No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 161: Self-destructive technique to silence idiots

Chapter 161: Self-destructive technique to silence idiots

I sat peacefully across from my legal wife and listened to a ridiculous story worthy of a low-budget Latin American soap opera.

Since the story is so stupid and boring, I'll summarize it simply.

Lin Ruoxi has many men after her as she is one of the most beautiful women in China and possibly the world. This is not the narcissism of this woman, it is a certainty, her beauty could even surpass a higher entity as SystemGoddess, although that goddess will never admit it.

Anyway, Lin Ruoxi's father is a greedy and easy to manipulate asshole so was the heir to a rich family managed to trick him and that stupid man made a deal for Lin Ruoxi to marry that asshole.

Lin Ruoxi is not only so beautiful that many prestigious and successful men have been courting her for years, she is the CEO of one of the largest companies in China so the man who can marry her will not only have one of the women most beautiful in the world in his bed, he will also become so filthy rich that even the most influential families in China have turned their eyes to this woman.

Rationally speaking, a woman with no knowledge of the supernatural world would have become the toy of some lecherous asshole from a powerful family since 90% of the rich families in this world have contact with the supernatural world, but here comes the important thing.

Lin Ruoxi is not aware of the identity of her grandfather, so Mr. Ichijo's subtle comments gave me clues that this woman is being protected by a person of high status in the Chinese government and a powerful supernatural entity.

Whatever the situation, this problem just keeps growing by the second.

Despite her grandfather's protection, Lin Ruoxi has been under extreme stress the past few years.

Her father tries to sell her to the highest bidder, her mother just lowers her head in silence, the idiots who harass her continue to multiply, and as icing on the cake, her grandmother, who was her biggest emotional pillar, passed away a couple of years ago so Lin Ruoxi inherited the company which instead of being a good thing only brought more stress to Lin Ruoxi since now both lecherous idiots and greedy idiots won't leave her alone.

Regardless, Lin Ruoxi could have endured this level of stress if it wasn't for the fact that a couple of months ago she had a dream.

In that dream, she saw her grandmother who told her that she should go to Japan in order to escape imminent danger.

Even though Lin Ruoxi is a rational woman, she has been in a terrible state of mind that has even made her consider suicide so she decided to follow this dream even if it was crazy.

To Lin Ruoxi's surprise, Japan turned out to be an excellent investment opportunity for his company as the Japanese economy has been improving in the last two years thanks to the yakuza regulating companies that exploited their employees, sexual harassment in public transport has decreased and there are even rumors that the yakuza made a deal with the government to increase the number of decent jobs for citizens.

Mr. Ichijo dreams of a unified Japan, and while that would normally be the mindset of an idealist, he has the influence and wealth to achieve it.

Here comes the thing that made me frown.

Lin Ruoxi managed to regain some peace of mind upon arriving in Japan and seeing the great opportunities that her company had in this country, however, one day she received a threatening letter telling her that if she does not return to China immediately, her company would be placed under investigation on suspicion of leaking national secrets.

This stupidity shows that there are one or several people in high places in the Chinese government who see Lin Ruoxi as the goose that lays the golden eggs and a beautiful trophy.

This caused Lin Ruoxi to fall into a deep depression, but instead of committing suicide, she chose to give the government and her father a middle finger.

She went to a speakeasy to find a loser to lose her virginity, then she would marry the loser, and that way she could use the loser as a human shield and a way to mock the pride of the idiots who won't leave her in peace.

And so she married me, a loser who has no future as he is uneducated, doesn't have a steady job, is in massive debt, and even has a terrible reputation as a womanizing gangbanger.

For one of China's most prominent women to marry a foreign loser would be a huge insult to the men who harass her, but she underestimated the blatant stupidity of those idiots.

I massaged my forehead tiredly. – "You are the most problematic woman I have ever met and believe me, that is an impressive achievement…"

Lin Ruoxi remained expressionless.

"Did you really not consider the political problems and international scandals that could arise from your actions?" – I sighed, I want to get drunk again…

"I took it into account" – Lin Ruoxi answered coldly and angrily, but not directed at me. – "And that's why I did it"

An angry woman is a fearsome creature.

"You don't care about your company?" - I smiled ironically.

"…" – Lin Ruoxi looked down regretfully. – "My company is the only thing that matters to me… It is my grandmother's legacy…"

We were both silent for a long time, and since she seemed to want to tell me something she just rolled my eyes. – "Even if this marriage is a farce, you are still my wife so just say what you want to say"

Lin Ruoxi frowned at my rude attitude, but she didn't voice her complaints and got straight to the point. – "The way you dealt with the assassins is not something that a simple pawn can do"

I shrugged. – "I am high-quality cannon fodder, you can imagine that I am the strongest pawn or something like that"

"Do not joke with me!" – Lin Ruoxi glared at me. - "I'm not an idiot! The needles thrown by those people were faster than bullets, but you managed to stop them with a few simple threads! Do you think you are the protagonist of a wuxia novel?!"

