Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 110: Sword Armored Beast Injured, Deep Sea Black Dragon

Chapter 110: Sword Armored Beast Injured, Deep Sea Black Dragon

Due to Luo Fei and the others, Chen Chu began to pay a little more attention to the situation in Kyria, occasionally inquiring about how they were doing in the group chat.

He couldn't understand why the demon cultists were so crazy. For the next few days, there were occasional major battles outside the city of Kyria and many assassination attempts on key figures of the new government.

Despite the desperate attacks, however, the demon cultists couldn't affect the situation at all.

There were too many powerhouses within the city. Talented elites of the Third Heavenly Realm patrolled and hunted, while outside the city limits, there were Sixth and even Seventh Realm powerhouses making their moves, everyone operating in teams of ten.

Occasionally, a cultist above the Seventh Heavenly Realm was found through these patrols. As soon as they were discovered, they were quickly subdued and killed.

Over the course of five days, the situation gradually stabilized. As the chaos settled down, Chen Chu eventually stopped paying attention to the events occurring in that area and directed his focus back to the Sword Armored Beast.

On December 25th, less than a week before the end of the trial, the Sword Beast slowly swam through the deep sea, three hundred meters below the surface. Over the past few days, it had grown to nine meters in length. With the row of sharp spikes on its back, its completely black armor, and an ever growing appearance of majesty and ferocity, it was starting to faintly resemble the dragons of folklore.

Currently, a seventeen-meter-long, flat-bodied mutant fish with a seven-meter-long toothed saw on its nose was hunting a group of eight-meter-long mutated bullhead sharks.

The mutated sawfish was very fast, cutting through the water like a sword. Wherever it passed, it left behind shark carcasses cut in half.

In just a moment, more than ten sharks were dead, and the dense blood dyed the surrounding water red, emitting a strong smell.

It seemed that this sawfish had a grudge against the sharks. After killing all of them, it only ate some of their internal organs before swimming around, watching the small fish attracted by the blood start to feed on the carcasses.

However, as it swam, it didn't notice that there was another mutant creature staring at it from afar.

From the Sword Beast’s observation, this mutated sawfish was very powerful, and its abilities were likely related to its speed. When it explosively exerted its power, black arcs would shoot out from its saw teeth, incredibly sharp and easily slicing through the surrounding prey.

But even so, the Sword Beast was ready to hunt it down. Every time it had grown after eating, its cells would divide and compress, greatly increasing both its strength and its density.

Coupled with its three abilities of strength, defense, and speed, hunting down this sawfish was completely manageable.

Chen Chu had also recently discovered other abilities that the Sword Beast possessed. After each evolution, the seemingly decorative feather horns on its head had become more sensitive to the subtle fluctuations that occurred whenever the surrounding water was disturbed. This was what allowed it to hide in the pitch-black depths of the sea and observe potential prey from a distance, such as this sawfish.

The Sword Beast had become an excellent predator. Its tail swayed slightly, minimizing the waves caused by its swimming as it slowly moved directly below its target.


Under the deep sea, the water exploded, and the Sword Beast shot out like a black arrow, soaring towards the surface.

Feeling a strong sense of danger, the huge body of the sawfish suddenly twisted into a C-shape, barely avoiding the Sword Beast's sudden attack...


...But not quite enough. As it passed by, the Sword Beast's claws reached out and tore through its scales, leaving behind four wounds several meters long and half a meter deep on the sawfish’s pelvic area.

Blood flowed, and the intense pain caused by the seawater enraged the sawfish. Its bloodshot eyes were filled with brutality as they stared at the black figure dozens of meters away.

With its low intelligence, it couldn't figure out why this creature, which was half its size, had dared to attack it, but it was going to tear this black creature to shreds.

In the midst of its frenzy, a powerful surge of energy ran through the sawfish's body, causing the water behind it to explode as it accelerated instantly toward the Sword Beast above its head. As it approached, several black arcs shot out from its seven-meter-long saw, tearing through the water like sharp blades.

The Sword Beast, however, was faster, shooting far out of the way with a flash.

The black blade light was too sharp. The Sword Beast had no idea if that light could injure it, and it didn’t want to find out the hard way.


The two mutated creatures dashed through the sea, tearing through the water at terrifying speeds and causing it to roil. In the blink of an eye, they reached the surface of the sea.


Suddenly, the surface waves burst open, and the huge sawfish soared into the sky, with the fierce Sword Beast beneath it.

After entangling with the sawfish for about ten minutes, the Sword Beast had finally found an opportunity to forcefully lift it out of the sea from below, flinging it more than ten meters high and leaving it with nothing to leverage against.

In mid-air, the Sword Beast reached out its claws and fiercely grabbed onto the sawfish’s belly. Immediately, both mutated creatures crashed back into the sea, splashing water dozens of meters high.

The sawfish struggled frantically. Its head and tail swung, unleashing terrifying strength of over a hundred tons, but it couldn't shake off the Sword Beast beneath it.

In this situation, with its flexible limbs, the Sword Beast had the definitive advantage.

Pfft! Pfft!

The Sword Beast firmly grasped the fish's abdomen, relentlessly tearing and biting. With its terrifying biting force and sharp teeth, the thick scales stood no chance.

