Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 171: Therapist Daiki - 2

Chapter 171: Therapist Daiki - 2

His grind list, was never ending.

It seemed that every single time Daiki managed to whittle down his list to nothing, more popped up for him to get right back on the saddle and get back to it.

'It sure is great to be me.' Daiki whistled a jaunty tune as he made his way back towards his home, taking a leisurely stroll through the village streets for once instead of blitzing across the rooftops.

It was nice to take it slow every now and then, before returning to going fast.

Though, he was also a little amused. Thanks to Isobu's memories of Yagura's training and the scrolls he just got from the old man…there was a good chance he was going to master every other element first before his natural lightning affinity.

Granted, thanks to one of the jutsu the old man taught him during their training, he had a great idea on how to go about mastering it. And even if it didn't, it would be a step towards creating his very own S-rank jutsu.

Even if he was copying Sasuke at the brass tacks of it. It was fine though, he'd never know.

'I suppose since the old man showed me them, it'll make for a good excuse to learn the Chidori and Rasengan.' he mused. While he didn't know the instructions for learning the Chidori, he already had a rough idea of how it worked thanks to his eyes when he saw the old man perform it.

…Hmm, he supposed he could also see about learning Shadow Of The Dancing leaf as well. He'd seen multiple uses of it already since the beginning of the Chunin Exams.

'Speaking of Lee.' Daiki stopped in his tracks, a frown splaying across his lip. Perhaps he should go see him before he left the village for his mission.

Angry as he was at him for being a fool, he still couldn't help but feel for him. Once upon a time, Rock Lee and his never give up attitude had been someone he looked up to. Between him and Naruto, his love of the grind had taken shape and inspiration from them, had been what got him going to the gym in his old life.

The anger he'd felt over his foolishness and still did even, did not outweigh the good things for him in the end.


Suffice to say, Daiki decided to make his way towards the hospital before heading home and pay Rock Lee a visit.

But as he approached the hospital, something stood out.

Or rather, someone.

They were a block away from the hospital, atop a large building overlooking the hospital, and so well hidden that most wouldn't even notice them.

But there was no hiding from the the Scarlet Eye.

Not unless you were behind some crazy ass Uzumaki seals designed to block out even the Byakugan at least.

It was a familiar short redhead with a gourd atop his back, standing the building and looking directly at the hospital, arms crossed, a frown on his face.

His gaze was intense, teal eyes filled with a hunger for blood.

'Oh right, Gaara was obsessed with killing Lee for a bit because Gai stopped him during the exams, wasn't he?' Daiki mused.

Now, what to do about that? Should he confront him, or let things play out?

Actually, if he remembered right, Gaara almost did manage to assassinate Lee and was only foiled luckily by Naruto and Shikamaru, before Gai turned up to stop Gaara from killing those two.

The question was if Gai was actually there all the time and ready to step in at a moments notice, or not. Daiki wanted to believe he was, since letting a foreign shinobi get into the hospital so easily was the height of incompetence, and that was just silly considering there was an entire barrier over the village with the barrier team monitoring the village twenty-four-seven.

While it was impossible for them to scrutinize every little thing, they for sure would have around the clock surveillance on a foreign jinchuuriki.

…Actually, weird.

Naruto knew about Gaara being a jinchuuriki, he wasn't supposed to learn that until Gaara tried to kill Lee which was the literal day before the third round.

'Has it already happened?' Daiki wondered. If it did though, why was Gaara still obsessing over Lee?

Well, either way, letting things play out at this point, wouldn't give him the same results, so he may as well confront the other jinchuuriki.

Sighing in annoyance, Daiki hopped up onto the roofs and made his way over towards Gaara, not bothering to hide his presence.

Gaara's eyes roamed from the hospital building and landed on Daiki as he landed on the roof. As he did, Daiki noticed, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

"…You…" Gaara all but growled, black ringed eyes narrowing at him and a spike of killing intent rising in the air.

The redheads bloodlust hung heavily in the air.

"Sup, raccoon boy," Daiki greeted him with a smirk, "You shouldn't be here." he added, his hands casually resting his his pockets.

A simple glance out of the side of his eye, was enough to confirm his previous thoughts were right. With his telescopic vision that could see clearly up to ten miles away, he could spot Rock Lee in his hospital room.

…Doing one handed, hand stand push ups.

Daiki resisted the urge to sigh. As much as he respected the hell out of grinding like that even in his state, he was just doing more damage to himself like that.

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