"Wuxia?" - What's that?

"Wuxia is a genre of novels, movies, and TV shows based on martial arts that transcend human abilities..." - Lin Ruoxi subconsciously replied, then frowned. - "It does not matter!"

Do people feel the need to answer my questions because I am a protagonist?

It sounds stupid, but it makes sense.

I shrugged again. – "You said it yourself, our marriage is a farce so I prefer to keep my own secrets."

Lin Ruoxi narrowed her eyes and glared at me. – "You are just a bum with no money, the yakuza will only use you until you are no longer useful to them and then they will discard you since you have no value"

"Ouch, that hurt" - I replied apathetically. – "If you want to make me angry so that I tell you my secrets then I am sorry to tell you that I have had a shitty life so I am used to insults"

Lin Ruoxi gritted her teeth in anger and frustration. The fear of dying made her mental state in a chaotic state so she is easy to manipulate if I make her angry and take advantage of her emotional weaknesses.

"Do you think you know me because you read a record of my life?" - I smiled disdainfully at the same time I showed a subtle look of sadness and loneliness as if I wanted to hide my own pain. – "People are more complex than a simple lifeless piece of paper, people have emotions, thoughts, dreams, fears…"

"Do you know what I've really had to go through? Can you imagine what I had to do to survive?..."

"Of course not! You don't know because you don't know me! You only think you know me because you read a stupid piece of paper!..."

I stood up and walked over to look closely at Lin Ruoxi's eyes causing her to shrink her head in fear. – "Have you ever felt that your life hangs by a thread while your own blood covers your hands and the ground?! Did you ever feel that death would be more pleasant than this horrible prison called life?! Have you ever questioned why the fuck you're still alive even though your body begs to die!?"

"NO!" - I yelled loudly making her body tremble and her face pale. – "You have never experienced it!"

I pulled away from her and took a deep breath as if trying to calm down my frenzied emotions, even letting out little trails of tears from the corners of my eyes. – "You have had a difficult life, and I will not say that I have suffered more than you since each person cries and laughs in a unique way…"

"But I won't accept that you think you have the right to judge me and order me around just because you hate your life..."

"Your life is your problem, not mine" - I showed an even colder expression than her.

"Legally you are my wife, but in my heart, you don't matter..."

"Even if we had a one-night affair, we both consented so I have no obligation to protect you or explain anything to you, my only obligation is to protect my family because as horrible as my life has been, I still love my family, and you are not my family" – I snorted with disdain and walked away from her to go to the entrance of the shelter.

God, this drama makes me feel so disgusted that I want to vomit… I am definitely the emissary of the greater good.

Moving soundlessly, Xiao Bai approached me. She is so silent that it is easy to forget her existence.

As for why she was my helper (slave) now, I told Lin Ruoxi that Xiao Bai had been forced by the other assassins to be used as bait and was actually a victim as well.

Xiao Bai is a master of disguise and deception so she was easily able to convince Lin Ruoxi that my story was real so my wife didn't mind the presence of my new slave.

"Hey Listen! I think it was your best performance so far! Congratulations on shutting up that proud woman hahaha!" – Navi shouted with joy in my mind.

"I think it was a decent performance" - I answered with irony.

I think I could have done better, but I'm tired of being so dramatic.

Anyway, this will work.






"Wait!" – Lin Ruoxi moved with difficulty and although her hand tried to hold my arm, I moved my arm away to show my displeasure towards her.

Her anxious look was filled with sadness, but she managed to regain her composure and looked me in the eye. – "I am sorry for everything, I am sorry for using you, I am sorry for what I said, I am sorry for dragging you into this problem, and I am sorry for treating you with contempt…"

It's nice to witness the personal growth of a future member of my harem.

I sighed and relaxed my expression showing that I'm not a proud jerk and I know when to give in. – "It's fine, I got carried away and I was too aggressive"

"I understand if you hate me for all the trouble I brought you, I really appreciate you saving me today" – Lin Ruoxi took a deep breath, her pride must be bleeding for apologizing in this way. – "So I am sorry and I will understand if you want to sign the divorce so as not to get involved in my problems"

I kept silent as if considering her words.

My silence made her anxious even though she tried to hide her emotions, but I'm a professional hypocrite so it's hard to hide these kinds of emotions from me.

After enough time had passed for Lin Ruoxi to feel anxious, but without falling into frustration, I began to speak in a solemn voice. – "I will lie if I say that I do not like the idea of you being my wife since it is true that you are beautiful… But even though I can sympathize with you because we both have had problems with our families, I cannot marry a woman to the that I don't love"

Lin Ruoxi showed a complex look as if many emotions and thoughts began to torment her mind.

