My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 65-1

Chapter 65-1

Dont Cry

Fang Xin and Duan Cheng supported her, one on each side, as they walked forward. Zhang Jinhai was at the front on guard, while Zheng Chengrui trailed behind.

This was a lengthy underground passage, with water seeping down from the ceiling and a layer of accumulated water underfoot, floating with garbage or plastic bags. Occasionally, mice squeaked as they darted past them.

The enemy lurked in the dark, and they were in the light. Danger could strike at any moment, and everyones mental state was highly tense.

Following the markings left by Song Yuhang, they turned a corner and faced two diverging paths. One path faintly revealed some light, while the other led into darkness.

Lin Yan halted her steps, and the group turned to look at her. She lowered her arms from Duan Chengs shoulders and stood alone.

Duan Cheng, give me your gun.

Duan Cheng, puzzled, was about to draw his gun from its holster to hand it to her when Fang Xin stopped him.

Sister Lin, you

You two go back, Lin Yan said calmly, supporting herself against the wall as she walked forward.

I guess Director Feng sent you on a mission just to rescue me. Once the mission is complete, you can go back. The rest of you, dont follow us any longer.

The Chu Nan case had far-reaching implications, and Lin Yan was still unable to make sense of it. It had already implicated Song Yuhang, and she didnt want to involve others any further.

Duan Cheng took a few steps, his footsteps splashing in the accumulated water: But how can the two of you handle it? Youre injured

So, wasnt I asking you to give me your gun? It would be a burden for you to follow us, Lin Yan said irritably, reaching out and snatching the gun from him. She loaded a bullet, disengaged the safety, and turned her attention to Zhang Jinhai.

This is my business. Dont interfere.

The dark muzzle lifted slightly, pointing at him. Lin Yan turned her head towards Zhang Jinhai and said, Captain Zhang, take them back.

In Lin Yans impression, Zhang Jinhai was a timid, fearful, and greasy middle-aged man with a family. Therefore, she was confident he would agree. As long as Zhang Jinhai agreed, the Technical Investigation Team would have to leave even if they didnt want to.

However, to her astonishment, Zhang Jinhai stepped forward and moved her gun aside. Your gun should be aimed at enemies, not colleagues. Dr. Lin, you might have misunderstood. Our mission is not to rescue you but to protect you and safely bring you back to the Municipal Bureau.

Lin Yan was taken aback, but he smiled and unconsciously sucked in his protruding belly while speaking, making the bulletproof vest fit more snugly. Then he walked to the front to lead the way, still with his slick and smooth tone.

Oh, youre with our Jiangcheng Municipal Bureau for just one day, and youre already one of us. Assaulting a police officer is unforgivable. Besides, Im getting on in years and still want to earn some merits to move up a bit. Otherwise, Ill have to retire in a few years.

Fang Xin also stepped forward to pull her. Lets go, Sister Lin. Three mediocre talents can still top a Zhuge Liang1.

Zheng Chengrui caught up, Um, I may not be good at much else, but I can quickly plan the most reasonable escape route.

Duan Cheng: Brother Zheng, just shut up.

Lin Yan was being dragged along, You guys

She seemed like she wanted to say something, her eyes welled up, and she bit her lip. In the end, she didnt speak those words.

I will protect you too, to the best of my ability.

The group ventured further into the darkness, and before they had gone far, they heard a loud gunshot.

In that instant, Lin Yan transformed into a revitalized beast in the forest, fatigue vanishing from her eyes. She swiftly moved past the others.

Raising her hand, she commanded, Combat formation. Duan Cheng, Old Zheng, protect Fang Xin. Ill take the front, and the rear leave it to Captain Zhang.

Despite Lin Yans injuries, she excelled in both combat skills and experience.

Considering Zhang Jinhai had a family to support, she was the most suitable person to lead this charge.

The others had no objections, nodding in agreement. In the quiet atmosphere, only the heavy sound of their breathing could be heard.

Duan Chengs gun was taken by Lin Yan. He held an electric baton in his hand, and his palm was sweaty, making it almost slippery to hold the baton.

Lin Yan chuckled softly, Dont be afraid. After all, with the bulletproof vest, as long as the vital points are not hit, we wont die.

Thats easy for you to say. What if we get shot in the head? The group walked silently along the wall, and Duan Cheng lowered his voice to ask.

Lin Yan sneered, Its not that easy to get shot in the head when the target is moving. Unless you stand still like a sitting duck, do you think sharpshooters are so easy to come by?

As her words fell, another gunshot rang out, and Lin Yan had already rushed out, breaking through the door.

Song Yuhang was already entangled in a fight with the person in black. It was a spacious underground operating room, brightly lit, with a monitoring device and a centrifuge next to the bed. A child lay on the bed, with overturned instrument trays and scattered equipment on the floor, luckily due to Song Yuhangs timely arrival.

The gunshots from earlier were all fired by her. Unfortunately, the assailant reacted extremely quickly, not only dodging the bullets but also engaging her in close combat.

