No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 149: The worst moment of my life...

Chapter 149: The worst moment of my life...

After leaving Pansy and Ichika in their own houses I headed to the house where my family lives.

Even though I was the one who got that house and even made the repairs to make it habitable, I never considered it as my house as I only use it to keep an eye on my family.

When I got closer to the place I felt various presences walking around, the idiots I assigned to take care of this place seem to be doing a good job.

I walked closer to home and with each step, I felt my heart fill with emotion, but I suppressed my expectations since, with my luck, things will probably not go my way and everything will turn into a disaster.

When I got to the door I took out my cell phone and texted my sister to open the door.

As a security measure, the door cannot be opened from the outside and the message I sent has a secret message that I prepared with my sister so that she would know if it was a fake message or a real one.

It may seem like I'm paranoid, but before I woke up my system I was a dying killer being hunted by America's largest criminal organization so paranoia became my nature.

After a couple of minutes the door opened.

"O-Onii-chan, hello…"

She is the reason why I dislike being called Onii-chan, even when we lived in America she called me that because of our mother's influence.

"Are you playing video games at night again?" – I entered the house without paying attention to my sister's nervous expression.

"I-I wasn't playing…" – My sister tried to deny it, but her tired eyes show that she is lying.

"You're going to go blind" - I kept looking around.

His scent is gone… That asshole escaped….


[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' turned extreme fury into tolerable anger]

I massaged my forehead, this was within my expectations, but it still infuriates me.

"Where is that asshole?" – I spoke with only a fraction of the true anger I'm feeling.

"Father went out yesterday afternoon and he hasn't been back since…" – My sister answered quietly. – "Mom has been acting strange since yesterday, I think they both argued, but I am not sure…"

"Why didn't you text me?" - I frowned in frustration.

"I didn't want to bother you while you work..." - My sister looked down sadly

"Umaru, you are…" – I contained my anger, something must have happened and that's why she didn't want to contact me. – "Forget it, you did well to stay home"

"Eh?" – Umaru looked up and looked at me in disbelief. – "Who are you and what did you do with my bitter Onii-chan?!"

"Umaru…" – This damn girl…


I started pinching her cheeks. – "I have been too permissive with you by allowing you to spend all day playing video games like a useless person!"

"Waaaa you're going to break me! Onii-chan is going to break me!" – Umaru started making pitiful sounds, but I think she's making fun of me…

I let go of her cheeks. - "Go to your room"

Umaru rubbed her cheeks as she glared at me, but this brat is a dog that barks and doesn't bite so she went to the stairs to go up to her room.

"Wait" - I sighed and picked up a plastic bag that I brought from the coffee shop I went to. – "Don't forget to have dinner and then brush your teeth"

Umaru took the plastic bag and smiled at me. – "Did you finally realize how lucky you are to have the most beautiful sister in the world and decided to treat me well?~"

"Don't push your luck brat" - I sighed tiredly. - "Go to your room"

Umaru ignored my tiredness and left while she hummed happily.

It's funny, she's afraid of me and at the same time, she always jokes with me. I think that's what they call love-hate between brothers.

I shook my head and went to my mother's room.

This house has three main rooms, one for Umaru, one for my mother and one for my father.

My parents don't sleep together as my father turns into a jerk when he's drunk so for safety my sister and mother's rooms function as panic rooms which I reinforced myself.

I felt my mother's presence in her room so at least she is here and she may have information on my father's location, but I have no expectations.

The fact that the people I assigned to watch over my father hadn't informed me that he disappeared can only mean that my father used unknown means to disappear, possibly something supernatural which explains his connection to Beast VII... Living is troublesome.

I knocked on the door and when I didn't receive an answer I had to speak. – "I am passing through to see if something happened"

The door burst open and a woman hugged me tightly.

"Son! It's good that you're here! I have good news for you!" – My mother hugged me tightly while she screamed with happiness.

I want to throw up…

I pushed the noisy woman to let go of me. – "Now what happened? Did you finally realize that your marriage sucks and decided to grow as a person?"

Despite the fact that she is my mother, I have never had the slightest respect for her since she is humanly disappointing.

My mother pouted. – "You should not be so cruel to your mother, come let mom give you a hug~"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has suppressed nausea]


I put my hand on her forehead so she wouldn't hug me. – "Just tell me what's going on, I don't have time for your nonsense"

"My son is so cruel…" – My mother made a sad expression, but she quickly broke into a big smile as she handed me a sheet of paper.

The speed with which she changes her emotions makes me question if she has bipolar disorder.

When my hand touched the sheet of paper, I felt something very bad.

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' warns you not to view the document]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' warns you not to view the document]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' warns you not to view the document]

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' warns you not to view the document]

I used my title [Stingy Jack] to analyze the piece of paper and found something problematic.

[System Notification: The title 'Stingy Jack' has discovered a 'High-Level Contract', 'Inheritance of Chaos'.

The contract has been decrypted without being activated]

[Contract: Inheritance of Chaos

The user will inherit the sins of '■■■'. In case the user's soul cannot bear the weight of the sins of '■■■' then the sins will be distributed among the entities that share blood ties with the user except for '■■■'. When the sins of '■■■' are transferred to the user, a representative from Hell will arrive to collect the sins of '■■■'.

