Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1219: Strength, planning and equipment

"Then, let's start with strength."

Lei Xiao felt the energy flowing out of his body, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

After this battle, one of his biggest gains is undoubtedly that both the physical energy vortex and the magical energy vortex have broken through their shackles, making him a double fifth-level powerhouse!

Overjoyed, Lei Xiao opened his attribute bar.

[Name: Lei Xiao]

[ID: 0013076067]

[Occupation: Lord]

[Level: "Physics: Level 5, one star" "Magic: Level 5, one star"]

[Talent: Gold Finger Level: 2]

[Skills: Thunderbolt Level 1 ~ Level 5 "Magic Level 1 ~ Level 5", Whale Thunder Explosion "Magic Level 3", Lightning Phantom Body "Magic Level 5", Thunder Sky Induction "Magic Level 5", Panic flash "Physical Level 3", Senluo Slash "Physical Level 5", Glimpse of Shadow and Light Break "Physical Level 5", Thunder Flash through the air "Magic Martial Level 4", Mirage Illusion Technique "Universal" Illusion? Fourth level"]

[Equipment: Rolandel "Weapon? Level 6", Odost "Weapon? Level 6", Orlandine's Protection "Accessories? Level 6", Pretender's Protection "Armor? Level 5", Blessed Gold The pupil of "Accessory? Level 3", the pupil of dawn "Accessory? Level 4", the pupil of thunderstorm "Accessory? Level 5", the blessing of the Southern Cross "Accessory? Level 5", the God's Emblem "Accessory? Level 6" , the moon reflected in the mirror "Accessories? Sixth Level"]

"Although I have successfully advanced, looking back, it was really a thrilling experience."

Recalling the life and death scene in the decisive battle not long ago, Lei Xiao looked at the still red and swollen tiger's mouth, and couldn't help but feel...

There is lingering fear in my heart.

Although after the battle, he immediately used various high-level healing potions and magic scrolls, and received treatment from the old bishop, which allowed him to recover a lot from his injuries.

But if you want to truly return to your peak state, you may have to rest for a while.

"It just so happens that I can take advantage of this period of time to take complete control of the entire human world and integrate the resources of the entire human world. The next step is naturally to look at the wider outside world."

Lei Xiao closed the attribute bar, his dark eyes piercing.

To achieve this goal, I still have a few small things to complete.

The first, of course, is to deal with the alliance forces of the Holy Night Kingdom and the Canlan Federation that are still in the Eversleep Canyon.

If this extremely impressive army were present before, I would have been wary of it. But now, it is no longer a force that can threaten me.

"Actually, dealing with this army is not the most important matter. The most important thing is undoubtedly to completely control the Holy Night Kingdom and Canlan Federation. And the simplest way is naturally to support the subordinate agents like Lawrence and Eckhart. ”

"I will personally visit Teresa. As Erza's sister, she has provided me with a lot of help, especially those extremely precious manifestation scrolls, which have greatly accelerated my speed of going deep here and won countless victories. The impact of little time on the final battle situation is self-evident.”

"Therefore, we cannot let her be caught in the middle because of our emotions and reasons. After all, behind her is the dark elf kingdom with unfathomable strength. It is not appropriate to have direct contact with the opponent at this stage."

"As for the Canlan Federation,

, just speak with your strength without any scruples. "

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and continued to think about his next plan.

Second, is the Pars Empire.

Currently, Antonio, Barnett, Cecilia, and even the stupid prince are in his hands. In addition, it has been confirmed that the old Emperor Pars has been bewitched, so for him, rebuilding Pars Royalty is apparently a no-brainer.

As for who to choose to become the new Emperor of Pars, the ideal candidate is naturally Cecilia.

"As for Cecilia, it would be best if I can find a fifth-level recruitment order to conquer her. If not, I will find a way to keep her completely under my control."

Lei Xiao stood up from his seat and walked to the human world sandbox not far from the conference table.

"After bringing the Kingdom of Holy Night, Canlan Federation and Pars Empire into the territory of power, plus the Kingdom of Cold Flame, Kingdom of Grim, Green Kingdom and Iron Hand Islands, all seven human kingdoms are under my control. "

Lei Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked down at the entire human world, and nodded thoughtfully.

The third is to further contact the two old guild presidents, Hui Lao and Yoniel, and use the Mercenary Guild and the Alchemist Guild for their own use.

