Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 160: Return To Monke - 12

Chapter 160: Return To Monke - 12

Name: Daiki Yurei

Age: 13

Chakra Capacity: 195,000/195,000 (Low-Tier Kage)

Strength: 205/?

Endurance: 293/?

Durability: 207/?

Agility: 205/?

Taijutsu: 262/500

Ninjutsu: 390/500

Genjutsu: 107/500

Bukijutsu: 184/500

Chakra Control: 325/500

Chakra Affinities:

Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark

Water - (Expert): The Sea Parts Before You

Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows

Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes.

Fire - (Novice): Simmering Power

Fuinjutsu - (Advanced): The breath hitches.​

…Seven days of training with the Professor and second God of Shinobi himself, did the body good, that was for sure.

It might have only been a week, but skill wise, his growth had been utterly explosive and he'd gained much more in this single week than he had in months of training himself.

Especially since he'd long since concluded that his stat growth, was not linear at all and the higher his stats became, the harder they became to raise.

'What do you think?' he asked inwardly as he rested on his backside against one of the wide expansive walls of the training ground he had been living in for the past week.

His training had come to an end and right now, he was just catching his breath and recovering from the beating he'd been put through by the old mans clones.

'That you sure have put a lot of time and effort into still being a squishy little boy.' Isobu replied.

'Compared to you…for now.' Daiki rolled his eyes.

'Well, comparing you to other humans at least, I dare say you would be capable of fighting on even footing with Raiga Kurosaki if your memories of him are anything to go by, if not a bit greater than him,' Isobu mused after moment of thought after ribbing him, 'With your Heavenly Star Seal, I believe you would dominate him and should be capable of even proving a challenge to your man crush Kakashi.'

Daiki snorted, 'Please, like I've said before, even if I was into dudes I'd have way better taste than Kakashi,' he replied, before looking up at the ceiling multiple hundreds of feet above him, 'Still, pretty much a lower class A-rank then? And then mid to upper class with the seal.' he mused.

That wasn't bad at all. And while he still couldn't use the Lightning Armour for long without damaging himself, he'd gotten a little bit more control of it with his increase in ability with his lightning element and lessened the damage a little bit so he could use it for a little bit longer right now.

With that, he might be able to put up a fight against an S-rank shinobi for a decent little while and have a slight chance of victory without having to rely on Isobu.

'…Perhaps.' Isobu replied lightly.

Which was was decent confirmation considering how many high level shinobi he'd born personal witness to battling it out.

Either way, it made it so that only a select few would be capable of bringing him down in a one on one confrontation, or even outnumbering him.

Frankly, even taking him by surprise would be a mission and a half at this point.

Just then, the entrance into the training ground opened up and in walked the old man who'd been beating his ass all week long. Unlike usual, he was dressed in his red and white Hokage robes instead of his combat gear.

And following behind him was a huge, white haired figure.

"Huh, so this is what this place looks like inside, pretty big," Jiraiya commented as he looked around, "Not really my style though, I'm not big on the whole dark, dank underground thing, now if it were out in the open where I could show off to da' ladies I might have been tempted."

"Hello Daiki-kun," Hiruzen ignored his student and smiled at the youngest of the three as he made his way over, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," Daiki shrugged, giving the man a smirk as he dismissed the status screen with a thought, "Just basking in my awesomeness old man before I leave this sweet ass pad that only awesome people like me can appreciate the worth of."

Hiruzen chortled.

"…Is that a dig at me?" Jiraiya turned to him and raised an eyebrow at him, "I mean kid, you might be hot shit for being a muscle headed freak at your age, but I'd still wreck you any day of the week, honestly I'd get more of a challenge spanking my meat."

"I hear that happens when you get to that age," Daiki snorted, "Or is it because of how many times you've left chicks who caught you peeping on them stomp all over your masochistic ass? Take some permanent damage down there?"

"…Sensei, this kid's a dick," Jiraiya said, turning to the Hokage, "I thought he was just a crazy weirdo, a super lucky one after what you told me…but now he's a dick on top of that. You sure he's a good pick for the hat?"

"Unfortunately Jiraiya, being a 'dick' as you call it, does not disqualify one out of the running for being Hokage," the old man shrugged, puffing on his pipe, "Actually, I dare say Tobirama-sensei would prefer it that way."

"Heh." Daiki jutted his chin out proudly and arrogantly.

"I really need to find out how strong that crap you smoke is one of these days sensei, it must be some real high quality stuff," Jiraiya shook his head with a huff, before promptly sobering and turning back to meet Daiki's eyes, "So, you're probably wondering why I turned up with Sarutobi-sensei, right?" he asked.

"Not really," Daiki shrugged, "You're his student, so not really all that odd for you to be around him. Though, you bringing it up is another matter and makes it apparent you wanted to see me for something."

But considering Jiraiya should be in the middle of training Naruto right now during the lead up to the Chunin Exams, then it made him think it had something to do with him.

The only other thing it could be for, was in relation to Orochimaru or the Cursed Seal.

"Fair enough," Jiraiya nodded, "I'll be blunt kid, I want your help to train Naruto."


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