My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 74-1

Chapter 74-1

Go Home

The curvature of Song Yuhangs lips grew larger and larger, almost overflowing with the overflowing love in his chest.

Her heart was pounding irregularly, and she unexpectedly felt an unreal sensation as if she were walking on clouds.

She touched her lips, savoring the words she had just said, then turned around and pressed her hand against her forehead, barely restraining her desire to jump for joy.

This feeling was too wonderful, even more delightful and exciting than receiving a reward for meritorious deeds.

Lin Yan watched her series of actions, completely losing the maturity and steadiness of a middle-aged person, and chuckled, Whats wrong with you?

Song Yuhang abruptly turned around and pressed her shoulder, saying, Lin Yan, I want to

Lin Yan covered her mouth with one hand and pointed to an empty space nearby with the other hand.

A group of people was approaching this way.

Song Yuhangs face changed, almost pounding her chest and stomping her feet. She slammed the car door and walked vigorously towards the drivers seat.

Fang Xin got into the car and asked, Whats wrong with Captain Song?

Lin Yan leaned against the car window, glancing at her askew with a smile, exuding a charming and flirtatious aura.

Maybe were hungry.

Song Yuhang:

Zheng Chengrui rubbed his stomach. Actually Im a little hungry too.

Duan Chengs stomach happened to growl at that moment.

The group of people burst into laughter.

Song Yuhang rolled down the car window, allowing the cool night breeze to enter and dissipate the heat. Shaking her head with a hint of helplessness, she gestured to Lin Yan with her eyes:

You wait when we get home.

Fearlessly, Lin Yan raised an eyebrow: Ill wait.

Since it was already late and most restaurants were closed, the group casually ate at a roadside stall.

Lin Yan didnt eat much and seemed disinterested.

Seeing her looking drowsy, Song Yuhang knew she was probably tired. After all, she still had injuries and had been in a fight today. They finished eating in just a few bites and then drove them home.

Captain Song, you can drop me off at the intersection ahead, Fang Xin picked up her bag and stood up, pushing open the car door once the vehicle came to a stop.

Song Yuhang rolled down the car window to bid them farewell. Take care on the way.

Fang Xin waved her hand. Sure, you all should also go back early.

As the car drove away, she looked at Duan Cheng standing beside her and asked, Why did you get off too?

I also live around here.

Fang Xin took a couple of steps forward, and Duan Cheng followed suit.

Why cant you walk on the other side of this wide road?

Duan Cheng shook his head, pointing straight ahead. My home is on this side of the road.

Fang Xin:

Finally, they saw a stall selling spicy hot pot ahead, and Duan Chengs eyes lit up. He grabbed her hand and ran towards it.

Hey, what are you doing? We shouldnt be too close as a man and a woman!

Have you eaten enough? Duan Cheng turned back with a smile, exuding the carefree cheerfulness of a young boy.

Fang Xin nodded and shook her head at the same time.

Duan Cheng ran all the way to the side of the spicy hot pot stall and said in one breath, Thats it, lets have more. Boss, two bowls of spicy hot pot, medium spiciness and medium numbing sensation, and one bowl

He glanced at Fang Xin and blurted out, No cilantro, extra vinegar, and two bottles of Arctic Ocean1.

Here you go! In no time, two steaming bowls of spicy hot pot were served on the table.

Duan Cheng put a straw into the beverage bottle and handed it to her, while he blew directly into his own bottle.

Fang Xin stirred the seasoning in her bowl and asked, How did you know I dont eat cilantro?

Duan Cheng buried his head in slurping the noodles, concealing the momentary unease that flickered in his eyes. Um I noticed during meals at the cafeteria that you always pick out the cilantro from your bowl.

Fang Xins heart warmed, and a smile appeared on her lips. Boss, bring another bottle of Arctic Ocean. This meal is on me.

After dropping Zheng Chengrui off home, Lin Yan felt drowsy and leaned back against the seat. Song Yuhang squeezed her hand and turned up the air conditioning a bit.

Hang on a little longer, were almost there.

Lin Yan stirred and looked out the window, realizing that they were not heading towards the villa.

Where are we going?

To my place.

Song Yuhang parked the car in the garage and pulled her out, but Lin Yan hesitated and tried to pull back.

Im not going. Dont drag me

Half embracing and half carrying her, Song Yuhang dragged her upstairs. You havent been home for months. The villa is not suitable for living, and it needs to be cleaned up.

Lin Yan struggled, and suddenly the motion sensor lights in the corridor turned on. She lowered her voice, her face slightly flushed.

Then cant we just get a hotel room? Its late, what does it mean for me to go home with you like this? Your mom might kill me!

Song Yuhang chuckled and lifted her up onto a step. Lin Yan reached out and grabbed the stair railing.

The two of them remained at a standstill.

My mom isnt like your dad, always shouting and threatening to kill people. Youll see when you meet her.

But still, can I just go meet her like this?! Lin Yans ideal scenario for meeting the parents involved dressing elegantly, immaculate makeup, meeting at a high-end restaurant, exchanging pleasantries with uncles and aunties, and presenting luxurious gifts. But now, she was plain-faced, wearing a patients gown underneath, and draped in Song Yuhangs coat. It was completely unconventional.

