My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 93: About My Past...

Chapter 93: About My Past...

Chance had a very bad feeling about it but he had no choice but to wait for the information.

Next day by the time Chance woke up, he got all the information on what Bill found out about him.

It was the generic information on Chance Miller which was known to the public.

When Chance went through it again, he realized what might have triggered Samantha yesterday.

In his past, the only disturbing thing associated with him was, he was a witness to the murder of a servant who was working for them.

If Chance wanted, he could have ensured no one would find out about it but it was an important information to put out there as this was when he fooled the psychiatrist and proved that he was suffering from a phobia of murderers. He had to do that to save himself as he was the one who killed that servant."

Chance deduced that after reading this incident, Samantha must have felt bad for him and wants to distance herself.

'Fuck' He cursed this situation.

He thought for a while on how to deal with this problem, after long hours of thinking, he came up with the only solution left for him.

What he planned would be risky but he felt this was the only option he had if he wants to ensure Samantha to never leave him.

After having breakfast with Samantha, Chance headed to his office and during lunch hour, he lied he is not feeling well and left his office.

He headed to the graveyard which Bill frequently visits and waited for him there.

After coming up with the possibility of Bill being the Exterminator, Chance tried to find more information about him but he couldn't.

The only thing he knew was Bill everyday visits a graveyard without fail, and keeps a bouquet of flowers on one tombstone.

By now, it was not difficult for him to conclude, this tombstone was of Bill's wife and Samantha's mom.

So, he headed there and waited for Bill.

After a few minutes, just like he expected, Bill appeared at the graveyard holding a bouquet of tulips. When Bill saw Chance there, he was shocked.

He wondered if it was a coincidence or Chance came here to meet him. Coincidence was not possible as Chance is from New York, his family would have been buried there not here. Which meant he was here for him but then why would he know this was where he can find him.

The way Chance was looking at him, something was very off. He didn't seem like the cheerful guy he initially met, he seemed like someone different.

Bill stepped towards him and greeted the guy, "Mr Miller"

Chance smiled at him, "Please call me Chance"

His smile didn't reach his eyes and it made Bill feel very uncomfortable but he nevertheless agreed to this request, "What are you doing here Chance?"

"I wanted to meet you" Chance honestly told him.

"How did you know where to find me?"

"I'll tell you everything but first please finish what you came here for" Chance looked at the bouquet in Bill's hands.

Bill then stepped towards Sarah's grave and placed the flowers there, "I love you, Sarah" He whispered in a low volume and turned back to approach Chance.

"How did you know I come here?" Bill asked him.

"Can we go and talk where there is more privacy?" Chance requested him and Bill nodded his head.

Bill then took Chance to his home. On one hand he was feeling vary of him but on the other hand he wanted to trust this guy.

Bill's house was also equipped with many secret weapons hidden in many spots, so it was the safest place for Bill and they headed there.

Chance didn't pay any attention to the surroundings or the house where Bill resides in, his thoughts were currently filled with what is going to happen next.

He wondered what impact his current actions are going to have on his future but he had to do this.

After a few minutes, they reached the house and Bill directed him to the living room.

Chance sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

Bill sat on the couch adjacent to him, "Now tell me, what did you want to talk about?" Bill seriously asked Chance, as it was not normal for him to know about Bill's whereabouts until Samantha herself told him but he was sure she didn't.

"I want to tell you everything about my past" Chance confessed.

"Why do you want to confess your past to me? We have got nothing to do with each other"

"You are my future father-in-law, so you have to know the whole truth about my past"

Bill was shocked to his core when he heard Chance's words but he tried to stay calm on the surface and didn't let his real emotions reflect on his face.

"What nonsense are you spouting?" Bill coldly asked him.

"Let me explain myself better, you will understand everything" Chance calmly said not believing Bill's words.

Bill got the same vibe from Chance which he did two months ago when he found the perfectly hidden red envelope.

Right now he looked very different from the cheerful Chance he met three days ago.

"Who are you?" Bill calmly questioned him as he realized there was something more to this man which meets the eye.

"You will know once you listen to my past" Chance assured him.

"Go on" Bill understood there was no point in denying or refusing to him, also he too was curious to know more about this man.

"I was around eight years old when my parents were killed. It was reported as a case of robbery and accidental killing. But the truth is my father was an assassin and he was assassinated by a rival of his. He killed my mom and my dad; I too was present there at that time and my father managed to hide me in a secret place which was built inside my home. I stayed there for a few hours while my parents lied dead and later my father's best friend who was the only person who knew of this secret place took me out of there."

Bill was shocked when he got to know Chance's dad was an assassin and how brutally he was killed.

He was not sure how to react to this piece of information, he wanted to ask him more about his father but then his own identity would be compromised, he was contemplating what to say when Chance surprised him even more, "My dad is a famous assassin, he was known as Thanatos"

Bill widened his eyes and was speechless. Thanatos was indeed a famous assassin and he was known for non-violent deaths and thus this name. Thanatos never used weapons to kill anyone and he used to kill his targets painlessly.

Bill didn't know him personally but he remembered how suddenly this assassin was disappeared from the world of assassins, some people assumed he retired and some people thought he died but there was no confirmed news on his whereabouts.

So, Bill was really stunned to know what happened to Thanatos and even more disturbed to know Chance was Thanatos' son.

"Is that why you developed that phobia?" Bill questioned him.

Chance chuckled at his question, "Sir, do you really think Thanatos' son would suffer from something like this? What do you think his son would do? Sit at home studying or would prepare himself capable enough to avenge his parents' death?"

Bill frowned at what he heard, "Are you an assassin too?"

Chance ignored Bill's question and continued his story.

"After my parents' death, my father's friend was the one who brought me up. He knew everything about my dad's secret life. He used to handle missions and other back-end stuff for him. He took me under his protection and I started living with him. One day I came across a conversation between my uncle and someone else that's when I got to know the truth about my father being an assassin."

Bill calmly listened to the story and didn't interrupt him.

"I troubled him a lot and insisted I want to join the world of assassins too, he didn't agree but I too didn't give up, after pursuing him for very long, he finally gave in and started training me at the age of eight"

"Grim Reaper, is that you? Are you the Grim Reaper?" Bill was astonished with this information because it was a known fact in their world that The Grim Reaper was trained at a very young age. So, Bill was able to join all the dots to reach this conclusion, he couldn't control himself and directly blurted the question.

Chance nodded his head, "It is my pleasure to meet you sir, I have always a been a big fan of you."

He said the same words which he earlier said on the phone.

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