Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 39: Entering the era of farming

Chapter 39: Entering the era of farming

Undoubtedly, what surprised Lei Xiao the most was the self-sufficient food production capacity here!

When he called other villagers in Kawagu just now, he had already checked it briefly.

At the other end of the village, there are a lot of farmland and several large and small farms.

In this way, as long as the production scale is expanded, it will obviously become a stable food supply base in the near future!

This also marks that in terms of food acquisition, we have progressed from the era of gathering and hunting to the era of farming and animal husbandry!

The most important thing is that this place is located within the enchantment, which not only has a wide space, but also has a high safety factor.

As long as there are no high-level magic powerhouses, the enemy cannot enter the interior at all. Undoubtedly, to the greatest extent, the safety of farmland and farms is guaranteed, and there is no need to worry about being destroyed.

"It seems that in addition to Kawagu's own strength, the issue of food supply needs to be studied in depth with him."

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao's eyes fell on other resources.

These things are nothing to say, they are all ordinary.

However, it can be inferred that the leather armor and bows of half-elf archers are made from the materials in the warehouse.

In addition to the dozen or so half-elves with craftsmanship skills, it can be seen that there is also the ability to stably produce leather armor and bows and arrows below the second rank.

This level of equipment production will also be a big boost for the current side.

On the other side, just as Lei Xiao was thinking to himself.

Under the high platform, the half-elves who had just signed the contract of surrender looked up at this indifferent but revealed an extraordinary young clan lord, and couldn't help but be full of thoughts.

Undoubtedly, from this moment on, the fate and future of their entire clan are completely in the hands of the Lord!

After closing the surrender interface that just popped up, Lei Xiao lifted his spirits, and immediately walked to the very center of the high platform surrounded by Hu Zhang and others.

I saw him glance at the half-elves under the stage with gentle eyes, and then, in a friendly tone, said: "Everyone, I know that you have just experienced a trial of blood and fire, everyone have lost a lot.

However, through this trial, I have seen your perseverance and courageous spirit even more from you.

So, I believe that you will soon stand up and become stronger than before.

As your lord, I will not paint you a very good future.

Because the future is full of too many variables, all I can do is to help you rebuild your homes as soon as possible, and then plan ahead to prepare for the crisis.

As long as we work together, I believe this is not difficult to achieve.

What I want, the future can be expected, this is my only promise to you. "

After listening to Lei Xiao's words, the bodies of all the half-elves trembled slightly, and many of them even started to burst into tears.

The lord in front of him was not as tyrannical and conceited as he imagined, nor did he make any unrealistic promises to them.

On the contrary, he is really putting himself in their shoes!

Thinking of this, all the half-elves knelt down on one knee and silently buried their heads to Lei Xiao.

Moreover, a considerable number of half-elves have begun to accept this Lord from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, in Lei Xiao's ear, the prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations, the Yuebai family has developed a little love for you, and the degree of surrender has increased by 5 points, which is currently 55 points.

Seeing that his words had achieved a certain effect, Lei Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, he said to Kawagu on the side: "Okay, let's first order everyone to clean up the battlefield and the village.

The weapons and equipment that can be used are all gathered together, and I will use them later. "

"As ordered!" Hearing this, Chuan Gu immediately took Bai Zhi and others and started to get busy.

After that, just after walking off the platform, Lei Xiao didn't have time to catch his breath when the prompt sounded for the third time.

[Dear Lord, congratulations! Become the first lord in the world to successfully sign a contract of surrender. The world broadcast will be broadcast soon. Would you like to disclose your name?

"Good guy, I didn't expect this to trigger rewards and global broadcasts?"

Aside from the accident, Lei Xiao thought for a while and chose the public name directly.

The two previous upgrades to the mansion were sent as anonymous bosses, and now it's time for his real body to appear on the hot search list again, and it's time to gain a wave of fame and fans.

The next second, a sudden voice sounded in the ears of the global lords:

[Congratulations to the lord Lei Xiao of No. 0013076067, the world's first successful contract of surrender! Reward a random skill scroll and a random miracle building blueprint!

Unsurprisingly, all chat channels exploded instantly.

"Brother Meng, it's the God of Xiao! The king of the God of Xiao is back!"

"Hahaha! I ~ Xiaoshen boss can't keep quiet like this forever!"

"God Xiao, I'm already the leader of your five fan clubs. I'm asking for a flop again!"

"Speaking of which, what is a contract of surrender? Please answer me, the friend request has been sent~"

"Silly Que, on the first day, wasn't all the basic knowledge about the world already engraved in our minds? Don't you know? Don't make a sense of existence here, okay (contempt)?"

"Brother Xiaoshen, I haven't showered for three days, can I be your stinky treasure (poor)?"

"Brother Xiaoshen, don't listen to the upstairs, the Lun family also wants to sign a contract of surrender with you. If you can't, you can also sign a pet contract, the kind with chains (red lips blowing kisses)."

Lei Xiao couldn't help showing excitement without paying attention to the boring content in the chat channel.

"A skill scroll? A new blueprint for a miracle building? I don't know what good things I'll get? I'm really looking forward to it.

However, the reward still has to be extracted from the storage space, and it can only be said after returning to the territory. "

While pondering, Lei Xiao, surrounded by Huzhang and others, started to walk to the farmland and farm at the other end of the village, preparing to get a good understanding of the situation there.

In the process, he was surprised to find that the way half-elves deal with half-orc corpses is very simple.

Directly at the edge of the enchantment, a gap in time and space was opened, and after throwing it in, it instantly vanished into ashes and turned into a piece of dust.

Just like this, he went straight to the other end of the village, and Lei Xiao happened to see Chuan Gu commanding work not far away.

And the other party obviously found the five of them, and quickly came over with a cane with the help of Bai Zhi.

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