Lin Yan looked for an opening to escape and considered running downstairs, but she was forcefully pulled back by Song Yuhang. Song Yuhang dragged her upstairs, both of them slightly out of breath.

Whats the matter now? I think its fine like this. If you really dressed up in a dazzling way, arranged a meeting with my mom at a high-end restaurant, and presented her with luxury clothing and handbags right off the bat, then she would truly be shocked, you know?

Lin Yan struggled, but Song Yuhang held her tightly in her arms and continued dragging her upstairs from behind.

What do you mean by dressed up in a dazzling way? Cant you speak properly?!

Alright, alright. Song Yuhang sighed helplessly and pressed her against the wall, reaching out to press the doorbell.

Youre the most beautiful, the most adorable, the smartest, the most witty

The more Song Yuhang said, the more embarrassed she became.

Lin Yan quickly covered her mouth.

The door opened.

Their eyes met.

Lin Yan immediately withdrew her hand, tidied her hair and clothes with a couple of strokes, and obediently stood by Song Yuhangs side, trying to make her smile appear more approachable.

Hello, Auntie.

Mom, this is Lin Yan.

Mother Song scrutinized Lin Yan from head to toe, then glanced at the hand resting on her daughters shoulder. Suddenly, a mysterious smile appeared on her face, and she warmly welcomed Lin Yan inside.

Come, come, come in quickly. So youre Lin Ges sister, huh? You look so much alike! Why are you dressed so lightly? Oh, your hands are cold. Yuhang, bring the hot water bottle and get a thick garment to put on her!

Lin Yan felt that her face wasnt frozen tonight, but rather frozen with a smile.

Why was it so different from what she had imagined?

In her impression, Song Yuhang had lost her father at a young age, and her brother had passed away shortly after. The elder who could support such a family should have been resilient and strong, perhaps even as stern and unsmiling as Lin Youyuan.

However, although Mother Song had white hair and was wearing winter loungewear, and even her slippers looked a bit worn and old, her face was filled with wrinkles and lines, yet her expression was so friendly and gentle. There was no hint of pretense in her smile.

Lin Yan felt a sense of relief in her heart. Thank you, theres no need to trouble yourself.

Song Yuhang brought out a blanket and had her take off her coat to wrap herself in it. She placed a hot water bottle in her lap.

Mother Song poured a cup of hot water for her to warm her hands. Seeing that she hadnt taken a seat, Mother Song pulled her to sit by the fireplace.

The Song family didnt use air conditioning and instead relied on the most primitive coal stove for heating. The long chimney extended outside.

The fire was burning brightly, and Mother Song added a few more pieces of coal.

I saw your brother last time at the hospital. He said you were seriously injured. Are you feeling better now?

Lin Yan still felt somewhat reserved. She was accustomed to speaking casually and using vulgar language, so suddenly being required to act demure and virtuous made her feel uncomfortable in every way. She couldnt sit or stand at ease.

When she saw Mother Song handing her the water, she quickly stood up, intending to receive it with one hand. But realizing it wasnt appropriate, she changed her mind and received it with both hands.

Im much better now

Oh, this child, why are you being so polite? Sit down, sit down quickly. Here, have some oranges and melon seeds. Theres a fruit platter and some candy. Help yourself, help yourself. Yuhang, bring out the osmanthus rice cakes that your sister brought back from her business trip last time

In no time, the coffee table in front of them magically filled up with various fruits and snacks.

Song Yuhangs lips twitched: You werent this enthusiastic when I came home.

She dragged out her words. Mom, shes still a patient. Her stomach cant handle all that

Mother Song turned around fiercely. She can take it home and eat it later, cant she?

Lin Yan held an orange in one hand and stuffed her other hand full of candy. She didnt dare refuse and felt her scalp go numb. She was on the verge of tears.

Thats enough, Auntie, its too much

With her current submissive appearance, lowering her head and eyes, she resembled a house cat that had retracted its claws. Song Yuhang couldnt help but suppress a laugh as she leaned back on the sofa. When Lin Yans fierce gaze fell upon her, she quickly put on a serious expression.

Mom, Im hungry. Dont give her any more. She really cant eat. Are there any vegetables in the fridge? Having had enough of laughter, Song Yuhang began to come to her girlfriends rescue. She pulled her to sit beside her, placed the orange she was holding on the fireplace to warm it up, and took out the candies from her pocket, placing them in the fruit platter. She only left a few in her hand to satisfy her cravings.

Oh my, why didnt you say so earlier? Its so late, and you havent had dinner yet, right? Yan Yan hasnt eaten either?

The hallway was dimly lit, and Song Yuhang hadnt noticed carefully. It was only now that she saw the not-so-good complexion of Lin Yans face and realized she was wearing a patients gown! Mother Songs overflowing maternal love surged, and she instantly looked pained.

Ill go cook, Ill go cook. Youre too much. You know her stomach isnt well, and yet you didnt let her eat dinner so late. Youve just been discharged from the hospital, right? Lets make do for tonight, and tomorrow Auntie will cook something delicious for you.

LP: Happy holidays!


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