Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 343: 343 Everyone gathering

Chapter 343: 343 Everyone gathering

A month later, after extended preparations were made by the government, The Office of the Royal Secretariat is the main head in preparing such work. Finally, the day everyone has been waiting for has arrived.

The fourteenth day of the eighth month, the fourth year of the Kai Yuan reign. According to the Great Dazhou Empire calendar. The Fourth Year of the Emperor's Reign. The only dynasty of the Yanhuang Continent. The savior of the dignity of mankind from the fear of Martial Artists and the invasion of the Demon Realm, and the greatest emperor in history.

Zhao Lingxin's wedding schedule will begin today. The government has arranged the event according to Zhao Lingxin's wishes.

Zhao Lingxin had invited eunuch Qin Bo to become his elder relative, making such an impression that Qin Bo could not hold back his tears.

"I am just a eunuch. Your Highness doesn't have to do this much to an old man like me, your majesty." Qin Bo realized that his humble status should stand by the side of the ceremony until the end of the ceremony, not being able to step up to represent Zhao Lingxin's elder relatives.

But Zhao Lingxin didn't think so. He saw Qin Bo as a father who had always cared for him since he came to this world. It was just a few people who had been standing beside Zhao Lingxin for nearly twenty years.

"For you are like my father. Now, I don't have any elder relatives left. Therefore, I would like to invite you to be my representative at this event." Zhao Lingxin continued to confirm the same words. The will of the emperor was absolutely no one dared to oppose or disagree. No one would attack Qin Bo on that point. The cabinets agreed with Zhao Lingxin's proposal.

Qin Bo heard that and agreed to represent his male relatives. He looked at Zhao Lingxin like his own son who had grown up to become a great emperor.

Zhao Lingxin was dressed in a white uniform. This is very different from the traditional practice. He didn't want to wear that awkward red dress. This caused Zhao Lingxin to tailor the white uniform that was worn and looked extremely elegant.

The wedding ceremony was held in the heart of the Royal Palace. It was broadcasted live around the world so everyone could watch the event up close.

The streets of Shenzhou Capital had never been this crowded before. All cars were banned from running today. The streets were packed with huge crowds of tens of millions. Who came to attend the event in the capital this time. This will be the most attended wedding in history.

This was not to mention the many Martial Artists that were still gathering on the streets. Every corner of the city will have a large screen that is broadcast live for everyone to see clearly.

Even though it was not announced but everyone in the country went on strike in unison. Watching their TV screens to witness the event.

The center of the palace had more than ten thousand high-ranking people of the Empire and Martial Artists and invited people. The courtyard of the palace was vast, and could accommodate a large number of people. In the center of the square stood a large statue of Zhao Lingxin that is the heart of the mechanical magic that covers the capital city

The Martial Artists who had visited the capital of Shenzhou this time were met with the fact that the Empire had the same concentration of Heaven and Earth energy as the central part of the Great Continent.

"I think the rumors are probably wrong. The eastern land was not dry in the slightest. This place is filled with the fertility of Heaven and Earth." Martial Artists felt that their entire body was free from discomfort because of the power of the sky and the earth that covered the surrounding area, which favored the Heavenly Sky Netting magic.

The Martial Artists who came today had witnessed a great civilization like never before. Just the countless rows of skyscrapers were enough to terrify many Martial Artists in their hearts.

This wedding was a showcase of the wealth the Empire possessed and displayed for all to see. The government was so proud that countless Martial Artists shrunk the wealth of the Empire.

After this wedding was completed, the Empire's reputation and prestige would spread throughout the Yanhuang Great Continent.

In the courtyard of the palace, the guests of essential figures are constantly coming and going. Capitalists and high-ranking figures were all dressed in elaborate suits that were the most expensive one could buy.

Eighth Princess Zhao Min was also very determined to attend this event. Right now, the Eighth Princess was standing beside Hong Bao'er, who was now using her flesh body to live comfortably in the capital, not going anywhere. So the two girls quickly became friends.

The demon clan sent a delegation to join as well. The Empire had power over the Demon Realm, so it was natural for the Demon Realm to pay homage to Zhao Lingxin like a colony of the Empire. Now that the Empire's influence was greater than half of the world, all areas of the Yanhuang Great Continent all had imperial footprints.

The center of the Demon Realm was also strictly controlled. The Golden Dragon King was constantly freezing. All tribes had to obtain humanitarian aid from the Empire, exchanging food for the rare ores they had mined.

