Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 190: On The Skies To Mist Village - 13

Chapter 190: On The Skies To Mist Village - 13

"Well, sound logic I suppose," Anko snorted, "Then how do you wanna go about this? We're far enough away that I doubt he's noticed us at all."

"He definitely hasn't, I'd notice if he did," Daiki replied, for one the man hadn't even turned in their direction at all and for another, his chakra network was completely calm, he didn't seem alert at all, "Though just to be sure." he focused chakra into his eyes, and a moment later a familiar shimmering red dust swarmed around him and Anko both, seeping into them.

"The heck was that?" Anko asked.

"One of the abilities of my eyes, it allows me to completely hide chakra signatures," Daiki replied, his mind going through how he should approach this situation, "Even someone with the Byakugan wouldn't be able to see our chakra now even if we were standing right in front of them."

"Holy shit really!?" Anko's eyes widened in shock and she outright goggled at him, "That's absurd, I've never even heard of something like that before, do you know how easy that would assassinating people?"

"Very," Daiki grinned, "It's one of the reasons the old man picked me to become the Godaime Hokage. With these eyes, I could literally waltz into other villages completely undetected, transform into my full Bijuu state and unleash a Bijuudama right in the middle of their villages and completely cripple them."

"Huh" Anko blinked, "You know, you did mention something like that before when you were talking shit to Elder Shimura, but when you get to the actual brass tacks of itkid you're fucking terrifying."

"As the Hokage should be." Daiki nodded, pleased.

He let that hang for a moment before shrugging, "Anyway I kind of want to go down there and take him on face to face," he admitted, "It would be a good test of where I stand right now to fight him to the death without using my jinchuuriki abilities."

"That's dumb," Anko snorted, "I'm all for a good fight and all kid, but you don't play around with guys like this, especially when you don't plan on going all out, even for you if you don't take him seriously there's a good chance you'd get killed."

"Nah, I'd win." Daiki refuted.

To doubt his ability to handle a guy like this, after everything he'd done, after everything he'd gotten his hands on, and all the absurd back breaking training he'd done, breaking himself over and over again, every day, multiple times a day without the help of Isobu, would be proof he'd never have what it takes to stand at the top of this world.

That wasn't him. He was the one chosen to become the fifth Hokage, the leader of the most powerful military force in this world.

It was merely a matter of if he could defeat this guy head on without resorting to his heavenly star seal or not.

"Cocky brat," Anko snorted and rolled her eyes, "Either way, the mission comes first, it's more important than you going down there and swinging your oversized dick around and strutting about like the cock of the walk."

Well, she wasn't wrong.

"Fine, fine." Daiki bowed to her wisdom and lowered them down through the air until they landed atop one of the massive building structures of the former Whirlpool Village.

"Good to see you can see reason sometimes kid," Anko nodded approvingly, "I say we stealth him, with our chakra hidden it'll be a cake walk to get close to this guy and then finish him off."

"Maybe," Daiki crossed his arms and nodded, "Though he has some form of sentient weapon of some kind that seems to be able to absorb chakra, a lot like Samehada."

Anko blinked and gave him an odd look, "And how can you tell?" she asked, "There was nothing like that written in the bingo book, and unless he's playing fetch with the damn thing I don't see how you can know that just from looking at him."

"I can see the seals inside the weapon, they're mostly geared towards absorbing chakra I'm quite familiar with them," Daiki explained, "That and there's another seal that's quite similar to one used to seal bijuu in a jinchuuriki, from what I'm guessing there's a soul of some sort within the weapon."

Honestly, using it as a basis, he was thinking Samehada was created through something similar. What exactly was used to give it sentience though he wondered? A human soul?

An animals soul?

He was quite interested to find out. While the spear or harpoon thing wasn't really his type of weapon and would be better suited to Tenten, that didn't mean he didn't plan on learning all he could from it. And if sealing souls inside a weapon could make them more powerful or not.

Plus, didn't that kind of make that spear thing and Samehada if he was right, almost like a Zanpakuto?

Could he seal a soul inside the Kiba blades?

"Man those eyes are funky," Anko shook her head, "Still, that doesn't really change anything. Sentient weapon that absorbs chakra or not, it's useless if we slit his throat before he can even pull it out."

"True," Daiki nodded, before smirking, "But who says we even need to move from right here?"

"The fact that we're miles away from him?" Anko raised an eyebrow as if she was pointed out the obvious.

Which fair, usually she would be.

"I wanna try something." he said simply.

"Really not the time to be experiment brat," Anko rolled her eyes, "Fine, but if whatever you're planning fails, I want you to go full force so we can take this guy out quickly, bijuu power and all."

"Alright." Daiki agreed.

That was fair.

"Then have at it." Anko waved her arm in the direction where Araumi Funato was casually going about his business, completely unaware of their presence.

Stepping forward, Daiki clenched his fists and focused for a moment and a second later, a crackling aura of pure lightning erupted from his tenketsu and enveloped his body as he entered his lightning chakra mode.

"Hoh?" Anko hummed with interest as Daiki brought his hands up.

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