Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 422: I Will Show You Who’s Boss (4)

Chapter 422: I Will Show You Who’s Boss (4)


The mess that the thugs had made magically cleaned itself up as if nothing happened.

H-How is this possible?

She could not believe what she had just witnessed. The utensils floating up off the floor and arranging themselves were one thing, but the tables and cracks on the wall mending themselves were completely shocking.

Uhm, excuse me? Han-Yeol called out awkwardly.


Your nose Ahem Han-Yeol said while pointing at her nose.

Huh? My nose? Kyak! She touched her nose and felt a hot liquid dripping down from it.

She looked down at her hand and realized it was blood, and she hurriedly covered her nose. Then, she ran into the kitchen to wash it.

Stewart let out a sigh now that they were alone. Then, he said, I was actually surprised when you called that woman your mother, Han-Yeol-nim.

Han-Yeol grimaced and retorted, Imagine how surprised I was. Do you think I expected to see my mother in a place like this?

Actually, he had no idea who his mother was or what she looked like. He had no memory of his mother, and the only thing he knew about her was that she had already passed away, which was what his father had told him.

The only reason he knew she was still alive and that she left home with his sister was that he overheard his father talking to someone on the phone while he was drunk.

Han-Yeol had no idea what his mother looked like until fairly recently when he went to his fathers room to get something and saw a photo of her in one of the cabinets by pure coincidence.

What are you going to do now, Han-Yeol-nim? Stewart asked.

Haa I have no idea Han-Yeol replied with a sigh while rubbing his face with his palms.

He initially considered using this opportunity to cut all ties with her as mother and son with his own hands, but he could no longer bring himself to do so after seeing her living situation. Now, he could no longer decide what he was supposed to do with her.

I guess Im not as bad as I thought I was.

He pictured himself acting worse than the devil whenever he imagined himself meeting his mother, but the reality was completely different from his imagination.

Anyway, he decided to think about the troublesome things later and ordered two bowls of Yukgaejang.

He did not have to take care of the Gurkhas, as they stood guard in shifts and came into the restaurants to eat without him having to tell them.

H-Here is the yukgaejang you ordered.

Wow~ That looks good. Lets eat, Stewart.

Yes, it does look good, Han-Yeol-nim.


Both of them took a spoonful of the hot, spicy stew.

However, the noisy murmuring of the crowd outside the restaurant interrupted their meal.


It suddenly got noisy outside.

They noticed that one of the Gurkhas let someone through and entered the restaurant.


The restaurant door creaked open, and a woman who seemed to be in her thirties rushed in.

Huff! Huff! M-Mom! I heard those bastards were back!

They could see from her disheveled hair and clothes how much she had rushed to get here.

Ah, t-they didno, more importantly! How can a lady use such foul language?

Mom! Is my language whats important right now?!

The owner of the restaurant, Han-Yeols mother, pointed at one corner of the restaurant.

The woman who just entered looked where she was pointing and




S-Spare me! Mercy!

The thugs flailed their limbs while suspended in mid-air by Han-Yeols Psychokinesis skill.

Han-Yeol had yet to eat his lunch, so he chose to sit down and enjoy a bowl of yukgaejang first, but that did not mean the situation was over.

The woman in her thirties looked at Han-Yeol and Stewart before shrieking in horror, Kyaaah! L-Lee Han-Yeol?!

Hahaha Hello?

She started screaming like a fan girl as soon as she confirmed it was indeed him. Wow! I am a huge fan of yours! Kyaaa!

On the other hand, Han-Yeol could immediately tell that she was likely his sister, whom his mother had left together with.

However, she seemed clueless about the fact that he was actually her little brother.

Ah This makes things more complicated Han-Yeol grumbled inwardly.

He was now confident that his mother was not simply apologizing for the sake of apologizing to him. She seemed to have kept the fact that Han-Yeol was her son hidden from her own daughter, just in case her daughter would go and find him.

Hey, Stewart What happened a while ago will probably spread like wildfire, right? Han-Yeol whispered to the demon.

Is it not obvious? I mean, we can stop the media by threatening them, but we have no way to control people from posting it on social media.

Ugh, I guess youre right.

Yes, I am, always.

Han-Yeol took a picture with his supposed fan and even signed his autograph on every single item she requested. He paid for the two bowls of yukgaejang and whatever the Gurkhas ate, and he did not forget to reimburse them for closing the restaurant during lunch hours.

Then, he pulled his mother aside to the kitchen to speak to her in private.


I still find it difficult to forgive you.