White Tiger Clan, Patriarch Tao Sun Guixian, stood beside Xiaobai, Zhao Lingxin's pet cat. Tao Sun Guixian tried to consult with Xiaobai to ask Xiaobai to help the Demon Realm more.

The White Tiger Clan was as great as today in the Demon Realm because of Xiao Bai's prestige, who had always helped.

Xiaobai did not imagine that one day a great old man like Tao Sun Guixian had to humbly pay respect to himself for help.

Sword Master Dong Yi Shangjun, who had stayed for months in advance, enjoyed the many delicious liquors that the palace had provided.

This Sword Master had been bothering Zhao Ling Xin for months. Fortunately, the other party likes to drink alcohol. So Zhao Lingxin was very easy to deal with. Just throwing out a couple of ten thousand bottles of liquor was enough to stop Dongyi Shangjun Sword Master from getting into the hustle and bustle.

The gift table was hundreds of meters long, with countless precious gifts being sent all over the place. But only a truly precious gift is qualified to showcase it to everyone. Despite this, the number of precious gifts piled up like small mountains, showing the mighty wealth of the Imperial Capitalists.

Tens of thousands of guests were waiting for the ceremony to begin soon. Meanwhile, the headmasters all arrived. Of course, such a person had to have Zhao Lingxin come out to welcome him.

"Sect Master Li Houshun, haven't seen each other in a long time." Zhao Lingxin greeted the Five Elements Sect, Li Houshun.

However, Zhao Lingxin harbored resentment that the Five Elements Sect had supported the previous revolutionaries, not giving Li Houshun a chance to speak.

"The people of the Five Elements Sect that were sent a while ago. I have eliminated everyone. Next time, you don't have to bother Sect Master to send people again." Zhao Lingxin said sarcastically. Just meeting face to face, both sides started to clash.

Sect Master Li Houshun hadn't even said anything yet, and Zhao Lingxin was continuously sarcastic. His fury was now erupting. But Li Houshun had to forcefully suppress such anger because he needed to maintain a good image in front of everyone today.

"Zhao Lingxin, I congratulate you on today's wedding. I am the representative of the Five Elements Sect, send gifts to you," Sect Master Li Houshun said, taking out his gift.

"This is a hundred thousand-year-old magic grass. The best of our magic. You take it." Sect Master Li Houshun boasted of countless qualities until his saliva splashed out in every direction.

Zhao Lingxin narrowed his eyes slightly. Staring at the magic grass in the other party's hand. which looks like the grass on the side of the road that has just been picked up

Zhao Lingxin looked up and saw Li Houshun smirking on the side, waiting for him to receive the gift.

"I think I should go and invite a guardian?" So now Zhao Lingxin raised a guardian to threaten the other party.

Of course, it worked out great. Li Houshun's face instantly distorted, and a wave of slight anger appeared.

"Wait a minute." Sect Master Li Houshun immediately picked up his magic grass before picking up another item instead.

"Little friend, I was only joking a moment ago. You don't have to go after Lord Protector. This is a precious gift from the Five Elements Sect." Again, sect Master Li Houshun handed over a gift box filled with Heaven and Earth energy. This time, Zhao Lingxin, confident that the gift inside was genuinely precious, reached out and took it.

"Thank you very much." Zhao Lingxin accepted the precious gift with a smile. After that, Palace Lord Feng Zhong arrived.

Despite having a bad relationship with Zhao Lingxin, Palace Lord Feng Zhong gave out a very precious gift, unlike Sect Master Li Houshun, who was extremely cunning and deceptive.

As for the Sword Master, who had visited the Empire one month in advance, he had already given him a gift that was a textbook for analyzing the world's sword songs based on the actual experience of a Sword Master. It was considered as one of the magic items in the underworld as well. Of course, if such a book was to be published, there would have to be a large number of Martial Artists willing to do whatever it took to read this book.

All the guests gathered in unison. Zhao Lingxin had already counted among all the Divine Grandmasters he knew. Only Divine Sect Master Yao Huang was absent from the event. Not even a single gift was sent. Clearly declares that he will not establish any relationship with Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin did not pay attention to this matter because now there was something else that he had to pay more attention to.

At that moment, above the capital's sky, a vast golden chariot appeared floating above the sky. More amazingly, there were twelve huge dragons as the chariot harnesses. Declare the majesty of the Divine Temple.

At that moment, a loud noise resounded throughout the sky.

"The bride has arrived."

The procession of the horse carriage gracefully stopped in the center of the palace. Everyone at the ceremony stared at the carriage with great interest.



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