Naruto Time Control

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Hokage Office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was staring at two maps placed on his table and lost in thought.

One of the map is the entire Ninja World, the other is a map of the Land of Grass that also includes the border of the Land of FIre.

"Lord Hokage."

Feng walked into the Hokage office.

Seeing Feng walking in, Sarutobi Hiruzen woke up from his contemplation as his brows loosened slightly, and said: "It's good that you came back safely, do you have something to report from the Land of Grass?"

Feng said solemnly: "I saw a large number of Rock ninjas in Land of Grass's Shangyue Town, They probably number more or less a hundred people. I didn't know their purpose, and I also didn't carelessly investigate."

"That's the advance force of Hidden Rock Village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wasn't surprised. He already received this information from Konoha Scouts from Land of Grass long ago.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Feng and with a little relief said: "You did a great job. You didn't blindlessly try and seek information. Young ninjas would suffer from overestimating themselves and even lose their lives... "

What worries him for geniuses like Feng and Kakashi is not the growth of their strength, but their judgment on any kind of situation.

An army with a hundred people for sure includes a large number of sensory type ninjas. It would be extremely difficult to gather any kind of intelligence, and a rushed investigation will only put themselves in danger.

Once they are surrounded, let alone Feng, even his disciples, Orochimaru and Jiraiya would fall into a life threatening situation.


Feng also guessed that Sarutobi Hiruzen already knew the actions of HIdden Rock Village so he wasn't that surprised, and since Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't ask about the events of his mission, he also didn't bother to mention it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the map and pondered for a while, considering that Feng is also an elite Chunin with excellent speed, and a disciple of Orochimaru he turned to look at him and said:

"Since you came back from the Land of Grass and are familiar with the area. I want you to go back with Orochimaru to deal with the advance force of Hidden Rock VIllage."

Naturally, it's impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to ignore Hidden Rock Village's advance force in the Land of Grass. Although there are no reports saying that they are invading, they will be sooner or later. It would be better to handle it before the worst happens.

If Feng arrived a few days later, then he'll be placed onto the support force. But now that he's back, it would be more appropriate for him to go together with Orochimaru.


Feng responded and said: "By the way, Hokage, there is one more thing I need to report..."

Feng briefly described Might Dai's situation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a look of surprise. It's really unexpected that he was an existence that can reach the strength of an upper Jonin in terms of strength.

Feng has no reason to lie about such things and with his strength, his judgement on others shouldn't have any problems, which means that there is indeed a hidden dragon in the ranks of Genins that he doesn't know.

Although his other qualities may not be on the level of Jonin and wouldn't qualify him to be a team captain, his strength is without a doubt, very valuable to the village!

In a single village there are only a few who's strength reaches upper Jonin so each individual who has that strength are the real backbones of their respective villages.

Let's say Kakashi for example.

He graduated from the academy at the age of five and was promoted to Chunin at the age of six but now at the age of nine, he still isn't in the ranks of Jonins, and based on MInato's assessment, he wouldn't be anytime soon.

Even Feng, who is more talented than Kakashi hasn't reached this level.

"I see, tell him to come over."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded at Feng.

He personally wanted to see Might Dai's strength, and then decide after.


Feng nodded and left the Hokage office.

When he came back to the first floor he saw the supervisor talking to Might Dai in a serious manner.

Seeing Feng his eyes flashed with a hint of dread. From Might Dai's report, he knew Feng was the one who killed the leading Jonin of the ten-man team!

That's a Jonin!

There's a huge gap between Chunin and Jonin!

There are many Chunins in a village, much more than even Genins. The reason being is that Genins are automatically promoted to Chunin when they reach a certain age.

It's not that it was impossible to be a Jonin, but out of ten Chunins, there's unlikely only a single person who can advance to Jonin. Upper Jonins on the other hand are another case.

But Feng, who was only ten years old, killed a Jonin...If it weren't for the head as evidence, he would hardly believe this was true.

This is major!

The youngest ninja who was promoted to Jonin was fourteen years old, and that ninja was none other - Orochimaru!

Although the evidence was laid in front of him the supervisor still couldn't help but ask Feng: "Did you really kill the enemy Jonin when you were on the way to the Land of Grass?"


Feng helplessly looks at Might Dai.

Might Dai scratched his head and said in slight embarrassment: "Sorry, I'm not really good at words, and I wouldn't want to take credit for your achievement..."

Seeing this, Feng couldn't help but sigh and said, "Yes, I killed him."

As he expected, Might Dai is too straightforward.

But now he doesn't have a choice.

From now on he needs to be more vigilant.

With his current strength, even if he is targeted by a Kage rank powerhouse, although he cannot win, he could still look for an opportunity to escape. In the current ninja world, there are only a rare few who can threaten Feng.

Letting Might Dai take away his credit would help him be promoted to Jonin in a more smooth and reasonable way, but it wouldn't matter now since Sarutobi Hiruzen is highly likely to promote Might Dai into an Upper Jonin.

But, it might cause some dissatisfaction from the village.

As for placing him in the ANBU, that's impossible.

Might Dai's character is not suitable to be an ANBU ninja so Sarutobi Hiruzen definitely won't make that decision.


Hearing Feng's acknowledgment, the supervisor couldn't help taking a breath as he looked at Feng with a somewhat awe-inspiring expression.

In his view, Feng at this time was almost the same as Konoha White Fang in his youth!

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