Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 191: On The Skies To Mist Village - 14

Chapter 191: On The Skies To Mist Village - 14

Many ninjutsu were long range. But not a whole lot of them had such a range they could hit a target from miles away.

And most that could tended to be the type that wrought massive amounts of destruction. Even for Daiki, he had precious few jutsu that could hit a target from as far away as he was with any semblance of accuracy.

He did have one though that was fast, powerful and easy to aim. In fact, it was perhaps the most accurate jutsu he knew that existed.

Simply because with enough control over it, the user could change its direction mid flight. One that was also, a true blue lightning jutsu. As in one that had all the speed of a real lightning bolt, unlike say his Electromagnetic Murder which was much slower.

His fingers blurred as he ran through a series of hand seals, before pulling his hands apart and lifting his right arm, two fingers pointing out towards his target.

Electric buzzed and warped around his fingers as pure lightning chakra compressed along the length of his two digits. The lightning around his fingers, shimmered and faded from bright light blue, to a gleaming white.

"Lightning Style: False Darkness!" Daiki declared, and from his finger a massive spear of lightning erupted and streaked through the sky.

It crossed the miles of distance between him and his target in all the time it took to blink.

Araumi Funato had his back turned to them, and with his chakra signature completely hidden by the Shinkugan and didn't even have the chance to sense it coming, never mind see it.

The spear of crackling white lightning slammed into his back and pierced straight through his heart, tearing a hole straight through his torso in one smooth motion before continuing on and streaking off into the distance and disappearing from even the range of his shinkugan in moments.

And a second later, the corpse of his target dropped face first onto the ground.

The missing ninja probably didn't even have time to understand or process what happened. And died without ever knowing he was under attack.

Daiki stared at the corpse of his target for a moment, analysing him with his doujutsu, just to make sure he was really dead.

Before nodding to himself a moment later, pleased. He dispersed his lightning chakra mode, allowing the crackling lightning chakra around his body to fizzle out and turned to Anko with a big grin, "Well that was easy."

Anko blinked, "He's dead?" she gaped at him.

"Yup, thanks to my chakra being hidden and the speed of my jutsu he had no chance to react and defend himself." Daiki replied, proudly crossing his arms.

Especially thanks to the fact that his Lightning Style: False Darkness jutsu was massively amplified thanks to his lightning chakra mode.

It was usually a B-rank jutsu, but when amplified by the lightning chakra mode, it was actually more like an A-rank jutsu.

It was comparable actually to the Chidori in strength. And didn't come with that annoyingly loud chirping screeching noise Kakashi's favoured assassination jutsu came with.

And you know, could be fired from long range.

Not that Chidori was a bad jutsu or anything, it would be amazing to use in tandem with his lightning chakra mode in an up close battle.

"Kid what the fuck! You are terrifying," Anko's jaw dropped, "Did you seriously just assassinate an A-rank shinobi from miles away in seconds?"

"Looks like it." Daiki beamed.

He was extremely pleased with himself.

Was he the first sniper of the Elemental Nations? Probably not, but he'd claim so anyway. Or at the very least the best.

"I'm not even sure what to say thatthat's just impressive as hell," Anko ran a hand through her hair and shook her head after regaining her composure, "Honestly, I'll say one thing, it sure ain't ever boring being around you kid."


One he was done preening at Anko's shock and awe of his newly gained sniping skills, she and Daiki made their way over to where the corpse resided.

"Damn," Anko whistled as they approached and saw the massive gaping hole piercing through his back, "To do this to an A-rank guy with one jutsu from that far, that's unreal brat."

"Wait." Daiki stopped and held out a hand in front of Anko, stopping her from approaching the body.

"Wait, wh-" Anko began to ask, but was cut off.

By a snarling howl escaping from the thin maw of the fish headed spear resting atop the corpses back.

Its pale white bone eyes lit up with a crimson glow and before their eyes, the fine headed fish spear tip seemed to explode in size, spear nose doubling in size, its back erupting into dozens of razor sharp edges, its fins stretching out and becoming razor sharp.Spoiler

And then the spear itself, maw opening and bearing razor sharp teeth flipped up from the corpses back and launched itself at them with a savage howl.

Before it could reach them though, Daiki blurred forward, his hand catching it around its maw and slamming its jaw shut tightly with raw physical strength alone.

'Nice try, but I've already saw this shit with Samehada.' Daiki snorted, even as it snarled and howled in his grip, jerking with all its might to try and free itself.

Unfortunately for it, it was spearor rather now that he was closer, looked more like a harpoon.

But either way, unlike Samehada, its weapon body was a lot more rigid with a lot less bend to it.

"What the absolute fuck?!" Anko cursed.

"Told you it was sentient." Daiki teased.

It growled in his grasp, but didn't give up. In fact, its struggles renewed a moment later as green chakra began to seep out of Daiki's hand and be drawn into the tiny gaps it was able to open its mouth to with its struggles.

It was absorbing his chakra.

It was actually quite an impressive amount-

But in the end, "Nice try you dumbass swordfish," Daiki laughed at it, "But you'll be here all week before you can suck out all my chakra." he taunted it.

Before it disappeared as he sucked it inside the dimension force seal on his palm.

"Pretty sure it's a Marlin actually." Anko pointed out drily.

"Dumbass marlin then." Daiki corrected, making his way over to the body and summoning one of the Kiba blades from his seal.

'Wait.' Isobu spoke up before he could swing the blade and lop the head off of the corpse.

'What's up?' Daiki paused and asked.

'This mans bloodline, look at his neck it has a physical manifestation.' Isobu said.

Doing as his inner turtle demon said, Daiki examined the mans neck and his eyes widened at what he saw. Black gills. Well, they looked like they were supposed to be gills, but rather than actual physical gills, it looked like gills made of black ink.

Almost like sealing ink.

'Yes,' Isobu nodded, 'This power of the sea dragon as its called, it's a viable candidate for your Bloodline Usurpation Seal, when it's finished at least. It's hardly the most powerful bloodline out there, but it will be helpful at least.'

Well alright then.

Adjusting his aim, Daiki swung his blade and cut the head clean off the corpse at the very tip of the neck, avoiding the black tattoo-like gills.

He sealed the head inside his dimension force seal, before looking the body over for anything of note.

Barely anything beyond some rations. Not even any money. 'This guy is a total scrooge.' Daiki scoffed.

Just as he was finishing patting the corpse down, he found a small sealing scroll in the mans back pocket. He opened it up, before rolling his eyes when he saw how low quality it was. It would barely have as much storage as a large closet!

'Fucking hell, this wouldn't even go for ten thousand ryo back home in Konoha.' Daiki rolled his eyes and pulsed his chakra through the scroll and examined the contents.

His scan told him there was only two items within the sealing scroll. Well, whatever.

He unsealed them with a pulse of chakra, and in a puff of smoke another small scroll appeared.

Alongside a large bone white bow in the shape of a manta ray.

His eyes widened immediately at what he saw.

Just like the marlinharpoon thing, the inside of the bow was filled to the brim with seals. Only, this one was with seals he'd never even seen before!

A cursory glance and his current knowledge, let him deduce theyamplified chakra in a way? Similar in a way to the Kiba blades, but wholly different.

Well now, wasn't this another good find?

What luck!


Alright, so I decided to start uploading one of my other stories here as well. A one piece system story I guess it is, called One Piece: Seaside System you'll be able to check it out now if you want just uploaded the beginning of it.

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