Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 1147 New Policies

Chapter 1147 New Policies

Resting for a little longer, Shiro hopped off her bed and checked up on Lisandra.

With most of her wings now dyed black, the destructive aura in her body was quite obvious. With her limited power, Shiro did a scan of Lisandra’s body and saw that nothing was wrong. She was just adapting to this change through rest.

Estimating that she was going to wake up in around a day or so, Shiro gestured for Nan Tian to follow her out of the med bay.

"So what’s the plan now? Are you going to ask Hemera about the class?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro shook her head.

"Yes and no. I want to let my body get used to the lack of power first since it still aches from performing surgery. Once it’s gotten used to it, I’ll start making progress. But my main concern right now is this city. I’ve made this city too easy for the people. Without balance, it’ll soon crumble away. Therefore, under the guise of not having enough resources, I’ll push people to work harder, cultivate farms and enter dungeons to sustain this city. Eventually, I have hopes that they will be able to sustain this city even without my help. And the first step to that is to implement a few changes to the rules." Shiro smiled while pulling out a tablet from her inventory.

"As you know, right now the system in Asharia pretty much favours those that do nothing at all in my opinion. Even if they do nothing, they’ll still be given a good place to live, food to eat and safety where as though that go to dungeons, enter the army, open shops and so on pretty much get the same despite with some small added bonuses. With the difference between the two being so small, it’s simply not worth the effort to go out and work. So I’ll need to reduce the things provided to free loaders. Make it so that they get the minimum for survival and encourage them to work their way up. The council will provide them with opportunities if they struggle at finding one themselves with tasks that are set according to their skill set. If a person is good at farming, the council will not send them on a mission in the dungeon. Instead, we’ll have them open their farm in an open dungeon where people can go in and out. It saves me the effort of setting up a time dilation myself while also giving new adventurers some work and experience in fighting small mobs. They’ll protect the farm from monsters as beginner missions." Shiro explained as Nan Tian understood what she was going for.

"I’m not too worried about spirits, demons and a few other demi human races since they’re pretty well disciplined. There’s a clear hierarchy and everyone follows it. The problem is humans and elves. I’m pretty sure a few of the humans would protest about the chances. I’m hoping not but it’s best to have lower expectations for these kind of things. I’m seen my fair share of idiotic people after all. Some would continue to taunt in the face of danger as though the will of god will protect their worthless asses from extermination." Shiro shrugged.

Entering the lift, Shiro and Nan Tian made their way to the top of the tower, where the council was.


Pushing open the door, Shiro grinned.

"Listen up everyone! We’re making a few changes here. Samuel, you’re my scape goat for this one. If they want to complain, you’re the first wall of defence." Shiro declared as Samuel choked on his saliva. He was once an important member of the spirit council but now he’s nothing but a meat shield for Shiro.

"While it is good to make things easier for people, promoting laziness is a bit no go. We want productive people to carry the legacy of sentient beings to the next generation not personified vegetables that only knows how to eat, sh*t, sleep, maybe f*ck and reproduce a next generation of free loaders. First change! We’re reducing the benefits given to those that aren’t working. If they don’t work, they don’t get the luxury. Are you writing this down? You better be writing this down or else I’ll make sure you won’t forget it." Shiro grinned.

Hearing this, everyone in the room immediately started to type up the new rules.


"Mn?" Feeling someone tap him, Nan Tian glanced over and saw Samuel.

"Is her highness feeling ok? She seems a bit... off." Samuel asked as Nan Tian chuckled.

"Well let’s just say she’s... a little drunk? Don’t mind it though, she’s still her usual self but just says whatever pops into her mind. As for the new rules, don’t worry, she wants the city to be able to sustain itself rather than produce a population that only knows how to freeload. It’ll be good for the development of the city." Nan Tian reassured as Samuel nodded his head.

"I can hear you two talking about me. My two ears are working perfectly well. Samuel, you can exercise your old bones in the military with Shiina’s help. As for you Nan Tian, you can take care of the my documents." Shiro said as Nan Tian smiled.

"So as usual then?"

"Mn." Shiro nodded.

Seeing this, Samuel’s smile twitched at the blatant favouritism.

"What? You look like you have a problem with my decision old man." Shiro asked as Samuel quickly shook his head and escaped before Shiro could do anything else.

"Pft, it wasn’t like I was going to make him do more office work. Plus, he’s been doing paper work for too long, he needs to stretch his body more." Shiro shrugged.

"Well enough about the old man. Let’s continue with the other rules."

With Shiro implementing new rules, Nan Tian sat down at a computer and started to type up a public service announcement on the new changes.


It didn’t take too long for the announcement to spread through the community. Since everyone had registered in order to be classed as a citizen, passing the information was easy. But the fact that their luxury was disappearing in a few short days caused some dissatisfaction.

While none of them have been verbal about it, Shiro could tell that they weren’t happy.

Though that didn’t bother her too much since this was for their benefit more than it was for her.

With the new policies out of the way, Shiro started to think about what class she wanted.

Most of the Creation Divinity type classes she had heard about has been mostly to do with healing and support. If she wanted to cultivate something similar, becoming a healer was a good start. While her nanobots have the properties of creation, they’re too closely linked to her destruction divinity.

Her plan for now was to cultivate something suitable before integrating her nanobots into it. That way, her class can be ’pure’ creation rather than destruction.

"Hmm... How should I even clear a dungeon if I only heal." Shiro muttered as an idea popped into her mind.

"If creation is to preserve life, then that means life continues to grow. Eventually, they’ll grow old and die, reincarnating into the next cycle. I just have to age them using ’creation divinity’ so that they die of natural causes!"

"Wouldn’t that also be destruction?" Nan Tian raised an eyebrow.

"Well what else should I do. Am I supposed to make friends with the monsters and have them clear the dungeon through suicide?" Shiro pouted.

"Well with what you told me, Anima mentioned that too much of Creation and life will also crumble away. An eternal paradise, one where they’re so comfortable that they don’t need to do anything. Eventually, their comfort will take them to a death without you doing the deed yourself. You are merely giving them a safe space similar to Asharia." Nan Tian suggested as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"You’re not wrong. Creation and Destruction is not inherently good or evil. There is good destruction such as purging a tumour and bad creation with the replication of parasites. Just because I have the power of creation, doesn’t mean I have to be a saint that is the embodiment of good. Creation can be rather twisted in its methods." Shiro muttered as her lips slowly curled up into a cruel smile.

"Creation stimulates growth. While it does not destroy, too much of anything is not good. I can potentially create a spell that forcefully drains on their vitality until they die. The spell itself was ’technically’ used for healing despite the fact that it over stimulated their vitality.

"Alright, I think I have an idea." Shiro chuckled as she turned around and faced Nan Tian.

"Not to toot my own horn but I think I was pretty kind as a destroyer. What do you think about a cruel creator?" Shiro narrowed her eyes as Nan Tian laughed.

"Is that not just the biblical god in some people’s eyes? He who created natural disasters amongst men."

"True. In that case then let my path on creation be one paved with destruction. I am someone who seeks balances after all." Shiro grinned.

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