Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 109: Collapsing Mountains, Battle of the Ninth Heavenly Realm

Chapter 109: Collapsing Mountains, Battle of the Ninth Heavenly Realm

While Chen Chu felt that the atmosphere in the hotel base had become a bit desolate after Liu Feng and Bai Mu had left, the fact didn’t have any effect on him or his cultivation. What did have an effect, however, was his reluctance to exchange contribution points for Energy Crystals, which significantly slowed his cultivation speed.

However, this had no effect on him.

During his current cultivation session, Chen Chu's consciousness sank, shifting over to the Sword Armored Beast.

More than two hundred meters below the sea surface, a black mutant beast, nearly eight meters long, lurked in the darkness. Its body remained motionless, and even the ferocious red feather horns on its sides were slightly retracted.

Nearby, three Crystal Horn Fish, each ten meters long, were patrolling their territory, searching for the dangerous creature that had been continuously attacking their kind.

Over the past ten days, the Sword Beast had hunted down almost all of the Crystal Horn Fish under ten meters long.

These mutated fish were a bit more intelligent than would be expected, and had become even more vigilant. The remaining six, each over ten meters long, would patrol their territory every day, and these patrols always included one of the three largest fish, which measured fifteen, twenty, and twenty-three meters respectively.

However, unlike on land, the ocean was three-dimensional.

As long as the Sword Beast lay motionless on the pitch-black seabed, those fish wouldn't notice it at all, unless they were unlucky enough to encounter each other face to face at close range.

When the three fish moved far enough away, and the fluctuations of the nearby water calmed, the Sword Beast began to move slightly. These guys are too vigilant. It's not easy to kill them.

It was confident that it could easily kill one of these ten-meter-long fish alone, but with three of them gathered together, it would be a bit troublesome. Although these creatures were weak in physical combat, their higher levels still made the power of their energy attacks, which could freeze everything, formidable.

Even the Sword Beast slightly feared these attacks in particular; the beams’ speed was too fast to dodge, and it almost certainly wouldn’t be able to get away unscathed if it was frozen. It would be in even more trouble if the commotion managed to attract one of the largest fish.

Oh well, let's spare them for now. After weighing the situation, the Sword Beast chose to turn and leave, preparing to come back and eat the rest after it had grown stronger.

In the pitch-black depths of the ocean, the equally black and ferocious beast disappeared in the blink of an eye. With its speed, the Sword Beast soon swam through several dozen kilometers of sea area, far away from the Crystal Horn Fish’s territory, and began to ascend. Just as it swam to a depth of around fifty meters, two ten-meter-long mutated Great White Sharks appeared in front of it.

Compared to ordinary Great White Sharks, these two mutated sharks were even larger in size, and their bodies were covered with gray armor-like scales, with sharp teeth filling their mouths.

Right now, sunlight penetrated the water and shone brightly, allowing the Sword Beast to see far. Similarly, the vision of other fish species also became more acute. When the Sword Beast came within dozens of meters, the two mutated Great White Sharks also spotted it.

Compared to the two robust sharks, the Sword Beast, with its tail occupying half of its body, was obviously less intimidating. With a flick of their tails, the two sharks stirred up rolling water as they pounced with astonishing speed, circling around the Sword Beast.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

As they approached the Sword Beast, the sharks’ mouths opened, emitting ultrasonic roars that shook all of the small fish within a dozen meters and caused them to turn belly-up.

Even the Sword Beast was somewhat surprised by this. Great White Sharks normally didn’t have vocal cords, so these two having the ability to attack with ultrasound waves was unexpected. However, the vibration didn't affect it at all.


The Sword Beast let out a roar that sounded faintly like a tiger and penetrated through the water, full of majesty.

Amid the roar, the ferocious beast dashed to one side, and its left claw, carrying terrifying power, slammed down on the head of the oncoming shark. Under the terrifying force, the flesh tore, and the water exploded.

At the same time, its tail tore through the water like a black shadow and fiercely hit the head of the mutated shark on the right, instantly shattering its scales and shredding its flesh.

Originally, this blow had been meant to pierce its skull, but the shark reacted quickly, dodging the bone spur that could have killed it in one strike. Even then, however, the terrifying power carried by the black tail still sent the shark rolling through the water.


While that shark was recovering, the Sword Beast flashed, bursting out with terrifying speed to pounce on the shark that had been stunned on the left.

Its forelimb muscles suddenly swelled, and in an instant, terrifying power gathered from its whole body into its claws before they swung down.


The water exploded, and a ring of white shockwaves burst out into the surrounding sea. The sedan-sized shark’s head instantly exploded, and dense blood and white matter gushed out.

Although its body was that of a mutated beast, its consciousness was that of Chen Chu’s, so every time it attacked its prey, it preferred to target weak points like the head, back, and abdomen.

Just as the Sword Beast killed one shark, the other sensed the ferocious aura emanating from it and felt an instinctual urge to flee. Like a seal encountering an orca, it had completely lost the courage to fight back.

Just as the shark turned around to start swimming away, a black shadow flashed through the water, and the ferocious Sword Beast appeared in front of it.

After three evolutions, the Sword Beast's body structure had been greatly optimized, making its speed in the water extremely terrifying.


The shark knew it couldn’t escape, and desperate ferocity surged through its body. Its eyes turned red as it emitted ultrasound waves and revealed hundreds of sharp teeth in its huge mouth.


The Sword Beast grabbed both of the shark’s jaws with its claws, making it impossible for the shark to close its mouth. The two huge creatures collided, stirring up rolling waves in the surrounding water.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Power bursted from the shark as it wildly thrashed around, but...


The muscles in the Sword Beast’s forearms swelled, and it tore the shark’s head apart with terrifying force. Blood spurted out in an instant.

