New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

400: Scum of the City

400: Scum of the City

“BGHLEH!!” the foxkin’s face crashed into a nearby brick wall at forty miles per hour knocking out another half dozen teeth from the other side of his jaw, relocating it back into place after captain Flavna’s tornado kick.

The foxkin’s accomplice, the deerkin, only had the time to blink when he saw his partner in crime zap through the air at record speeds before the deerkin also received the honor of experiencing the kick of a captain of the Purple Capes, ending up with brick imprint on his face and a broken horn.

“Pathetic scum!” Flavna said as she stood over the two beastkin, looking down on them with utter disdain, like the worms that they were. “Jared, Darek, lock this two up in the lowest levels of the Pits with the other insects. Ninety days.”

“Yes!” the two Purple Capes answered in unison and went forward, past Flavna to pack up the two beastkin.

“What’s the point!?” the deerkin screamed, discharging spit and blood with every word from his beaten mouth. “The demons are in the city! It’s all over-GLHERHK!!”

Flavna stepped on the deerkin’s broken face, shutting him up, and said, “Don’t you worry—I’ll keep this city standing so that you don’t miss out on a single second of your quality time with your fellow worms and bugs down in the Pits. Take them from my sight!”

And as the two broken beastkin were dragged away Flavna turned to her men and said, “This lunacy ends now! Six men continue with me and our champion. The rest, spread out and restore order at once! I don’t care how you do it, even if you have to break every bone in the bodies of the spineless subhuman garbage that would see this city sink into chaos at the first sign of trouble! Minimum sentence ninety days swimming in the shit down the Pits! Murderers are to be executed on the spot! Spread out!”

The Purple Capes instantly ran in all directions, dispersing through the streets of the city, though even this one street required the attention of ten of them, leaving Flavna with Gamesh and seven more men, on of which towered above the others.

Flavna resumed her swift pace to the Town Square with her remaining entourage.

“Gamesh, what the fuck are the other lieutenants and captains doing?” Flavna asked the other captain beside her. “Letting the entire city fall to this state in such a short time! Absolute disgrace!”

“I wouldn’t presume to question the schedule of qualifications of my fellow captains,” Gamesh smiled.

“Pathetic, useless pigs!” Flavna clarified her thoughts of her fellow captains. “Growing fatter and lazier with each passing day, smearing their snouts in the slop of the royalty’s tablescraps!”

“Not so loud,” Gamesh said in a quieter tone, encouraging Flavna to do the same.

“Look at him!” Flavna picked up a random guy off the pavement by his black curly hair. “You really think scum like this notice or even care?”

Even with his head finally off the pavement, the guy barely showed any sign of life. His body limp, his mouth agape, letting out low, one-note stupid sounds with his blasted eyes rolled half-way back into his skull, higher than a kite.

“Uff!” Flavna winced at the smell emanating from the useless piece of flesh she held and threw the man away from her path before shaking her hand as if it got contaminated. “Just cast the Amplification.”

“As you say, captn’!” Gamesh said, came closer to Flavna and touched her neck with his index finger. A dim light briefly formed at his fingertip, noticeable only if one looked for it. “Done!”

Flavna made eye contact with her champion and beckoned him to follow her to the center of the town square as they discussed before. The muscle giant followed the captain, with all remaining Purple Capes close behind while other guards appeared and disappeared in the chaotic crowds, taking down dissidents.

“MAKE WAY, SCUM!” Flavna’s voice thundered through the open square, having an instantaneous effect on everyone in her vicinity save for the most stupefied ones who were not even capable of moving if their life depended on it.

Once Flavna was close to what would be considered the center of the square and a reasonable open space formed around her, she spoke while several Purple Capes dragged bodies away from the opening, both the live bodies and the ones that were not as alive.

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