No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 151: Another Milf~

Chapter 151: Another Milf~

I looked at the organic creature that represented the sin of sloth.

"Five more minutes..." - The creature wrapped itself in the blankets like some kind of worm trying to become a butterfly, but despite the beauty of a butterfly, an insect will remain an insect.

"You have thirty seconds to get out of bed or I'm going to pinch your ears until you cry" – I massaged my forehead.

This spoiled brat gives me headaches…

"Why do you have to be so cruel?" – Umaru poked her head out from under the blankets and looked at me with an angry pout.

Why do women with a certain level of physical attractiveness like pouting so much?

I rolled my eyes. – "I warned you that you would move as soon as the sun came up, now get out of bed"

Umaru hid her head in the blankets like a turtle. - "I do not want! Waking up early on the weekend is a crime!"

"Today is Tuesday" – I started to get tired of this. – "And yesterday was the first day of school… Wait, didn't you connect to your online classes?"

"…" – The cocoon of blankets trembled like a frightened animal.

"Do you have any idea how troublesome it was getting you to get the school to allow you to take classes from home?!" – I yelled angrily and pulled the blankets off the bed.

"Kyaaaaa Onii-chan is a pervert!" – Umaru shouted when she lost her shelter of sloth.

"Shut up!" - I held her cheek and began to stretch it. – "Now go get ready and in ten minutes I want you to be in the dining room for breakfast!"

"It hurts it hurts it hurts, Onii-chan that hurts…" – Umaru started looking at me with an expression of an abandoned puppy which only increased my anger.

"Just get ready and go downstairs for breakfast" - I sighed tiredly and let go of her cheek.

"Guu, my cheek hurts" – Umaru started making pitiful noises so I ignored her and went down to the kitchen.

As I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast, I was met with a scene I never imagined in my darkest nightmares.

"La lalala lala~♫"

An attractive mature woman was happily singing while she cooked breakfast. Her dress was the typical clothes that a housewife would wear, but her attractive appearance allowed her to look so charming that, if she walked down the street, 9 out of 10 men would turn to see her while the tenth man surely is asexual.

Even though this might be an attractive scene for most men, the only thing I felt was my stomach twisting like there was a blender in my intestines.

"Today I'll make breakfast~" – The woman smiled warmly when she saw me come to the kitchen.

I couldn't answer because if I open my mouth there is a risk that I will spit out my pancreas.

I massaged my forehead and walked away from the kitchen.

"Breakfast will be ready in five minutes~"

I'd rather starve, thank you.

"Your mother seems like a nice woman…" – Tsubaki muttered with conflicting feelings.

"Eat her head?" – Ortro asked enthusiastically.

"Why do you hate her so much?" – System Goddess asked curiously. – "I have seen mothers who use their children as cultivation pills, so having such a caring mother should be a good thing…"

I sighed tiredly and sat down on the sofa to start sending some messages with the new cell phone Mr. Ichijo gave me.

Now that I have a high ranking of authority in the yakuza, I can call a moving service to make it easier to move into the new house.

"Did she mistreat you or something?" – System Goddess is being too curious that she is making me tired.

"No, she has not treated me badly" - I answered tiredly. – "I just hate her because she is an idiot"

"…" – System Goddess was silent for a moment.

"I'll sum it up for you like this" – I'm tired… - "She's smart and knows about business, but she never tried to work even though Umaru and I were starving… She's beautiful and could get a better husband, but she clung to an alcoholic asshole who bankrupted us by gambling… She is kind, but chose to help orphaned children while her own children had no clothes to change into… She comes from a family with money, but chose to break ties with her family to love to a scum… In short, she is a perfect woman, but at the same time she is the perfect representation of stupidity"

"Well..." - System Goddess seemed not to know what to say. – "At least now I know why you hate stupid people"

"Kill?" – Ortro wants to destroy everything that causes me problems so it is normal that she wants to kill my mother.

"No, there are still many things I don't understand and I have a feeling that my mother's death will cause problems" - I sighed.

There are many things that I do not understand and everything is a headache.

Yesterday I searched the entire house for clues as to where my father might have gone and what I found was a total of seven high-level contracts that were strategically placed to screw me over.

My father didn't just take into account my paranoid personality, each contract was based on my personal resentment so if it wasn't for my skill [Paranoia], right now I wouldn't be me anymore and would have become a puppet.

What's worse, this doesn't only involve Beast VII anymore, my father tried to divide my soul, mind, and body between 7 higher entities.

My existence would be divided among 7 entities, and while I don't know if the other 6 entities are on the same level as Beast VII, at least I know that my father is a more troublesome bastard than I imagined.

