Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1220: Mysteries and Speculations

"Young man, now that this disaster has come to an end, can you tell me about the blank era?"

Feier's starry eyes were mixed with doubts and lamentations, and she nodded heavily to Lei Xiao and said: "To be honest, I am very curious about how the Silver Fire Kingdom was destroyed, and also very curious about how I fell at that time."

Feier rubbed her head and added: "But I really can't remember what happened at that time. It seems that the destruction and collapse just happened in the blink of an eye, and people were completely caught off guard."

"Sorry, Faile, this is exactly what I am pursuing now."

There was a solemn look in Lei Xiao's dark eyes, and he said seriously: "What I can tell you is that the reason why that era is called the blank era is because no one remembers what happened. They were all lost in those unknown years filled with destruction and war.”

"The annihilation of glorious civilizations, the collapse of towers of power, the shattering of emperors' crowns, and the departure of the supreme gods... As the blank era passes, all that is left to the survivors of all races are broken homes and ruins everywhere. , endless doubts, and this devastated and abandoned land where the gods no longer care.”

Lei Xiao's voice became more solemn, and soon he described to Fei'er all the detailed clues he had grasped along the way and what he saw and heard while exploring the ruins.

"It's actually like this. Not only the land of all races, but also the land of gods personally protected by the gods were not spared."

Fei'er's starry eyes did not blink as she listened carefully to Lei Xiao's story.


That's right, and the blank era brings not only endless doubts, but also many puzzling mysterious effects. "

Lei Xiao nodded slightly and described the three most puzzling additional mysteries of the blank era: "Dislocated Object Effect", "Lost Ruins Effect" and "Last Idol Effect".

"No wonder my palace not only sunk deep into the ground, but also lost a large part of it inexplicably, and no ancient corpses were found. Is this the reason? In addition, all the statues in the land of gods have disappeared. On the contrary, thousands of them have disappeared. The statues in the clan temple are still there, which is simply incredible.”

Mayfair's eyebrows were almost twisted into knots, and she thought thoughtfully: "What happened back then? Can even the position of the building be changed? Even across the entire area? Even Allen's Ship?"

"Furthermore, if the disappearance of corpses in a ruins can be explained, why are there no bones left in all the ruins of all races? This is simply unexplainable!"

"If everything must be destroyed, then the ruins themselves will never be left behind. Since there are still many ruins that are relatively well preserved, where are the bones among them?"

"The most important thing is, why are all the statues in the land of gods disappearing?"

Listening to Feier's series of questions, Lei Xiao had no choice but to remain silent.

He has thought about these questions countless times, but he has not found any answers.

After a long while, Lei Xiao finally said: "That's why I call the blank era the mystery of all mysteries, because there are things that are difficult to explain.

There are really too many emotions, but there must be some potential connection among them. "

"What can be confirmed so far is that the gods at that time must have personally participated. Therefore, after many investigations and discussions, I have summarized three possible inferences to explain what happened in the blank era."

"First, there was an unprecedented war between the gods and all races."

"All races took the initiative and invaded the land favored by the gods, causing a lot of trouble to the gods who were caught off guard. In the end, the gods imposed divine punishments and then abandoned the land. This resulted in the gods no longer favoring the gods and the gods. The Disappearance of the Chosen One.”

When Lei Xiao said this, Fei'er's long eyelashes trembled and she immediately denied, "Young man, this is absolutely impossible."

"For us at that time, the gods with boundless power and all-knowing knowledge were supreme beings. It was the wise and generous gods who gave us our initial cultivation methods, magic and martial arts, and gave us the opportunity to survive here. The ability in this land will not be swallowed up by the vicious demonic beasts that are everywhere.”

"Gods are powerful beings that every strong person can only hope to reach. They are also the belief of everyone. We build temples, pray day and night, and sing about miracles. How can we become disobedient?"

Fei'er's voice became more doubtful, and she added: "Taking a step back, even if all races really stand against the gods because of something, the gods who have imposed divine punishment should also This is the only way to warn future generations of our stupidity, but why does it make everyone forget everything?”

"This is exactly what I'm wondering about.

Square, so the second conjecture came into being. "

Lei Xiao nodded to the petite princess in front of him and continued: "Secondly, the gods were divided into two camps, and some of them sided with all races. The two eventually had differences for some reason, and then It evolved into an all-out war to the death.”

"In the end, the gods who stood on the side of all races were defeated, and the gods on the winning side abandoned this land and the remaining races, and erased everything before leaving. After all, the battle between the gods did not Not something worth remembering."

After hearing what Lei Xiao said, Fei'er was silent for a while, then shook her head again and said, "This speculation is indeed much more reasonable, but I don't think so either."

"You know, in my last memory, it was the most prosperous era of the Silver Moon Era. All races built temples, listened to divine revelations, and praised the gods. Everything was prosperous. How could they suddenly start to be enemies of the gods? "

"Furthermore, for the gods who are above all others, the strength of all races is simply negligible. Even if there is a conflict between the gods, there is no need to involve all races."

"Because this is like a mountain-moving decisive battle between two top powerhouses, but at the same time they are commanding tiny ants on the ground to go into battle. It has no effect at all."

The more Fei'er talked, the more confused she became. She sighed softly and said, "In any case, I think this can be ruled out."

"Then the third speculation may be able to answer Her Royal Highness's question."

Lei Xiao nodded to Phil and gave his last guess.

"That's when

In fact, not all the evil gods in the Solar Era were wiped out, so some evil gods came back again, and then bewitched all races. "

"After all, for the chaotic evil gods, the various negative emotions bursting out from all races are the best nutrients, so they first eroded all races and even encouraged them to fight against the gods."

