No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 153: Milfhunter

Chapter 153: Milfhunter

Taking advantage of my new job I arranged for a car to take me to a warehouse area which is normally uninhabited which makes it a good place for the yakuza to dispose of bodies or for small gangs to gather.

I got out of the car while carrying a backpack.

I'm keeping my identity as Luis so I can't prove I have a space artifact so appearances are important, as for the driver, he thinks I'm here on Seiji's orders so he just nodded and left.

I approached one of the deepest and most uninhabited areas and noticed the presence of 32 ordinary humans with no supernatural features.

I said that everyone should come, but ten disobeyed me... Then I'll take care of them.

When I approached the group of idiots, they all stood up and greeted me with a deep bow. - "Boss!"

A teenager with blond hair and nose piercings approached me with a respectful attitude. – "Boss, ten people did not come"

"I can see it" - I sighed. – "Forget about them, I will take care of them"

The 32 delinquents flinched as fear flashed across their faces.

If this group had joined together they might have rebelled against me before my system awakened, but they never thought of betraying me due to the fear I carved deep into their minds.

"Line up" – On my command, the 32 idiots lined up perfectly neatly like coordinated ants.

I opened the backpack and took out a wooden box where there was a set of silver needles suitable for acupuncture.

I mentioned to Mr. Ichijo that I trained in medical skills and my specialty was acupuncture so he got me this set of silver needles with spiritual properties.

Although using needles made from my blood would be better because of the effects of [Reader's Madness], these needles aren't bad and are enough for what I want to do.

I walked over to the first idiot in line and focused my Ki on the needle.

Although I don't plan on becoming a cultivator since it's a very restrictive power system, there are cultivator techniques that are too convenient from what I learned from System Goddess.

One of the most basic, but most useful techniques of cultivators is the transfer of knowledge through Internal Energy.

Although my Ki is a much lower version of cultivators' energy, it still allows me to use a simple technique like knowledge transfer in martial arts, and since this technique is too basic, I can use it without causing suspicion from the Will of the World.

After concentrating my Ki on the needle, I pierced the first idiot's forehead and transferred various basic martial arts, Ki awakening method, and Hamon breathing.

The idiot clenched his teeth against the pain of receiving a bombardment of information and managed to resist without passing out.

When he finished transferring the knowledge, the idiot passed out so I brushed him aside like disposable trash.

Although the other 31 idiots paled at this, they seemed relieved to see that Idiot #1 was still breathing so they didn't run away.

I used Ki to disinfect the needle since I'm a responsible doctor and looked at Idiot #2 to step forward.

In this way, the 32 idiots ended up on the ground while clenching their teeth as if they were facing intense pain.

I ignored their expressions of pain and moved on to the second step, body reconstruction.

I didn't use [Human Transmutation] as that could get me into trouble so I only used acupuncture to remove brain restrictions that limit human potential, Hamon to stimulate cellular activity, Ki to strengthen the different types of tissues in the human body, and chiropractic to do that the bone structure was suitable for a martial artist with the greatest potential.

While effort builds a strong fighter, genetics also play a role.

The best martial artists were born with bodies suitable for martial arts or received outside help to modify their bodies.

The best example of the former is Miu while the example for the latter is Kenichi. His body was shaped several times by the masters of the dojo and that is how he became a prodigy of martial arts, of course, without counting the additional help of the plot armor.

When my work was done I put my things away, these idiots will take four hours to wake up and I don't have time to wait for them.

I wrote a note with the instructions that they should follow and then I left the place.

Just in case I imitated my father's trick and set the note as a simple 'Contract' so that when these idiots wake up, they won't be able to tell others about the martial arts I gave them and they will also be my eternal slaves even after they die.

Although my father is an asshole, he gave me a good parting gift before escaping, now my contracts are evolving and it's only a matter of time before I can form the highest level contract which will also allow me to crack the entire contract that Beast VII used in me.

"You've been in this world for a day and you haven't killed anyone" – Tsubaki spoke to me happily. - "I am very proud of you"

"Do you think I'm some kind of psychopath?" - I rolled my eyes.

"Yes" - Tsubaki replied without hesitation.

"Well, you are a bit" – System Goddess spoke awkwardly.