In this way, it can be regarded as the power that truly rules the entire human world, laying the foundation for the next step into the outer realm.

The fourth is to coordinate the relationship between the foreign lords and the local nobles in various places, and fully cover the lord network that has been put into trial operation in the Cold Flame Kingdom, so that materials and commodities can circulate faster, and further promote the economic development of the human world.

At the same time, the Lord’s scientific research base also needs large-scale

Expand various infrastructure and projects including venues, talents, and resources to significantly increase the speed of technological development.

Fifth, it is to comprehensively promote high-yielding crops such as magic wheat seeds that have achieved great success in the Cold Flame Kingdom to further enhance the food production capacity of the entire human world.

Sixth, while integrating the resources of the human world, select and train the most elite army of the human race from all over the country to lay the foundation for the subsequent march into the outer realm. The number is tentatively set at one million.

Naturally, other military forces cannot be ignored. They all need to intensify training and training, and establish a complete training and reward and punishment system to improve the combat and collaborative combat capabilities of the soldiers in all aspects.

Seventh, after all the above are completed, the human world needs to integrate with each other from military, agriculture, commerce, economy and other aspects to formulate the same set of standards, and finally form a true whole.

Although this is not a day's work, as long as you have an overview of the overall situation and are assisted by the seven kings and three neutral leaders, it will only be a matter of time.

"Then let's put these aside for the time being, and just ask the subordinates to complete other trivial matters."

Lei Xiao returned to his seat and sat down, taking the hot tea from Xiaojie.

This girl had just dismantled the magic trap with Hui Lao and others, and then she helped others to clean up the hall without stopping.

After telling Xiaojie to rest for a while, Lei Xiao took a sip of hot tea, immediately put down the teacup, and began to take stock of other matters.

As for his other important gain, naturally, with the help of Mayfair, he obtained the most powerful person in the Silver Fire Kingdom.

The last holy relic is Odost, thus completing the three-piece set of holy relics.

While Lei Xiao was thinking this, he turned his palm up, and a long silver staff engraved with deep purple lines appeared in his hand instantly.

Upon closer inspection, you can see that the surface of the staff is smooth and delicate, and the complex and changeable purple magic lines become deeper and deeper under the dazzling light, just like a mysterious work of art.

"I didn't have time to look carefully during the battle before, but now it seems that it is indeed a sixth-level staff."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately opened the staff's attribute bar.

[Name: Odorst]

[Level: Level 6? Legend (Gold)]

[Attack strength: six stars]

[Additional Effect 1: Magic Thunder Fountain Eye "Significantly reduces the user's spell consumption, and the damage of thunder attribute spells is increased by 60%"]

[Additional effect two: Paladin bonding "Within a certain distance, the additional effects of the other two holy weapons "Rolandel" (already in effect) and "Olandin's Protection" (already in effect) are enhanced."]

[Additional effect three: Unpredictable magic steel "can change the shape of the staff to a certain extent"]

[Remarks: One of the three holy weapons passed down from generation to generation by the Silver Fire Royal Family. Until the destruction of the Silver Fire Kingdom, this staff was kept by the Pelican Princess Mayfair and secretly sealed in the throne of her palace.

Because the main material used for forging is extremely rare deformable magic steel, it can change its shape under the control of the user, making it more suitable for various complex battlefield environments.

Under the synchronization of "Olandine's Protection", this staff has reached the sixth level, which is also its true peak state. 】


Can this additional effect not only reduce spell consumption, but also increase the power of thunder spells? It just happened to match me perfectly, and it looks like the Nature's Staff I was using was finally ready for replacement. "

Lei Xiao looked at the text introduction on the attribute column and nodded with satisfaction.

As for the second additional effect, Fei'er has already introduced it before, which can enhance the equipment effect of the other two holy weapons. It was precisely because of this special effect that he was finally promoted successfully.

"The third additional effect is that it can change the shape of the staff? No wonder the front end of the staff disappeared inexplicably after the mysterious being held the staff."

While Lei Xiao was thinking this, with a thought, the slender staff, which was nearly as tall as a person, flashed and turned into a short staff the size of an arm, which looked much smaller and more exquisite.

"It's kind of interesting. This is the first time I've seen this kind of magical equipment effect."