The contract will enter into force when the following conditions are fulfilled:

1) The entity 'Luis Santos' must touch the contract.

2) The entity 'Luis Santos' must see at least one letter of the contract.

3) The entity 'Luis Santos' should feel hatred towards '■■■']

I took a deep breath to keep from breaking out in a cold sweat.

Had it not been for my mother handing me the document face down then this would have become a problem.

"Son, I know our relationship hasn't been good…" – My mother began to speak sadly without realizing that she was about to cause us something worse than death. – "But when you read this I want you to understand that despite what we have been through, I love you with all my heart"

[System Notification: The title 'Stingy Jack' has managed to manipulate the activation conditions of the 'Inheritance of Chaos' contract.

The contract will enter into force when the following conditions are fulfilled:

1) The entity 'Luis Santos' must touch the contract.

2) The entity 'Luis Santos' must see at least one letter of the contract.

3) The entity 'Luis Santos' should feel love towards '■■■']

I admit, that scared me.

I took the document and turned it over to study it.

This thing doesn't possess any traces of supernatural energy and even with my title [Stingy Jack], it would have been impossible for me to detect this contract. Maybe if it wasn't for my [Reader's Madness] energy and its derived abilities then I would have been really screwed...

"Ortro…" – I sent a message to the representation of my energy.

"What's the matter? Do you need me to kill someone?" – Ortro asked me with a childish voice.

"Nothing special, I just wanted to tell you that I'm starting to love you" - I sighed internally.

My mind was flooded with happy dog sounds so I had to cut off communication with Ortro or I won't be able to hear my own thoughts.

For now, I'll keep this thing for analysis, maybe with this I'll learn how to make high-level contracts...

I put the supernatural stuff aside and read the document.

The more I read, the more I frowned.

The document was a divorce certificate that was already approved...

"I know how much you hate your father so when I took custody of you and Umaru, I managed to get you guys to have my maiden name so now your name is Luis Oosuki…"

That name sounds so stupid that I want to get out of this World never to return...

No, more importantly... - "Why didn't I know you were getting a divorce?"

"I decided it yesterday" - My unintelligent mother smiled. – "I was considering our lives and I realized how unfair and cruel I have been with you, you are my son and since you were a child you have had to work until you drop to take care of our family while Umaru only has one friend since she does not go to school, I am a failure as a mother…"

This is wrong, this woman's brain is full of flowers and rainbows so she is unable to realize reality on her own.

My father must have manipulated her into thinking this…

I put my hand on her head and although using my skills based on [Reader's Madness] is dangerous, I used a small portion of energy to scan her mind.


There are no signs of mind control, neural manipulation, hypnosis, or curses so she was only manipulated with words...

"Are you patting me on the head because you love me? Ara ara, I always knew my son is a tsundere~"

Who the fuck is a tsundere?!

I took a deep breath, I must stay calm.

I removed my hand from her head and analyzed this situation.

Mr. Ichijo adopted me easily so I thought he used his authority to speed up the legal processes, but maybe it was my father who prepared the documents and since 'today' was when I woke up my system, my father escaped after leaving this contract to try to burden me with a lot of problems so I won't have time to look for him...

Shit, there are still a lot of things that don't fit, I'm missing a lot of information.

What was the deal my father made with Beast VII?

Why did my father do so many stupid things to make me hate him?

What is the true identity of my father?

Everything is a headache...

There is only one thing left to do, move forward.

"Pack your bags" – I pretended that I put the document in my shirt pocket, but actually I put it in the space ring that Mr. Ichijo gave me.

"Suitcases? Are we going on a trip to celebrate?" – My mother asked me innocently.

If it wasn't for the fact that I just explored part of her mind then I would have started to think that she is pretending to be an idiot and in reality, she is an accomplice of my father, but now that I analyzed her mind I can assure that her brain is too immersed in rainbows and she is unable to think rationally.

"I got a bonus at my job so I got a new house" - I answered dryly since my mood is terrible.

This place is no longer safe, I need to get these two useless women to a place where they can be safe.

"A new house!" – My mother was moved, but then she showed concern. – "But aren't you working too hard?"

Since when do you care about that?

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Something is not right with this woman, she is behaving like a real mother...

"Why don't we move in with my darling?" - My mother said something that...



Since when does she have a lover?

Why didn't I find out about this shit?!

"Do you have a lover?" – I asked sensing that I don't want to know the answer.

My mother blushed. – "I-I don't have a lover… B-But there is someone special… I didn't tell you before because of your father… B-But now that I'm single there should be no problem…"

My sixth sense for sensing stupid was alerting me to escape.

"He is a kind man… he has been protecting us while you work…" – My mother started to act like a schoolgirl in love which almost made me throw up.

A man who always protects them while I'm working...

oh, holy god…

"He's young, but that shouldn't matter... Well, despite my age my friends say I look young so it shouldn't be a problem"

No, don't talk, stop, I'm begging you, please stop...

"Some people say that he is a gang member and a womanizer… B-But I'm sure that deep down he is a kind man" – She smiled. – "His name is Yamada Seiji…"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has failed to suppress the user's nausea]

I rushed to the bathroom, crouched over the toilet, and started throwing up until I spit out my stomach and intestines...

I hate my life…

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