No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 152: I Hate Being a Protagonist...

Chapter 152: I Hate Being a Protagonist...

(Yasuko Takasu perspective)

I am very worried about that child, to think that such a good boy always has to deal with the problems caused by his family makes my heart ache.

I would have liked to adopt him to give him a decent life, but the financial problems I was in did not allow me to think about helping other people since my highest priority is my son.

Fortunately, I met Seiji-kun… Ah, Seiji-kun~

Seiji is a wonderful man and even when he has his flaws, he is still wonderful.

I always liked rough and bad men, it is a taste that I acquired when I was young and that is why my first boyfriend was the leader of a gang, which during my adolescence seemed exciting.

Sadly reality hit me, my boyfriend left me when I got pregnant, I argued with my family because they wanted me to have an abortion, and finally, I had to live on my own since I was 16 years old, that's why I can sympathize with the little Luis who has had to work since he arrived in Japan almost three years ago, and in fact, I think he had been working since before...

That boy is so good and yet people look at him like a plague just because he sometimes gets into fights with thugs but he does it to keep the streets safe so instead of judging him people should support him.

There was one time when one of the clients from my old job followed me home and tried to do unspeakable things to me, luckily Luis arrived on time and protected me from that evil man and even took him away to hand him over to the police and I think that man is still in prison since I never heard from him again.

Luis is such a kind boy that one of my greatest wishes is to see him become a responsible adult, although my son has told me that I shouldn't hang out with Luis a lot since that could create misunderstandings and I already have Seiji-kun.

My son is exaggerating, it is true that Seiji-kun is a little protective of me, but he is not an irrational man, besides, I know how to recognize when a man looks at me with unpleasant thoughts and even though at first Luis looked at me with some usual interest out of the youngsters his age, he has only seen me with kindness and care for a year now.

I really want to help him not to go down the wrong path, I don't know what he wants to talk about, but I'm going to tell him that he has my full support and I'll do my best to convince Seiji-kun that he should help this kind boy.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Luis entered the house. This house is old and the bad condition of the place has worsened due to the humidity since they built a building next door that blocks all the light so Luis has helped me many times to make repairs so it is not uncommon that he can enter without problems.

I waited sitting in the center of the room with some hot tea. Luis directly sat in front of me and let out a sigh.

This poor kid must have a lot of problems...

Luis looked at me with an expression of complete seriousness. – "Do you love Seiji?"

That question seemed strange to me, but I nodded without hesitation anyway.

It's true that Seiji-kun has his flaws, but I can feel that he really cares about me and is willing to support my son which is more than I can ask for.

Luis sighed and continued to look at me seriously. – "Are you okay with the fact that your boyfriend is a womanizer who works for the mafia?"

Oh, I think I understand now.

This kid is so cute~ He's worried that Seiji-kun might hurt me, but there's no problem.

"Due to my lack of talent and the fact that I left school at an early age, I know that I have no chance of achieving a good future, and normally the men who have surrounded me only look for my body, but I know that if they get what they want, they will leave me immediately since nobody wants to take care of a single mother with a teenage son" – I let out a sigh.

Luis remained silent so I smiled feeling happiness in my heart – "At first I was worried that Seiji-kun would be the same as all the men who have flirted with me, but he has shown that he really loves me, so even if I am just a simple lover out of many, I am happy with Seiji-kun"

Luis was silent for a while and then sighed wearily. – "What if Seiji is not who you think he is?"

I tilted my head in confusion. – "Seiji-kun is not Seiji-kun?"

"Yes, well…" – Luis seemed to be in a dilemma. – "Think of it like this, imagine that Seiji has been lying to you, his identity is false and he is actually a totally different person than you imagine, yet he really treasures you… what would you think of that?"

I tried to think of the scenario described by Luis and could only come to one conclusion. – "I love Seiji-kun, even if he is not who he says he is, for me Seiji-kun is Seiji-kun"

Luis smiled bitterly, stood up and went to the bathroom.

Did something happen?

Did Luis meet Seiji-kun?

Many questions arose in my mind, but when the bathroom door opened, my body froze.

"Se-Seiji-kun…" – I looked at the man who came out of the bathroom.

I rushed to the bathroom and looked in every corner, behind the door, on the floor and even the ceiling, but I couldn't find it, Luis wasn't...

"Yes, well, reality is complicated" – Seiji-kun smiled bitterly.

His clothes were Luis's, his voice was Luis's, but his appearance was Seiji-kun's...

I fell to my knees questioning what is real...

Seiji-kun, no, Luis, no, Seiji-kun, no, Luis…

Did I do those things with little Luis?!

Now I'm a criminal...

"Come on, breathe, don't panic" - Luis approached me and spoke gently while he put his hand on my back in a comforting way...

It took me an hour to calm down, my mind was a mess and even when I was able to calm down I didn't dare look Luis in the eye.

"C-Could you use your normal appearance?" - I asked with a trembling voice as my gaze focused on the ground.

I heard Luis sigh. - "It is done"

I looked up and saw that Luis was Luis again, he changed so quickly that I raised my hand to pinch his cheek and check if Luis's face was real...