Surprised, Lei Xiao played with it for a while, and then he realized something. His eyes lit up and he said: "By the way, let's just take a look at the strengthened Orlandine's Guard and Rolandel."

After closing the attribute bar of the staff, Lei Xiao opened the attribute bar of the badge on his chest.

[Name: Protector of Olandine]

[Level: Level 6? Legend (Gold)]

[Defense Strength: None]

[Additional effect 1: Orlandine's Wall "Resist any damage below level 6 within 10 seconds (recharging time: 12 hours]

[Additional Effect 2: Paladin Synchronization "Within a certain distance, the levels of the other two holy weapons "Rolandel" (already in effect) and "Odost" (already in effect) will be improved until they are the same as this badge." 】

[Remarks: One of the three holy weapons passed down from generation to generation by the Silver Fire Royal Family. Until the destruction of the Silver Fire Kingdom, this badge was worn by Oliver, the last Silver Fire King.

With the enhancement of "Odost", the "Additional Effect 1" of this staff has been strengthened, and it can exert its original strongest effect. 】

"Compared with being able to withstand a fatal attack, this 10-second immunity to damage below level six is ​​obviously much more useful!"

Lei Xiao nodded happily and opened the attribute bar of the long sword.

[Name: Rolandel]

[Level: Level 6? Legend (Gold)]

[Attack strength: six stars]

[Additional Effect 1: The Immortal Blade "Never wears out, this sword cannot be damaged under any conditions"]

[Additional Effect 2: Blade of the God? Judgment "Increases damage to dark attribute enemies by 300%"]

[Additional Effect 3: Elemental Blade? Puncture "All attribute attack damage increased by 100%"]

[Remarks: One of the three holy weapons passed down from generation to generation by the Silver Fire Royal Family. This sword was worn by Prince Griffin Allen until the destruction of the Silver Fire Kingdom.

Under the synchronization of "Olandine's Protection", this sword has reached the sixth level, which is also its true peak state. 】

With the enhancement of "Odost", the "Additional Effect 2" and "Additional Effect 3" of this sword have been strengthened, allowing it to exert its original strongest effect. 】

"The second additional effect has been increased from 200% to 300%, specifically to restrain dark-type opponents, and the third additional effect has also been doubled? The three holy weapons after gathering are indeed extraordinary!"

After Lei Xiao carefully checked the attributes, the joy on his face became more obvious.


The increase in strength naturally means that his overall strength has been further improved!

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this, Fei'er's voice sounded in his ears with a hint of maturity.

"Young man, I have carefully inspected my palace, and indeed the magic traps of the Chosen Son of the Evil God no longer exist here."

As the sassy words fell, a slender figure of a woman who looked a bit smaller than Louise appeared in front of Lei Xiao.

I saw that the other party's delicate face was white and smooth, exuding a noble and elegant aristocratic temperament. The golden princess crown on the head and the high ponytail tied back complemented each other, making her look very dashing.

However, compared with the mature and steady voice and clean temperament, the other party's height, which did not even reach Lei Xiao's chest, seemed a bit out of place.

Needless to say, this person is naturally the Pelican Princess Mayfair.

After the Forbidden Tree was completely destroyed, the former God's Chosen Son was able to reappear. Not long ago, when Lei Xiao saw the other party's true face for the first time, his jaw almost dropped.

When fighting side by side with Phil, from her mature and prudent words and deeds, Lei Xiao thought she must be a tall, mature and strong woman, just like Caroline galloping on the battlefield, but he did not expect that she was so petite and exquisite. appearance.

"Young man, you are looking down on me in your heart again, right?"

Noticing Lei Xiao's complicated expression, Fei'er put her hands on her hips, looked up at the former with her eyebrows fixed, and said, "I can't help it, I have a quarter of the blood of a flower fairy. To be able to grow to such a height is already a fairy.

The giant inside. "

"Your Highness, you are overthinking. I have no intention of looking down on you."

Lei Xiao smiled slightly, then changed the subject and said, "Anyway, Fei'er, it's all thanks to you this time."

"You're welcome. I just did what I should do. Besides, don't forget that you are the real savior. I can only be regarded as a small foil at best."

Fei'er shrugged, stood up on tiptoes and sat on the stool next to Lei Xiao, and the expression on her fair face became serious.

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