"Hey Listen! You are a crazy bitch!" – Navi shouted with joy.

"Beheading people is fun" – Ortro lives in her own world.

I sighed, maybe I should relax my temper.

I contacted another driver and had him take me to the business district of the city.

"Are you going to do some business or get a woman?" – Tsubaki asked me curiously.

"The second" - I replied as he took a can of soda from the car fridge.

I didn't think a limo would come, but I'm not complaining.

Before I got to the business district I made the driver stop and I got out of the car or it would be very conspicuous if I arrived in a limousine.

I started walking towards the food area.

"Mmmm, Luis's greed is as infinite as the heavens so I'm sure he will be a woman with a lot of money pretending to be a humble person"

"Hey Listen! I say that she is a horny milf who is not satisfied with her husband and she needs a lot of sex!"

"I bet three cookies that she is a single mother"

"No bet, my cookies are mine"

The group of invaders that live in my mind is organizing a gambling game to guess who I'm looking for...

I arrived at a store and mentally sighed. – "Tsubaki wins"


"Fucking bastard! My cookies aaaaaahhhhhh!"

"I knew it!"

"Gambling is bad, gamblers must die"

I looked at the sign at the entrance, 'Onodera Japanese Sweet Shop', I still think the name is too long.

Because it's still early, most of the adults are at work while the kids are at school, so there were no people in the shop except for the owner of the shop who was looking at a magazine with a bored expression.

I entered the store making the entrance bell ring, but the woman didn't even turn around. – "Good morning, you can take a tray and choose what you like"

I sighed. – "If you show so little enthusiasm you will only lose customers"

The woman froze and her magazine fell to the ground.

"That reaction is a bit exaggerated" - I smiled wryly.

The woman looked at me, stood up, and ran to the back of the store.

I heard that she went into the bathroom and seemed to be doing her best to get ready.

After five minutes she returned to the counter of the store looking better combed and with a subtle make-up that highlighted her natural beauty.

Showing a professional smile, she spoke calmly to me. – "Hello dear customer, what would you like to buy?"

I couldn't stand it, I started laughing.

"Do not make fun of me!" - The woman pouted angrily.

Why do most of the women I get involved with have a habit of pouting?

Is there some kind of law of the multiverse that forces attractive women to make cute pouts?

Whatever, she looks cute so that's fine.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's just that you're cute when you act like that" – I managed to contain my laughter, but it was difficult for me to stop smiling.

"Cute?" – The woman raised an eyebrow as if she was angry, but her subtle smile shows that she liked my compliment. – "Youngster, it is not good to flirt with a working woman like me"

"I'm not flirting with a married woman so there shouldn't be a problem" - I shrugged and walked over to lean on the counter nonchalantly.

"…" – The woman frowned and then sighed. – "Did you find out about my divorce?"

I smiled bitterly. – "A week ago I came to buy some sweets that my sister wanted, since you were busy it was your daughter who attended me and when she saw me, she almost kicked me out of here"

"Kosaki or Haru?" – The woman sighed as she held her forehead.

"Are you kidding? The brat adores me" – I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call my daughter a brat, Haru is only a year younger than you" - The woman sighed.

"If she acts like a brat, then she's a brat" - I shrugged.

"Let's talk inside" - The woman shook her head and went to the entrance of the premises.

"Won't this hurt your profits?" – I joked around a bit.

"With you here, nobody will come to buy so if you don't want to damage my business then hide in the back while I put up the closed sign" - The woman looked at me with false anger.

"Of course, your orders are absolute" - I raised my hands in submission and went to the back of the premises.

There's a kitchen in the back of the room, so I pulled up a chair and sat at the center table.

"I like that woman" – Tsubaki was having fun with my love life.

"Hey Listen! Sodomize her! No one gives orders to a Harem King!" – I ignored the noisy idiot.

"What's she called?" - System Goddess asked with curiosity.

"Nanako Onodera, she has two daughters, one of whom hates me since she thinks it was my fault her parents got divorced a month ago" - I mentally shrugged.

"And it really wasn't your fault?" – System Goddess asked as if she didn't believe me.

