My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 65-2

Chapter 65-2

Dont Cry

Choosing the lesser of two evils, since he was the one who led them out, it was necessary to bring all of them back alive.

Zhang Jinhai gritted his teeth, carrying a child on his back and dragging several young people who were facing live ammunition for the first time in panic as he ran forward.

Zheng Chengruis glasses were askew, wiping away tears that had unknowingly flowed down his face. He finally freed himself from the state of being weak-legged, weak-bodied, and overwhelmed by fear.

He quickly tapped the microcomputer on his right arm, wiping away the dust on it. The screen was already broken, but it could still be used, albeit barely.

He didnt know where he found the strength, dragging his chubby short legs, and ran to the front. This way, go this way. Ill lead the way.

After the dust and gun smoke settled, Lin Yan crawled out from under the toppled hospital bed. The room was in chaos, with bullet holes covering the walls and ceiling. The centrifuge was shattered, and crimson blood pooled on the floor. The room was engulfed in darkness, and the ceiling lamp hung right in front of her, having fallen down.

Once Lin Yans eyes adjusted to the darkness, she felt her way through the broken glass on the floor.

She was searching for Song Yuhang: Song Yuhang, Song Yuhang The usually carefree person uncommonly revealed a hint of panic, to the point that her voice slightly trembled.

A faint cough from a woman came from the doorway. Song Yuhang slipped off the black-clad figure, holding a spittoon in her hand, its mouth stained with blood.

In a critical moment, seeing the gun aimed at Lin Yan, Song Yuhang didnt hesitate. Despite the dizziness and pain, instinctively, she got up from the ground. Disregarding her dizziness and physical pain, she instinctively pounced from behind, pressing the black-clad person to the ground. She grabbed his wrist and forcefully twisted the gun barrel in a different direction, making the bullet fire elsewhere.

The black-clad person struggled, and Lin Yan, fueled by an unknown source of strength, seemingly gone mad, grabbed the nearby spittoon and swung it towards his temple. Blow after blow, until fresh blood oozed from his mouth and nose, gradually silencing him.

Only then did Song Yuhang let go; both of them were not lightly injured.

The black-clad persons head knocked against the ground, with a pool of blood forming beside it.

As she lay on her back, gasping for breath, her strength depleted to the limit, her whole body felt as soft as marshmallows. Even moving her fingers seemed difficult. When she heard Lin Yans call and tried to speak, she coughed up blood.

Lin Yan crawled over, cradling her face. She wiped the bloodstains on her face with her hands but couldnt seem to clean them completely.

The voice choked up all of a sudden: Song Yuhang, Song Yuhang

She had never seen her in such a wretched state before. Covered in blood, her black training suit soaked, her face bruised and swollen. One eye was congested and swollen, while her right hand lacked strength, hanging limply on the ground. The room was dim, and Lin Yan couldnt see where she was injured. Nevertheless, with all her strength, she pulled her up. Song Yuhang was heavy, especially now that Lin Yan was also injured, making it impossible to carry her.

Lin Yans tears immediately flowed.

Where are you hurt? Where are you hurt? Lets go lets go to the hospital, Lin Yan sniffed, herself swaying unsteadily. Nevertheless, she persisted in trying to lift her. Both stumbled a few steps before collapsing to the ground again.

This time, Lin Yan didnt let her be a human cushion.

Song Yuhang leaned on her shoulder, coughing and laughing at the same time.

Rare to see you cry for me

But She weakly lifted her still functioning left hand, reaching to wipe away the tears at the corner of her eye.

Dont cry, though. When you cry, it hurts me.

As she spoke, she uncomfortably furrowed her brow, Wa, and spat out a large amount of clotted blood, her face turning pale.

Lin Yan patted her back to help her ease her discomfort, suddenly feeling an unusual hardness.

She reached out and touched, gritting her teeth.

Song Yuhang, taking advantage of her injury, nestled in her arms, genuinely weak. However, her eyes sparkled, and she grasped Lin Yans hand, placing it on her chest.

How about you give me a kiss, and I wont hurt anymore.

Lin Yan raised her hand and delivered a slap, saying, Damn, wearing a bulletproof vest and still playing dead, wanting to take advantage of me. Get lost!

Song Yuhang closed her eyes, a smile playing on her lips, anticipating the incoming slap. However, Lin Yans hand hesitated and didnt come down.

Instead, Song Yuhang found herself being pulled up by the collar, and she straightened up. Lin Yans warm lips touched her forehead, a fleeting touch like a dragonfly skimming the water. Yet, for Song Yuhang, that moment felt eternal.

Lin Yan embraced her head, her voice slightly choked, You youre okay

Song Yuhang buried herself in Lin Yans embrace, surrounded by warmth and tenderness, feeling almost unable to breathe.

She had an instinctual feeling that if she wasnt beaten to death, she might die from a rapid heartbeat, soaring blood pressure, and a brain hemorrhage.

Both of them were covered in the scent of gunpowder, nitrate, and the stench of blood, yet she had never felt so satisfied, as if all that pain had drifted away from her.

Lin Yan.


So soft.

Veins popped on Lin Yans forehead. She pushed her away and turned to leave.

Ehwait for me, ah, hiss Song Yuhang limped to catch up. Although she hadnt been hit by bullets, the steel plates in her bulletproof vest were bent. She suffered internal injuries, and on top of that, she couldnt lift one arm. Blood seeped from a gunshot wound on her leg, just hit by a stray bullet.

