Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 38: fruitful

Chapter 38: fruitful

Without any hesitation, Lei Xiao directly agreed.

In an instant, in the air in front of all the half-elves, a floating golden contract appeared out of thin air, shining brightly.

Next, under the leadership of the old half-elf patriarch Kawagu.

Including the half-elf girl named Bai Zhi, all the half-elfs bit their fingers, looked solemn, and solemnly pressed down on the golden contract.

At the same time, a series of prompt tones rang in Lei Xiao's ears one after another.

In his field of vision, corresponding translucent text also appeared.

[Congratulations, the first-order one-star half-elf ruler of the Yuebai clan (formerly the third-order nine-star half-elf great magician) Kawagu, has signed a surrender contract with you, and the overall surrender rate reaches over 99%, and it will take effect.

[Congratulations, Bai Zhi, the second-order seven-star half-elf ranger of the Yuebai clan, has signed a surrender contract with you, and the overall surrender rate reaches over 99%, and it will take effect.

[Congratulations, Lilac, the second-order three-star and half-elf archer of the Yuebai tribe, has signed a surrender contract with you, and the overall surrender rate reaches over 99%, and it will take effect.

[Congratulations, Shi Yan, the first-order four-star half-elf hunter of the Yuebai clan, has signed a surrender contract with you, and the overall surrender rate reaches over 99%, and it will take effect.

[Congratulations, the first-order two-star half-elf farmer of the Yuebai clan, Garden Ginseng, has signed a surrender contract with you, and the overall surrender rate reaches over 99%, and it will take effect.

[Dear Lord, the overall surrender rate of the Yuebai clan has successfully reached over 99%, congratulations! Got the surrender of all the members of the Yuebai clan!

[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new feature "Manufacturing" project: "Architectural Blueprint: Half-Elf House"!

[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new feature "Manufacturing" item: "Architectural Blueprint: Half-elf Vaulted Longhouse"!

[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new feature "Manufacturing" project: "Architectural Blueprint: Half-elf Watchtower"!

[Congratulations, you have unlocked a new feature "Manufacturing" item: "Architectural Blueprint: Half-elf Crafting Workshop"!

As soon as the prompt ended, a brand new surrender interface popped up in front of Lei Xiao.

Name: Yuebai Clan

Race: Half-elf

Submission: 50

Population: 560

"Male: 278"

"Women: 282"

"Tier 1: 550"

"Second order: 10"

[Number of buildings: 160 (125 of which have been destroyed)]

[Warehouse: 97% capacity]

Resources: "Wood x12000", "Thatch x9800", "Stone x5600"

Food: "Spirit Rice x29550", "Spirit Sweet Potato x1850", "Spirit Lettuce x560", "Wild Wild Vegetables x350", "Smoked Captive Pork x720", "Smoked Captive Beef x590"

Material: "Beef tendon x1520", "Cowhide x790", "Horn x50", "Pigskin x2030"

Equipment: "Tier 1 Weapon: Half-elf Longbow x30" "Tier 2 Weapon: Half-elf Wind Bow x5" "Tier 1 Armor: Half-elf Leather Armor x32" "Second-Tier Armor: Half-elf Exquisite Leather Armor x3" "Half Elf Arrow x10200"

"I have to say that the harvest this time is quite rich!"

Looking at the new interface, Lei Xiao couldn't help showing a thoughtful look while he was pleasantly surprised.

First of all, the most striking thing is naturally the strength of the old half-elf patriarch Kawagu.

"No wonder this guy can walk fast without a cane.

It turned out that it turned out to be a third-order nine-star half-elf great magician before.

Speaking of which, great magician? Was he still that one when he was 30? "

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao couldn't help but pouted.

However, what is certain is that, judging from the current situation of the other party's current first-order and one-star, there must be other hidden secrets. If you have time, you must ask carefully.

If there is a way to restore his strength, it will undoubtedly be an important battle strength for his side who currently lacks magic powerhouses.

Secondly, several new racial-specific buildings have been unlocked.

Needless to say, the first two are the ordinary half-elf wooden houses, and the large arched stone house that had a hole in the knot just now.

The most important thing is the third half-elf watchtower.

If you send archers in, and then do some renovations and reinforcements, wouldn't it be possible to turn into an arrow tower with both offense and defense in seconds?

At that time, if you build a few more around and echo each other, the security of the territory will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

Even if he and Kizhang and others are not in the territory, Gangsong and other low-level subordinates can fully cope with the ordinary monsters and beasts around.

In this way, I can sleep more soundly.

"It's just like drinking the fat house happy water with potato chips in the Caribbean sea where the climate is pleasant and not hot at all!"

With an inexplicable analogy, Lei Xiao continued to think.

As for the fourth building, it is a special place where bows, arrows and leather armors can be manufactured below Tier 2.

Of course, if there are subordinates with high-level craftsman skills, as well as equipment blueprints and corresponding materials, equipment of Tier 3 and above can also be produced.

Just now, Lei Xiao had checked, and there were indeed more than 10 half-elves with craftsmanship skills.

"Unfortunately, the craftsman's skill level is only level two. If you make equipment of level three and above, the success rate will not be too high."

Shaking his head helplessly, Lei Xiao's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

"Right! This kind of manufacturing or forging skills can be improved according to proficiency.

Then the matter is very simple, can't it be just piled up with materials? As long as the equipment is upgraded and then decomposed, how many advanced manufacturing materials are needed? "

Lei Xiao smiled confidently, and Lei Xiao again showed a thoughtful look.

Finally ~ is the detailed information interface of the Yuebai people.

The newly emerging degree of surrender, to put it bluntly, can be understood as the comprehensive loyalty index of the entire clan.

Like Loyalty, the initial value is 50 points and the maximum is 100 points.

It is conceivable that although people have bound their life to you.

But in peacetime, it does not mean that 100% will work hard for you and not be lazy.

Therefore, the higher the index, the better.

Further down, at this stage, the total population of the Yuebai people is 560, and the ratio of males and females is just right.

The only regret is that after a night of fierce battle with the half-orc army.

At present, there are only about 50 first- and second-order half-elf warriors with combat skills left.

However, if you add a part of it, other villagers with slightly stronger combat power can form a standing archer centenary team with all the first-order five-star or above, and it can still be easily achieved.

On this basis, other young adults will be used to form a reserve army of 200 people.

In this way, when you need it, you will have a team of 300 half-elf archers in your hands!

The most important thing is that it does not occupy the population of its own territory!

This point can obviously be of great help to myself, who currently has a population cap of only 100 people.

"Looking back, first use talent to upgrade the equipment of the half-elf, and then according to the situation, use Qi condensing pills to improve the strength of the backbone, and try to make this army an elite force.

As long as it is a place where money can be used, everything is not a problem. "

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao continued to think.

Next, is the most surprising place for him!

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