My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 73-2

Chapter 73-2


Song Yuhang raised her hand and struck her on the back of her neck. She was careful enough to make her lose consciousness without causing any harm.

Lin Yan collapsed into her arms, and the gun was snatched away by the other party. As their eyes met, Lin Yans trembling lips parted slightly.

Song Yuhang subtly nodded her head.

Lin Yan gently squeezed her hand and lightly hooked her palm with hers.

These discreet gestures went unnoticed by others.

Lin Yan was quickly pulled away, and Song Yuhang pressed the muzzle against her own temple.

Lin Yan kneeled forward, the bodyguards couldnt hold her back, and she threw herself at Lin Youyuans feet, her mouth taped with a strip of tape as she desperately shook her head.

Lin Youyuan tapped his fingertips on the wheelchair armrest, indicating the butler to remove the tape for her when he saw she had something to say.

The butler tore off the tape, and Lin Yan, panting heavily, spoke urgently and rapidly, Let her go, Ill stay!

Lin Youyuan was very satisfied and lifted his chin slightly, looking at Song Yuhang, What about you?

The sweat oozed from Song Yuhangs palm, making the gun almost slippery, and she glanced at Lin Yan, seeming reluctant, quickly shifting her gaze back.

Will you keep your promise to set her free?

Lin Youyuan toyed with the green jade ring, Of course, it depends on whether you have the courage.

You swear.

Song Yuhang fiddled with the trigger.

Lin Youyuan became a bit impatient, After all, I am the chairman of a multinational conglomerate, and I do have some reputation.

Can you guarantee not to harm her, not to restrict her personal freedom in any form?

Lin Youyuan sneered, Do we need to draft another agreement for you? Lin Yan doesnt cherish this status, but there are plenty of people eager to take her place.

Song Yuhang smiled faintly, a seemingly relieved expression that, in reality, Lin Youyuan detected a hint of cunning in her eyes.

He thought to himself that this wasnt good. Lin Yan had already gotten up from the ground, and no one knew how she had managed to untie the ropes, or if she had been securely bound in the first place.

In just a breaths time, the lights in the corridor went out again.

Zheng Chengrui, panting heavily, sat down on the ground, and the brick in his hand fell to the floor.

Fang Xin, with a trembling heart, said, This he wont die, right?

Old Zheng shook his head, clearing his throat, No, Captain Song taught us. A hit to the back of the neck wont be fatal; itll cause fainting. Give me a hand, lets move him aside.

Alright, alright, alright.

After a series of rustling sounds, the garden returned to silence.

The mechanical baton intermittently struck the wheelchair, finally reaching his throat.

The bodyguards next to Lin Youyuan turned a blind eye, and one even subdued Butler Lin.

Lin Yan paced back and forth like a proud and beautiful Persian cat, clicking her tongue twice, What were you talking to her about? Dont you know her specialty is interrogation.

Song Yuhang got up from the ground. The bodyguards who were just attacking her had been overturned, and the one who had wielded a knife against her turned against Lin Youyuans side. In just an instant, the situation underwent a complete and dramatic change.

Song Yuhang took out her phone and shook it. Mr. Lin, its all recorded. You cant deny it anymore.

Lin Youyuans facial muscles twitched, finally tearing off the facade of false virtue. In the dark night, his expression appeared somewhat sinister.

When did you plant people around me?

Lin Yan leaned slightly on the wheelchair, the mechanical baton pressed against his throat, forcing him to lift his head. She lowered her voice, sounding somewhat chilling.

A long time ago, Ive been doing this for fourteen years.

Lin Yans eyes filled with a trace of sorrow. Lin Youyuan, admit it. Youve grown old. Even if youre a hyena, when you get old, youre just a useless and powerless creature.

Lin Youyuan lowered his gaze, his eyelids drooping. He was indeed old, wrinkles covered his face, and even the black hair dyed with hair dye couldnt conceal the paleness at the roots. Perhaps due to aging, the hand that toyed with the jade ring trembled slightly, and his movements were not as agile.

Hehehahaha His shoulders shook violently, sounding like laughter but also like crying. His voice was coarse, like rubbing against sandpaper, unpleasant to the ear.

Lin Yan turned her face away, not wanting to hear any more. Song Yuhang approached and pushed aside the tip of her baton. For the first time, she slightly nodded to Lin Youyuan, then pulled Lin Yan up.

Uncle Lin, apologies, but I have to take her away.

Have you thought it through? Lin Youyuan began to play with his green jade ring.

Once you step out of this door today, your actions will have no connection to the Lin family, and from now on, Jingtai Group will not provide you with any protection, even

The old man lifted his head, and his eyes flashed with a momentary brilliance. Blocking Jingtais path in the business world is akin to making an enemy. Even though a hyena may be old, it will never show mercy to its enemies.

Lin Yan gently curved her lips into a smile. Couldnt ask for more.

With that, she turned away, pulling Song Yuhang with her, and casually tossed the gun in her hand into Lin Youyuans lap.

Let the old man keep it for himself to contemplate suicide.

