No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 148: I'm not the only villain in my harem...

Chapter 148: I'm not the only villain in my harem...

I massaged my forehead tiredly, it's my first day back in this world, but things have already become troublesome...

"You look tired" - Pansy smirked when she heard me sigh.

"It's been a difficult day" - I sighed again.

"Didn't you have a good night yesterday?" - Pansy was brimming with sarcasm. – "The woman you were with was really beautiful, maybe you want to go look for her while you leave me here alone? Oh poor me~"

I still find it hard to believe that I couldn't feel the pursuit of this girl who doesn't possess supernatural abilities even when I went to a hotel with Lin Ruoxi... Her natural talent as a stalker is so impressive that she's reaching the limits of becoming an innate skill.

I've been thinking about it for a long time, but now I have to consider that the women around me in this world will be dragged into the supernatural world if they enter my harem, so I need strong subordinates to prevent unforeseen problems from arising...

Ah, bloody headache, again I have a lot of work. It's not easy to have a massive harem, but it's satisfying so it's fine.

I didn't respond to Pansy's taunts and just looked at her carefully.

With her current appearance, she is not too outstanding, but her appearance is the least important to me, what I really like about her is her way of dealing with problems and her ingenuity to do plans.

If she gets enough life experience, she will be excellent in politics and she could help me manage my harem.

When it comes to romantic issues, she wants to have a love relationship with me despite all my flaws, even she has told me herself that she would be willing to be just a lover even if I had a girlfriend or wife.

Thinking this far, I waited for Pansy to taste her coffee and started talking calmly. – "Now I am married"

Pansy spit out the coffee and then started coughing, this is satisfying.

"A-Are you kidding?" - She looked at me with an expression that was somewhere between disbelief and denial.

"Today I met my fiancée" - I shrugged.

"..." - Pansy was silent trying to process the information.

"It will be a complicated situation" - I sighed tiredly. – "She is a jealous woman who will not accept that I have lovers, but since it is a political marriage she cannot refuse"

Pansy's expression was totally shocked.

"But hey, this doesn't matter too much" - I smiled wryly. – "After all, now I have several wives"

Pansy's mind had stopped working giving me a moment of peaceful silence.

I looked at the clock on the wall and calmly waited.

A few minutes ago I used Pansy's cell phone to text a troublesome girl to come to see me at this coffee shop.

The message was simple: 'Come now or we will never see each other again. Sincerely: you can already imagine it'.

Seven minutes after I sent the message, I smelled the presence of the troublesome woman.

She hurriedly approached in front of the coffee shop, but didn't go directly into the shop and paused for a moment, possibly to tidy up her appearance a bit since she must have come running in a panic.

Before I told a waiter that someone would come looking for me, so when she asked for my table, the waiter took her to the private room where I am.

Of all the women I've been in contact with, only she knows about my double identity as Luis and Seiji, so explaining the situation to her will be easier, although first I have to see if she caused any problems...

"Hello~ Have you been waiting for me for a long time?" – The door of the room opened as a beautiful girl entered with a smiling and affectionate attitude.

"Normally you first ask if you can enter before opening the door" - I smiled wryly and nodded to the waiter to indicate that he could leave.

The girl closed the door and looked at me with a loving expression like a doting wife, but in reality, she is trying to read my body language to find out how much I know about her actions.

This girl is Ichika Nakano, one of the women I like the most in this world, but at the same time, one of my biggest headaches.

We met a year ago when Mr. Ichijo assigned me as a bodyguard for the daughters of an important business associate of the Ichijo family.

Actually, that mission was very easy since there was no real danger and there were only a couple of petty criminals who tried to annoy the businessman's daughters since they are beautiful, so I'm sure Mr. Ichijo's real motive was to start with his ridiculous plan to make me form a harem with high-status women from Japan.

The point is that during that mission I met Ichika, her four sisters, and a boy who was the private tutor of the five troublesome sisters.

During work hours I am a professional so I did not delve into romantic relationships or sexual acts so I did not care about the life of the group of teenagers.

I was on that mission for 3 months, during which time the 6 people seemed to be in a love hexagon where at the end one of the sisters got into a romantic relationship with the guy.

Out of spite, Ichika tried to seduce me just to make the boy jealous.

Things escalated and she got carried away. On my last day of work, I thought 'Well, fuck it' and slept with her...

At that time I thought she would realize how stupid her actions were or get depressed about losing her virginity to an idiot, but I underestimated how crazy a discarded woman can be.

Her resentment for the boy born of unrequited love turned into an obsession towards me, and since she's cute plus she has money I didn't reject her advances at all.

I made it clear to her that I would not have a romantic relationship with anyone and it would only be occasional flings which she surprisingly accepted, a crazy and spiteful woman is the very image of dependency.

