if the crowd was not controlled instantly.

Their response was already slightly late as Han-Yeol had already said Mom, but Stewart wanted to prevent the crowd from getting any other information aside from that.

Tsk. He shouldve told me in advance if this was going to happen, Stewart grumbled inwardly at the unexpected surprise.


The old woman, who was Han-Yeols mother, could not raise her head.

What was she supposed to say? She could be considered a ruthless mother who had abandoned her son and husband just because they were poor. She brought only her daughter with her to find a better life, but her life ended up being a failure.

How was she supposed to face her son, who was now the most successful person in the countryno, in the world?

Im sorry, please forgive me, youve grown into a fine young man or something? How could she be so shameless as to utter any of those words to him?

She finally said something after five more minutes of silence.

I Im sorry

Unfortunately, the only thing she could do was apologize in a very plain manner. She racked her brain for five minutes, trying to come up with something to say, but this was the only thing she could think of.

Your momno, I dont have a right to call myself your mother I am sorry for what I did she said as she shed a tear.

She already knew of Han-Yeols achievements.

Well, how was she not supposed to know?

He looked exactly the same as he did when he was a baby, he had the same name that she and her ex-husband had given him, and her ex-husband was introduced numerous times on the television as Han-Yeols father.

Those facts were more than enough proof that Lee Han-Yeol was indeed her son. However, she never once considered or even thought of going to him just because she was his mother.

With what shame could she do that when she had wronged him so much?

Her cries filled the restaurant.

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol continued looking down at her, his face devoid of any emotions.

Others might wonder how he could be so cold and emotionless right now, but this was his habit whenever he was thinking about numerous things.

I wanted to cuss her out to my hearts content and leave if I ever ran into her, but

He employed people to find his old friends and check up on them from time to time, but he did not bother doing the same for his mother and sister. He wanted to wait for them to come to him looking for any benefit they could get from being related to him, and he had planned to curse them to his hearts content before chasing them out.

However, he was utterly confused and conflicted now that his mother was sitting on the ground and sobbing at his feet.

You shouldve just lived happily so I could curse you for the rest of my life! I wouldnt feel bad if you were happy!

He could not freely hate her for abandoning him if she was living in such conditions.

Neither said anything else after that as things felt really awkward between them.

Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate, the awkward atmosphere between the mother and son was interrupted by the thug Han-Yeol had flung to the wall earlier. He suddenly pulled out a gun, aimed it at Han-Yeol, and pulled the trigger.

Unfortunately for the thug, Han-Yeol was already aware of his presence and what he was about to do, and the only reason he did not bother reacting to the thug was that a bullet could not hurt him in any way.

However, a sudden twist of events caught Han-Yeol completely off-guard.

His mother suddenly jumped and tried to shield him from the gun.


What are you doing?! Han-Yeol screamed out of frustration and caught the bullet just in time before it struck his mothers heart.



She ended up crashing onto the floor after jumping so abruptly.

H-Huh? The thug was perplexed after seeing a human being catch a bullet with his bare hands. He was not interested in Hunters at all, and he had never seen what a Hunter was capable of, so he was shocked to see something that he would only otherwise see in movies.

Well, not that many Hunters could catch a flying bullet with one handno, it was rare for a Hunter to have to resort to catching a bullet as they could simply evade it or just get hit by it. The mana protecting their bodies would automatically shield them from any flying projectiles.

Anyway, the bullet that the thug fired acted as a wake-up call that allowed Han-Yeol to return to his senses.

Geez, how the hell am I supposed to react to this? A thug is carrying a gun in a country where guns are illegal, he actually thought a gun would work on me, and this stupid woman thought a Transcendent Master-Rank Hunter would get hurt by a bullet. I mean, which one is supposed to shock me more? Han-Yeol grumbled.

Han-Yeol placed the bullet he had caught with his hand on a table.

Stewart entered the restaurant and said, Please do not react anymore. Cleaning up after you will be a headache to deal with You have already caused enough trouble, Han-Yeol-nim.

Then, he turned toward the thug and exuded his bloodlust.

A-Ah! The thug started to tremble after feeling a sense of fear he had never felt before in his life.



Stewart launched an uppercut at the thug.


The thug passed out right after the demons fist connected with his chin, and fifteen of his teeth popped out like popcorn as he flew back and crashed into the floor. He was now going to be forced to live with a set of implants from now on, which was going to cost a pretty penny.

Tsk. I did not expect this to happen in broad daylight in such a busy area. It seems you have a troublesome task ahead, Han-Yeol-nim, Stewart grumbled.

Haha! Who says Im going to do the reform myself? Im just here to clean things up, and Ill be passing command of the ship to someone else when Im done.

Han-Yeol had no plans to become the president. He greatly valued his freedom, so he was not a fan of these kinds of rigid positions that severely restricted his freedom.

His position as the Dimension Lord of the Bastro Dimension definitely granted him more freedom than becoming the president of South Korea, but there were moments when he felt suffocated and restricted as Dimension Lord too.

Hmm. Han-Yeol-nim Stewart called him after looking around.


I think I would like to have lunch here today.

Huh? Here?


Hmm Han-Yeol pondered for a moment before he shrugged and agreed, Sure.

Fortunately, this place seemed to serve yukgaejang as well, so it was perfect for Stewart. Besides, the place that specialized in yukgaejang was probably sold out by now, as it was way past lunchtime.

Stewart extended both of his hands and channeled his mana.



The magic spell he used instantly materialized.

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