Each bite tore off one or two hundred kilograms of flesh. In just a blink of an eye, a huge bloody hole was bitten open in the sawfish’s abdomen. An endless flow of blood gushed out, mixed with some internal organs, and the sawfish’s struggling became weaker and weaker.

Several minutes later, the sawfish’s massive body floated to the surface of the sea, bobbing up and down with the waves and dyeing them red with its flowing blood.

However, the Sword Beast didn’t immediately move in for the feast. Instead, it turned its head and looked at its left hind leg.

There were several half-meter-long wounds there. Despite the Sword Beast’s efforts, the sawfish had still managed to inflict some minor injuries with the sharp lights emanated by its saw teeth.

Three of the attacks had landed on its dorsal armor, leaving deep scars, and the outer armor of the hind leg, which was weaker, was cut in half. Fortunately, its defensive ability had been strong enough, and its scales hard enough, that the incredibly sharp energy blades hadn’t reached the muscles underneath.

This level of injury was like scratching the skin on a finger for a human. However, this was the most serious injury the beast had suffered so far. When it had first entered the sea, the mutated stingray’s tail attack had only shattered a small piece of its exoskeleton.

But the beast found itself watching in surprise as the damaged exoskeleton started to heal at a visible rate. In just a few minutes, the four cracks had healed completely.

Such a terrifying regenerative ability made even Chen Chu somewhat astonished. The six-horned salamander is capable of regenerating even missing limbs... is this what that ability can do after three evolutions?

The fact that it worked not only on its flesh, but also on its exoskeletal scales, made this even more amazing.

Lost in thought, the beast dragged the body of the sawfish down and disappeared beneath the waves.

Several kilometers away on the surface, a steel warship over three hundred meters long was sailing, covered with various gun turrets, missile launchers, and even a twenty-meter-long futuristic weapon, resembling a laser or electromagnetic cannon.

Several officers stood on the bridge, looking at the spot where the beast and sawfish had disappeared. One of the middle-aged men incredulously said, "Was that black creature just now a dragon?"

Another shook his head and smiled bitterly. "How is that possible? Dragons don’t exist at all, not even in the world of myths. Though I suppose, if you want to get technical, the monsters with dragon-like forms could be considered real dragons. They’re even more terrifying than the ones in the legends."

The other middle-aged man sighed. "The sea is becoming much more dangerous now, with mutated creatures everywhere, and they're getting bigger and bigger.

"It would be fine if these mutated beasts could maintain their own ecological balance by hunting the more powerful of their own, like the beasts on land do. But the sea is too deep and too vast, and we can't intervene. If this continues, in less than thirty years, the oceans will be out of control."

"Yes." The other two men also looked serious.

"Let's not talk about this any more. These matters are for our superiors to worry about. Our mission this time is important. Let's continue on our way."

As the huge warship sailed towards the horizon, slowly shrinking into a small black dot, the beast suddenly emerged through the surface and looked in the direction the warship had left in, amazement in its eyes.

So that's what the naval warships of this world look like. They’re quite formidable.

The Sword Armored Beast extended its left claw, looking at the pure crystal in its grip with wonder.

A level 4 Life Crystal.

The beast hadn’t risked injury from the mutated sawfish just for the rich energy contained in its flesh, but also for the possibility of finding Life Crystals.

Chen Chu had always wanted to test whether Life Crystals would be useful for the beast. If they weren’t, then any crystals the beast found in its hunts could be saved and converted into attribute points for the main body. But if they were useful, they would need to be allocated reasonably.

With that thought, the beast swallowed the crystal. The moment the Life Crystal entered its stomach, a vast surge of life energy exploded within the beast's body, and its cells began to divide and compress frantically.

In just a few minutes, the beast's body length increased by ten centimeters, almost equivalent to an entire day's growth for it, as the evolution points at the bottom of the attribute page skyrocketed by 30.

This result made Chen Chu slightly stunned, then he chuckled.

The effect the crystal had had on the beast was very good, even more exaggerated than simply devouring the flesh of mutated creatures. A level 4 Life Crystal had not only made the beast's body grow significantly, but also increased its evolution points by dozens. The gains were no less than converting the crystals into attribute points.

But that was all that happened. There had been no effects that couldn’t also be achieved by eating meat, so the Life Crystals obtained in the future could be saved for when he came home from this trial...

On the balcony, Chen Chu, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes. A glint of fierceness flashed in his gaze, and the invisible heavy aura emanating from him made the surrounding air heavy.

With his physique constantly strengthening and increasing in density during this period, his basic strength had already exceeded the limit of the Fourth Heavenly Realm, now comparable to that of a Fifth Realm practitioner.

Of course, this was only his base strength, not indicative of his actual combat prowess, since cultivators after the Third Heavenly Realm focused on true power.

This didn’t mean that physique was entirely useless after the Third Realm, however. If the body was like a steel battleship, then true power was the systems and weapons within. A larger and more robust battleship could carry a stronger power reactor, more and stronger weapons, and an ample ammunition depot. Both were indispensable.

Unfortunately, Chen Chu hadn’t fought anything for more than half a month now, so he had no way of knowing how strong his combat prowess had truly become.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head slightly and clenched his fists, feeling the surge of power in his body that had been steadily increasing with the growth of the beast. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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