"I'm not responsible for all the bad things that happen around me" - I rolled my eyes. – "Only 60% or 70% of things are my faults"

"…" – System Goddess sighed. – "The lineage of Chaotic Beast is right for you"

Nanako entered the kitchen as she took off the apron that she normally wears when serving customers, then she pulled up a chair and sat down next to me.

"Aren't you too close?" – I asked ironically.

"Does it bother you that a woman with two daughters sits next to you?" - She asked in a monotone voice.

"I don't mind" - I sighed. – "But putting your head on my shoulder is a bit excessive"

This woman does not understand the concept of personal space.

"If you don't like my actions then you can go, you know where the exit is" - Nanako continued speaking without emotions.

I sighed, rebuffed her advances once and things turned out like this.

Due to an incident with some criminals and various difficulties in her marriage, she developed feelings towards me, but unlike Yasuko, Nanako would not accept that her partner has other lovers, so in order not to hurt her, I distanced myself from her a bit since, despite everything, I liked her and I didn't want to hurt her just for a night of fun.

After that things got messy so I had to put an emotional wall between us, but since then she has been more direct with her advances and even made 'jokes' that she would be willing to be with me even though I have more lovers.

At that time I rejected her as my life was in chaos and I still had a certain level of consideration for other people's emotions so I didn't want to drag her into my problems.

But well, that's the past, now I'm going to include her in my harem along with her daughter Haru, as for her other daughter... Well, everything will depend on whether Raku makes me angry since that boy is in love with Kosaki, the eldest daughter of Nanako

Raku must understand that the greater good is the most important thing.

I sighed and braced myself for the drama. - "I have a wife"

There was a silence so deep that I could hear the metaphorical sound of silence.

Nanako didn't move her head from my shoulder and spoke in a calm voice that hid deep anxiety. - "Congratulations"

"Several things happened, one thing led to another and suddenly I have a wife, or well, actually I have several wives" - I kept talking calmly as if everything was irrelevant. - "Life is unpredictable"

"Polygamy is illegal" – Nanako spoke with a mix of conflicting emotions.

"Laws are empty words, people are important" - I stood up gently so that Nanako could remove her head from my shoulder without hurting herself. – "But you are right, polygamy is illegal… For now"

Nanako had an expressionless face and did not reply.

"It was nice to see you" - I smiled gently. – "Say hello to Haru for me"

I left the kitchen and went to the entrance of the premises.

"Hey Listen! Don't fuck with me bitch! Go back to the kitchen and stick your dick in that milf!" – Navi shouted with joy.

"This is called fishing" - I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off! You're just a pretentious idiot!" – Navi was still a cheerful idiot.

"Wait a bit" – I sighed at the stupidity of this idiot.






"Luis!" – Nanako rushed to hold my hand to prevent me from leaving the premises.

If all my plans could go as well as this, my life would be easier...

I looked at Nanako with a mock confused expression to which she gritted her teeth in frustration.

"You're an idiot" - Nanako looked at me angrily.

"They tell me often" - I shrugged.

"Then you'll be used to this" – Nanako raised her hand as if she was going to slap me.

I didn't try to stop her and when her hand came closer to my face, her strength lessened and instead of slapping my face, she moved both of her hands to hold my face.

"You're a complete idiot" – Nanako growled angrily and then kissed me.

When our lips parted, I smiled. – "I thought you would slap me first and then kiss me"

"I can still hit you" – Nanako made a fake threatening expression.

"I'm not a masochist" - I smiled wryly and hugged her around the waist to kiss her again.

Nanako wrapped her arms around my neck as her legs wrapped around my waist. I easily picked her up while we were still kissing and carried her to the back of the venue.

When we were in the kitchen, she released my waist and separated her lips from mine. Without saying a word to her she began to open the buttons on her white shirt, then tossed the shirt to her side and unbuttoned her pants.

Seeing her underwear, I smiled appreciatively. – "Black lingerie looks good on you"

"Would you believe me if I told you that I have been wearing this type of underwear every day waiting for the day you would come see me?" – Nanako smiled cheekily.

"I'm underage so that's illegal" - I smiled and began to undress.

Nanako rolled her eyes. – "I don't want to hear that from you, sir 'Laws are empty words' "

My mouth trembled. – "Was I very dramatic?"

"Too much" – Nanako pressed her body against mine while her hands ran over my body.