Although she is a proud woman, the fact that she planned to marry an apparent loser as a way to get back at the people she hates shows that she is willing to give up her integrity and safety in order to achieve her goals, but at the same time, the fact that she values ​​the company that is her grandmother's legacy so highly shows that she holds the concept of 'true family love' in high esteem.

"… We can try…" – Lin Ruoxi looked down with false shyness. – "We can try to be a family…"

She seemed to be an embarrassed maiden but the truth is that she looked away so as not to let me see the heartbreaking guilt in her eyes.

She managed to calculate that the situation got out of her control since her stalkers were willing to send assassins to kidnap her so she needs a trustworthy person who is willing to protect her with sincerity and the best option is me, a mysterious guy with great ability of combat, secret connections with the yakuza and a great attachment to the concept of 'family'.

On the surface, I am the best meat shield and to make things better, she can empathize with me so there is a chance that in the future we can fall in love with each other since empathy creates strong bonds.

Although it is easy to understand idiots, it is even easier to understand intelligent people who have been pushed over the edge and left without options.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" – I asked suspiciously, making it clear that she will have to make an effort if she wants to earn my sincere love. – "First of all, you should know that I have a complicated love life and actually I am in a polygamous relationship with several women"

Lin Ruoxi trembled, this is really stabbing her pride.

"I appreciate you being honest about this…" - She clenched her fists and nodded. – "I can accept it… Just… Just don't do indecent acts with other women in my presence"

Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel… A stupid thought, but it is one of the best ways to survive in a cruel society.

I nodded with an uncomfortable expression, I must show that she is not my priority and so she will make an effort to win my heart which in turn will make her open her heart to me.

The things I must do to maintain a stable harem…

Since her problem is now my problem, I took Lin Ruoxi and Xiao Bai out of the shelter to meet the owner of the bar.

The bar had been closed and I can actually feel multiple barriers and powerful entities surrounding this place, so I couldn't use [Reader's Madness] to check something bothering me in Lin Ruoxi's body.

"The boss wants you to see him at his house" - The owner of the bar looked at me seriously.

I nodded and led the two women to a limousine that was being guarded by three high-powered Guardians who could easily beat me in direct combat, but that's fine, after all, I'm the kind of person who prefers to backstab.

As we headed to the Ichijo residence, I started talking to the women who live in my mind, and yes, I know I sound like a lunatic.

"Did you manage to understand what is in Lin Ruoxi's soul?" – I asked Tsubaki.

"I'm not sure" – Tsubaki sighed. – "When you used [Reader's Perspective], I used 'Resonance' to quickly analyze that woman's soul, but I couldn't go deeper since I found a strong will protecting her soul…"

"System Goddess has a theory that there is more than one soul within that woman, but we could not verify the identities or strength level of the additional souls within Lin Ruoxi, although one thing is clear, one of the additional souls seems to have had some contracts linked to Ortro, but don't worry, those contracts don't work any more thanks to Ortro belonging to you" – Tsubaki sounded disappointed. – "Sorry for not being able to get more information…"

"Are you kidding? This is excellent!" – I replied with joy so that she would not feel sad. – "Ortro, Tsubaki, System Goddess, thank you, you did an excellent job"

The three women were happy for my praise, but there was an idiot who ruined the atmosphere.

"Hey Listen! Hey bitch I helped too! I managed to contact one of that woman's souls and managed to get additional information!" – Navi shouted with joy.

This fucking idiot wants something in exchange for that information...

"What do you want?" – I sighed.

"You must admit that you are my bitch as you kneel before my greatness!" – Navi shouted arrogantly.

I must take a deep breath, if I get angry, this idiot will get what he wants...

"Navi, you better give me that information or I'm going to…" – I controlled my anger, I must remain calm.

"Hey Listen! Bark bitch!" – Navi was laughing.

Fine, I didn't want to do this, but this asshole asked for it.

It's time to use the suicide tactic that will hurt us both.

"Navi..." - I spoke softly. – "Thank you for getting the information… You are undoubtedly an excellent colleague and… I-I… I love you very much, friend…"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' managed to suppress the user's suicidal wishes]

"…" – Navi stopped laughing, while I wanted to destroy my brain.

"Luis..." - Tsubaki sighed. – "Navi began to convulse until he fainted…"

Damn bastard! I want to pass out too!

Why the hell did I have to become incapable of losing consciousness?!

Well, it doesn't matter, when Navi wakes up I'll tell him that even if I get to the brink of death, every day I'm going to tell him how much I love him if he doesn't give me the information.

I really hate using this method because I have a death wish… But as long as the idiot suffers, it's all worth it.

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