Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1146 Help From Gods

Chapter 1146 Help From Gods

Waking up, the first thing that Shiro saw was Nan Tian who sat next to her bed with a frown on his face. He was currently reading a book with a set of clean sheets and blankets besides him.

"Morning." Shiro greeted for a forced smile.

Closing his book, Nan Tian stared at Shiro without saying anything.

Coughing lightly, Shiro scratched her cheek.


"Sorry for what?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro sat up properly, now feeling slightly better without her body being transformed by her divinity. Though of course it didn’t help that her core was wounded after the little surgery she performed.

"Sorry for harming my body again and not telling you about it." Shiro confessed as Nan Tian sighed.

"I don’t know what you did but the corruption has stopped. Beelzebub had already removed the barrier since it doesn’t pose any danger to us. Lisandra is still sleeping but everyone else had already woke up a while ago. They’re currently in the dining hall and Yin’s emptying our pantry again." Nan Tian said as he stood up.

Picking Shiro up in a princess hold, he made sure she wasn’t feeling any pain and placed her down on the next bed before changing the sheets so that it wasn’t stained with her blood.

"I see... that’s good then." Shiro smiled.

"So care to tell me what happened? Your name tag is also a little different." Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded her head.

Explaining the surgery to him along with her new class feature, Nan Tian massaged his eyes.

"I get that you want to stop your divinity from growing but surely there is a better option. According to you, what you’ve done is pretty much the same as brain surgery." Nan Tian said as he sat down with a sigh.

Sticking out her tongue, Shiro grinned and quickly created a veil to change her clothes.

Rolling his eyes, Nan Tian reached into his inventory and pulled out her breakfast.

"So what’s the plan now then?" He asked curiously.

Now that they had a few days till the start of the second half, they had some time to prepare.

"Well the original plan was to figure out what the hell a creation divinity was and begin cultivating it with the help of the orb. However, I don’t know what a creation divinity even entails so it’s a bit risky. I want to have a somewhat clear understanding first before I jump into it." Shiro shrugged.

"And performing surgery on yourself is not jumping into it?"

"I mean... The surgery was needed anyways. I couldn’t go around with my aura corrupting everything now can I?" Shiro replied as she dismissed the veil.

Since they were going to be free of danger for a few days, she wasn’t exactly going to be dressed in her battle attire.

Plus, she wasn’t in the state to fight right now with half her skills sealed away. Though her stats were still ridiculous.

Dressing in a baggy white off shoulder shirt, shorts, black stockings and a pair of boots, Shiro smiled lightly as she gave her body a good stretch.

"Oh my, my breakfast is already here. Perfect." Shiro smiled while hopping onto the bed.

"You don’t need to rush." Nan Tian chuckled as Shiro shrugged.

Finishing the meal quickly, Shiro sprawled out on the bed.

"Mn.... I wanna sleep more." Shiro muttered before sighing.

"But there’s work to do. Anyways, let’s see if any of the primordials can help me with the creation divinity." Shiro said as she prepared to send a message to Nyx.

"You don’t have to worry about that. My mum’s already searching the divine library for information that might help you." A voice suddenly rang out as Shiro immediately summoned Silvanis and pointed towards the source of the voice.

However, seeing that it was just Hemera, Shiro dismissed her sword.

"How long have you been here?" Shiro asked as Hemera hopped off her spot and landed next to Shiro.

"I’ve been here for a short while. Now that the world is adapting to the presence of a god, I have an idea on working around the restrictions. I should be able to prolong my stay here for a few hours but mum and the others can’t. Same goes for Demi Gods since their body is too weak. But as for your question, mum had already heard what you want to find out about so they’re searching it up now." Hemera explained.

"I see... well that certainly saves me the trouble." Shiro smiled.

"Now for the main reason as to why I’m here, there’s quite a big commotion in the realms above. The recovery of the First Born of Destruction is not something that we can just brush off. And seeing as how you were literally talking about your divinity; I suppose it’s confirmed that you are the First Born in question. Now, if I was a rational god, I would have had every divine pantheon knock on your door to end you since to put it bluntly, your existence can’t be tolerated by the universe. But since I’m your friend, and seeing as how quite a few gods like you especially Gaia, we’re going to see if we can find a way to help you. You’ve already halted the growth of your divinity which definitely makes our job a lot easier. Had you not halted the growth, I would have given you something that they created for the purpose of sealing. But since you completed that step yourself, here’s something to help for now. It’s filled with divine energy and it’ll help foster the growth of a second divinity. When paired with your orb, it’ll speed up the process quite a bit." Hemera smiled while handing over a golden orb that was filled with runic symbols.

"Well that’s reassuring. I’m sure that Gaia and Nyx wants answers so let me make it easier for them. I’ll type up a document of the full story so that they know what happened."

"Mn, that would indeed be helpful. Oh, before I forget, I should also warn you that a few gods have started to reach out to the remaining Queens. Unlike the Raven, these gods don’t demand their authority so it’s much more beneficial for them to accept the deal. While were not sure of who accepted the deals, there’s definitely a few that have a rather strong hatred for you. So while you’re weakened, I suggest you keep your guard up. But with most of the warnings and messages delivered, it’s time for me to do whatever I want. And the first on that list is giving you my understanding of the Creation Divinity. You see, with creation and destruction being in the centre of everything, it’s only natural that all divinities can be broken down into two aspects. While I have attack power, my divinity is mostly focused on rejuvenating life. My role is to preserve and stimulate growth. For my understanding, for creation to be on par with destruction, it must preserve and regrow as much as what was destroyed. The endless tenacity and vitality is the key in my opinion. If you want to cultivate a divinity that’s on par with something as crazy as being the literal First Born of Destruction, you must be able to create a realm with your own power and perhaps even more. I will say that it’s must harder to create than it is to destroy so your road will be a hard one." Hemera explained as Shiro nodded her head.

"I know but it has to be done. If I wasn’t the literal embodiment of destruction, this might be a little easier." Shiro chuckled as Hemera shrugged.

"True. So while I’m here, I can act as a messenger between you and mum. With your power as the First Born recovering, it is harder for mum to get into contact with you remotely before the second half. But since I’m here it doesn’t matter. If you have questions or anything, feel free to call upon me. I’ll give you some privacy for now, I am curious about your city after all."

Nodding her head, Shiro watched as Hemera left the room.

"Ah... I should have asked her what class she started as. At least then I’ll have a starting point." Shiro muttered.

Shaking her head, she paused for a moment before slowly turning to Nan Tian.

"I just realised something." Shiro said as Nan Tian raised his eyebrow.

"What did you realise?"

"I think I might have lost my filter."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nan Tian furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I mean, I just said the first thing that popped into my head. Usually I would you know. . . Think before I say something. I also feel a bit more... active? I guess that’s pretty normal considering that I’ve been laying in bed like a vegetable for the past few days but I suppose a better word would be hyper. Do you think that performing surgery on myself might have removed my filter? I am also noticing a few missing sections in my database." Shiro frowned as Nan Tian was silent.

". . .I think that’s just a part of you becoming normal rather than abnormal."

Blinking her eyes, Shiro opened her mouth.

"Being normal kinda sucks. Should I set something on fire to be abnormal again?" Shiro pouted.

"That’s arson."


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