However, that is already in the past, and I am extremely successful while you are living such a life, so I do not have any desire to seek vengeance or anything.

Han-Yeol would have definitely sought revenge and caused her downfall if she was living the good life, but that was not the case right now.

I am really sorry

Sigh This will be the last time we will be seeing each other. So, I will not come to visit you, nor do I want to see you again. You might try to come see me, but you will not be able to as I will have people watching over you.

Do you understand?

Yes, I do.

She looked Han-Yeol in the eyes for the first time.

Was she trying to get a good look at her son for the last time? Or was she disappointed by his ruthlessness?

Whatever she was thinking, Han-Yeol took one last good look at his mother.

I will not mention this to Father.

Yes, thats alright.

Haa Then Han-Yeol said before leaving the kitchen.

Oh! What did you talk about with my mom in the kitchen, Han-Yeol-nim?

Haha It was nothing important. Her yukgaejang was really good, so I just asked what her secret was. My secretary over there really loves yukgaejang, you see.

Ahem Stewart cleared his throat.

Wow! It is an honor you like our food!

The woman in her thirties looked at Han-Yeol with sparkles in her eyes.

Han-Yeol and Stewart left the restaurant, and he took one last look at them before leaving them forever.


The low hum of the electric motor was the only thing that could be heard while Han-Yeol looked out the window. He finally managed to settle one of his long-standing grudges, but he did not feel comfortable for some reason.

Hey, Stewart.


That building a while ago.


Buy it.

As you wish.

If they get in the way

I will eliminate them.


Just leave it to me, Han-Yeol-nim.


Stewart was here to assist Han-Yeol. He might act like a secretary, but he was, in fact, stronger than most Master-Rank Hunters. On top of that, he possessed numerous skills, as he was a demon capable of wielding magic as his specialty.

Thus, a Master-Rank Hunter would not be able to win against him due to the sheer number of skills he could unleash at them.

Stewart was extremely powerful, but he was still Han-Yeols secretary right now, so he had no qualms about running errands for Han-Yeol rather than being in combat.

The demon recorded what he had to do on his smartphone before calling out, Han-Yeol-nim


Are families supposed to be that complicated?

What? Dont you demons have families?

Han-Yeol was not that familiar with the lifestyle of demons. Of course, there were numerous records of demons in the books he read, but he was skeptical of most of the information written in them, as there was no way mere humans could know about the actual lifestyle of demons. Most of the information written in these books was just the prejudice and arrogance humans had rather than facts.

He did not feel any shame in asking about things he was unfamiliar with, and he actually considered pretending to know something he had no idea about to be more embarrassing.

Monsters procreate just like humans or animals do, but that cannot be said for demons. In fact, even we demons have no idea how we were made. Perhaps the best way to explain it is that we are born from darkness?

Darkness? I guess thats why you find it difficult to understand what family is.

I believe so. Frankly speaking, I was a bit surprised, as you acted completely different from how you usually are. However, I did read a few things about family and stuff on the internet, and I sort of understood that it can indeed be complicated. I just did not expect it to be this complicated

Family is a topic you think you know about, yet your heart will tell you otherwise.

Yes, I believe it is.

To be honest, even I have no idea.


I think anyone will give you the same answer. Nobody will be able to give you a satisfactory explanation regarding things like love, friendship, family, maternal love, or anything like that. Ah, a few people make a living from speaking about those things, but they just sugarcoat it without giving a proper explanation.


And Im not a fan of those kinds of people.


So yeah, if you ask me to explain what a family is, then I have no idea, to be honest.

I see

The last thing Han-Yeol said sort of perplexed Stewart. He did not expect to find something so intriguing yet bizarre after coming to the human world under Lucifers commands. Interestingly, the demon could feel a strange desire to feel whatever confusing emotion Han-Yeol was feeling currently.

However, he decided to brush this foreign feeling off.

It seems that spring has come, Han-Yeol-nim.

Oh, its already spring? I guess time really does fly.


Han-Yeol had encountered a small incident, but that did not affect him at all. Rather, he felt as if a heavy load had finally been lifted off his chest.

Did they agree to the invitation?

All 1,023 people we sent the invitation to have sent their replies.

Oh? That was easier than I thought.

It seems the thought of getting on the worlds strongest Hunters bad side was burdensome for them.

Tsk. You think so?

Yes, and they probably think nothing bad will happen to them in the Blue House.

Hahaha! Ah, Im already looking forward to the main event.

I must say I am looking forward to it as well.

Han-Yeol asked Stewart to send out invitations to the people he labeled as the top priority targets for him to eliminate to ensure that South Korea could become great again.

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