Since then we see each other from time to time and over time I even developed some feelings for her, but due to my economic, family, and health situation, I never formalized a relationship because of my concern to hurt her.

What can I say, I've always been a bastard, but even a bastard has emotional moments.

Actually, there are several women that I developed sincere feelings for, but I pushed them away so as not to hurt them, now they are my main targets to add to my harem.

Leaving the generic and unimportant explanation, I smiled wryly. – "Didn't your father say something about why you're going out when it's already night?"

Ichika pouted sadly as she sat down next to me. – "If you know that my father will be angry then you should not have sent me such a horrible message, I almost had a heart attack when I saw the message, you are so bad that you will make me cry…"

I rolled my eyes, this woman loves drama.

Ichika looked at Pansy who was still in shock and asked curiously. – "What did you do to her? She looks like she saw a ghost"

I shrugged. – "I told him that now I have a fiancee"

"…" – Ichika was about to hug my arm like an affectionate girlfriend, but my words made her stay still and then she frowned. – "How long will you have this job?"

She must think this is another one of my jobs for the yakuza, but she doesn't say so outright since there's a good chance that Pansy doesn't know about my double identity yet, although it is also possible that she has some suspicions if she really has been following me for two months.

I gave Pansy a quick glance which Ichika understood and nodded. – "She discovered it on her own, that is how we met"

This will make things easier.

Pansy came back to reality with those words and looked at me with a frown. – "Will you do this as a job for the yakuza?"

Even though the sanity of these two women is questionable, their minds are quick so telling them part of the truth will be beneficial for me as they can help me manage the harem I will form in this world.

I motioned for both women to sit in front of me to make it easier to talk to both women and told them part of what happened at the Ichijo residence.

I did not mention the supernatural themes or my experience in another world as too much information in a short time will only cause confusion.

After explaining my new job as heir to the Ichijo clan, both women sank into thought.

As ridiculous as the situation was, they believed me even if they knew I left out various details. That's why I like both of them, before asking questions they analyze the information they already have.

"Isn't this a trap?" – Ichika asked me with concern. – "It sounds as if the yakuza want to use you as a bait for assassins to target your life while the true heir to the clan stays safe"

I also thought about that possibility so I have already started making plans to form my own supernatural organization, but at the moment I lack contacts and information.

"It's a possibility" - I agreed. – "But even if this is a trap, I cannot refuse to cooperate"

"Is it because of your family?" – Ichika frowned, she knows how much I hate my parents but at the same time, I'm overprotective with my sister.

"Something like that" - I smiled wryly.

Now comes the important thing.

I looked at both women as if I was in a personal dilemma.

"You do not trust me?" – Ichika frowned and there was anger in her voice.

I sighed. – "I trust you, it is just that things are more complicated than you can imagine"

"Is it about your health?" – Ichika smiled giving me a very bad feeling. – "If you are worried about money you do not have to worry, I made preparations and things are going well…"

"Ichika..." – I held back the urge to curse. – "What did you do this time?"

"If you don't tell me what happened, I won't tell you what I did" – Ichika smiled just to annoy me.

I looked at Pansy and she just shrugged. – "I don't know what she did, I am also curious"

I'm surrounded by troublesome people...

I sighed pretending to give up, anyway, I was going to tell them about the supernatural world.

"Well, things are like this…" – I did a little summary about the supernatural side of the world.

I was very careful not to mention higher entities, Guardians, the Will of the World, protagonists, or other worlds.

If they only know the surface of the supernatural then the 'Attraction Phenomenon' won't affect them too much so there won't be too much risk of some stupid monster or shitty ghost hurting them.

"This sounds like the plot of a low-budget movie" – Ichika smiled tiredly as she massaged her forehead.

Pansy let out a heavy sigh. – "If it were not for the fact that I know you have no sense of humor, I would have thought this was a joke…"

I smirked, it's nice not to be the only one with a migraine.

Both women took about an hour to process all the information and finally they both sighed.

"So your health is fine now?" – Ichika looked mentally tired but her genuine smile was kind of cute.

Even though she's crazy, she really took a liking to me.

"My health has never been better" – I smiled.

"That's good" – Ichika sighed in relief. – "So all my effort was for nothing…"

"Fine, now it's your turn" - I smiled in a not very friendly way. – "What problem did you cause now?"

"..." – Ichika smiled with concern, she knows I'm not in a good mood. – "Well… To begin with, it is not something very illegal…"


"Do you remember the director of the studio where I work?" – Ichika asked me ironically.

"I remember that idiot" - I nodded.

That idiot tried to blackmail Ichika into offering her sexual services in exchange for giving her better opportunities as an actress. Ichika told me about this and the next day I broke into that idiot's house and made sure to make him obedient without letting him call the police.