Now, she felt the pain. The combination of being hit and hugged moments ago kept her adrenaline high, numbing her to the pain. But as she relaxed, the aftermath hit. Before she could stand up, the world spun around her. Lin Yan turned back and steadied her.

Meeting Lin Yans worried gaze, Song Yuhang forced a smile, Im fine Is he still alive?

Lin Yan helped her stand against the wall, bending down to take the gun from the black-clad persons hand and removing his mask.

A face, almost too gruesome to look at, appeared before them. If she hadnt miscalculated, Li Yang was just in his early forties this year. However, his face, marred by scars, made him appear much older and terrifying.

Except for his eyes and forehead, there wasnt a single good spot on his face. The skin, wrinkled due to the scars, gathered together. His nose had collapsed, and his mouth protruded, not only ugly but also frightening.

Lin Yan felt nauseous just looking at him. Instinctively, she swung the butt of the gun onto his face.

Song Yuhang, holding her chest, reached out to pull her, Lets go. You go out and call for help. Ill stay here and watch him.

However, Lin Yan pressed the gun against his temple, speaking each word through gritted teeth, Hes just unconscious. I want him dead.

Lin Yan! Song Yuhang raised her voice slightly, leaning against the wall, panting heavily and trembling slightly. Her body felt cold, and blood continued to seep from the wound on her leg, forming a puddle of blood beneath her feet.

Listen, go out first. He has done so many evil things, and he killed two detectives. The death penalty is inevitable.

I want him dead now!!! Lin Yans eyes were bloodshot, and she pulled the trigger.

Intense coughing came from behind. Song Yuhang couldnt hold on any longer and slid down the wall.

He, he must die but dont you want to know his motive? Even if you might hate me now, look down on me think everything I say is nonsense She gasped for breath but kept looking at Lin Yan with gentle and soft eyes.

Analyzing his motive and modus operandi is equivalent to leaving a valuable case at the Public Security Bureau. In the future when facing similar cases or suspects we wont be powerless. We might even discover and prevent them earlier

Chu Nan is not the first girl to be harmed, and she wont be the last. Our goal isnt to kill for the sake of killing; its crime prevention.

As Song Yuhang spoke, she gritted her teeth and slowly crawled over, gradually moving Lin Yans gun away. She pulled her into her arms, and her breathing became heavier, resembling the sound of a bellows.

She struggled to swallow and felt her vision blurring. With great effort, she raised her hand to touch Lin Yans face, wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes. She took the gun into her own hands, then retrieved handcuffs from her pocket and handed them to Lin Yan.

Listen, Lin Yan, handcuff me to him, and then and then go get help

Lin Yan didnt avoid her, but Song Yuhang pulled her back. She held her head, soothing her emotions. However, she knew her time was running out, feeling hot tears falling into the hollow of her neck. Song Yuhang smiled, cupping her face, wiping away her tears with her thumb, but also smearing her pale face with bloodstains from her hands.

Song Yuhang reluctantly let go and said, Dont cry I promise you I still owe you a proper confession and you still owe me cough, cough She trailed off, not finishing her sentence. She forcibly opened Lin Yans hand, placed the handcuffs in it, and closed her hand around it.

Go quickly as long as Im here he wont wont escape

Lin Yan looked at the intertwined hands of the two, glanced at Li Yangs face, and when her gaze returned to Song Yuhangs face, her trembling lips couldnt hold back any longer, and she finally couldnt help but cry out.

Song Yuhang, you jerk!

* * *

Through the dark corridor, they ran for who knows how long. Breathing heavily, Zheng Chengrui stopped, and they found themselves in front of the cells they had passed earlier.

Go this way. He led the way, and Fang Xin and Duan Cheng followed suit. However, Zhang Jinhai suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The others turned to look at him, Captain Zhang

The child on his back seemed to move, and Zhang Jinhais body swayed slightly. He touched his neck, felt blood, and in the moment he let go, a gush of blood sprayed out.

Duan Cheng, closest to him, got splattered in the face. Unlike the blood of a dead person, the blood of the living still carried warmth and a metallic scent.

His tears burst out without warning, but his body had not yet recovered when he watched the little girl pick up a surgical knife and fiercely stab it into Zhang Jinhais neck.

Zhang Jinhai staggered and fell to the ground. Fang Xin immediately pounced on him, unable to stop the arterial bleeding no matter how hard he pressed. The young girl started crying, took off her police uniform, and used it to press on his wound.

Zhang Jinhai coughed, and blood foamed continuously from the corners of his lips. He hadnt finished his sentence: My my daughter is about the same age

The child threw away the surgical knife, climbed up from the ground in one swift motion, stepped on the accumulated water, and turned back to run.

Duan Chengs eyes widened, roaring from his throat, Stop! Dont move!!!

He snatched the sidearm from the hands of Zheng Chengrui, who had already sat down on the ground, and aimed at the running girl.

But but

He gritted his teeth, struggled, his hand trembling, and unconsciously, tears had filled his face.

She was still so young, looking like she was not even twenty, and her height seemed more like a minor. How could she be so ruthless! How could she!!!

Duan Cheng let out a roar from his throat and, with closed eyes, pulled the trigger.

LP: Haha, theres no way someones gonna die, right? right? ()

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