Naruto Time Control

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"By the way senior, Lord Hokage wants to see you."

After Feng admitted frankly he looked towards Might Dai and said.

Hearing this, the supervisor hesitated a little, and said, "I also have something to report to Lord Hokage so let's go together."

"Let's go."

Might Dai responded and looked at Feng gratefully.

Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up to Might Dai, then turned and left the Hokage building.

He didn't rush to meet with Orochimaru, but wanted to get home first.


Hokage Office.

Might Dai walked in along with the supervisor.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is smoking his pipe behind his desk with his eyes closed as he was deep in thought. He was thinking about the deployment of Konoha troops. It's impossible to just simply send Orochimaru to the front line in the Land of Grass. There should also be a certain amount of manpower needed to guard the other borders, and also maintain a lookout against the other Great Villages.

"Lord Hokage."

After the supervisor went in he directly said: "There's something I need to report to you, Hatake Feng and Might Dai formed a two-man team and performed a C-rank mission, however they encountered a ten-man team from Hidden Rock Village and... Hatake Feng has slain the enemy's Jonin leader. We already confirmed his identity. It was a Jonin from HIdden Rock named Hikari!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen basically didn't care much about the first half of the report as he still had his eyes closed, but when he heard the second half, he completely woke up from his thoughts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the supervisor in shock and said, and said: "What did you say?! Feng...killed a Jonin from Hidden Rock Village?!"

The supervisor took a breath and nodded, "Yes, not only that. He and Might Dai wiped out all ten of them."


Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a while.

He thought that Feng's mission towards Hidden Grass ended up in failure due to the infiltration of hundreds of Hidden Roc ninjas. He didn't mind it because it was only a C-rank mission, but not only did they finish the mission they even encountered enemies and killed them on their own!

In comparison with Feng's act of immediately withdrawing when he saw the swarm of Hidden Rock ninjas and didn't dare stay to conduct surveillance, that was nothing.

"That kid..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and looked out the window, with surging waves in his heart.

Ten years old!

At the age of nine, he killed an elite scout from Hidden Mist Village, and now, one year later. He now has the strength to kill a Jonin!

Even Hatake Sakumo and Orochimaru when they were young could only fight with Jonins when they were twelve or thirteen years old!

Feng's performance completely left behind the two geniuses of that era!!

"Okay, I understand."

It took a few seconds for Sarutobi Hiruzen to calm his emotions. He motioned the supervisor to leave, and looked at Might Dai, saying: "Dai... your technique. How many gates can you open?"

Feng gave him a brief explanation about Dai and his technique, when an individual's taijutsu has been cultivated to a certain level, it would not be difficult for him to detect the existence of the eight inner gates in his body. And Might Dai was supposedly more powerful than him once he'd open the Eighth Gate.

After all, a Genin that surpasses the strength of even an upper Jonin, he must have mastered a certain secret technique.


Being able to detect the existence of the Eight Gates doesn't mean that you can just casually open them and gain unprecedented power. Special cases such as Might Dai who, at least in terms of taijutsu is second to none are the only ones capable of opening these gates

After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's question, Dai without hesitation, said: "Up to the Eighth Gate."

"Oh, I see..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still thinking about Feng's accomplishment in his mind. After a while, he suddenly reacted and looked at Might Dai with wide eyes, saying: "...Wait, you said Eighth Gate?!"

He looked at Might Dai in shock.

Eight Gate!

It was called 'Hacimon, Eight Inner Gates', so there is no doubt that the Eighth Gate is the last one and should be the pinnacle of this technique.

Any kind of technique when practiced to the limit would be terrifying, and he also has a certain understanding about the effect of opening all Eight Gates in the body.

Opening to the eighth door is not something ordinary people can do!


Might Dai answered honestly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked.

He even had some doubts about the answer of Might Dai, but looking at the look of Might Dai, there was no telling that there was a lie at all, and such a lie is meaningless at all, and it can be revealed at a glance.

"...Have you ever opened the Eight Gate?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen who's still shocked couldn't help but ask.

Might Dai hesitated for a while and said, "No, the side effects of Hachimon are huge. I can feel that once I opened the Final Gate, the result would be my death right after."

Hearing him, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally took a breath, and the little doubt in his heart gradually disappeared.

Hachimon, this kind of technique, every Gate that was opened does not come without cost. So it's reasonable that once the final Gate was opened, it would also be equivalent to the death of the user.

But still.

Might Dai was capable of opening the very last Gate, which he did not expect. This is not something anyone can do. It can be described in a word. "Talent!"

Although he doesn't know how much strength someone would possess once he opened the final Eighth Gate, by exchanging vitality for power. That person wouldn't definitely be weak!

It might possibly indeed reach the strength of a Kage!

That's comparable to him!

"...Might Dai, as the Third Hokage of Hidden Leaf Village, I am hereby promoting you to the ranks of Upper Jonin. Although your last mission was tough, now is not the time for you to relax. Your mission this time. I need you to be included in our advance force."

Sarutobi Hiruzen promoted Might Dai without hesitation and immediately gave him his mission.

Since Might Dai possess such high combat power, it is naturally suitable for him to be included in the advance force because he has the ability to deal with various accidents, especially the extremely dire ones. Once he activates his Hachimon it could help their troops to safely retreat.


Might Dai couldn't hide his excitement.

It was exactly as Feng said, he doesn't need to trouble himself to be a Chunin as he was directly promoted from Genin to the ranks of Upper Jonin in the village!

He could also feel the importance of the mission he was given this time around by the Hokage himself.

He can feel his blood boiling.

That is the feeling of his youth burning!

At this moment, he wouldn't even hesitate to charge in the frontlines with the Eight Door opened, trading his life for huge casualties against the enemies!

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