After 47 straight hours of physical and psychological torture, that idiot became more obedient than a circus monkey and is now in charge of wholeheartedly helping Ichika by getting her good contracts while preventing Ichika from being harassed by important figures in the world of entertainment.

"Well, with his help I started a small talent agency focused on people with little resources, but with big dreams…" - Ichika smiled with a bit of pride.

I nodded. – "It is good that you started a business, now tell me how this became something illegal"

Ichika smiled sheepishly. – "As you know, the world of entertainment is complicated, it is common for managers of large agencies to harass young actresses and even force them to provide sexual services…"

Several entertainment agencies are affiliated with the yakuza from what I already know about this, there have even been times when directors of these agencies offered young celebrities to Mr. Ichijo as a gift, but he refused such services as his heart is true to his dead wife, though that didn't stop some of his subordinates, including me, from receiving 'favors' from those girls.

"The talent agency I opened attracted many talented people, mainly dreamy girls eager to become famous" – Ichika had a wry expression.

I can already imagine where this is going...

"Did you prostitute those girls?" – I asked tiredly.

"No, not yet…" - Ichika smiled awkwardly.

"Yet?" – I raised an eyebrow.

"My idea was to give those girls hope, when they were intoxicated by idealistic dreams then the director of the agency would pressure them to use their bodies to get opportunities to grow in the entertainment business" - Ichika explained something horrible as if it didn't matter. – "They would generate great profits for the agency at the same time that we could use the videos of them with other directors as blackmail material, then the earnings would only grow in one to two years and the money would be enough to finance professional medical treatment…"

Even with my lack of humanity and empathy, I didn't know what to say.

I am sincerely surprised as well as worried.

I'm surprised that this silly girl loves me so much that she was willing to do something that could put her in prison and ruin her future career as an actress.

I'm concerned that there's a chance Ichika will get in trouble with a protagonist for coming up with a scheme worthy of a villain.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia'...]

I already know damn it! It's so obvious you don't have to say it!

I sighed tiredly. – "Do not do what you planned and keep that talent agency as a safe place, in fact, make sure it is a place for naive girls"

This is not so bad, if Ichika uses this agency to protect idealistic and manipulable girls then Karma could reward her which will lessen the chances of a protagonist seeing her as an enemy.

But that could also make one or more protagonists attracted to her which will make me an enemy of those protagonists...


Ichika looked at me strangely. – "I know that now you have to form a harem as part of your work with the yakuza, but to think that you would want the girls from my agency… Well, I can speak well of you and some of the more naive girls will not reject you"

"In your eyes am I some kind of degenerate?" – I massaged my forehead.

Ichika smiled at me. – "In my eyes, you are a complete degenerate with a particular fetish for sleeping with married women~"

"..." - I sighed. – "It was a rhetorical question"

"And I gave a sincere answer to show you how much I love you~" – Ichika kept smiling.

"I can't believe I feel so calm listening to this" – Pansy had a surprised expression and then she looked at me strangely. – "I think that spending so much time following you affected my sanity"

The fact of harassing someone for two months is already a mental problem...

Ichika showed a small smile of happiness. – "And that's why I like you"

Although she is faking half of her friendship with Pansy, I know her well enough to know that she is genuinely happy to have a friend as she has a hard time getting along with other people honestly.

That is the tragedy of hypocrites and manipulators, loneliness.

The three of us continue chatting amicably. I recounted various matters related to my new job, my health, and the fact that I now have to form a harem.

When we got to the topic of my love life, things got weird.

"So… Polygamy?" – Ichika had an expectant look worthy of an arsonist who found a barrel of oil.

"Yes" – There is no point in hiding it. – "If I get the support of some influential families in politics, it would not be impossible to make polygamy legal under the pretext that this is to solve the decline in the birth rate"

"I see" – Ichika nodded in understanding as her mind formed all kinds of bizarre plans.

I reached out my hand and pinched his cheek. – "Do not cause problems, the situation is already complicated and I do not want to have to protect you"

Ichika pouted. - "I'm not a little girl"

"Sometimes you act like a brat" - I sighed and let go of her cheek.

Ichika looked at me for a long time and then smiled. – "I don't know what happened to you, but you became softer~"

"I know" - I sighed, Navi keeps teasing me about it.

"I like this change" – Ichika began to smile like a maiden in love.

Oh, love, it changes people so much that it's no wonder that love is one of the most important energy sources in the multiverse.

I smiled slightly and then offered to drive them home since it was night and I have a lot of work to do.

"You must leave?" - Pansy looked at me sadly. – "We can go to my house, the three of us…"

"I like the idea" - I sighed. – "But today I cannot, we will do it later"

As tempting as the idea of sleeping with these two beautiful girls is, I still have problems at home to deal with… Lots of problems.

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