On the bright side of things, now the seven high-level contracts are stored in my Core of Existence and I'm using a fragment of my consciousness to analyze them with [Contract], [Reader's Madness], and [Stingy Jack]. Even my skill [Contract] went up to 80%.

Maybe my father is a cunning bastard, but I'm a bastard with a system so it remains to be seen who survives this shit.

Lastly, and most worryingly, it seems that my father changed his name in a literal sense.

My father has a first name and the last name, but every time I think of his name, the words disappear, even saying his name out loud only sounds static, and writing his name only appears ■■■.

System Goddess said that she went through the same thing when she gave up her old name and became a System Goddess.

Basically, the multiverse recognized that my father is now a completely different entity so it's possible that that asshole is now a higher entity and no longer on Gaia.

Seriously, if it turns out that my father is the main antagonist in my life that I have to defeat, I'm going to kill the fucking asshole who developed this 'Story'.

Well, [Paranoia] didn't react to that, at least my future isn't that stupid.

"Breakfast is ready!~" – My mother spoke in a cheerful voice from the kitchen.

I sighed and wanted to stay seated, but Navi appeared in front of me.

This idiot had been calmer than usual since although he can hide from higher entities like System Goddess, there is still a risk that detection devices could find him so he stayed in my Core of Existence which made him in a bad mood.

"Hey Listen! Your mother is so in need of affection that it is your duty as a son to fill the hole in her heart! And by the way, you can fill her other holes! Ahahahahahaha!" – Navi has an innate talent to make me angry.

I held him down with all the physical strength I could muster in my hand, but the idiot just kept laughing.

I was tempted to use my Administrator Authority to make him shut his mouth, but if I do that it will be a problem when I have to make a report.

I sighed and released him.

I would have liked to send this idiot to check on Pansy and Ichika's situations, but I didn't give them rings yesterday so that's not possible.

One thing I discovered is that the rings, chokers, and bracelets in the system are more impressive than I imagined.

Not only are they undetectable to the Will of the World, but Navi can also use the rings as a bridge to move through barriers that should normally isolate worlds.

For example, if I go to another world without altering my own time stream, I can contact my lovers in this world through Navi without the Will of the World noticing.

Navi's existence turned out to be my biggest asset, I just wish this jerk wasn't so annoying.

The reason why I didn't give those two girls rings even though I trust them both to not betray me was because they are both mentally unstable and if I actually give them a ring they both might lose control and start doing ridiculous things to please me.

This is more true with Ichika, if I give her a ring I wouldn't be surprised if she kidnaps all four of her sisters and tortures them to brainwash them into giving them to me as a gift.

She's cute and I like the way she is, but she has a bad habit of exaggerating things.

"Son, your breakfast is going to get cold~"

… Whatever.

I resigned myself to the situation and went to the table, but I found a problem, my lazy sister has not come down...

I sighed and went to find the brat.

The door to her room was ajar so I walked in not giving a damn about her privacy.

"Kyaaaaaa Onii-chan is a pervert!" - Umaru yelled, but she closed her mouth when she saw my expression.

"Why are you still in pajamas?" – I frowned.

"I'm home so it's a waste of time to change my clothes…" – Umaru lowered her voice when she saw that my anger only grew.


I carried her on my shoulder and headed down the stairs.

"I am not a sack of rice! Put me down, I can walk on my own!"

I ignored her stupidity and forced her to sit down for breakfast.

"You eat, I'm going to move the bags" – I walked away from the kitchen, spending time with these two women only makes my migraine worse.

"But you haven't had breakfast" – My mother stopped me holding my arm. – "You need to eat to stay healthy~ Come, mom made you a healthy breakfast~"

The more she acts like a caring mother, the more disgust I feel…

I sighed and turned to look into her eyes. – "Let us make something clear, it is good that you want to improve as a person, it is good that you want to take care of your daughter, but stops acting like that with me, it is unpleasant"

My mother pouted without paying attention to what I just said. – "You are so cold to me that you will make me cry"

This damn woman doesn't understand that I hate her...

"Mom, Onii-chan is busy so let's let him work" - Umaru intervened in the situation.

"Your brother is always busy" – My mother sighed sadly and sat down to eat.

Umaru subtly nodded in my direction. She may be a parasite unable to survive on her own, but she can at least help me distract this woman.

I left the house as I need a break.

"Good morning boss" – A delinquent-looking teenager approached me with a humble expression.

Just as there are responsible and dedicated students in Japan, there are also useless idiots who decide to become criminals and petty gang members but are actually harmless when compared to real criminals.

