Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 342: 342 On the way to the capital

Chapter 342: 342 On the way to the capital

News of Zhao Lingxin's marriage had spread throughout the Yanhuang Great Continent. If it was in the past, marriages in the human realm didn't even matter. No one paid attention to the emperor's wedding.

But at this wedding, Zhao Lingxin was not an ordinary emperor, but an emperor as great as the First Emperor. The best leader in the modern era. That even a Martial Artist would have to honor him when referring to the Great Dazhou Empire. Rulers of all Eastern Lands Zhao Lingxin's reputation also weighed among many Martial Artists.

Moreover, the status of the women's side was even higher than Zhao Lingxin. In the eyes of Martial Artists, the successor disciples of the Divine Temple were incomparably significant. Due to the prestige of Guardian, who has protected the world for more than five thousand years, it has become a legend of the Yanhuang Great Continent. This made the wedding a lot of attention and everyone's attention.

"I must go to this event." So many Martial Artists were interested in the event. And some of them wanted to open up the world to the Eastern Land, which was famous as the Land of Heaven, causing many Martial Artists to travel to the Empire.

The government was unable to accommodate such a large number of commuters for fear of security concerns. They could not completely trust the millions of Martial Artists to attend Zhao Lingxin's wedding ceremony for maximum safety.

"Issuing an order to block all borders, prohibiting unlicensed Martial Artists from entering the imperial borders." General Guo Ling quickly signed the order. Now, they were terrified of Martial Artists who wanted to cause trouble and interfere in the country's internal affairs. Therefore, these stories must be prevented in advance.

The most advanced air defense system has been launched, ready to fire at any invaders. All the soldiers in the army were tensed up. They needed to protect the Empire as best they could.

Of course, blocking the borders, limiting the number of Martial Artists entering the Empire would create dissatisfaction with the large number of Martial Artists who were stranded at the border and unable to enter the Empire.

"Why not let us in?" Martial Artists protested at the border, wanting to enter Shenzhou Capital.

"Open a path for me now." Millions of Martial Artists were protesting at the border. And it was expected that more Martial Artists would join in. It was causing headaches for the Ministry of Civil Affairs so much that they had to hold their temples. Such a multitude of Martial Artists was beyond the capabilities they could handle.

"Yes, we just want to attend the Divine Goddess's wedding." Martial Artists point of view such a grand wedding had not taken place in the Yanhuang Great Continent for a long time. So they would like to see such greatness.

"Sorry, our Empire has closed its borders now. Please go back." The Imperial Guard announced to all the Martial Artists.

Of course, there would be much displeasure shouted that the Empire despised them as a problem. If it were a regular guard, these people would have been brave enough to fight through the borders. But the Empire was ready to fight as well. They would not allow these Martial Artists to break even a single step.

The western armies were fully armed and ready to fight at any moment. The two sides were now facing each other.

On the side of the self-Martial Artists who heard the reputation of the Imperial Army giving them restraint, not immediately invading.

"I think we should go sue the Guardian." Since the Empire didn't let the Martial Artists in, so they ran to complain to the Divine Temple to come forward. Numerous messenger cranes flew off the sky of the Divine Temple. Millions of letters have been sent to complain to the Guardian.

The Guardian, who had heard the news, immediately informed Zhao Lingxin.

"Let them come to the event. I assure you that if a problem arises, I will go ahead and do it myself." The guard promised. This was a disciple's wedding if anyone dared to cause trouble to the Guardian. The Guardian will immediately drop all neutrality, punishing the person.

Under the assurance of the world's supreme identity Guardian, Zhao Lingxin quickly agreed to follow.

"Order all borders to open for them to enter," Zhao Lingxin informed the government to take action.

Millions of Martial Artists then entered the capital city of Shenzhou to attend the wedding ceremony. They knew that the Guardian had a warning against them. So they tried not to cause trouble for fear that the Guardian would be displeased and turn to take action on their own.

