New Life As An Ecchi Girl With A “Big Surprise”

401: The New Champion

401: The New Champion

“LISTEN UP!!” Flavna’s voice blasted across the town square to the point of nearly knocking the nearest townsfolk off their feet as they all fruitlessly covered their ears. “This is Captain Flavna of the City Guard!”

Gamesh, the guards, and the champion behind Flavna took on the captain’s voice just fine because Gamesh protected them from his own spell. Everybody else received no such comfort and the whole point was for the captain to reach as many people as possible at once.

“While a couple hundred drunk and hallucinating fools spread panic through the city, the demon threat in the abandoned mines has already been dealt with!” Flavna continued. “Every single demonling has been eradicated as well as the Lesser Abomination that summoned them! Hundreds of our finest soldiers are sweeping the underground for survivors as well as taking the bodies of the unfortunate fallen back to the surface to be mourned. After search and rescue operations are concluded the tunnels will be sealed!”

The surrounding townsfolk still got used to the deafening voice of the Captain, many looked at each other with confusion, not sure what to believe. Certainly, good news, if true, and almost too good to be believed. Some cheered and clapped with relief, while a great many people felt downright stupid.

In the span of just a couple of hours the citizens of Klapsus were informed that their last safe haven was gone, everything doomed, party over, and that it was now safe again. If true, those lucky enough to sleep in after a late night of partying would wake up none the wiser about the entire thing and be better off for it.

“Some of you might have heard of that Lesser Abomination or even witnessed the demon with your own eyes. What you should know is the name and face of the hero who single handedly bested a Lesser Abomination. The latest champion from the so-called Forge of Champions. And for once, a tittle well-earned in a true test of skill and courage! Step forward, Champion, and tell the citizens of this great city your name.”

Gamesh reached up and briefly touched the neck of the gigantic living and breathing mountain of muscle before the champion stepped forward and stood next to Captain Flavna with his back straight and chest out. His body covered in countless black and blue bruises and fresh scars from the recent battle.

“Alexander,” the champion known previously only as Number Seven said with a thunderous, enhanced voice that shattered several windows.

“A name to be remembered and an event worthy of a celebration!” Flavna said though she never even so much as cracked a smile or even deem it worthy to grace the new champion with a glance while she sung his praises. Instead, her eyes roamed the crowd before her, the true purpose why she was here. “We will celebrate this great victory the day after tomorrow, right here, in the Black Square! A much-needed feast and a reminder that this great city will not fall so easily!”

More cheers broke out. The demon-free party could continue after all, and a promise of a feast in a city that’s been balancing on the precipice of starvation excited both the mind and stomach.

“With that said,” captain Flavna’s tone darkened, “the chaos ends now! Any further baseless spread of misinformation and panic with be punished harshly! Looters, murderers, and rapists will receive no mercy! Order will be restored! For as long as I draw breath, I will not allow this city to crumble!”

With the majority of citizens cheering and celebrating an aversion of a world-ending crisis, many felt like complete idiots, and some quickly searched for places to hide while things calmed down as more and more Purple Capes flooded the streets, bringing swift and merciless justice.

With her speech done, Flavna quickly turned around and went to Gamesh to make sure he terminated his voice enhancement spell.

“Cute speech,” Gamesh said, smiling slyly as he removed the voice enhancement from both Flavna and Alexander.

“Make sure it is followed through with decisive action,” Flavna said. “The damage that was done tonight borders on catastrophic! Escort our champion back to the fortress. I have a long list of people I need to have words with.”

The Purple Capes instantly surrounded Alexander. The man neither resisted nor seemed intimidated. Everything so far went as agreed, and there was no point for him to remain here.

“The King will also want a report once he finds out what happened,” Gamesh said.

“Fuck the King.” Flavna said as she walked past Gamesh, taking the quickest path back to Belmot’s fortress.

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