These jerks usually harass women, pick on old men, steal food from small shops, and act like pretentious jerks, but despite wanting to look tough, they're pathetic rats who become obedient when faced with the true meaning of violence.

To keep this region safe, I used all kinds of methods to force gang members to be my subordinates.

Some were beaten until they lost a couple of teeth, others received physical torture, the most troublesome ones I subjected to brainwashing based on psychological torture.

Now that I know the supernatural world I'll need more useful pawns than these trashes, though instead of throwing them away I can train them in martial arts and I can even use them as lab rats to see if I can upgrade their bodies with [Human Transmutation].

I smiled slightly. – "Contact everyone and tell them to wait for me in warehouse 22, all those who do not attend will be re-educated"

The delinquent nodded several times and hurried to leave.

Some neighbors looked at me with expressions of disgust or disappointment that I am used to.

The public image is extremely important in this country so the fact that the eldest son is a criminal is a huge shame for a family so many of the neighbor's pity my mother thinking that she is a pitiful woman to have a daughter a social misfit, a delinquent son, and a useless husband despite the fact that she is a kind woman.

There were even many cases where kind and selfless men tried to get closer to my mother to save her from this tragic life, unfortunately, those noble gentlemen could not become close to my mother due to car accidents, alcohol intoxication, or were arrested for various crimes such as murder or stalking.… The life of a hero is tragic.

"Oh, Luis~ It's rare to see you here so early" - A kind voice made me look away from the unpleasant neighbors.

"Good morning Takasu-san" - I smiled gently at one of the few people I like in this world.

She was the exact definition of a sexy mature woman, an excellent milf, and possibly the cause of my fetish for big-breasted blonde women.

Next to the house that I got cheaply lives a single-parent family made up of mother and son. This woman is named Yasuko Takasu, a woman with a kind and clumsy attitude a bit similar to Shizuka.

Although she has a similar attitude to my mother, Yasuko is a much more respectable woman as she does her best to take care of her family even if it harms her health from overwork.

When I arrived in Japan, this woman helped me a lot by giving me a little food for my family even though her own financial situation was pitiful.

Even though she used to work as a hostess at a men's entertainment center, she strikes me as more respectable than many women who act like saints.

When I got my identity as Seiji, one of my first actions was to help this woman by getting her a job as a supervisor in a small restaurant run by the yakuza.

Unlike other women I have used as bait to protect my family, I have genuine affection for this woman, although now that I think about it I may have grown fond of her as her presence filled my need for a true mother figure in my life…

My skill [Self-knowledge] sucks.

"No calling me Takasu-san, it's Yasuko-nee" – Yasuko pouted childishly.

Contrary to the dislike I feel towards my mother, seeing this woman acting childish makes me unconsciously smile.

I smiled wryly. – "Good morning Yasuko-nee"

I feel uncomfortable using Japanese honorifics...

"Much better" – Yasuko smirked, but then she frowned. – "Why aren't you dressed in your school uniform? Today is the second day of school so… Don't tell me… Will you still work?"

I smiled wryly, she has always insisted that I study to be a responsible adult and even said that she would talk to her boyfriend to finance my studies.

Note: her boyfriend is Seiji.

I think I have to tell her the truth as soon as possible or things will get complicated if I keep hiding the truth.

The key to a functional love relationship is honesty, and although I am a pathological liar, I would be uncomfortable letting this woman down.

"Well, things got troublesome…" - I sighed sadly. – "My mother finally left my father, but that man disappeared with the money I was saving so I have to work more than before…"

"Oh, my poor boy" – Yasuko hugged me as she cried. – "That evil man always causes you so much pain, but from now on things will be better"

Ignoring the fact that being hugged by this beautiful woman is nice, seeing the panicked expressions of the neighbors is hilarious.

They know that Yasuko is Seiji's woman so no one dares to flirt with her, and those who did suffer from depression that led to suicide.

Seeing Yasuko hugging me no doubt scared them thinking this would cause the yakuza to rage, but hey, these people are irrelevant.

I sighed and reluctantly pushed Yasuko away. – "Yasuko-nee, is Ryuuji at home?"

Ryuuji Yasuko, Yasuko's son. He is a nice guy despite his delinquent appearance. I don't dislike that guy at all, but he's worried that I'm too close to his mom even though she already has a boyfriend.

Once he was kind enough to tell me that her mother started dating a mobster so it's better if I keep my distance from her for my safety, I could only smile wryly.