Luis just smiled bitterly and let me play with his cheeks.

The more I touched his face, the more I realized that this was real.

My face reddened and I looked down.

"You're acting like a little girl" - Luis sighed as he continued stroking my back to comfort me.

"…" – I didn't want to speak.

I'm angry at him for lying to me… But at the same time I'm relieved as deep down in my heart I developed some feelings for Luis because of his kindness, but I buried those feelings as it wouldn't be right for a single mother to have a relationship with a boy the same age as her son...

I feel happy and angry...

"Why did you lie to me?" – I asked as I hugged my legs and hid my face with my knees.

"If a poor boy who can barely support his family tells you that he will take care of you, it could only be seen as the innocence of a child or the stupidity of an idealist" - Luis sighed.

That way of speaking is Seiji-kun's... Sarcastic, nihilistic, moody, but always kind to me...

This is giving me a headache...

"If you wonder where I got the money from…" – Luis stayed by my side consoling me. – "Well, I really joined the yakuza"

I looked up angrily. – "You cannot do that, you are a kind child and it is not good that you work with that kind of people!"

"All the crimes committed by Seiji are my crimes" - Luis smiled at me nonchalantly. – "Do you still think I am a kind child?"

"Yes" – I did not hesitate. – "You are kind even if you deny it yourself"

Louis sighed. – "I am kind to you because I love you, not because I am a kind person"

I looked away again as I blushed.

Now that I know he is Seiji-kun, it's hard for me to look at his face without feeling embarrassed...

We were silent for a long time until I finally realized what was most unusual about the situation. – "Why are you telling me this? Because right now?"

I began to fear the worst...

"A-Are you bored of me?" - I asked with a trembling voice without daring to look up.

"If I were going to leave you then I wouldn't tell you this" - Luis sighed tiredly. – "Seriously, I am worried about your low self-esteem, you must realize how valuable you are and you are not just a prize or a decoration"

"So you're telling me you didn't start this charade just because you wanted my body?" – I asked resentfully.

I can't imagine any other reason why he would have done all this...

At that moment I felt pain in my cheek, Luis was pulling my cheek.

"It hurts it hurts it hurts!" - I looked at him with teary eyes.

"That's what you get for saying stupid things" - Luis let go of my cheek while he looked at me angrily. – "I am trying to be honest so listen to me well, yes, it is true that I like your appearance, but if only your appearance is not enough to compensate for all the problems I have gone through to take care of you, none of that, I really fell in love with you since, unlike the idiot who calls herself my mother, you sincerely took care of me, and yes, I possibly have a mother complex and that's why I fell in love with you, and no, I don't have a fucking incestuous complex or an Oedipus complex, just imagining that shit makes me want to vomit"

I stared at Luis as he finished his insult-filled monologue.

Normally he is a polite and gentle slightly aggressive man, but he is always respectful, only Seiji is rude and moody when things become a bother.

Seeing Lui acting like this made me feel a little warm, it's like he opened his heart to me making the line between Seiji and Luis disappear...

I couldn't help myself and hugged him tightly.

"No hard feelings?" - Luis asked me gently while he hugged me.

"I'm still mad…" – I kept hugging him.

"Will you feel better if I make you your favorite food?" – Luis asked me tenderly.

"..." - I nodded.

We held each other for a while, while my heart accepted the situation without problems.

It's strange that I feel in love with a teenager the same age as my son, but love sometimes doesn't have to make sense to work, there are even cases where a mother can fall in love with her own s….



This is bad…

"L-L-Luis…" – I started to shake. – "There is a p-problem"

Luis raised an eyebrow and stared at me. - "What's the matter?"

I swallowed hard.

"I was talking to your mother about how harmful her marriage is for you and Umaru… And well, I… .." – I began to pale.

"..." - Luis paled. – "Did you tell her that Seiji was the one who had been taking care of her?"

I nodded. – "I even convinced her that Seiji loved her and that is why it was better if she divorced and she was Seiji's lover since then you would no longer have to work to support your family…"

"I need to use your bathroom" – Luis stood up and hurried to the bathroom.

When the bathroom door closed I heard the loud sound of retching so I was worried about Luis's health, but when I got closer to the door I heard him scream. - "Do not open the door! Just…! Just wait for me in the living room!"

I was worried that Luis might get sick so I made tea to give him when he gets out.

Now I feel guilty...



(Luis perspective)

The feeling of wanting to hit a specific person while not being willing to hurt that same person is an unpleasant feeling.

"Hey Listen! Congratulations, this time you only threw up your liver, you are improving!"

I ignored the jerk.

I spoke with System Goddess. – "Is this some kind of consequence of my plot armors?"

"It is possible" - System Goddess answered without being sure of her words. – "My knowledge of the plot armor phenomenon is limited so I'm not sure, but there is a good chance that since you don't recognize your mother as your family, your plot armor recognized her as a possible target"

I hate being a protagonist.

"You must go ahead and look on the bright side" – Tsubaki spoke in a soft voice. – "Technically you are stealing the wife of the man you hate the most"

… - "That doesn't comfort me, in fact, I think I want to throw up again…"

"I'm sorry" - Tsubaki apologized sadly.