Now that there are no more scars on my body, I look like a healthy teenager who does some sports. It's not an impressive body that would make all women salivate, but I'm more attractive than the average Japanese man which is enough.

"I expected to see some typical criminal scars" – Nanako used her fingers to trace my abdomen while her hands move down.

"And I expected to see you with boring underwear, life is full of surprises" - I gently kissed her neck.

Nanako's body shivered from my gentle actions. Despite the intense kiss at the beginning, she is the type of woman who enjoys things slow and prefers soft touch over passionate acts, something her ex-husband could never understand as he was too stupid.

Nanako reached a very important part of my body and her body began to heat up. – "A suitable tool for a womanizer"

"Thanks for stroking my ego" – I unbuttoned her bra and although I liked the black lingerie that contrasted with her fair skin, I prefer to enjoy the texture of her bare breasts.

Nanako's hands began to caress my crotch as I stimulated her erogenous areas on her back, neck, buttocks, and waist.

She started to let out little moans as her hands did their best to caress and stimulate my crotch.

My gentle movements made her legs start to tremble so I stopped and smiled. – "It seems that someone can no longer stand up~"

Nanako didn't reply and started kissing me.

I sat on a chair and Nanako spread her legs around my waist. Her shapely breasts stood firm even though she had two daughters and her rosy nipples stood out like two little cherries.

Nanako started rubbing her genitals with my crotch making the fabric of her panties completely wet.

Because it was a thin fabric, it was easy to brush it aside for the main course, but instead of going straight to the best part, I allowed her to move at her own pace.

Nanako had a glazed look as she met my eyes. After several kisses, she finally digested her hands into her underwear and pushed her panties aside allowing our genitals to touch.

Before she could make our connection, I grabbed her shoulders and looked at her seriously. – "After this, there is no turning back, you will be my wife and nothing and no one will change that"

"You sound like a possessive husband" – Nanako smiled.

"I'm a possessive husband" - I also smiled.

Nanako pressed the point of my crotch to the entrance of her vagina and with slow movements, she began to move her hips allowing me to go deeper into her body.

Nanako took her time taking all of my crotch, not because my crotch was ridiculously big or stupid nonsense like that, but because she wanted to enjoy every second where our bodies came together.

When my crotch was fully inside her, she began to gently move her hips as I used my right hand to hold her waist while my left hand caressed her breasts.

Since I allowed Nanako to lead the pace of things, she was able to move her hips in the way she most enjoyed while I focused on caressing her body without focusing on her more sensitive areas.

While drowning in sheer sexual pleasure can be fun at times, the connection born of mutual intimacy is stronger than unbridled lust and since Nanako is going to be my wife, I don't want her to think I see her as just a sex toy or a trophy, I must make her feel loved.

Over time Nanako reached a strong orgasm that made her press her face into my shoulder as her insides contracted.

I timed my ejaculation with her orgasm as this kind of thing has a special meaning with some women and when Nanako dug her nails into my back I released my cum inside her.

Nanako bit my shoulder to try and contain her moans as her body trembled.

After a few minutes, she managed to calm down and removed her teeth and nails from my body.

I lowered my body's resistance so she wouldn't hurt herself and scratch me so her actions left red marks on my body, and although she looked worried, she also seemed satisfied as if I was a lioness who marked her territory.

Nanako let out a satisfied sigh. – "Thank you for letting me take the rhythm, if we do more than this I will not be able to walk and I still need to work…"

I smiled fondly. – "If my wife is happy, I am happy"

I used [Mythomania] to trick myself into thinking I'm not sexually frustrated. I couldn't decrease all my libido, but at least it became somewhat tolerable.

"I feel bad for leaving you like this" – Nanako kissed my cheek. – "Why don't you look for some girls so you can be satisfied?"

"Of course, that's what I was thinking of doing" - I smiled.

"…" – Nanako looked at me blankly. - "I'm kidding"

"Not me" - I kept smiling.

"..." - Nanako sighed. – "I am an idiot for falling in love with an idiot"

"Idiocy is contagious" - I shrugged. – "Let us pray that your daughters do not inherit it"

"My daughters are smart and they won't fall for a womanizing idiot…" Nanako smiled, but she stopped smiling at the end of her words. – "If you seduce any of my daughters I will castrate you"

"It's not the first time they've threatened to castrate me and here we are" - I kept smiling.