In just a moment, the water within dozens of meters was dyed red with the blood flowing from the two mutated Great White Sharks. In the crimson water, the eight-meter-long black and ferocious creature slowly emanated a terrifying and tyrannical aura, resembling a king among mutant beasts.

As it started to tear into and devour the flesh of the sharks, Chen Chu, who was on the hotel balcony thousands of kilometers away, slowly opened his eyes, his brows slightly furrowed.

"They were only level 2 mutated beasts."

Through comparing the energy contained in the flesh and blood, Chen Chu could determine that the two ten-meter-long mutated Great White Sharks had only been at the late stage of level 2. No wonder they had been killed so easily.

But even at level 2, they had evolved the ability to emit ultrasound waves. It seemed that already powerful creatures like sharks could become downright monstrous after mutation.

At the same time, Chen Chu realized that in the ocean, one couldn't completely judge power level based on size, especially for those marine creatures that were already naturally large.

At least the sharks weren’t useless. After eating them, the Sword Beast still grew and gained 2 evolution points, and Chen Chu’s attributes all increased by 1.

While Chen Chu was immersed in hunting and devouring, countless strong individuals gathered in Kyria, hundreds of kilometers away.

There were seventy-two first-rate schools in the entirety of East Xia, and hundreds of second- and third-rate schools. Each teacher leading a team was a high-level cultivator of the Sixth Heavenly Realm or above.

For the first-rate schools like Nantian, there could be as many as six teachers leading their students, all of whom were peak Sixth or Seventh Heavenly Realm cultivators.

A small army of powerhouses were gathered in Kyria, a terrifying spectacle.

That night, a battle erupted in the mountains dozens of kilometers away from Kyret, with radiant light flashing everywhere, thunderous roars shaking the earth, and mountains collapsing, one peak even being completely shattered.

The next morning, the group chat was buzzing like crazy.

Yi Rui: @Chen Chu, @Xia Youhui, it's a pity you didn't come last night.

Yi Rui's tone was somewhat excited.

Yi Rui: A peak cultivator of the Ninth Heavenly Realm made his move last night, and his power could be felt even several dozen kilometers away. It was so scary.

Lin Xue: Yes, in the past, it was said that peak cultivators could sink aircraft carriers. I thought that was ignoring the supporting fire of the surrounding escort ships and fighter jets to make the cultivators look more powerful. But now...

Xia Youhui: Even one of them showed up? How is that possible? Aren’t all of the top-tier powerhouses still on the frontlines?

Lin Yu: I heard that a Fallen One at the Ninth Heavenly Realm had appeared, and the powerhouse had come to deal with him.

Luo Fei: Last night, many high-level cultivators of the Seventh and Eighth Heavenly Realms also appeared, flying in the air and joining forces to besiege the Bishops and Divine Emissaries of the demon cults.

Yi Rui: Last night's scene was too magnificent. Fortunately, we chose to come over; otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to see it.

As Yi Rui continued to provoke the two, Xia Youhui sneered at his phone.

Xi Youhui: What scene? Do you think you can fool me? The fighting range of those high-level powerhouses is too vast. You little shrimps wouldn't dare to get close.

Xi Youhui: Don't talk about watching, even getting close to that level of True Martial Will could mess you up bad.

Yi Rui, caught red-handed, felt embarrassed.

Yi Rui: Although we couldn't see it, we could sense that terrifying aura.

Yi Rui: And we did gain something. While the powerhouses besieged the demon cult elites, we went to hunt down ordinary cultists.

Chen Chu: So, what did you gain?

Although he was somewhat curious about the grand scene from last night, he didn't envy them at all. It was said that peak Ninth Heavenly Realm cultivators could move mountains, enter supersonic speeds without using true power, and when they fought, their battles could span a range of dozens of kilometers.

In such a situation, daring to go and watch was simply asking for death.

Yi Rui completely dropped his facade of being stoic and wise.

Yi Rui: Not much. I killed two Second and one Third Heavenly Realm cultist.

Lin Xue: I killed one Second and one Third Heavenly Ream cultist.

Lin Yu:Two Third Heavenly Realm cultists.

Luo Fei: One Fourth Heavenly Realm Blood Emissary.

Xia Youhui: Luo Fei, you actually killed a Fourth Realm Emissary!?

There was a reason for Xia Youhui’s surprise. A Blood Emissary who had absorbed high-level Blood Seed was quite powerful. Even when facing a genius of the same level of Heavenly Realm, they were just as strong, if not stronger. And Luo Fei, who had just broken through to the Third Heavenly Ream, had actually...

Luo Fei: [Wink] I got lucky. That Blood Emissary was injured by another high-level cultivator. Even so, I still used up a Mixed Bone Piercing Bullet.

Right, I forgot her weapon was different. With her specialized sniper rifle and high-powered bullets, coupled with the special art to reduce her presence and shield her killing intent...

She was a natural-born assassin.

There was a clear division of labor within the four-person team. Lin Xue, Lin Yu, and Yi Rui worked together in direct combat, while Luo Fei lurked in the shadows, seeking vantage points for assassination.

With this set up, they had been unstoppable in the city of Kurutur, killing more cultists and rebel cultivators than even Chen Chu and boasting a brilliant record.

Chen Chu: Have all the elites of the demon cults been killed?

Lin Xue: Not all. It's difficult to kill the high-level ones, and people had been wary about the madmen who would self-destruct at the drop of a hat.

Lin Xue: In the end, about one-tenth of the elite members managed to escape, but most of them were severely injured.

Chen Chu frowned at that.

Chen Chu: In that case, be careful over there.

Lin Xue: Yeah, we understand.

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