Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 170: Therapist Daiki - 1

Chapter 170: Therapist Daiki - 1

Hours later when the sun hung low in the horizon and the sky turned a dusky red, Daiki found himself standing in the Hokage's office.

Two pairs of eyes giving him dry gazes.

And had been doing so for the last minute.

"…Seriously kid?" Jiraiya asked, voice deadpan.

"Don't act like you wouldn't have asked them same, honestly I bet you already have," Daiki smirked at him knowingly, a smirk which widened when Jiraiya grimaced and looked away, "Besides, while I was doing it for the eye candy, I wasn't lying. Holding a technique while using his jinchuuriki powers, will seriously help him in the long run and up his chakra control for sure."

"Honestly, I do believe I should have seen this coming," Hiruzen shook his head, "Really, If I didn't already know of your parents Daiki-kun, I would have assumed Jiraiya impregnated some poor girl and spawned you."

"As if, he wishes he could spawn someone as awesome me." Daiki snorted.

"Hey now sensei, that's a low blow, y'know I've got a seal to make sure something like that doesn't happen," Jiraiya huffed, "Anyway, I'm still not sure that was the best way to go about it kid, you were a bit too…blunt and he's still not really mastered the summoning jutsu either so giving him another jutsu to learn, an elemental one at that is a bit iffy I'm thinking."

"Learning more control of the Kyuubi's chakra will help with that, and so will the jutsu itself, the more he learns the better honestly, and it'll translate into his other jutsu skills while at it, or at least it does for me," Daiki shrugged, "But don't go doing something stupid like loosening his seal anytime soon, I've given him a bit of a reality check, but Naruto is still way too emotional to be able to filter it all out. Honestly, for the next two weeks up to the final round, you should have him using the one tailed cloak form constantly and practicing with his jutsu. Just be careful though, cuz he'll be liable to lashing out if you piss him off enough right now and he should be tough enough with it to tear apart your average jonin."

"Very well, you are more or less the only reputable master of the subject at hand, we've never trained a Jinchuuriki to use their power after all," Sarutobi mused, puffing on his pipe, "Jiraiya, do as Daiki says, have him work on using the cloak as he did today and that shockwave attack, as well as the summoning jutsu and the drilling air bullet."

"Yeah, yeah," Jiraiya waved him off, "I gotcha' sensei. Anyway, if that's all, I think I'll go keep an eye on the kid right now. I'm kinda leery of leaving him to himself right now while he's using that chakra."

"That would be for the best," Sarutobi nodded, "Besides, I have things to talk about with Daiki in private anyway."

"Ah…I see how it is," Jiraiya snorted, nodding his head, "Little secret pow wow with your new and all time favourite student. Favouritism hurts y'know sensei."

"…Yes, as many women who have complained about a certain student of mine peeking on them in the hot springs and not being arrested have attested to." Sarutobi deadpanned back.

"Huh, wonder who did that, sounds like a cool guy." Jiraiya laughed and proceeded to disappear with a shunshin. Hastily leaving the premises and the subject at hand behind.

"That boy will never grow up," Sarutobi snorted, then turned his attention to Daiki, "So, let's get down to business, shall we?"

Daiki shrugged, "Sure."

"I've decided, as you know that Anko will be your guard and escort to the Mist village," he stated, "You will be leaving tomorrow, at which time is your own choice. How you approach the negotiations is up to you, though do try not to offend the Mist too much."

"Don't worry about it, I've had two weeks to plan old man," Daiki replied, "I can't guarantee they'll be all in for an alliance, but I'm pretty sure they'll at least not be aggressive towards us."

Not with what he'd be giving back to them already with a possible offer. And the problems that stem from them he could use to throw shade at them in return for any claims they'd make. From Rin to Raiga and even Ao.

"It's good to see you're confident," the old man hummed, "I'm at least confident enough myself in your strength to confirm your safety in the mission."

Left unsaid was that the Mist was currently the weakest of the five great villages. Only an idiot would pick a fight with the strongest in their position, even if they weren't aware of Konoha's precarious position.

"Good luck Daiki-kun." Sarutobi smiled at him warmly.

"No need for luck when I'm me, but I'll take it anyway," Daiki laughed lightly, "Though, there is one thing I want to ask you old man before I leave." he said after a moment, his face turning serious.

"Oh?" Sarutobi raised an eyebrow at him.

Daiki eyed the liver spots on the old mans face for a moment, before speaking, "If you had the chance to reverse your age and become young again, would you take it?" he asked.

Over the last two weeks, he'd gathered up enough chakra to restore the man to his prime and still leave quite a bit in the tank for his own usage if needed.

"I would not." the old man denied immediately making the boy blink.

"…You wouldn't?" he gaped.

"I would not," Sarutobi confirmed, closing his eyes for a moment, before opening them again to look into Daiki's own, "My life has been hard and I have many regrets. I have lost a son and a daughter in law, I have lost my wife and too many members of this village to count. I will not ask why you are asking me this Daiki-kun, but I will say this. Despite those regrets, I am happy with my life and want to live it to the natural conclusion, at which point I will join my wife, my lost children and the leaves who have fallen from this great towering tree in the next world."


Daiki…wasn't sure how to respond. So he didn't.

It was regrettable, since the old man back in his prime would be an absolute monster.

But he would respect his decision.

"By the way Daiki-kun," Sarutobi's voice broke him from his thoughts and looked up, only realising then that the man's words had caused him to look down at the floor, unable to meet his eyes, "Here."

A scroll fell from the old mans sleeve and was tossed towards the teen, who caught it easily, "What's this?" he asked.

"You'll be on the road for a few days, so you can get some reading done in the meantime in preparation," Sarutobi replied, "That scroll contains the exercises you will need to go through to train with both the earth and fire element, just because you are on a mission, does not mean you're beloved grind can come to a halt, no?"

Daiki couldn't stop his lips twitching back up into a smile, "Definitely not, that's heresy after all."

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