The bodyguards, seeing her turn away, gradually retreated, escorting them downstairs.

Lin Yan left decisively, not looking back.

What she didnt know was that her fierce words, uttered as a challenge, would soon become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

After everyone left, Lin Youyuan caressed the somewhat aged gun, looking somewhat sentimental.

The butler pushed the wheelchair to take him back to the ward. Master, Miss has grown up.

Lin Youyuan, lost in thought, repeatedly wiped the gun. Gradually, he tightened his lips. Understands how to endure, understands how to scheme, but theres still a long way to go.

Captain Song, Miss Lin Several people were a bit excited to see them come out, especially Duan Cheng, who had just taken a hit and tried to stand up but ended up sitting down again, holding the back of his head in pain.

Song Yuhang individually embraced each of them in gratitude, saying, Thank you for your hard work.

Lin Yan, on the other hand, was a bit hesitant. She was not comfortable hugging others, so she reluctantly gave a fist bump.

Um, thanks. Including that time you saved me, when you guys have vacation plans, Ill cover everything.

Fang Xins eyes lit up instantly. Australia, Bali, Saipan, Hawaii?

Lin Yan nodded with enthusiasm, No problem! Round trip first class, five-star accommodation, plus sunshine beach spa, outdoor BBQ, massage, scraping, diving, fishing, and you can even feed dolphins!

Ahhh Sister Lin, I love you so much!!! At this moment, Lin Yan was a walking dream machine in Fang Xins eyes.

Fang Xin enthusiastically rushed over, and Duan Cheng also wanted to join in the fun but was dragged away by Song Yuhang.

Youre better off not doing that.

Seeing that they were safe, the bodyguards who had been following behind were also ready to leave. Song Yuhang handed a cigarette over.

Let me introduce myself, Im

He was the person Lin Yan wanted her to find.

The person in black had a mask covering his face, a hoodie pulled up, and another cap on, making it impossible to see his true face.

Before she could finish, he turned and walked away.

Song Yuhangs outstretched hand hung in the air, and her smile gradually faded.

Lin Yan patted her shoulder, Dont overthink it; thats just his personality.

During the Ding Xue case, she saved you too? Song Yuhang turned around, putting her arm around Song Yuhang as they walked towards the car.

Thinking back to the first encounter between the two, where she was cornered by Song Yuhangs men in the janitors room, Lin Yan smiled faintly, Yes, otherwise I wouldnt have escaped.

Song Yuhang sounded a bit sour, Whats the relationship between you two?

Lin Yan looked up at her, a hint of a playful smile on her lips, Do you treat everyone as imaginary enemies?

Song Yuhang opened the car door, shoved her into the car, gritting her teeth in annoyance, Yeah, blame it on someone being too outstanding, making the whole world my rival.

While the others hadnt caught up yet, Lin Yan reached out and grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her closer.

Song Yuhang leaned on the car door, looking at her.

To be honest, did you really not consider leaving me alone and going by yourself just now?

Perhaps due to bipolar emotional disorder, or maybe because she had been accustomed to being independent since childhood, or it could be the result of experiencing too much betrayal.

Lin Yans inner sense of security was severely lacking. She always found herself repeatedly questioning Song Yuhang with various inquiries, like now.

Song Yuhang smiled, ruffling her hair. Despite being only three years younger and a mature woman in her own right, in her eyesexcluding work hoursshe was still the three-year-old child hiding in the backyard eating candy as Lin Ge described her.

As a result, these affectionate gestures came more naturally, regardless of whether she liked them or not.

After all, this person had always been accustomed to saying one thing and meaning another.

Do you trust me? I must live up to that trust. What would it be if I left you behind in a crisis? Lin Yan, Im 35 years old, not young anymore. Im not in a relationship for childs play. I genuinely want to walk through life with you, facing the ups and downs of the future.

She spoke softly, and around them, there was silence, with no sounds of insects. The winter night was clear, and the moon shone brightly. A gentle breeze lifted the strands of hair in front of her forehead. Each word she uttered seemed to find its way into her heart.

Her eyes, light in color, appeared even brighter, with a hint of a smile at the bottom, full of her presence.

For someone usually reserved, these words were rare. Thankfully, others hadnt caught up yet, but Song Yuhangs face was flushing.

Lin Yans gaze was fixed on her, making her a bit embarrassed. She awkwardly scratched her head.

How how come theres no response?

Lin Yan lowered her head and chuckled. Song Yuhang, puzzled, said, Uh

Song Yuhang. She suddenly called out her name.

Yeah? Song Yuhang was still immersed in the disappointment of not getting a response to the confession, responding with a muffled sound.

Lin Yan grabbed her collar and pulled her down, one sitting, the other standing.

Lin Yans coat slipped off her shoulder. She closed her eyes and initiated a kiss.

This was the first time she had kissed her willingly.

Song Yuhang widened her eyes in surprise, completely forgetting to close them. When she finally snapped out of it and was about to respond, she was pushed away by Lin Yan.

Lin Yan tilted her chin slightly, blushing, and looked at her triumphantly. Thats the response.


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