Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 161: Return To Monke - 13

Chapter 161: Return To Monke - 13


If he wanted him specifically for help teaching Naruto, then there was really only one reason it would be for.

"I won't be able to help him control the Kyuubi." Daiki denied instantly, shaking his head.

Just because he knew in a possible future that Naruto would earn his respect in full and they would become friends and could reveal the threat of Madara the Juubi and Kaguya…did not mean he would be able to get Kurama to play ball.

'It would be the opposite in fact I'm afraid,' Isobu spoke up, 'Prideful as my sibling is, Kurama would take that information and stubbornly dig his feet in all the more and make it even harder. My own presence in actuality, would be more detrimental if we revealed the truth and believe we are just trying to manipulate him.'

At best, they could use his ego to get a bit of help from him if they left out the parts about him becoming friends with Naruto. But, it would be an uneasy truce liable to break at any moment.

No, the best thing to do, would be to let their relationship play out for the most part and not interfere.

"I figured as much," Jiraiya shrugged, "You can't reach him how to tame the Kyuubi just because you're friends with the Sanbi, that's two completely different situations. But, you can teach him how to use his abilities right?"

…That he could do.

"I can teach him the basics of the chakra cloaks and give him some advice, but any special abilities I get from the…Sanbi are much different from his." Daiki responded, nodding even if his words hitched for a moment in the middle.

'You can call me the Sanbi to others and not say my name y'know, I won't get offended.' Isobu told him.

He simply shrugged and didn't reply.

'Good…you're learning.' Isobu commented approvingly.

"That'll do," Jiraiya grinned, "Besides, the kid needs to know there isn't anything wrong with him being the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. He got the role forced on him, but you chose it willingly. Getting to understand that, will go a long way to helping him out I think and that you aren't all like that sand kid."

…Ah yes, Gaara.

He had actually forgotten raccoon boy had all but traumatized Naruto when they met after the prelims.

That said, this was a chance for him to to get his hands on something else he needed. Or at least the beginnings of it.

"Fine, if the old man okays it, I've got a big mission soon y'know," Daiki agreed, "But on one condition, Naruto pissed me off the last time we saw each other after all even after I busted my ass saving his team and healing Sakura."

"Greedy aren't ya?" Jiraiya rolled his eyes, "Fine, what do you want in return?"

"Senjutsu." he said simply.

"…Hoh?" Hiruzen raised an eyebrow in interest.

Jiraiya on the other hand, narrowed his eyes, "Yeah, no. Kid, you're talented for sure, and even learning about that at your age is impressive, but no, there's no way you can manage it," he refuted instantly, "Besides, I can't teach it, only the toads can and and signing the contract isn't something that can be done all willy nilly."

"Not for me," Daiki replied, standing up and dusting off his clothes, "I already have a summoning contract after all, way better than toads by the way. I want you to get your summons to teach my boss summon how to use senjutsu." after all, he didn't have the time to be learning it right now.

Nor was he anywhere near as predisposed to it as Naruto. But Shiromaru was an entirely different matter and should be well capable of learning it. That big guy had had spent over fifty years in the same exact spot disguised as a castle.

He had the whole sitting still thing down to an art form at this point. And he had no doubt his boss summon could learn Senjutsu.

And then later down the line, when Daiki had more free time. He could learn it himself from Shiromaru.

"…Oh yeah, the Chameleons, I forgot you had that contract," Jiraiya cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips, "That might be different…but I'd still need to ask, I can't promise it'll work out or anything."

"Well I'm not going anywhere right now am I?" Daiki replied, "Or…am I?" he looked to the Hokage.

"I will delay the mission until tomorrow," Sarutobi replied, "But, even if this does not work out the way you desire, you still have to agree to train Naruto."

Daiki shrugged, "Fine with me, that won't take long anyway." he replied in turn. It wasn't exactly rocket science, a couple hours should be enough to beat it into the idiots head.

Though it did bring up a question, "Why do you not know Senjutsu old man?" he asked.

Hiruzen merely laughed lightly, "Oh my summons were incapable of learning the art, as was I, I'm afraid I'm just not very compatible with the art," he replied, "Truly regrettable, but not everyone is capable of it. Not even Tobirama-sensei was capable of harnessing the power. And even Minato-kun failed to grasp the art in full, Jiraiya is the only one alive in this day and age capable of using it in combat as far as we humans go to my knowledge."

…Man when it first came up Senjutsu was played up as an incredibly powerful art that even the best of the best struggled with. The fact that not even the old man or the Second could manage it, really hit that factor home for him.

Shit, would he even be capable of it?

"Yeah, I've been at it decades kid and I've still not mastered it," Jiraiya snorted when he saw Daiki's eyes widen, "You sure you want to try for it? I hear you're pretty good at seals, why not have me teach you a few instead?"

Tempting…but no.

"Nah, long shot it might be, but even if it's hard, I want to at least attempt it." He replied. In the end, he simply wasn't a little bitch and would as always, believe in the heart of the grind to see him through.