I sighed with extreme exhaustion. – "Okay, you are right that I should move on"

I straightened my clothes and cleaned up traces of my organs from the bathroom or it would be weird if I can throw up my liver and stay healthy.

Actually, my internal organs are just a decoration.

My body is completely composed of black blood so I can breathe without the need for lungs, my blood will still flow if I lose my heart, which I eat is converted into energy as my system digestive is connected to Ortro, and I can even continue to think even though my brain is destroyed since my mind is connected to my soul.

If it weren't for the fact that the subject of lineage is more of a spiritual concept, then it would be impossible to continue classifying me as human.

Since I don't really have gastric juices, my mouth didn't smell bad after vomiting so I left the bathroom and walked over to Yasuko.

"I'm sorry…" – Yasuko lowered her head sadly.

"Okay, this is my fault" - I sighed and patted her head. – "I hid it from you and you just wanted to help me, you should not feel guilty"

She thought that if my mother had a relationship with Seiji, then Seiji would take care of her children (Umaru and me) the same way Seiji took care of Yasuko's son.

I got Ryuuji a part-time job as a chef in the same restaurant where Yasuko works which were good for me in the end since that guy has decent talent in the kitchen which resulted in the restaurant manager giving me a percentage of profits, everyone wins.

As for if that was child labor, I'm yakuza, that shit doesn't matter.

"But…" – Yasuko has an inferiority complex so this must make her feel mortified for causing me trouble.

I sighed and smiled at her. – "I will take care of this, don't worry"

Yasuko nodded trying to hide her sadness.

In time she will feel better, I just have to make sure I don't show how much I hate this situation.

"There is also another matter" - I took out my cell phone. – "I got a promotion at my job so I can give myself some liberties"

If Yasuko rejected me after learning the truth, I would pretend to distance myself from her and eventually make sure that she falls in love with me after various convenient events occur.

Since she accepted me despite knowing that I am the same age as her son, then I can save myself the trouble and take her to the same residential complex where I will take my mother and sister.

"Pack your things, I'll take you to a better house that's also close to your work, also, I'll fix a bedroom near the school so that Ryuuji can dedicate himself to his studies without distractions" - I finished sending several messages and put the cell phone away.

Even if Ryuuji is my stepson now, I won't let a male teenager live in the same area as several of the women I care about the most.

"New house?" – Yasuko looked at me in disbelief, forgetting her previous depression.

The ease with which she changes her emotional state always struck me as amusing.

"Yeah, I can't let my wife live in a place like this" - I shrugged.

"W-Wife?!" – Yasuko's face was as red as a tomato. – "Y-You can't be serious! You are very young and you should marry a more suitable woman, I am fine with just being your lover…"

I sighed, I need to fix her self-esteem.

"Yasuko, you are my wife, end" – I put my hand in my pocket and pretended to take something out.

My system recognized that Yasuko agreed to be a part of my harem without caring that I have other women so I was able to get a 'Gift of Love' for her.

I didn't think my first wife in this world would be this sexy milf, but these kinds of surprises make life nice.

When I took out the box, Yasuko began to tremble. – "L-Luis… Y-You can't… Not with me…"

"Yasuko, besides you I will have other wives, but that doesn't mean I don't love you, on the contrary, I love you more than I can describe with words" - I said something so corny that I wanted to spit with disdain towards myself.

Even though she seemed to want to refuse, her hands reached out to open the box.

When she saw the ring, she began to cry.

"B-But…" – She was still looking for a way to refuse, but it was obvious that she wanted this.

God, that sounded bad.

I took out the wedding ring and placed it on her ring finger.

[System Notification: The user has usurped a 'Character' from a High-Level World. The entity 'Yasuko Takasu' possesses a Destiny so insignificant that the Will of the World of Gaia did not discover the user's actions.

The user can sacrifice a part of his own Destiny Energy to hide the loss of the 'Character']

"I swear I didn't know about this either!" – System Goddess spoke hurriedly. – "Although I know that system users can steal entities from other worlds, I don't know how the process works so this is new to me!"

I sighed. – "A week without dumplings"

"Nooooooooooooooooo!" – System Goddess shouted with desperation.

I ignored her and checked how much Destiny Energy it would cost me to make up for Yasuko's 'disappearance'.

When I noticed that the cost was so insignificant that I can recover that energy in a matter of minutes, I did not hesitate to compensate the Destiny Energy.

I was relieved that I hadn't done this with such an important woman or I would have been in trouble, though it's likely that [Paranoia] warned me of the danger, though it's still not good to blindly rely on supernatural abilities so this will be a reminder to become more careful.

Yasuko was still crying with happiness so I hugged her until she could calm down, then I helped her pack for the move which was easy since she has few belongings.

I sent a message to some of my subordinates at school to tell Ryuuji the news of the move and contacted the movers to have Ryuuji's things moved to a male dormitory.

After finishing the preparations I left Yasuko's house, there are so many things I have to do... I begin to doubt if I am really a protagonist or I am just the labor slave of destiny.

Well, whatever, I'll work while increasing my harem, that's the definition of moving on.

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