Therefore, the Martial Artists acted as calm as a child. Traveling in the Empire normally did nothing for fear of the Guardians.

On the western frontier, there were still countless Martial Artists. Not only this, but some of them also traveled by water. Passing through Tongzhou City, board a giant ship of the Five Elements Sect. At present, the port of Tongzhou City was filled with many ships of the Five Elements Sect docked. Including some of the wealthy Martial Artists also traveled through passenger planes bound for the Empire directly. At this moment, everyone in the Yanhuang Super Continent was only heading towards the capital of Shenzhou.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs also estimated that about ten million Martial Artists would enter the capital Shenzhou soon.

The common civilians in the Empire immediately had an excited expression on their faces. After hearing the news that the emperor will have a wedding ceremony in the next month.

Different from Martial Artists, he government has continually promoted the auspicious event to bring joy to many people.

"The emperor is getting married." The civilians listened to the news in shock. It didn't take long for everyone in the Empire to hear the announcement at the same time.

Zhao Lingxin's wedding had broken the hearts of countless young women who had long wanted a majestic and single emperor. In just one night, countless women's tears almost drowned the capital of Shenzhou in the blink of an eye.

The people who had been in the Great Dazhou Province since the beginning were more than anyone else's joy. Because they had been with the Zhao family for thousands of years. They would be happy to see that the Zhao family had a great event that had been silent for a long time. They hadn't heard such good news for a long time.

"No, I absolutely can't miss a big event like this." The crowd took their leave. Where business owners are cooperating very well. Everyone wants to witness this grand event because it might be the biggest wedding in a millennium.

"Let's hurry to the capital city of Shenzhou."

At the same time, the Empire's traffic system was nearly paralyzed. Seats were reserved, and hotels in the capital were filled everywhere. People were heading towards the capital city of Shenzhou.

Cars, trains, and planes with the same destination, the capital city of Shenzhou, to witness such a wedding

The Empire's excellent roaming system had already shown its effectiveness. It was an era when long-distance travel was effortless. Even a person who lives thousands of kilometers away could only take one day to reach the capital city of Shenzhou. With such convenience, most people quickly decided to attend the event.

While ordinary citizens are coming to the capital. One group of equally busy people is indeed a large number of business capitalists.

The extermination of the former revolutionary. This caused half of the Empire's businessmen to die. But the world of capitalism is very strange. In just a few days, many new business men took their place. The damaged capital recovered quickly.

Some capitalists were influential enough to closely attend Zhao Lingxin's ceremony. Therefore, they had an excellent task awaiting the emperor.

While such a story is extremely difficult, Zhao Lingxin was known to be the richest in the world. Zhao Lingxin's precious artifact was already in his possession. This caused the capitalists to find exotic gifts to satisfy the emperor.

"With this gift, I am absolutely sure that he will be satisfied." Wealthy capitalist Sun Yuan smiled happily. Ever since the Dongzhou-type capitalist had died entirely. The Shenzhou capitalist was firmly in power.

In search of a precious gift, Sun Yuan hired an imperial submarine fleet. Heading towards the deepest point of the ocean, finally brought a fist-sized precious pearl. With enough power to hit the navy's head to follow, Sun Yuan received a gift that was so invaluable that it would be bragged to all the capitalists.

Most of the wealthy businessmen watched with envy. They wanted to flatter Zhao Lingxin as well. Therefore, everyone tried their best to find the best gift to give to Zhao Lingxin. and in order not to lose the face of people in the same industry as well

The capitalists poured countless amounts of money. Hire an adventurer Martial Artists, including the army, to find the ultimate gift to their emperor until the Empire's economy grew momentarily. The amount of money that the capitalists dumped into the market was so frightening.

Now the capital city of Shenzhou has been bustling to the extreme since its inception. Within the capital city of Shenzhou, no less than thirty million people were crowded in this capital city. Both Martial Artists and a large number of people gathered for Zhao Lingxin's auspicious event



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