The sooner she can accept reality, the better for everyone.

Nanako stared at me and then sighed. – "That is impossible, maybe Haru can fall in love with you, but Kosaki will hate you to death when she finds out that you seduced me"

Who seduced who is still questionable.

"It is a challenge?" – My smile grew.

"No, it's not a challenge" – Nanako panicked. – "Seriously, don't do it"

"I'll think about it" - I smiled and helped Nanako to stand up since her legs were a bit weak.

"Will you think about doing it or will you think about not doing it?" - She didn't want to drop the subject.

"I'll think about it, make do with that" - After settling her in the chair, I got dressed again without caring about the obvious feminine smell on my body.

"No doubt you are an idiot…" - Nanako sighed.

"But I'm your idiot" - I smiled and pretended that I took a box out of my pocket. – "Forever~"

Nanako stared at the box while swallowing hard. – "When you talked about marriage I thought you were joking…"

"I can joke about life, but I will not joke about my wives" - I shrugged.

"Would you really have multiple wives?" – Nanako opened the box and looked at her ring while a beautiful smile decorated her face.

"Yes" – I gently put her ring on her ring finger to hide the mark of her previous wedding ring. – "Regarding polygamy laws, let me take care of everything"

"Oh~ My young husband sounds so trustworthy~" – Nanako smiled as she looked at her new ring. – "This looks expensive, where did you get it?"

"I have a new job" - I smiled gently.

"It is dangerous?" – Nanako stopped smiling and looked at me seriously.

"Not for me" – I hope so…

"Dangerous to others?" - Nanako raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you have to be so smart?" - I sighed with false anguish.

"Luis, stop joking" - Nanako frowned. – "I do not want to be a widow before remarrying, if your new job is dangerous then leave that job, you can stay here and with your talent, we can make this business grow…"

I smiled and pinched her cheek. – "Your ambition is adorable, but I have some problems that I need to solve"

Nanako sighed. – "Will you tell me what you will do?"

"Of course" - I smiled. – "But do you really want to know?"

"..." - Nanako sighed again. – "No, although I know it is a bad idea, I prefer that you do not tell me, so I will not have to lie to my daughters"

"Nanako, although my situation is complicated, there is something I can assure you" - I approached her face to see her eyes. – "I will take care of you with everything I have because you are my wife"

Nanako smiled wryly to hide how embarrassed she felt. – "Will you protect me and make me happy?~"

"Yes" - I agreed. – "Even if I have to bring this world to ruin, I will make you happy"

"Ara ara~, my husband sounds like a villain" - Nanako smiled without knowing how literal my words are.

"I have to go, there is still work to be done" - I kissed her forehead and got ready to leave.

"My husband is so cruel, leaving me after having fun with my body~" – Nanako tried to sound like a pitiful woman, although there was a subtle trace of bitterness in her voice.

"Never say that" – I pinched her cheek. – "I told you, you are my wife, not a decoration or a trophy"

"…" – Nanako was silent with a small smile.

"I'll see you later" - I headed to the back exit since the front door is closed. – "Oh, one more thing…"

I stopped and flashed a genuine smile. - "I love you"

That is what she has wanted to hear for a long time so when I left the place I heard that she had started to cry as if a great burden had been lifted from her heart.

"Sometimes I don't know if you're a selfish man or a caring person..." - System Goddess she murmured.

"Did you have fun watching me do 'dual cultivation'?" – I spoke with annoyance.

I had to close my mental connection since this woman was screaming all kinds of stupid things when I started having sex with Nanako.

"I-I wasn't spying" – System Goddess panicked. – "I am not a perverted woman who indulges in carnal desires by watching you do lewd acts with naive women who fell for your dirty schemes!"

Why do I have to be surrounded by strange people?

"She was masturbating" – Ortro spoke while she ate cookies.

"Lies! Dirty lies of the Chaotic Beast! This vile creature is lying!" – System Goddess began to shout all kinds of stupid things.

Whatever, I've always known this woman to be a disappointing creature.

Now, to continue with the work.

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