"Fair enough kid," Jiraiya nodded, "Give me a minute and I'll bring one of the sages here." he said, before closing his eyes and clasping his hands together.

Daiki's eyes widened.

While he hadn't at all trained with Isobu's sensory abilities yet, he was still well capable of seeing chakra with his eyes. And as soon as he closed his eyes and clasped his hands together, Jiraiya began to focus an absolutely monstrous amount of chakra into his clasped hands.

And by monstrous, he meant monstrous.

It built up…and up and up.

Until within Jiraiya's hands was a chakra amount…that surpassed his own full capacity!

Jiraiya's eyes snapped open about thirty seconds later and he crouched down to slam his hands onto the ground, "Summoning Jutsu!" he declared and a massive puff of smoke erupted from the ground where his hands made contact.

"What in tarnation?" a croaky, elderly male voice cried out from within the smoke, "Jiraiya-boy, the heck you doin' summonin' me for?"

When the huge tower of smoke dissipated a few moments later, it was to reveal a tiny little green toad standing bipedal, a small brown cloak covering its form and with bushy grey eyebrows over its eyes.

No doubt about it, it was Pa, one of the two sages of the toad summons clan and the one who taught Naruto how to harness Senjutsu.

…And to summon him, Jiraiya just spent nearly ten times as much chakra as it took Daiki himself to summon Shiromaru.

Holy shit man.

"Sorry Pa," Jiraiya gave the small toad a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head, "Something came up I need to talk to you about."

"Hm? Better be good boya, I was just bout' to sit down to Ma's maggot stew," Pa huffed, then took his glowing yellow eyes off of the white haired sannin and looked at Daiki, raised a single bushy brow, before looking to Hiruzen, "Well if it isn't young Hiruzen-chan, it's been a while since I seen you monkey boy."

"It's nice to see you again Pa," Hiruzen inclined his head respectfully, "Though, I'm hardly a young boy anymore."

"Bah, yer still a whippersnapper to me boy," Pa snorted, waving him off, "Now then, who's this lad then? Quite the powerful chakra this one has for bein' but a tadpole." the old toad turned his attention back to Daiki and scrutinized him with ancient eyes.

…How old was Pa again?

"This brat's the reason I summoned you Pa," Jiraiya waved his arm at the boy, "Kid's a weirdo, he's a perfect Jinchuuriki, sealed the Sanbi in himself a few months ago and got its allegiance. I want his help with teaching…Naruto how to use the Kyuubi's power properly, but he wants something in return."

"Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, huh? I see," Pa clicked his tongue, and didn't comment at all on his own status, but his gaze did sharpen and Daiki felt a pressure settle on his shoulders, "Well then boy, what'ya want? Can't be somethin' as simple as signing the contract, Jiraiya-boy could handle that and would have brought out Bunta-boy if not instead a' me."

"I want you to teach my boss summon how to use Senjutsu." Daiki replied bluntly.

There was no point dancing around the issue. Either the old toad would do it, or he wouldn't simple as that.

Pa stared at him silently for a moment, before promptly, snorting, "That so tadpole?" he chortled, "And why is that?"

"Because I want to learn Senjutsu myself," Daiki shrugged, "I've not got the time for it right now, nor am I ready for it myself-

"That's for sure," Pa snorted, "I can tell that from just a' mere glance at ya' boy, yer' a long ways off."

Annoying, but hardly enough to stop him in his tracks, "Yeah, like I said," Daiki rolled his eyes, "My summons though, specifically the boss are a completely different matter though. And I'll be able to get their help to learn it myself later."

"…Hmm," Pa hummed and scrutinized him keenly for a moment, "And what summon clan do you represent then boy?"

"The Chameleon clan." Daiki replied.

Pa blinked, "….Oh, that brings me back," he shook his head, "I did hear young Shiromaru finally returned to his clan after gaining a new summoner. You must be something special to catch the eye of that stubborn little lizard."


Shiromaru was over a hundred years old!

"Well, he's definitely not allied with the Snake's at least, not after the falling out he had with his dear whippersnapper of a papa little Manda-boy, hmph," Pa huffed, taking his attention off of Daiki to look at Jiraiya and Hiruzen, "What say you two lads? Can you speak for the lads character? Do you think he's worthy of it?"

Jiraiya shrugged, which was fair, they barely knew each other. The white haired man looked to his elderly teacher.

…The human one.

"Well, if it helps Pa, I've chosen the boy specifically to become the next Hokage, the successor to Minato." Hiruzen revealed.

Pa's eyes widened and he whipped his small head around to stare at Daiki in shock, "…Minato-chan's successor…I see," he nodded, "Very well boy, I will contact the Chameleon clan and give the offer to Shiromaru-boy, I won't promise anything though. It will be down to the lads own talent."

"He'll manage it just fine." Daiki smirked, he had full confidence in his summons. The Chameleon's were just that badass.

He would be much further behind than he was right now if not for them.

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