"Ryuuji left early" – Yasuko kept looking at me with dissatisfaction for the fact that I'm not going to study. – "Why don't you ask him to lend you his notes? You're smart so even if you miss the first few days of school it's still not too late for you to start studying…"

I'm not really interested in going to college, I feel like I'll lose my temper if I surround myself with idiotic teenagers.

"Actually I need to talk to you about something" - I sighed.

"Something happens? Do you have money problems?" - Yasuko looked at me with concern.

She's so cute that she wanted to pat her head, but that would be weird so I held back.

"I'll explain it to you in a moment, first I have to fix some things at home and I'd like to chat with you at your house" - I smiled bitterly.

Yasuko trusts me too much so she nodded. – "I will call my work to tell them that I will be a little late, you can come to my house so we can talk"

If it weren't for the fact that I know she has a natural talent for sensing when an idiot wants to take advantage of her, I'd worry that she's so careless trusting an idiot like me so easily.

After Yasuko went to her house, I went back home and looked at the little fool who had been eavesdropping on my conversation with Yasuko.

"Onii-chan, that woman is dating a mobster" – Umaru looked at me with disappointment. – "I know you are strong, but if you do not control your lust you will get yourself killed"

Maybe it's because I always looked at my sister as a nuisance due to my prejudices, but now I can see that she genuinely cares about me.

I smiled wryly and patted her on the head. – "Bring your bags, I already called the moving service and they will take you to your new house"

I raised an eyebrow when Umaru didn't answer me, she was just frozen unblinking.

I used Hamon and Ki to check her body and didn't notice anything strange so I frowned. - "What's wrong?"

"I-It's the first time you stroke my head…" – Umaru's voice was a mixture of disbelief, happiness, and other conflicting emotions.

Come to think of it, I guess I've never really treated this brat well.

Thinking about it rationally, it is possible that my hatred for my parents made me feel a certain level of contempt towards Umaru, which is why I see her as a useless parasite that only exists to annoy me.

I just saved two years of family therapy in less than a second.

I sighed and continued stroking her head. The side effects of spending so much time surrounded by little girls in other worlds made me develop this weird habit of patting the heads of troublesome brats… I need to break this habit or some women might find it off-putting.

I removed my hand from her head. – "Go get your bags and tell the useless woman to also prepare her bags"

Umaru smiled at me wryly. – "Onii-chan, I know you hate mom, but now that father has left her, you should try to talk to her, you will see that she is not bad…"

Even though Umaru shares my hatred for our father, she still loves our mother.

"Did she tell you about the divorce?" – I ignored her words, even with my skill [Mythomania] it's impossible for me to love that woman.

"She told me everything a moment ago" – Umaru smiled bitterly. – "She summed up everything in just 2 minutes, it seems that she really forgot her love for our father, which makes me happy, but I am worried that she seems to have fallen in love with a mobster…"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' managed to contain the user's urge to vomit]

…This is going to end up destroying my little sanity…

"Just go get your things, I have work to do so I'll go" - I massaged my forehead. – "If a problem arises, call me immediately, I do not want any more surprises"

Umaru nodded and then looked at me sadly. – "When will you come back?"

I usually only visit my family two days a week to check that they have food and money.

"I'll stop by to see you more often" - I shrugged.

The place where I am sending these two women is a seemingly normal apartment complex, but it is actually one of the safest places in this city due to multiple barriers that negate supernatural abilities.

"Seriously?!" – Umaru shouted with joy.

Sometimes I wonder if she loves me or is afraid of me, maybe is a bit of both.

"You just want more money for your games" - I smiled wryly when she looked away from me.

I always give her money when I visit her so she became a greedy brat.


I pretended I took something out of my pocket and opened my space ring to take out a debit card.

"Take and do not cause problems" - I handed her the card.

Mr. Ichijo gave me several bank accounts and this is one of the smallest ones so it doesn't matter if Umaru spends all the money on the card but I won't give her a credit card either or this brat is capable of increasing the national debt from Japan.

Those who think that money doesn't buy happiness do so because they underestimate how satisfying it feels not to have to worry about taxes and daily expenses.

"Wow! I love you Onii-chan!" – Umaru took the card with shining eyes and gave me a hug.

"Yeah, whatever, now go get your bags" – I sighed for this materialistic brat.

She didn't question where I got the money from as she must think she came from some illegal means and she is smart enough to understand that ignorance is bliss.

I sent several messages to request that the movers be only women since Umaru has androphobia, then I closed the door and headed to Yasuko's house.

"Hey Listen! You must make fanservice with that sexy milf!"

"Every day you are more annoying" - I need to find a way to beat this idiot without making him laugh.

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