"The result is that all races failed to resist the temptation of evil gods, and chose to abandon everything, stand against the gods without knowing their capabilities, and even attempted to kill gods.

"As for the final outcome, it is obvious. The gods won the war again and easily eliminated the remnants of the evil god. However, the performance of all races greatly disappointed the gods. It is not surprising that they were punished by the gods."

"But the gods did not choose to completely destroy all races, but erased that period of history, thus giving the orphans of all races a chance to start over."

"Correspondingly, the gods no longer care about this land, leaving the orphans of all races to fend for themselves on this land."

After listening to Lei Xiao's third theory, Fei'er held her chin with one hand and thought about it for a while, then she said: "Compared with the first two speculations, this one does sound more reasonable. , but if we examine it carefully, there are still many things that cannot be explained.”

"If all races are really bewitched by evil gods and destroy their former beliefs, the first thing they should do is to destroy temples and statues everywhere. Why do these things still remain to this day? Then the "last idol effect" appeared? "

"Furthermore, the "displaced object effect" and "lost ruins effect" are also

Also unexplainable. "

Fei'er raised her head, looked at Lei Xiao with determination and said, "So I think that maybe there is another hidden meaning in all this, and it is by no means as simple as these three speculations."

"Based on these three speculations and existing clues, do you have any other opinions as someone who has experienced the Silver Moon Era?"

After hearing the other party say what he was thinking, Lei Xiao asked with interest.

"Sorry, my mind is a mess right now, and many places are blank. I really can't think of anything."

Mayfair shook her head helplessly, her voice becoming a little lower.

"Your Highness, there is no need to apologize. If you have other ideas, just tell me."

Lei Xiao waved his hand and said again: "Actually, there is another thing that is inextricably linked to the blank era, and that is the arrival of us alien lords."

"The alien lord is coming?"

Feier tilted her head and looked over with confusion.

"Here's the thing."

After that, Lei Xiao described to the other party that he was the lord of another world and what happened inexplicably.

Among them, Lei Xiao also mentioned Wang Xi, who arrived in advance as a pioneer traveler and had an incomplete lord interface, as well as the talents of the lords from other worlds.

After all, through previous exchanges with the Queen of the Phantom Tribe, Lei Xiao had already learned that, including his own golden finger, the source of the lords' awakening talents was essentially pure divine power.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the time when Lei Xiao and other billions of lords traveled to this world were also the work of gods.

"No wonder they all call you Lord Lord. It turns out that you are not from this world. I didn't expect that the power of God can actually

Directly activate the talents of you and other people from other worlds. "

Mayfair's fair face was full of surprise, and she said with confusion: "But then again, since the gods have left and no longer care about this land, why did they summon you from the original world to here? Come?"

"This is exactly what puzzles me."

Lei Xiao shrugged and said bluntly: "But what is certain is that this must be a carefully planned matter, otherwise there would be no advance arrival of the advance traveler."

"You are right, I think so too."

Fei'er nodded in immersion and said thoughtfully: "It seems that you and other foreign lords must be burdened with a mission that the orphans of all races cannot complete. After all, the gods will never act like this. There must be It’s meaningful.”

"This sentence really seems familiar, but since we were summoned here, we were not told the true purpose, and we never showed up. Instead, we were allowed to explore everything by ourselves. I don't know what these gods think."

Lei Xiao frowned slightly and shook his head helplessly.

"Perhaps the gods have some difficulties."

Feier didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only smile awkwardly at Lei Xiao.

After a moment, a trace of confusion appeared on her face again, and she blurted out: "Is it because the gods have some unspeakable secrets and cannot come forward to complete it on their own, so they summoned the lords of other worlds to solve all this?"

"I have also thought about this possibility, but in the final analysis, the alien lords were just a group of ordinary people in the beginning. After all, the world I am in does not have ubiquitous energy particles and

Amazing magic. "

Lei Xiao frowned a little and responded: "Compared to ordinary people like us, if the gods really need help, wouldn't it be more convenient to directly find the ready-made orphans of all races? Why go to all the trouble to summon aliens? Lords? Especially those immortal races, their strength is still bottomless. "

"It is indeed very foggy, but I believe that looking for Shuyuan is just like what you said. Whether it is the many mysteries of the blank era or the arrival of the lords from other worlds, all of these must exist. There is some potential connection, and as long as the truth can be found, everything will be solved. "

Feier's starry eyes showed a hint of determination, and she said to Lei Xiao again.

"Yes, but fortunately we are not without direction."

Lei Xiao looked at Xiaojie who was cleaning up with the summoned soldiers, and told Fei'er a series of things about the [God's Stone].

"In pursuit of the truth of the blank era, is this the function of the [God's Stone]?"

Mayfair gently rubbed her white chin and thought: "The "Key of Truth" that opens the "Gateway of Truth" where the "Stone of God" is stored is almost all the sacred objects left by all races, plus the "Key of Truth" "Gate" and [God's Stone] were all built in the first period of time after the end of the blank era..."

"So, the gods must have started planning the things we mentioned above just after the end of the blank era, even including the arrival of the lords from other worlds!"

Feier's fair face was filled with sudden enlightenment, and she said to Lei Xiao: "Young man, just like what you said, all these are indeed the gods.

A well-deployed affair! "

"The question is their purpose of doing this and the true mission of our alien lords coming."

Lei Xiao shrugged, his face became solemn again: "I hope I can figure all this out as soon as possible."

After saying that, Lei Xiao's eyes lit up, and he obviously thought of something again.

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