Song Yuhang was pressed to the ground, the mans strong and powerful arm choking her, leaving her face pale.

Struggling, Song Yuhang reached for a surgical knife that had fallen to the ground beside her and swiftly grabbed it, ruthlessly stabbing it towards the mans neck.

In the blink of an eye, the blade was dangerously close, and the mans pupils constricted. He quickly withdrew his hand, but it was already too late.

Song Yuhang moved in, leaving a bloodstain in the air. The man, holding his neck, took a few steps back, his gaze falling on a gun that had been knocked aside earlier.

Song Yuhang noticed it too, and both rushed to grab it, engaging in a fierce struggle with no clear winner.

Another punch landed forcefully on the temple, and Song Yuhang saw stars, her ears ringing.

Instinctively, her combat skills kicked in, and she subconsciously kneed the opponent, sending him flying. She quickly rolled to her feet, seized his neck to reach for the gun, but the man, unwilling to be outdone, delivered a sweeping kick as he fell to the ground.

Song Yuhangs lips were instantly smeared with blood, both of them flying out and shattering the glass at the entrance of the operating room.

Lin Yan held the gun, still catching her breath, hesitating to pull the trigger as the two were too close

Song Yuhang stole a glance at her, Dont mind me, take the child and go!

As she spoke, the man methodically pried open her fingers one by one, bones making a crisp sound. Song Yuhang winced in pain, sweating profusely, her face turning pale.

The gun in her palm was finally taken out, and the cold muzzle pressed against her forehead.

The man gently squeezed the trigger, and Song Yuhang, enduring the pain, still breathed heavily, continuing to smile.

Surprisingly, that crazed, bloodthirsty, and arrogant gaze bore some resemblance to Lin Yans.

While the man was momentarily distracted, Song Yuhang managed to grip the gunstock, engaging in a struggle.

The man pressed the muzzle downward, and Song Yuhang gritted her teeth, attempting to twist it to the side.

Bang! Under the force of gravity, the trigger was finally pulled.

Lin Yans heart instantly jumped to her throat, Song Yuhang!

The bullet grazed past her face, breaking the bedside cabinet leg, and the monitor crashed to the ground, shattering into pieces with a sharp, piercing sound.

Assured that she was unharmed, Lin Yan wasted no time. She rushed over to check on the child, swiftly lifted her eyelids, felt her pulse at the neck, and examined her chest under the clothes.

The mans eyes widened in fury, roaring, Dont touch her! and lunged towards Lin Yan.

Song Yuhang leapt forward, firmly holding onto his waist, pulling him backward.

The man used his fists to strike her head, his elbow aiming for her temple. Song Yuhang quickly became dizzy, blood spitting from the corner of her lips. Despite this, she didnt let go. Her already swollen eyes were nearly squinted shut.

Through her peripheral vision, she saw Lin Yan removing the monitoring device from the girl, cradling her. A faint smile of satisfaction appeared on Lin Yans lips.

Shes just anesthetized, quickly get her to the hospital, Lin Yan said, handing the child to Zhang Jinhai and the others who were following closely.

Zhang Jinhai lifted the child onto his back, asking, What about you?

Captain Song is still inside; I have to go save her.

Several people hid in the small gap beside the hospital bed.

Im going too Duan Cheng said, attempting to run outside, but Lin Yan forcefully pushed him back.

Get out of here! This is a direct order; go!

No ones leaving!!! The man roared, his eyes bloodshot. He twisted Song Yuhangs arm backward with a brutal force.

With a crisp sound of breaking bones, intense pain surged through Song Yuhang. Her face turned deathly pale, large beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. Then, her body went limp as the man hoisted her high and slammed her fiercely into the wall.

She rolled several times, knocking over the medicine cabinet, leaving spatters of blood on the wall.

Lin Yan huddled in the corner of the bed, seeing a hand picking up the gun from the ground. Her pupils constricted, and she shouted, Go! pushing everyone out.

Several people tumbled outside the door, Zhang Jinhai gasping for breath as he carefully shielded the child to prevent her from hitting her head.

Duan Cheng, who had climbed up from the floor, was instantly pulled down by Fang Xin. Get down!

Bang, bang, bang! Bullets pierced through the steel door, leaving small holes and casting beams of light into the darkness.

Several people huddled on the ground, heads down, not daring to breathe, unable to fathom the situation inside.

Duan Chengs eyes reddened, Sister Lin, Captain Song

Zhang Jinhai was the first to regain his composure. He lifted the child onto his back and pulled someone up, saying, Lets go, hurry! Get out and call for backup!

Even Song Yuhang could only barely hold her own against the man in black. With their interference, it would only add chaos, especially in the narrow and crowded room, where a gun was nothing but a piece of useless metal.

With their shooting skills, it would be best not to accidentally harm their own people.

LP: Youre not alone anymore, Lin Yan (`)

  1. Zhuge Liang, also commonly known by his courtesy name Kongming, was a Chinese statesman, strategist, and engineer who lived through the end of the Eastern Han dynasty and the early to mid-Three Kingdoms period of China.

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